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The nutritional composition of the marine eustigmatophyte Nannochloropsis spp. cultured in an indoor chemostat under continuous illumination was analyzed. Proximate composition, (moisture, ash, crude protein, available carbohydrates, fiber, lipids, and energy), nitrate, nucleic acid, mineral element (Na, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn, Pb, Cd, Cr, Ni, Co, and S), fatty acid, and pigment (carotenoids and chlorophyll) concentrations were determined. On average, the biomass contained 37.6% (w/w) available carbohydrates, 28.8% crude protein, and 18.4% total lipids. Mineral in 100 g of dry biomass were as follows: Ca (972 mg), K (533 mg), Na (659 mg), Mg (316 mg), Zn (103 mg), Fe (136 mg), Mn (3.4 mg), Cu (35.0 mg), Ni (0.22 mg), and Co (<0.1 mg). Toxic heavy metal contents (Cd and Pb) were negligible. Fatty acid content was as follows (on percent dry weight): 0.6% of 14:0, 5.0% of 16:0; 4.7% of 16:1omega7, 3.8% of 18:1omega9, 0.4% of 18:2omega6; 0.7% of 20:4omega6, and 2.2% of 20:5omega3. Nutrient composition of the biomass was highly influenced by residence time in the photobioreactor. The biomass harvested for short residence times was richer in protein and eicosapentaenoic acid than biomass harvested for high residence time.  相似文献   

长期定位施肥对黑垆土剖面养分分布特征的影响   总被引:17,自引:4,他引:17  
对黄土高原旱地 15年连续施肥后土壤剖面养分分布的研究发现 ,施化肥对土壤剖面有机质、全N、全P含量的影响深达 100cm以下 ,所有施肥处理有机质、全N、全P、NO3--N、有效P含量在耕层 (0~20cm)都有不同程度增加 ;40~60、60~80cm土层有机质、全N、全P都低于长年不施肥处理 ,造成土壤下层养分的亏缺。长期大量施用氮肥造成N素养分下淋累积 ;长期大量施用磷肥土壤耕层有效P显著提高 ,而 20cm以下土层变化不大。  相似文献   

长期不同施肥处理红壤旱地剖面养分分布差异   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
【目的】 研究长期不同施肥措施下红壤旱地的培肥效果、养分迁移特征以及环境风险,对制定红壤旱地合理的养分管理和培肥技术,促进畜禽粪便的循环利用具有重要意义。 【方法】 依托始于1986年的红壤旱地肥料定位试验,选取不施肥 (CK)、氮磷钾肥配施 (NPK)、2倍氮磷钾肥配施 (2NPK)、有机肥 (OM) 和有机肥和氮磷钾肥配施 (NPKM) 5个处理,采集0—10 cm、10—20 cm、20—40 cm、40—60 cm、60—80 cm、80—100 cm土壤样品,分析了pH值、有机质及氮磷钾养分含量。 【结果】 连续施肥28年后,红壤旱地土壤有机质、全氮、碱解氮、全磷、有效磷、速效钾等含量均随着土壤深度增加逐步降低。与对照相比,施用有机肥显著提高了0—40 cm土壤的pH值,其余处理pH有所下降。长期施用化肥后,红壤旱地土壤有效磷、全磷、碱解氮和全氮在0—20 cm耕层累积,土壤速效钾的累积则达到40 cm深;与化肥处理相比,有机肥和有机无机肥配施处理0—40 cm土壤的全氮、碱解氮、速效钾、有效磷和全磷的含量显著增加,土壤全氮和碱解氮的下移累积达到40 cm,而土壤全磷和有效磷的下移累积则达到了60 cm。红壤旱地长期施用猪粪等有机肥主要增加了0—40 cm耕层土壤的磷素累积,而在剖面80 cm以下未表现出明显累积现象。 【结论】 长期施用化肥 (28年)处理养分主要在0—20 cm红壤旱地耕层土壤累积,而长期施用有机肥或有机无机肥配施还可以明显提高20—40 cm土壤养分含量,养分下移累积作用明显。此外,红壤旱地长期施用有机肥可以缓解耕层土壤的酸化、提高耕层土壤肥力水平,是增加培肥深度的有效措施,但是长期施用猪粪导致的氮磷下渗深度增加可能引起的环境风险也应引起重视。   相似文献   

Purpose: Nitrogen (N) / potassium (K) nutrient balance has been studied for some ornamental plants, however, available information is limited. Here we investigate the optimum N and K balance and concentration for lisianthus production in soilless medium.

