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城市气候适应性规划是目前提升城市韧性的重要手段之一。文章在总结城市韧性理论与应对气候变化的城市行动的基础上,分析了城市规划控制要素、城市气候与城市韧性的关系,提出了气候适应性规划的目标、原则及减缓与适应气候变化的城市规划关键技术框架,包括减缓气候变化的绿色碳汇网络技术、公共交通导向开发技术、基于步行友好的街区尺度控制技术和公共服务设施多元分布技术,以及适应气候变化的多尺度城市气候监测技术、模拟技术、调控技术和城市热环境效应评估技术等,以提高城市应对气候变化的韧性能力。  相似文献   

正《城市适应气候变化行动方案》发布30个城市将试点气候适应型城市建设国家发展改革委、住房城乡建设部会同有关部门共同制订的《城市适应气候变化行动方案》近日发布,明确了我国城市适应气候变化相关工作的目标要求、主要行动、试点示范和保障措施。各地将根据行动方案提出的要求,遵循"统筹兼顾、因地制宜、协同推进、广泛参与"的基本原则,积极主动推进城市适应气候变化行动。到2020年,普遍实现将适应气候变化相关指标纳入城乡规划体系、建设标准和产业发展规划,建设30个适应气候变化试  相似文献   

颜文涛 《室内设计》2013,28(3):31-36
通过对气候变化与城市规划关 系的辨析,阐述了应对气候变化的规划内 涵,构建了应对气候变化的规划研究框 架。从能源利用、交通与土地使用、建筑 设计与管理、水资源管理、固废处理、旧 材料利用等方面提出了减缓气候变化的 若干规划议题;从温度变化、海平面上 升、降雨模式变化、热带风暴等方面提出 了适应气候变化的若干规划议题。提出 将应对气候变化规划与法定规划体系有 机整合,是当前城市规划行业急需解决 的问题。  相似文献   

气候变化给人类正常的生产、生活造成了诸多负面影响,对城市可持续发展构成威胁。空间规划被广泛认为是适应气候变化和防备极端天气事件引发的城市安全问题的有效策略之一。本文聚焦"空间规划编制过程中对气候变化的整合",通过文献追踪,从规划的目标、内容、技术方法三个维度出发,梳理了国内外空间规划在适应气候变化方面的研究和实践。由此得出,在空间规划目标制定上,应将韧性城市的理念与适应气候变化相结合;内容制定上,需要增加气候变化影响评估,并将评价结果整合到基础设施选址布局、生态空间布局优化、空间形态引导和调控、地方法规政策创新以及与现有规划的整合协同等规划内容中;技术方法上,需要加强情景规划、动态循环调整、社区参与等规划方法的运用。此外,本文在总结国内外研究成果的基础上,指出气候变化适应型空间规划这一研究领域欠缺学科交叉,研究尺度和研究对象不完整;未来还可以从气候变化对空间影响的评估,能适应气候变化的理想的空间结构、格局、形态特征,国外适应气候变化的空间规划最佳实践,以及空间规划随气候变化进行动态调整的合理化合法化途径等方面进行深入探讨。  相似文献   

城市的发展加剧了气候变化,反之,城市也受到了气候变化的影响城市应对气候变化需要从减缓和适应两方面展开对2012年2月欧洲环境署(EEA)发布的《欧洲城市对气候变化的适应——城市的挑战和机遇以及支持性的国家和欧洲政策》的基本框架、挑战与应对策略、应对气候变化的适应性规划和多层面管制进行解析,分析其若干特征,在此基础上初步提出我国城市应对气候变化的监测评估、规划、实施体系,探讨了应对气候变化的城乡规划体系  相似文献   

