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氯化银T-颗粒乳剂制备专用的氧化明胶的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以往的研究表明:低蛋氨酸含量的明胶能制得晶体形态比较高的高氯T-颗粒乳剂.本文用氧化方法进一步降低明胶中的蛋氨酸含量、明胶经氧化剂(H2O2)氧化能得到不同的氧化明胶.用电位法测定氧化明胶的还原性;用氨基酸分析仪测定它们的蛋氨酸含量;用SDS PAGE电泳法测定它们不同结构的组份含量.结果表明,还原性及蛋氨酸含量随氧化剂加入量的多少而变化;但氧化明胶的分子量分布与原胶相比变化甚小.  相似文献   

原子力显微镜观察T-颗粒乳剂晶体形貌   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
应用原子力显微镜对T-颗粒照相乳剂晶体表面形貌进行观察,直接测得样品的大小和厚度.得到的精细结构显示样品表面不是平坦的。而是呈现凸凹不平的结构,高低起伏最大可达5m左右.样品经充分曝光后起伏增大到9m左右,说明银原子簇优先在较活泼的凸起部位生成.  相似文献   

明胶中蛋氨酸含量对氯化银{100}面T-颗粒乳剂晶形的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
氯化银{100}面T-颗粒乳剂是一种新型感光乳剂,近年来受到感光界广泛关注,本文着重讨论了明胶中蛋氨酸含量对该种乳剂生成过程的影响。实验发现,明胶中蛋氨酸含量对乳剂微晶的晶体形态和形成一定晶形的乳化时间的长短有直接影响,并推断这一作用与蛋氨酸对颗粒表面Ag^ 的吸附密切相关。  相似文献   

<正> 照相感光阿业对明胶的要求已不完全满足于是否是合格优质的照相胶,而是要求与正在使用的照相胶是否具有完全一致或相同的照相性能。因为,只有这样才能简化或省去调整乳剂配方所耗费人力、物料和时间的繁杂工作。但要判断明胶的照相性能取得批与批之间的重复一致性,迄今仍然只能通过照相乳剂试验来确定。本文作者认为,决定明胶照相性能的因素应是明胶中所含微量杂质和组分综合作用的结果,因而用合理的乳剂配方和正确的判定方法进行测试和判断是一种好方法,但应该不是唯一和永远不可被取代的方法。本文作者设想,明胶的照相性能应是明胶抑制性和增感性的某种平衡的体现,故通过混浊度  相似文献   

<正> 自从1871年Maddox将卤化银晶体分散于明胶制作照相材料以来,到现在一百多年,明胶仍然是卤化银的分散介质和粘合剂的主要原料。明胶具有许多适合于制作照相材料的物理的和化学的性质;这些性质是其它天然的和合成的聚合物所没有的。目前只能用合成聚合物取代部分明胶,以改善照相材料的物理机械性能。明胶聚肽大分子由18种氨基酸组成。认为影响卤化银乳剂照相过程的主要是其中一些含氧、氮、硫的氨基酸残基,如表1所示。 1.明胶在卤化银晶体表面的吸附明胶大分子主要是通过它在卤化银晶体表面的不可逆吸附来影响照相过程的。通常,聚合物分子以其在溶液中的无规线团构象吸附于固体表面,并且大分子只将  相似文献   

<正> 1.前言 硝酸银和氨化钠反应生成氨化银晶核,这种晶核逐渐生长,在物理成熟时,这种晶体继续长大,控制反应和成熟条件,达到所需晶体颗粒大小和分布状态。 本工作分为两部分:第一部分是用紫外可见分光光度计测定Na_2S_2O_3增加量对  相似文献   

<正> 本论文研究了KCNS、NH_4CNS、硫脲、尿素(脲)等助剂对照相明胶复性的影响。通过Bloom强度仪测试这四种助剂对明胶凝胶冻力的影响,发现随KCNS等助剂加入量的增大,冻力呈单调的线性下  相似文献   

应用原子力显微镜对硫加金化学增感后的T-颗粒掺杂乳剂晶体表面形貌进行观察,直接测得了晶体颗粒的大小和厚度.颗粒表面精细结构观察显示样品表面并不平整,存在很多突起.这些突起呈线形平行排列,接近网格状.经曝光后突起变得更高,更集中.表面吸附足量的防灰雾剂后,晶体表面突起不明显.曝光后表面高度变化不大.  相似文献   