Materials and methods: The effect of three N / K balances: 1.43, 2.14 and 4.29, prepared by varying the concentration of N and K, were evaluated in lisianthus grown in soilless medium (volcanic rock).

Results: Plants fertigated with a N / K balance of 2.14 exhibited enhanced height and stem dry weight when compared to plants fertigated with a balance of 4.29, and a higher flower buds count and total dry weight than those fertigated with a balance of 1.43 or 4.29. Plants fertigated with a balance of 2.14 exhibited increased dry weight when N was reduced from 15 to 9?meq?L?1 and K from 7 to 4.2?meq?L?1, suggesting that lisianthus does not require high levels of these nutrients. Although shoot N concentration was not correlated with N concentration in the nutrient solution or balance, increasing N in the shoot was associated with higher P and Mg in the plant tissues. In general, P, Ca, and Mg in plant tissues were unaffected by the external N / K balance, however, the internal P and Mg concentrations were positively correlated with shoot dry weight. Shoot K concentration significantly increased when the N / K balance decreased, which is related to the higher concentrations of external K when the balance decreased.

Conclusions: The optimum N / K balance for lisianthus was 2.14. However, there was a concentration effect, as fertigation with solutions containing a N / K balance of 2.14 and an N and K concentration of 9 and 4.2?meq?L?1 respectively, resulted in plants with the greatest dry weight.  相似文献   



Agricultural soils often require organic amendments, which improve crop yield and ecosystem services. Biochar has been proven to increase nutrient availability and retention in fine-textured, tropical soils.


Here we determine how coarse-textured, temperate soils react to different biochar-application rates in different tillage systems.


We conducted a 6-month laboratory incubation experiment in microcosms filled with a coarse-textured, temperate agricultural soil to determine the effects of biochar-application rate (none, low, or high, i.e., 0, 20, or 40 t dw ha−1, respectively) and application method (mixed into the soil or applied to the soil surface) on microbial activity and biomass, and nutrient availability and leaching.


Microbial activity and biomass and contents of carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus in leachates were higher in biochar-addition treatments (by 134%, 37%, 372%, 28%, and 801%, respectively) than in the no-addition treatment. The effect was stronger with the low than with the high biochar-application rate. Biochar applied by both methods acted as a slow-release fertilizer, but this effect was stronger when biochar was mixed into the soil. Although available nutrient contents in the soil remained high, nutrient leaching decreased with incubation time. This effect was especially evident when biochar was mixed into the soil.


Biochar is an effective organic amendment in coarse-textured soils providing available nutrients. On the other hand, nutrient-retention mechanisms develop slowly after biochar application and may be greater when biochar is mixed into the soil than applied on the soil surface.  相似文献   

Extruded breakfast cereal flakes were made by replacing corn cones with nonroasted partially defatted peanut flour (PDPF) and roasted partially defatted peanut flour (R‐PDPF) at various levels (10, 20, and 30%). The mixtures were extruded using a corotating twin‐screw extruder to produce collets. The collets were flaked and then toasted. The extruded toasted flakes were analyzed for physical, physicochemical, and sensory characteristics. Moisture content, bulk density, hardness (force to break), color, bowl life, water absorption, and water solubility indices were significantly affected by the amount of PDPF and R‐PDPF added in the formulation. A sensory panel found extruded toasted flakes made from corn cones and up to 20% R‐PDPF were acceptable as control. Peanut flavor intensity was also evaluated. Surprisingly, peanut flavor intensity was the highest for flakes containing 30% PDPF, rather than those containing 30%R‐PDPF.  相似文献   

