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经中国电子学会广电技术分会批准,2002年11月28日到12月1日在黄山市召开了广播电视覆盖网专业第二次年会。广电技术分会的广电覆盖网专业委员,特邀代表和从事广电覆盖和监测设备的生产厂家代表约50人参加了这次年会。年会由广电技术分会副主任、覆盖网专业委主任江澄和安徽省广电局副局长、广电分会覆盖网专业委副主任吕希才共同主持。中国广播电视学会副会长、国家信息化领导小组专家咨询委员会委员、原广电部副部长何栋材应邀到会作了《我国信息化发展战略与当前工作重点》的报告,受到代表的欢迎。年会上,江澄作了《与时俱进,发展广…  相似文献   

管斌,教授级高工,现任中广电广播电影电视设计研究院副院长兼党委副书记,兼任国家广播电视网(NGB)工程技术研究中心副主任。他还是广电总局科技委第六届、七届委员;中组部《全国农村党员干部现代远程教育试点工作》专家组成员;国信办卫星安全专家组成员;中国通信学会高级会员;中国电子学会高级会员;全国广电标委会传输覆盖分委员会委员;中国广播电视协会技术工作委员会常委。管斌先生1982年1月毕业于北京邮电学院无线通信专业,同年进入国家广电总局科技司工作。1996年1月任卫星广播办公室主任,负  相似文献   

正作为CCBN2014开幕式的重要环节,中国电子学会第十三届"广播电视科学技术大奖"颁奖仪式在北京国际会议中心隆重举行,国家新闻出版广电总局副局长聂辰席为广播科学研究院院长邹峰和中国传媒大学教授、博士生导师李栋两位获奖者颁发了荣誉证书和奖杯。会后,《广播与电视技术》对李栋先生进行了专访,请他较全面地介绍了自己50多年来学习工作的经历和经验,希望借此能对广电行业的新兵有所启示。  相似文献   

5月23~25日,ISBT2009在北京中苑宾馆召开。国家广电总局原科技委高级顾问章之俭老先生,总局原副总工、科技委副主任、原中国电子学会广播电视技术分会主任杜百川先生,广科院院长、中国电子学会广播电视技术分会主任马炬先生.中央人民广播电台总工钱岳林先生,规划院院长姜文波先生,总局科技司副局级巡视员孙苏川女士等出席会议。  相似文献   

初夏的五月,北京的天气早晚还有些凉意,然而中苑宾馆中苑会议大厅里却是一派热火朝天。在中国有线电视行业不断改革、产业化进程不断推进之际,由中国电子学会广播电视技术分会和中国广播电视学会广电产业研究专业委员会共同举办的第一届有线电视产业发展论坛大会·第八届全国有线电视技术研讨会如期在这里举行。  相似文献   

《中国广电有线网络技术年度发展报告(2021)》(简称《年度发展报告》)继报送国家广电总局及相关职能部门、直属事业单位参阅之后,将于今年5月在“第30届中国数字广播电视与网络发展年会暨第25届国际广播电视技术讨论会(CCNS&ISBT 2022)”上首次向社会全文公开发布。中国电子学会有线电视综合信息技术分会与国家广电总局科技委员会秘书处连续八年组织专家在调研的基础上,编写《中国广电有线网络技术年度发展报告》。  相似文献   

由中国电子学会广播电视技术分会主办的第十届全国有线电视技术研讨会日前在天津落下了帷幕,“有线电视运营与发展”成为此次研讨会的主题。 在此次会议上,广电总局相关领导介绍了“十一五”期间我国广播电视数字化(如有线、地面、卫星、手机等)的发展动向,并就”奥运之年”中国广电行业如何充分利用自身优势开展各自增值业务作了阐述:身为“东道主”的天津广播电视网络有限公司也结合自身网络改造的实际运作情况做了相关发言。  相似文献   

周东 《世界宽带网络》2005,12(11):16-17
熊承国先生,长期从事有线电视研发及设备制造工作。现任中国电子学会广播电视分会有线电视专业委员会专业委员,曾任广播电视工业协会电缆分配系统标准化分技术委员会委员.广播电视标准化委员会传输与覆盖分委员会委员,全国无线电干扰标准化技术委员会E分会委员。  相似文献   

6月16~17日,为期两天的第二十一届国际广播电视技术讨论会(ISBT2016),在广东省惠州市举行。本届讨论会由中国电子学会主办,中国电子学会广播电视技术分会、国家新闻出版广电总局广播科学研究院、惠州市政府联合承办,惠州仲恺高新区管委会、惠州市伟乐科技股份有限公司协办。惠州市委书记陈奕威、市长麦教猛,以及国家新闻出版广电总局、广东省新闻出版广电局、中国广播电视网络有限公司、广电总局广科院、规划院、设计院等单位有关负责人和来自全国广电行业的代表近200人参加了会议。  相似文献   