磁场作用对明胶中卤化银乳剂制备的影响及机理探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报道了磁处理对明胶中单注法制备卤化银乳剂的影响。SEM照片及粒径分布曲线表明,在本实验磁场条件下,经磁化处理的乳剂较未经处理的乳剂,平均粒径大,颗粒分布均匀,晶粒分散状态良好,机理分析认为磁场处理影响了溶液中离子的水合程度,而且能增加溶液的有序程度,这两方面的因素导致了磁处理和未经磁处理之间的差异,磁处理能够影响明胶中卤化银的结晶过程,这可能为控制制备胶体中颗粒的大小及分布提供新思路。  相似文献   


A batch extraction of an essential amino acid, phenylalanine, from an aqueous solution of different concentrations by an Emulsion Liquid Membrane (ELM) was developed using D2EHPA as a cationic carrier, Span 80 as the surfactant, paraffin, and kerosene as the diluents, and HCl as the internal electrolyte. All effective parameters such as the initial pH of the aqueous external phase, the electrolyte concentration in the aqueous internal phase, carrier, and surfactant concentration in the emulsion, the volume ratio of the organic to aqueous internal phase (Roi), the volume ratio of the W/O emulsion to the aqueous external phase (Rew) and time were examined and optimized using the Taguchi method. Applying the Taguchi method to analyze the experimental results, the effects and contribution of each of the factors on the extraction efficiency were obtained. The results obtained from the experiments illustrated that with a stable emulsion, by optimizing all the effective parameters, a considerable amount of phenylalanine can be extracted in a short time with an acceptable ratio of swelling and breakage.  相似文献   

PbS纳米微粒对溴化银微晶乳剂的化学增感作用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
发现了PbS纳米微粒对溴化银乳剂的化学增感作用,对PbS和Na2S2O3对卤化银乳剂的增感作用进行了比较,研究了增感剂用量、增感温度和pAg值、溴化银的晶型等因素的影响,以及PbS纳米微粒与HAuCl4的协同增感效应。  相似文献   

针对阿洛西林酸(ALPC)生产中存在晶形差、产品聚结的问题,研究了超声波对ALPC晶体形态的影响。首先测定了纯水中的介稳区,分析了超声波影响产品晶习的机理,然后考察了超声波下初始浓度、流加速率和搅拌速率对阿洛西林酸反应结晶过程的影响,从而确定出了最适宜结晶工艺条件。结果表明:超声波可以改善阿洛西林酸产品的晶习、粒度分布并能降低产品聚结程度,实验所得符合厂家的要求。  相似文献   

明胶是组成照相乳剂的主要成分之一,其中功能氨基酸在卤化银感光乳剂中的具有重要的作用。本文主要从功能氨基酸——蛋氨酸的作用、蛋氨酸中硫存在的作用,蛋氨酸与所含微量金属离子的作用,以及蛋氨酸与Ag+、X-的相互作用等方面影响乳剂的照相性能作了总结。  相似文献   

利用微波介电检测技术,测得还原增感立方体氯化银乳剂中自由光电子与浅束缚光电子衰减行为随还原增感温度的变化。实验发现还原增感温度变化会引起增感中心陷阱作用的变化:当还原增感温度较低时,增感中心起空穴陷阱作用,延缓光电子衰减;还原增感温度较高时,增感中心起深电子陷阱作用,加速光电子衰减。由此,我们得到了确定最佳增感温度的依据。  相似文献   

Effect of a Liquid Phase on the Morphology of Grain Growth in Alumina   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this investigation we have studied how the presence of a liquid phase affects the grain morphology and grain growth kinetics in Al2O3 at 1800°C using the growth of both matrix grains and large spherical single-crystal seeds growing into the matrix. The growth rates of the matrix grains were found to decrease in the following order: undoped Al2O3, AI2O3 with anorthite, AI2O3 with anorthite and MgO, and Al2O3 with MgO. Except for the samples doped with MgO alone, the matrix grains were faceted and appeared tabular in polished sections. In samples containing anorthite both with and without MgO, the single-crystal seeds exhibit basal facets with continuous liquid films and slow growth in the 〈0001〉 relative to all other crystallographic directions. When only MgO is added, the growth of the single-crystal seeds was not isotropic; however, no faceting was observed. We discuss how anisotropic growth rates caused by the anorthite additions can stimulate discontinuous grain growth in Al2O3.  相似文献   

