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GPU Shape Grammars provide a solution for interactive procedural generation, tuning and visualization of massive environment elements for both video games and production rendering. Our technique generates detailed models without explicit geometry storage. To this end we reformulate the grammar expansion for generation of detailed models at the tesselation control and geometry shader stages. Using the geometry generation capabilities of modern graphics hardware, our technique generated massive, highly detailed models. GPU Shape Grammars integrate within a scalable framework by introducing automatic generation of levels of detail at reduced cost. We apply our solution for interactive generation and rendering of scenes containing thousands of buildings and trees.  相似文献   

We propose an efficient approach for interactive visualization of massive models with CPU ray tracing. A voxel‐based hierarchical level‐of‐detail (LOD) framework is employed to minimize rendering time and required system memory. In a pre‐processing phase, a compressed out‐of‐core data structure is constructed, which contains the original primitives of the model and the LOD voxels, organized into a kd‐tree. During rendering, data is loaded asynchronously to ensure a smooth inspection of the model regardless of the available I/O bandwidth. With our technique, we are able to explore data sets consisting of hundreds of millions of triangles in real‐time on a desktop PC with a quad‐core CPU.  相似文献   

We describe a simulation‐time random sampling of a large‐scale particle simulation, the RoadRunner Universe MC3 cosmological simulation, for interactive post‐analysis and visualization. Simulation data generation rates will continue to be far greater than storage bandwidth rates by many orders of magnitude. This implies that only a very small fraction of data generated by a simulation can ever be stored and subsequently post‐analyzed. The limiting factors in this situation are similar to the problem in many population surveys: there aren't enough human resources to query a large population. To cope with the lack of resources, statistical sampling techniques are used to create a representative data set of a large population. Following this analogy, we propose to store a simulation‐time random sampling of the particle data for post‐analysis, with level‐of‐detail organization, to cope with the bottlenecks. A sample is stored directly from the simulation in a level‐of‐detail format for post‐visualization and analysis, which amortizes the cost of post‐processing and reduces workflow time. Additionally by sampling during the simulation, we are able to analyze the entire particle population to record full population statistics and quantify sample error.  相似文献   

We present a novel image‐based technique for modeling complex unfoliaged trees. Existing tree modeling tools either require capturing a large number of views for dense 3D reconstruction or rely on user inputs and botanic rules to synthesize natural‐looking tree geometry. In this paper, we focus on faithfully recovering real instead of realistically‐looking tree geometry from a sparse set of images. Our solution directly integrates 2D/3D tree topology as shape priors into the modeling process. For each input view, we first estimate a 2D skeleton graph from its matte image and then find a 2D skeleton tree from the graph by imposing tree topology. We develop a simple but effective technique for computing the optimal 3D skeleton tree most consistent with the 2D skeletons. For each edge in the 3D skeleton tree, we further apply volumetric reconstruction to recover its corresponding curved branch. Finally, we use piecewise cylinders to approximate each branch from the volumetric results. We demonstrate our framework on a variety of trees to illustrate the robustness and usefulness of our technique.  相似文献   

Matrix Trees     
We propose a new data representation for octrees and kd‐trees that improves upon memory size and algorithm speed of existing techniques. While pointerless approaches exploit the regular structure of the tree to facilitate efficient data access, their memory footprint becomes prohibitively large as the height of the tree increases. Pointerbased trees require memory consumption proportional to the number of tree nodes, thus exploiting the typical sparsity of large trees. Yet, their traversal is slowed by the need to follow explicit pointers across the different levels. Our solution is a pointerless approach that represents each tree level with its own matrix, as opposed to traditional pointerless trees that use only a single vector. This novel data organization allows us to fully exploit the tree's regular structure and improve the performance of tree operations. By using a sparse matrix data structure we obtain a representation that is suited for sparse and dense trees alike. In particular, it uses less total memory than pointer‐based trees even when the data set is extremely sparse. We show how our approach is easily implemented on the GPU and illustrate its performance in typical visualization scenarios.  相似文献   