【目的】 饲料添加剂阿散酸是一种有机砷制剂,在动物肠道内吸收较少,绝大部分以原形随粪便排出体外。阿散酸中的砷可以随施用粪肥进入农田,对作物生长发育产生不利影响,并影响人类健康。本文研究了阿散酸进入土壤后,其所含砷在作物体内的迁移和积累,为粪肥合理施用提供依据。 【方法】 以水稻进行了盆栽模拟试验,供试土壤为褐土。将含有一定量阿散酸的动物粪便与供试土混匀,制成含阿散酸分别为30、75和150 mg/kg的试验用土样,按照每公顷22000 kg施用量,以无阿散酸污染的动物粪便为对照。在水稻分蘖期和开花期取样,分为根、茎、叶,成熟期样品分为根、茎、叶、稻壳和糙米,测定砷的含量和积累量。 【结果】 1) 与对照相比,30~150 mg/kg阿散酸各处理水稻根系长度、单株根数和株高无显著差异,150 mg/kg处理无效分蘖显著增加 (P < 0.05),75 mg/kg和150 mg/kg处理稻米产量显著降低 ( P < 0.05);2) 与对照相比,阿散酸各处理水稻分蘖期、开花期和成熟期根、茎和叶中砷含量显著增加 ( P < 0.05);与30 mg/kg阿散酸处理相比,150 mg/kg处理分蘖期、开花期和成熟期水稻根中砷含量显著增加了40.51%、46.25% 和53.1% ( P < 0.05),开花期和成熟期茎和叶中砷含量显著增加了56.1%、30.9% 和86.7% ( P < 0.05)、61.75% ( P < 0.05);阿散酸各处理水稻根中砷含量均在开花期达到最高,成熟期下降,阿散酸含量 ≤ 75 mg/kg时,水稻茎和叶中砷含量在开花期达到最高,成熟期下降,阿散酸添加量为150 mg/kg时,水稻茎和叶中砷含量为成熟期 > 开花期 > 分蘖期。3) 与对照相比,阿散酸处理籽粒砷含量显著增加 ( P < 0.05);与30 mg/kg阿散酸相比,75 mg/kg处理米糠和糙米中砷含量显著增加了138.5% 和126.1% ( P < 0.05),150 mg/kg处理颖壳、米糠、糙米和精米砷含量显著增加了24.6%、165.7%、158.7%和125.0% ( P < 0.05)。 【结论】 在褐土中施用含阿散酸非堆沤粪肥时,当阿散酸含量 ≥ 75 mg/kg时即对水稻产生毒害作用,并增加可食部砷污染风险,建议土壤阿散酸污染不得高于该值。   相似文献   

The results of four experiments were combined to determine the relationships between leaf mineral nutrients or media pH and sweetpotato transplant production. The relative number of transplants and the relative mean transplant lengths or weights were determined by comparing the values obtained with unamended aged pine sawdust, a traditional medium. These values were regressed against leaf mineral concentrations and media pH. There was no relationship between relative transplant production and leaf nitrogen (N), potassium (K), or manganese (Mn) concentrations. Compared to sufficiency ranges for nearly mature sweetpotatoes, concentrations of N and K were low and Mn was sufficient. An upper value of 1210 mg/L leaf iron (Fe) was obtained for relative mean transplant weight, but concentrations of this mineral were not associated with relative transplant numbers or relative mean transplant lengths. Leaf calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) concentrations were related to all three transplant characteristics directly, or indirectly through possible effects on leaf phosphorus (P) concentration or media pH. Compared to the established sufficiency ranges for nearly mature sweetpotato plants, Ca and Mg concentrations were low, P and Fe concentrations were sufficient, and zinc (Zn) concentrations were high.  相似文献   

Lin  Yongming  Chen  Aimin  Yan  Siwei  Rafay  Loretta  Du  Kun  Wang  Daojie  Ge  Yonggang  Li  Jian 《Journal of Soils and Sediments》2019,19(2):511-521

The carbon (C), nitrogen (N), and phosphorus (P) concentrations of leaves can reflect soil nutrient supply conditions and changes in soil. An understanding of species adaptability and nutrient use efficiency in extreme ecosystems can help land managers choose effective methods to improve management and community structure of introduced plants which may induce biological invasion and limit the regeneration of native species.

Materials and methods

We selected the Leucaena leucocephala forests in three ages (9, 15, and 26 years old) in the Jiangjiagou Gully to study the relationships between (i) soil factors and forest age and (ii) leaf nutrient concentrations. Soil factors and leaf nutrients were measured in nine sampling quadrats of 10?×?10 m of each plot. We used ANOVA to examine differences in leaf variables and soil factors at different ages of L. leucocephala forest. Pearson’s correlation analysis and linear regression analysis were conducted to identify the relationships between soil factors and leaf variables. Then, we used analysis of covariance to examine combined effects of forest ages and soil factors on leaf variables.