构建低碳城市的意义与路径已有诸多的研究文献,本文聚焦于低碳城市空间形态方面的研究进展与规划策略,以期明晰规划师在构建低碳城市中所扮演的角色,并提供常用的技术手段.本文首先从适应性策略出发,讨论气候变化对城市的影响以及适应气候变化的城市规划策略,之后重点探讨了减缓性策略指引下的低碳城市空间形态及规划.基于现有研究文献,笔者总结了城市空间形态与碳排放总量和碳排放结构之间的关系,并在都市区和社区两个层面上探讨了低碳城市空间形态的概念框架与指标体系,提出了减缓气候变化的空间形态规划策略.文章结尾探讨了现有研究与规划实践给中国规划师带来的启示.  相似文献   

针对如何将国家层面应对气候变化的目标落实到地方行动这一问题,本文总结归纳了美国地方政府应对气候变化的主要策略:调查了解当地精准的气候环境情况以制定符合地方实情的气候目标;探索长远的、适应目标的、可操作性强的气候应对行动;通过多方合作,协调推动气候应对行动实施。美国的气候应对体系对中国城市有以下启示:建立科学的预测系统及指标监测系统,制定符合地方条件的气候目标;将地方政府的气候承诺植入城市规划目标和行动计划中,制定并指导相关行动计划;通过多方合作提供更健全的行动保障体系。  相似文献   

国家公园等自然保护地既是气候变化影响的敏感区,也是减缓气候变化的重要载体。纵观世界上多个国家气候变化应对历程发现,国家公园等自然保护地是应对气候变化的先行者与探索者。而面对气候变化的重要议题,中国国家公园尚处于初步研究阶段,缺乏系统的应对战略。选取国家公园气候变化应对开展较早、体系完善及具有特色的6个国家和地区,梳理其战略、政策与实践经验,从科研、减缓、适应和教育4个方面总结其应对途径,并提出中国国家公园气候变化应对的4条路径:充分凝结共识,鼓励多方参与;夯实科研基础,形成前沿基地;战略规划指导,分级分区落实;适应减缓并重,提升气候能力。  相似文献   

正到2020年,普遍实现将适应气候变化相关指标纳入城乡规划体系、建设标准和产业发展规划,建设30个适应气候变化试点城市,绿色建筑推广比例达到50%。国家发展改革委、住房和城乡建设部会同有关部门共同制订的《城市适应气候变化行动方案》近日发布,明确了我国城市适应气候变化相关工作的目标要求、主要行动、试点示范和保障措施。各地将根据行动方案提出的要求,遵循"统筹兼顾、  相似文献   

刘骊光 《国际城市规划》2011,26(5):23-27,84
通过查阅文献资料并进行实地采访,本文分析评价了美国迈阿密—戴德县(Miami-DadeCounty)地方政府应对气候变化的行动。研究表明,以自愿参与为主要特征的地方行动虽能推进公众参与和能力建设,但是国家应对方案和战略目标的缺失,地方政府对企业减排活动较弱的影响能力,以及政策本身的缺陷,严重影响了地方应对气候变化行动的效果。尽管如此,研究美国城市在应对气候变化行动中,特别在机构能力建设、政策与项目安排、公众参与等方面取得的经验,对推进我国今后探索地方的气候变化治理模式,灵活运用多种政策手段开展应对气候变化活动,仍具有重要借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Climate Action Planning is one of the top priorities of cities in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and strengthening climate-resilience, as pointed out by the New Urban Agenda and the Paris Agreement.This study aims at assessing the development of climate change mitigation and adaptation planning in Italian cities. To this end, we analysed the availability of Local Climate Plans (LCPs) in 76 cities, which are included in the Eurostat Urban Audit (UA-2015) database. In a further step, we analysed the content of the urban climate change mitigation and adaptation plans available in a smaller sample of 32 Italian cities of 2007 Eurostat Urban Audit database (UA-3), looking at the single actions undertaken for addressing mitigation and adaptation to climate change. Results show the almost total absence of comprehensive and stand-alone urban climate change adaptation plans in Italy (except for two cities, Ancona and Bologna), whereas we found that in 61 out of 76 cities municipal civil protection plans are the instruments that deal with local emergencies associated to extreme weather events. On the other hand, 56 out of 76 urban climate change mitigation plans (i.e. Sustainable Energy Action Plans) are being developed in the framework of the Covenant of Mayors, which is a transnational network of local governments created by the European Union (EU) in 2012. The results obtained on the mitigation side point out that, in absence of a national law that imposes Italian cities to develop LCPs, transnational networks are an effective boost to voluntary commitment to reach EU climate and energy objectives.  相似文献   