11月1日,“高锐视讯杯?2014广播电视优秀企业品牌盛会”在北京慧聪产业园召开。本届颁奖盛典云集了广电行业的专家、学者、买家和企业精英,欢聚一堂共同探讨行业发展趋势。国家新闻出版广电总局科技委原高级顾问章之俭,中国新闻技术工作者联合会理事长谢胜和、总局科技委副主任郭炎生、杜百川,总局广播电视规划院院长姜文波等领导与专家出席大会。作为本届广播电视优秀企业品牌盛会专家评审会主任,章之俭先生代表评审会对获奖单位表示祝贺,他表示品牌盛会展示了企业发展的最新科技成果,极大调动了企业广大科技人员和生产者的技术发展积极性,促进了广电企业的技术进步,增强我国广电行业的竞争能力,是广电企业交流学习的良好平台。  相似文献   

A comprehensive compilation of various thermodynamic data required for a complete analysis of copper matte converting reactions is presented. The data comprise estimated free energies of formation for such gases as SeO, SeS, TeO, TeS, BiO, BiS, SbO, SbS, AsO, and AsS, as well as activity coefficients in dilute copper alloys and vapor pressures of various elements and compounds. The volatilization of minor elements in steady-state reactors comprising gas and several condensed phases is mathematically formulated, and a parameter which governs the volatilization in such reactors is defined and named volatilization constant. The vapor pressures of various volatile species are calculated thermodynamically for the Noranda Process reactor by assuming equilibrium conditions. The volatilization constants of various minor elements are expressed explicitly as functions of oxygen and sulfur activities. Formerly Associate Professor, Department of Metallurgical Engineering, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT  相似文献   

The specific features of the kinetics of local probe oxidation of ultrathin V, Nb, Ta, Ti, TiN, and W metal films are studied. It is established that the kinetics of the oxidation process depends on such properties of the material to be oxidized as the resistivity, the presence of a natural surface oxide film and its thickness, the relationship between the densities of the metal and oxide, and the electrochemical constant of the oxidation process. For the material that provides a high efficiency of formation of local insulator nanoregions, vanadium is chosen, since this metal exhibits the maximum rate of anodic probe oxidation.  相似文献   

In signal processing, four functions of one variable are commonly used. They are the signal in time, the spectrum, the auto-correlation function of the signal, and the auto-correlation function of the spectrum. The variables of these functions are denoted, respectively, as time, frequency, lag, and Doppler. In time-frequency analysis, these functions of one variable are extended to quadratic functions of two variables. In this paper, we investigate a method for creating quartic functions of three of these variables as well as a quartic function of all four variables. These quartic functions provide a meaningful representation of the signal that goes beyond the well-known quadratic functions. The quartic functions are applied to the design of signal-adaptive kernels for the Cohen class and shown to provide improvements over previous methods  相似文献   

The general formulae are derived which allow calculation of the weight of each molten phase (copper, matte, slag) in the Noranda Process reactor as a function of matte grade and suspension indices. These expressions and the volatilization constants are then inserted in the steady-state volatilization equation (derived in the Part III) to calculate the overall distribution of minor elements and their concentrations in all the reactor products(i.e., copper, matte, slag, and offgas) in the Noranda Process. The overall distribution of ten minor elements can be predicted for any set of controllable process parameters such as feed composition, temperature, degree of oxygen enrichment, slag composition (or magnetite activity), and matte grade. The computer predictions are in good agreement with the commercially observed values with the exception of selenium. Formerly Associate Professor, Department of Metallurgical Engineering, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT  相似文献   

Using US patents as a surrogate measure of technological positions, the competitive positions of the industrial nations (the US, United Kingdom, France, West Germany, Canada, and Japan) in high-technology areas during the period from 1975 to 1988 are examined. High-technology industry is defined as one which requires a high proportion of R&D expenditure and employs a high proportion of scientists and engineers. High-tech industries are further subdivided into four categories (equipment, consumer durable, nondurable, and intermediate products) in terms of their market and/or use. How different countries have specialized in different product market areas within the high tech sector is also examined. To better understand the impact of the patients, the citations per patent for the different countries and the citation performance ratio, which is the share of country's most highly cited patents on a worldwide basis, are examined  相似文献   

This paper discusses state-of-the-art electrostatic discharge (ESD) protection in advanced semiconductor technologies and emerging technologies. ESD physics, semiconductor process issues, device and circuit simulation, circuits, and devices are examined  相似文献   

A number of qualitative and quantitative terms are used to describe the performance of what has come to be known as information systems, networks or infrastructures. However, some of these terms either have overlapping meanings or contain ambiguities in their definitions presenting problems to those who attempt a rigorous evaluation of the performance of such systems. The phenomenon arises because the wide range of disciplines covered by the term information technology have developed their own distinct terminologies. This paper presents a systematic approach for determining common and complementary characteristics of five widely-used concepts, dependability, fault-tolerance, reliability, security, and survivability. The approach consists of comparing definitions, attributes, and evaluation measures for each of the five concepts and developing corresponding relations. Removing redundancies and clarifying ambiguities will help the mapping of broad user-specified requirements into objective performance parameters for analyzing and designing information infrastructures.  相似文献   

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