In many cases, only the combination of geometric and volumetric data sets is able to describe a single phenomenon under observation when visualizing large and complex data. When semi‐transparent geometry is present, correct rendering results require sorting of transparent structures. Additional complexity is introduced as the contributions from volumetric data have to be partitioned according to the geometric objects in the scene. The A‐buffer, an enhanced framebuffer with additional per‐pixel information, has previously been introduced to deal with the complexity caused by transparent objects. In this paper, we present an optimized rendering algorithm for hybrid volume‐geometry data based on the A‐buffer concept. We propose two novel components for modern GPUs that tailor memory utilization to the depth complexity of individual pixels. The proposed components are compatible with modern A‐buffer implementations and yield performance gains of up to eight times compared to existing approaches through reduced allocation and reuse of fast cache memory. We demonstrate the applicability of our approach and its performance with several examples from molecular biology, space weather and medical visualization containing both, volumetric data and geometric structures.  相似文献   

Typically, flow volumes are visualized by defining their boundary as iso‐surface of a level set function. Grid‐based level sets offer a good global representation but suffer from numerical diffusion of surface detail, whereas particle‐based methods preserve details more accurately but introduce the problem of unequal global representation. The particle level set (PLS) method combines the advantages of both approaches by interchanging the information between the grid and the particles. Our work demonstrates that the PLS technique can be adapted to volumetric dye advection via streak volumes, and to the visualization by time surfaces and path volumes. We achieve this with a modified and extended PLS, including a model for dye injection. A new algorithmic interpretation of PLS is introduced to exploit the efficiency of the GPU, leading to interactive visualization. Finally, we demonstrate the high quality and usefulness of PLS flow visualization by providing quantitative results on volume preservation and by discussing typical applications of 3D flow visualization.  相似文献   

Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) has been used to generate fibrous structures in both brain white matter and muscles. Fiber clustering groups the DTI fibers into spatially and anatomically related tracts. As an increasing number of fiber clustering methods have been recently developed, it is important to display, compare, and explore the clustering results efficiently and effectively. In this paper, we present an anatomical visualization technique that reduces the geometric complexity of the fiber tracts and emphasizes the high‐level structures. Beginning with a volumetric diffusion tensor image, we first construct a hierarchical clustering representation of the fiber bundles. These bundles are then reformulated into a 3D multi‐valued volume data. We then build a set of geometric hulls and principal fibers to approximate the shape and orientation of each fiber bundle. By simultaneously visualizing the geometric hulls, individual fibers, and other data sets such as fractional anisotropy, the overall shape of the fiber tracts are highlighted, while preserving the fibrous details. A rater with expert knowledge of white matter structure has evaluated the resulting interactive illustration and confirmed the improvement over straightforward DTI fiber tract visualization.  相似文献   

Researchers and analysts in modern industrial and academic environments are faced with a daunting amount of multi‐dimensional data. While there has been significant development in the areas of data mining and knowledge discovery, there is still the need for improved visualizations and generic solutions. The state‐of‐the‐art in visual analytics and exploratory data visualization is to incorporate more profound analysis methods while focusing on fast interactive abilities. The common trend in these scenarios is to either visualize an abstraction of the data set or to better utilize screen‐space. This paper presents a novel technique that combines clustering, dimension reduction and multi‐dimensional data representation to form a multivariate data visualization that incorporates both detail and overview. This amalgamation counters the individual drawbacks of common projection and multi‐dimensional data visualization techniques, namely ambiguity and clutter. A specific clustering criterion is used to decompose a multi‐dimensional data set into a hierarchical tree structure. This decomposition is embedded in a novel Dimensional Anchor visualization through the use of a weighted linear dimension reduction technique. The resulting Structural Decomposition Tree (SDT) provides not only an insight of the data set's inherent structure, but also conveys detailed coordinate value information. Further, fast and intuitive interaction techniques are explored in order to guide the user in highlighting, brushing, and filtering of the data.  相似文献   