Meiosis and recombination are the two opposite aspects that coexist in a DNA system. As a driving force for evolution by generating natural genetic variations, meiotic recombination plays a very important role in the formation of eggs and sperm. Interestingly, the recombination does not occur randomly across a genome, but with higher probability in some genomic regions called “hotspots”, while with lower probability in so-called “coldspots”. With the ever-increasing amount of genome sequence data in the postgenomic era, computational methods for effectively identifying the hotspots and coldspots have become urgent as they can timely provide us with useful insights into the mechanism of meiotic recombination and the process of genome evolution as well. To meet the need, we developed a new predictor called “iRSpot-TNCPseAAC”, in which a DNA sample was formulated by combining its trinucleotide composition (TNC) and the pseudo amino acid components (PseAAC) of the protein translated from the DNA sample according to its genetic codes. The former was used to incorporate its local or short-rage sequence order information; while the latter, its global and long-range one. Compared with the best existing predictor in this area, iRSpot-TNCPseAAC achieved higher rates in accuracy, Mathew’s correlation coefficient, and sensitivity, indicating that the new predictor may become a useful tool for identifying the recombination hotspots and coldspots, or, at least, become a complementary tool to the existing methods. It has not escaped our notice that the aforementioned novel approach to incorporate the DNA sequence order information into a discrete model may also be used for many other genome analysis problems. The web-server for iRSpot-TNCPseAAC is available at http://www.jci-bioinfo.cn/iRSpot-TNCPseAAC. Furthermore, for the convenience of the vast majority of experimental scientists, a step-by-step guide is provided on how to use the current web server to obtain their desired result without the need to follow the complicated mathematical equations.  相似文献   

本文以G盐为原料,经加氨化反应合成了氨基G酸,并以氨基G酸为原料,经发烟硫酸磺化反应合成了2-萘胺-3,6,8-三磺酸,并对影响反应的因素做了探讨。研究表明,随反应温度、反应时间、氨水浓度、氨比、催化剂用量的提高,氨基G酸收率增大。用40% ̄60%发烟硫酸,反应温度为130℃,氨基G酸/SO3=1:7.5 ̄1:8.5时,2-萘胺-3,6,8-三磺酸产品收率约为90%。  相似文献   

Three kinds of imidazolium-based amino acid ionic liquid surfactants (AAILS), 1-tetradecyl-3-methylimidazolium L-aminopropionic acid salt ([C14mim][Ala]), 1-tetradecyl-3-methylimidazolium L-2-pyrrolidinecarboxylic acid salt ([C14mim][Pro]), and 1-tetradecyl-3-methylimidazolium L-aminohydrocinnamic acid salt ([C14mim][Phe]), were synthesized by employing natural amino acids as counterions. Their adsorption and self-aggregation behaviors in aqueous solution were investigated systematically by means of surface tension and electrical conductivity measurements. Surface tension results indicate that surface properties and micellization behavior of AAILS are significantly affected by counterions. The micellization of [C14mim][Pro] and [C14mim][Phe] is entropy-driven at low temperatures but enthalpy-driven at high temperatures, whereas [C14mim][Ala] is enthalpy-driven throughout the whole temperature range, owing to the variation in hydrophobicity and size of amino acid counterions. The surface activity of [C14mim][Phe] is superior to that of conventional imidazolium-based ionic liquid surfactants with the same hydrocarbon chain length, 1-tetradecyl-3-methylimidazolium bromide (C14mimBr), indicating that the aromatic counterion can promote the micellar formation process.  相似文献   

高效切片固体石蜡/丙烯酸改性乳液的制备与研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
用采取半连续滴加法和预乳化法,以OP-10作为乳化剂,以(NH4)2S2O8作为引发剂,以丙烯酸(AA)为单体接枝改性高效切片固体石蜡乳液,合成了高效切片固体石蜡/丙烯酸复合乳液。实验以乳液稳定性作为评价指标,选择乳化剂种类及用量、引发剂种类及用量、反应温度、反应时间和搅拌速度为考察因素,利用正交实验L9(34)筛选出最佳合成工艺条件为:反应温度85~90℃,反应时间4.5 h,引发剂用量w(NH4)2S2O8=0.2 g,单体用量w(丙烯酸)=6 g,搅拌速度1 200 r/m in。红外光谱显示丙烯酸单体已引入到共聚物大分子中,扫描电镜揭示高效切片固体石蜡/丙烯酸复合乳液的表面性状发生了改变。  相似文献   

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