Results and discussion

Leaf N was significantly correlated with available P, while leaf P was significantly correlated with both available P and available N. Leaf N and P had no significant relationship with soil total N and P. Leaf C:N:P stoichiometries had a higher significant correlation with total N, available N, and soil water content.


Our findings illustrate that available N and available P are the main limitations for L. leucocephala, though available P imposed a stronger limitation than available N. Moreover, soil water content played an indispensable role on nutrient accumulation and the soil ecological environment. Our results provide useful information to improve L. leucocephala community structure and reduce soil degradation in a dry-hot valley.



Soil profile data are the basis for estimating soil organic carbon (SOC) storage and any changes in SOC storage, which are of great significance in terms of global climate change. Estimates based on various profile data have been made for SOC storage in China. Modeling studies have given contrasting results on changes in SOC storage in Chinese croplands. A certain number of measured soil profile data are needed to validate the modeled results. In the present study, we examined the relationships between sample size, population variance and detection limit using the central limit theorem and the statistical properties of the normal distribution. Based on the profile dataset from the Second National Soil Survey in China, we calculated that to derive a reliable estimate of the overall mean SOC density for all the soils of China, a sample size of 4,000 soil profiles is needed. In this case, a reliable estimate is defined as having a 95% confidence interval and allowing a ±5% detection limit of SOC. The necessary sample size for cropland soils is 1,250. Our results indicate that approximately 100 samples only are needed to validate a modeled SOC loss of 20–30% in cropland soils in China. By aggregating the soil profiles in the dataset into soil orders and calculating the variance of each soil order, we show that the sample sizes in the dataset are insufficient to give reliable estimates on the carbon densities of most soil orders; thus, we conclude that there is considerable uncertainty in the SOC distribution maps resulting from the Second National Soil Survey.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To describe the food habits and physical (in)activity patterns and to investigate the relationship with sociodemographic factors among Palestinian adolescents. DESIGN AND SUBJECTS: The Palestinian Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) is a cross-sectional survey of grades 6, 8, 10 and 12. Students completed a modified version of the international HBSC questionnaire. A total of 8885 students were included in this analysis; 53% were from the West Bank and 47% from the Gaza Strip. RESULTS: Adolescents in the West Bank consume more fruit, meat, chicken, sweets and soft drinks, but less vegetables than adolescents in Gaza (P<0.01). Girls reported more daily consumption of fruit, vegetables and sweets than boys (P<0.001), and less consumption of soft drinks, milk, meat and chicken (P<0.01). Boys were physically more active than girls (P<0.01), whereas girls reported doing more homework (P<0.001). Both boys and girls reported less physical activity with increasing age (P<0.001). Consumption of fruit and milk was positively associated with both parents' education, while consumption of meat, chicken and soft drinks was positively associated with mother's education only. Having breakfast on schooldays was positively associated with the father's education. Physical activity and television viewing were associated with the mother's education (P<0.01). The parents' level of education had no effect on vegetable consumption and dieting status. CONCLUSION: This study indicated that there are problems with Palestinian adolescents' eating, dieting and physical activity. Regional, gender and parental socio-economic status differences should be taken into account in developing interventions. More detailed studies are needed with more elaborate instruments about food habits and physical activity of adolescents.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to find out how humic substances affected nutrient uptake of plants. The test plants, oregano, thyme, and basil, were grown in nutrient film technique at two pH levels (4.5 and 6.5), in two substrates (peat and perlite), and at three levels of humic substance that was a peat extract (control, low, and high concentration). Nutrient uptake of potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn), and copper (Cu) were determined by elemental contents in aerial parts of the plant and its weight. Humic substance had no effect on K, Ca, and Mg uptake but lowered the uptake of Fe, Mn, Zn, and Cu for the three test plants, more pronounced with perlite than peat and more at low pH than at high pH. The lowering of the uptake might be caused by complexation of Fe, Mn, Zn, and Cu by the humic substance and the lower availability of these metals in complexed form than as a cation or as EDTA‐chelate in the case of Fe. It is not clear why the effect of the humic substance on micro‐element uptake is larger at low than at high pH. The complexation is expected to be stronger at pH 6.5 than at pH 4.5. At low pH, the high concentration of humic substance caused a low fresh weight of the shoots, perhaps caused by a toxicity of the humic substance at low pH. This was less pronounced at high pH.  相似文献   