Animating trees in wind has long been a problem in computer graphics. Progress on this problem is important for both visual effects in films and forestry biomechanics. More generally, progress on tree motion in wind may inform future work on two‐way coupling between turbulent flows and deformable objects. Synthetic turbulence added to a coarse fluid simulation produces convincing animations of turbulent flows but two‐way coupling between the enriched flow and objects embedded in the flow has not been investigated. Prior work on two‐way coupling between fluid and deformable models lacks a subgrid resolution turbulence model. We produce realistic animations of tree motion by including motion due to both large and small eddies using synthetic subgrid turbulence and porous proxy geometry. Synthetic turbulence at the subgrid scale is modulated using turbulent kinetic energy (TKE). Adding noise after sampling the mean flow and TKE transfers energy from small eddies directly to the tree geometry. The resulting animations include both global sheltering effects and small scale leaf and branch motion. Viewers, on average, found animations, which included both coarse fluid simulation and TKE‐modulated noise to be more accurate than animations generated using coarse fluid simulation or noise alone.  相似文献   

Inverse Procedural Modelling of Trees   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Procedural tree models have been popular in computer graphics for their ability to generate a variety of output trees from a set of input parameters and to simulate plant interaction with the environment for a realistic placement of trees in virtual scenes. However, defining such models and their parameters is a difficult task. We propose an inverse modelling approach for stochastic trees that takes polygonal tree models as input and estimates the parameters of a procedural model so that it produces trees similar to the input. Our framework is based on a novel parametric model for tree generation and uses Monte Carlo Markov Chains to find the optimal set of parameters. We demonstrate our approach on a variety of input models obtained from different sources, such as interactive modelling systems, reconstructed scans of real trees and developmental models.  相似文献   

Modelling trees according to desired shapes is important for many applications. Despite numerous methods having been proposed in tree modelling, it is still a non‐trivial task and challenging. In this paper, we present a new variational computing approach for generating realistic trees in specific shapes. Instead of directly modelling trees from symbolic rules, we formulate the tree modelling as an optimization process, in which a variational cost function is iteratively minimized. This cost function measures the difference between the guidance shape and the target tree crown. In addition, to faithfully capture the branch structure of trees, several botanical factors, including the minimum total branches volume and spatial branches patterns, are considered in the optimization to guide the tree modelling process. We demonstrate that our approach is applicable to generate trees with different shapes, from interactive design and complex polygonal meshes.  相似文献   

Compared with its competitors such as the bounding volume hierarchy, a drawback of the kd‐tree structure is that a large number of triangles are repeatedly duplicated during its construction, which often leads to inefficient, large and tall binary trees with high triangle redundancy. In this paper, we propose a space‐efficient kd‐tree representation where, unlike commonly used methods, an inner node is allowed to optionally store a reference to a triangle, so highly redundant triangles in a kd‐tree can be culled from the leaf nodes and moved to the inner nodes. To avoid the construction of ineffective kd‐trees entailing computational inefficiencies due to early, possibly unnecessary, ray‐triangle intersection calculations that now have to be performed in the inner nodes during the kd‐tree traversal, we present heuristic measures for determining when and how to choose triangles for inner nodes during kd‐tree construction. Based on these metrics, we describe how the new form of kd‐tree is constructed and stored compactly using a carefully designed data layout. Our experiments with several example scenes showed that our kd‐tree representation technique significantly reduced the memory requirements for storing the kd‐tree structure, while effectively suppressing the unavoidable frame‐rate degradation observed during ray tracing.  相似文献   

The paper describes a technique to generate high‐quality light field representations from volumetric data. We show how light field galleries can be created to give unexperienced audiences access to interactive high‐quality volume renditions. The proposed light field representation is lightweight with respect to storage and bandwidth capacity and is thus ideal as exchange format for visualization results, especially for web galleries. The approach expands an existing sphere‐hemisphere parameterization for the light field with per‐pixel depth. High‐quality paraboloid maps from volumetric data are generated using GPU‐based ray‐casting or slicing approaches. Different layers, such as isosurfaces, but not restricted to, can be generated independently and composited in real time. This allows the user to interactively explore the model and to change visibility parameters at run‐time.  相似文献   

We present a level of detail (LOD) method designed for tree branches. It can be combined with methods for processing tree foliage to facilitate navigation through large virtual forests. Starting from a skeletal representation of a tree, we fit polygon meshes of various densities to the skeleton while the mesh density is adjusted according to the required visual fidelity. For distant models, these branch meshes are gradually replaced with semi‐transparent lines until the tree recedes to a few lines. Construction of these complete LOD models is guided by error metrics to ensure smooth transitions between adjacent LOD models. We then present an instancing technique for discrete LOD branch models, consisting of polygon meshes plus semi‐transparent lines. Line models with different transparencies are instanced on the GPU by merging multiple tree samples into a single model. Our technique reduces the number of draw calls in GPU and increases rendering performance. Our experiments demonstrate that large‐scale forest scenes can be rendered with excellent detail and shadows in real time.  相似文献   