This paper profiles Fukuoka City in Kyushu, Japan. We focus on the city's local climate change adaptation policies, and in particular the role of urban and greenspace planning in facilitating adaptation actions within Fukuoka. Fukuoka is a humid subtropical city which is currently experiencing significant population and economic growth. It has also made comparatively rigorous advances in climate adaptation, in a country context where local governments have been criticised for focusing more on mitigation. Fukuoka hence may yield lessons for other rapidly urbanising subtropical Asian cities. We illustrate that Fukuoka has a long tradition of science-policy connection towards the creation of a liveable urban environment. This creates a favourable research and policy infrastructure for adaptation, in particular mitigation of heat risk. This is evidenced in consideration of climate issues within the city's greenspace plans since the 1990s, and in an extensive body of underpinning applied research from local institutions into urban thermal environments in particular. Fukuoka's green terraced ACROS building has come to symbolise adaptation via the built environment, and has been followed by the emergence of further green roofs and through citizen and private sector involvement in smaller-scale greening actions. We caution that challenges remain around connecting different sections of local governments, and in maintaining climate and environmental imperatives in the face of ongoing development and expansion pressures.  相似文献   

This article describes a climate change adaptation planning process triggered by a group of researchers and stakeholders in a context where no collective responses or long-term plans for protecting a vulnerable coastal system had been initiated, despite local perceptions of vulnerability and risk. The case study shows the application of two methods: scenario workshops and adaptation pathways in the context of a participatory action research methodological design. Participatory action research and qualitative scenario methods are highlighted as accelerators of climate change adaptation processes by calling to action, facilitating and connecting diverse social groups with a stake in a long-term plan towards a more adapted society. The experience leads to the conclusion that planning climate change adaptation has to go far beyond the technical dimension and take into account those affected (in the present and the future) by decisions made. A holistic approach to climate change adaptation planning will depend on the interrelations of managerial and top-down approaches with localized initiatives driven through an inclusive and collective action research process.  相似文献   

As global climate mitigation actions increasingly appear to be unable to curb global emissions, there has been a corresponding increase in climate adaptation planning undertaken by governments and communities. Along with an increasing number of adaptation studies, there has been an increasing complexity of adaptation studies as practitioners attempt to plan the adaptation of whole communities, cities and in some cases nations. These studies are commonly underpinned by increasingly complex climate change vulnerability studies that also attempt to encompass concepts such as resilience and adaptive capacity. Owners and operators of infrastructure assets and networks also need to consider climate change. This need has been met by an increasing number of climate change risk and adaptation studies of major infrastructure. The approaches used for these assessments are commonly derived from assessments of whole communities and policy development studies, and apply terminology that is often inconsistent with established engineering asset management methods and approaches. As a result the uptake of these studies has been less than desirable in many cases. To this end, the work presented here proposes a set of principles for undertaking the assessment of climate changes impacts on assets and infrastructure.  相似文献   

Climate change and natural hazards have created multiple impacts on human settlements. Urban planning and design are effective tools in dealing with climate adaptation and mitigation issues. However, climate risk and its impacts are multiscale and complex due to interdependence between urban infrastructure systems. Identifying adaptation strategies to cope with these impacts requires planners to understand potential interdependent and interrelated consequences of infrastructure failure under natural hazards, and evaluate cascading and cumulative effects of climate change. This article discussed opportunities and challenges to incorporate interdependent social and physical infrastructure systems in the adaptation planning and hazard mitigation process, including climate hazard assessment, adaptation goal identification, adaptation strategy development, and implementation. The availability of urban big data and high computational resources will enable urban planners and decision-makers to better deal with those complex impacts from climate change and natural hazards. Successful adaptation planning and hazard mitigation for interdependent infrastructure systems also needs to solve issues in uncertainties of climate projection, institutional barriers of adaptation, and challenges of urban big data. Potential solutions to these challenges would include cooperation among multi-disciplinary experts, coordination between different levels of governments, and developing the ethical framework for data protection and robust methodologies to detect and reduce data bias.  相似文献   