Observations of the vegetative and reproductive biomass produced annually and the mineral element contents have been conducted on diverse oil palm plant materials tested in a genetic test in Indonesia. The results show that the nutrient uptake (for trunk growth, leaf renewal and bunch export) greatly varies (CV = 10% for N uptake and 17% for K uptake) with the origins of the planting materials considered. For equivalent production, the uptake in nutrients of certain plant material may differ very significantly; for the same level of uptake in nutrients, production can vary significantly. This study supports the hypothesis that the optimal nutrient thresholds are intrinsically linked to the plant material. It assumes that some planting materials have different needs and that a fertilizer regime could be adapted to their specific needs without losses in performance. To confirm these assumptions, the need of implementing specific experimental devices with differentiated fertilization regimes is discussed.  相似文献   

Impacts of 43-year nutrient management on carbon (C) and nutrient dynamics were studied in a rice-wheat-jute system in tropical India. Carbon dynamics was investigated on the basis of its distribution of labile (microbial biomass C, permanganate oxidizable C and water soluble C) and slow pools (Walkley Black oxidizable organic C), its indices (C pool index, lability index) and C management index (CMI) at different soil depths. Nutrient dynamics was judged by major nutrients availability, and related soil enzymatic activities. We studied seven treatments including unfertilized control, 100% NPK (N:P2O5:K2O 60:30:60), 50% NPK, 150% NPK, 100% NP, 100% N, 100% NPK + farm yard manure (10 tonnes FYM ha?1). Nutrients availability and soil enzymatic activities were significantly increased under balanced fertilization (100% NPK + FYM) over other treatments. Labile, slow and total C was also found highest in 100% NPK + FYM. Enhanced C indices under 100% NPK + FYM over 100% NPK and other treatments signified the importance of long term balanced fertilization on soil C stabilization. Lability indexes were lower at sub-soil (30-45cm). In terms of favourable nutrient dynamics and CMI, balanced application of NPK plus organics were recommend for long term sustainability of rice-wheat-jute system in tropics.  相似文献   

不同养分配比对高粱根系生长及养分吸收的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探明高粱养分吸收和根系生长对氮、磷、钾胁迫的响应,通过长期定位试验,在高粱/玉米轮作条件下研究了不同养分配比NPK、PK、NK、NP、CK对高粱根系生长及养分吸收的影响。结果表明:与NPK相比,长期不施氮肥(PK)条件下高粱总根长增加18.29%,总根体积降低26.52%,且根系主要分布在0~10 cm土层,直径小于0.5 mm细根所占比例显著增加。不施磷肥(NK)显著抑制了高粱根系生长,总根长、总根表面积和总根体积分别降低24.03%、27.48%和41.29%。不施钾肥(NP)对细根生长有明显抑制作用。不施氮、磷、钾均降低高粱对相应养分的吸收和累积,不施氮促进了营养器官中氮和钾素向籽粒转运,不施磷或钾肥抑制了氮、磷及钾的转运。高粱对养分的吸收、积累和转运与根系形态有关,不同养分积累与运转与根系形态关系表现不尽相同:氮素、钾素积累和转运与根系形态具有较好的相关性,氮素的积累和转运与植株生物量和产量的相关性大于磷素和钾素。综上,高粱根系形态及养分吸收对氮、磷及钾胁迫响应不同,该研究可为不同养分瘠薄地高粱高效栽培提供理论依据。  相似文献   

在河北省不同区域棉区选择代表县市,通过调查分析和氮、磷、钾3414试验的方法,研究冀南棉区、冀中南棉区及滨海盐渍土棉区的土壤氮、磷、钾养分丰缺现状和养分管理技术。结果表明:冀南棉区土壤速效钾含量偏低成为本区域的制约因素,养分调控原则为稳氮、补磷、増钾,N、P2O5、K2O适宜用量分别为135、110、150 kg/hm2,专用肥适宜配方为15-13-17;冀中南棉区土壤速效养分含量较为均衡,养分调控原则为稳氮、稳磷、补钾,N、P2O5、K2O适宜用量分别为140、90、120 kg/hm2,专用肥适宜配方为18-12-15;滨海盐渍土棉区土壤养分含量极度不平衡,土壤有效磷含量极低、速效钾含量很高,养分调控原则为控氮、增磷、控钾,N、P2O5、K2O适宜用量分别为135、130、90 kg/hm2,专用肥适宜配方为17-16-12。  相似文献   

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