Great advancements in commodity graphics hardware have favoured graphics processing unit (GPU)‐based volume rendering as the main adopted solution for interactive exploration of rectilinear scalar volumes on commodity platforms. Nevertheless, long data transfer times and GPU memory size limitations are often the main limiting factors, especially for massive, time‐varying or multi‐volume visualization, as well as for networked visualization on the emerging mobile devices. To address this issue, a variety of level‐of‐detail (LOD) data representations and compression techniques have been introduced. In order to improve capabilities and performance over the entire storage, distribution and rendering pipeline, the encoding/decoding process is typically highly asymmetric, and systems should ideally compress at data production time and decompress on demand at rendering time. Compression and LOD pre‐computation does not have to adhere to real‐time constraints and can be performed off‐line for high‐quality results. In contrast, adaptive real‐time rendering from compressed representations requires fast, transient and spatially independent decompression. In this report, we review the existing compressed GPU volume rendering approaches, covering sampling grid layouts, compact representation models, compression techniques, GPU rendering architectures and fast decoding techniques.  相似文献   

Plants are important objects in virtual environments. High complexity of shape structure is found in plant communities. Level of detail (LOD) of plant geometric models becomes important for interactive forest rendering. We emphasize three major problems in current research: the time consumption in LOD model construction and extraction, the balance between visual effect and data compression, and the time consumption in the communication between Central Processing Unit (CPU) and Graphics Processing Unit (GPU). We present a new foliage simplification framework for LOD model and forest rendering. By an uneven subdivision of the tree crown volume, the cost for LOD model construction is drastically reduced. With a GPU‐oriented design of LOD storage structure for foliage, the costly hierarchical traversal of a binary tree is replaced by a sequential lookup of an array. The structure also decreases the communication between the CPU and the GPU in rendering. In addition, Leaf density is introduced to adapt compression to the local distribution of leaves, so that more visually relevant details are kept. According to foliage nature (broad leaves or needles), higher compression are finally reached using mixed polygon/line models. This framework is implemented on virtual scenes of simulated trees with high detail. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Two‐parameter families of straight lines (line congruences) are implicitly present in graphics and geometry processing in several important ways including lighting and shape analysis. In this paper we make them accessible to optimization and geometric computing, by introducing a general discrete version of congruences based on piecewise‐linear correspondences between triangle meshes. Our applications of congruences are based on the extraction of a so‐called torsion‐free support structure, which is a procedure analogous to remeshing a surface along its principal curvature lines. A particular application of such structures are freeform shading and lighting systems for architecture. We combine interactive design of such systems with global optimization in order to satisfy geometric constraints. In this way we explore a new area where architecture can greatly benefit from graphics.  相似文献   

This survey gives an overview of the current state of the art in GPU techniques for interactive large‐scale volume visualization. Modern techniques in this field have brought about a sea change in how interactive visualization and analysis of giga‐, tera‐ and petabytes of volume data can be enabled on GPUs. In addition to combining the parallel processing power of GPUs with out‐of‐core methods and data streaming, a major enabler for interactivity is making both the computational and the visualization effort proportional to the amount and resolution of data that is actually visible on screen, i.e. ‘output‐sensitive’ algorithms and system designs. This leads to recent output‐sensitive approaches that are ‘ray‐guided’, ‘visualization‐driven’ or ‘display‐aware’. In this survey, we focus on these characteristics and propose a new categorization of GPU‐based large‐scale volume visualization techniques based on the notions of actual output‐resolution visibility and the current working set of volume bricks—the current subset of data that is minimally required to produce an output image of the desired display resolution. Furthermore, we discuss the differences and similarities of different rendering and data traversal strategies in volume rendering by putting them into a common context—the notion of address translation. For our purposes here, we view parallel (distributed) visualization using clusters as an orthogonal set of techniques that we do not discuss in detail but that can be used in conjunction with what we present in this survey.  相似文献   

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