城市规划管理体制如何应对全球气候变化?   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:12  
城市是全球温室气体排放的重要源头,通过规划、建筑设计施工、交通、城市产业结构调整、能源供求规划等领域,城市的建设过程可以提供有效及必要的控制温室气体排放的手段。城市规划的思维也要因此而作出改变,向如何可以通过城市发展创新模式和决策,在"减缓"(mitigation)和"适应("adaptation)两大战略方向应对气候变化。本文先对全球气候变化问题,特别是其对城市发展建设带来的挑战作出表述,同时也分析了当前世界上其他城市的应对方法及手段作为参考。最后,本文建议以低碳城市为目标的整合城市规划决策体制框架,对目前传统城市规划过程作出目标及方法上的修改,以达到控制气候变化及温室气体排放的城市规划目的。  相似文献   

Problem: Global warming has emerged as one of the new century's top planning challenges. But it is far from clear how state and local governments in the United States can best address climate change through planning.

Purpose: As of 2008, 29 states had prepared some sort of climate change plan, and more than 170 local governments had joined the Cities for Climate Protection (CCP) campaign that requires that a plan be developed. This article analyzes this first generation of climate change plans and seeks to assess the goals being set, the measures included or left out, issues surrounding implementation, and the basic strengths and weaknesses of state and local climate change planning to date.

Methods: I conducted this research by analyzing planning documents as well as interviewing state and local officials by telephone. I analyzed the plans of three types of governments: all states with planning documents on climate change; cities with populations of over 500,000 that are members of the CCP campaign; and selected smaller cities that are CCP members.

Results and conclusions: Most plans set emissions-reduction goals, establish emission inventories, green public sector operations, and recommend a range of other measures. Many recent plans have been developed through extensive stakeholder processes and present very detailed lists of recommendations with quantified emissions benefits. But emissions-reduction goals vary widely, many proposed actions are voluntary, few resources have been allocated, and implementation of most measures has not yet taken place. Most plans do not address adaptation to a changing climate. Officials see rapidly growing public awareness of the issue and general support for climate change planning, but reluctance to change personal behavior.

Takeaway for practice: Future climate change planning should (a) set goals that can adequately address the problem; (b) establish long-term planning frameworks in which progress toward these goals can be monitored on a regular basis and actions revised as needed; (c) include the full range of measures needed to reduce and adapt to climate change; (d) ensure implementation of recommended actions through commitment of resources, revised regulation, incentives for reducing emissions, and other means; and (e) develop strategies to deepen public awareness of the need for fundamental changes in behavior, for example regarding motor vehicle use.

Research support: This research was supported by the University of California, Davis Department of Environmental Design.  相似文献   

According to the Buildings Energy Data Book published by the U.S. Department of Energy, in 2006 the building sector consumed 38.9% of the total primary energy used in the United States. Of this energy, 34.8% is used by buildings for space heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. This energy often involves the combustion of fossil fuels, contributing to carbon dioxide emissions and climate change. Even if greenhouse gas concentrations are stabilized in the atmosphere, extreme climate events and sea level rise will continue for several centuries due to inertia of the atmosphere. Therefore, adaptation will be a necessary compliment to carbon dioxide mitigation efforts. This paper argues that both mitigation of greenhouse gases and adaptation to climate change should be added to our building codes and standards. Since space heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning utilize a large amount of energy in buildings, we should begin by redefining our thermal comfort standards and add strategies that mitigate carbon dioxide emissions and adapt to predicted climate variability.  相似文献   

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