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近年来成体干细胞研究进展迅速。肺干细胞和肺癌干细胞在表面标志、分离方法和功能研究等方面也取得了一定进展。在肺组织中,肺干细胞维持着肺上皮的更新和稳定,肺脏不同解剖结构存在不同的干细胞,主要的肺干细胞有气管—支气管干细胞、细支气管干细胞、细支气管肺泡干细胞和肺泡干细胞等,不同干细胞特异表面标志也不同。根据肿瘤干细胞理论,目前研究认为肺癌的发生与肺癌干细胞有关,肺癌干细胞来源于其对应肺干细胞的恶性转化。肺癌干细胞特异标志研究主要集中在侧群细胞、CD133和醛脱氢酶等。与其他成体干细胞相似,肺癌干细胞维持自我更新以及分化能力的信号通路主要有Wnt、Hedgehog和Notch通路等。肺癌干细胞与肺癌的发生、发展、转移、治疗反应及预后关系,也取得了一定的进展。该文对肺干细胞和肺癌干细胞研究进展作简要综述。  相似文献   

Zhang SL  Wang YS  Zhou T  Yu XW  Wei ZT  Li YL 《Cytotechnology》2012,64(4):477-484
Cervical cancer is one of the most common gynecologic malignancies and poses a serious health problem worldwide. Identification and characterization of cervical cancer stem cells may facilitate the development of novel strategies for the treatment of advanced and metastatic cervical cancer. Breast cancer-resistance protein (Bcrp1)-positive cells were selected from a population of parent HeLa cells using flow cytometry. The invasion capacity of Bcrp1-positive and -negative cells was analyzed with a Boyden chamber invasion test. The tumorigenicity of these cells was determined by in vivo transplantation in non-obesity diabetes/severe combined immunodeficiency (NOD/SCID) mice. The Bcrp1-positive subpopulation accounted for about 7% of the parent HeLa cell population. The proliferative capacity of the Bcrp1-positive cells was greater than that of the Bcrp1-negative cells (P < 0.05). In the invasion assay, the Bcrp1-positive cells demonstrated a greater invasive capacity through the artificial basement membrane than their Bcrp1-negative counterparts. Following transplantation of 104 cells, only the Bcrp1-positive cells formed tumors in NOD/SCID mice. When 105 or 106 cells were transplanted, the tumor incidence and the tumor mass were greater in the Bcrp1-positive groups than those in the Bcrp1-negative groups (P < 0.05). The Bcrp1-positive subpopulation cervical cancer stem cells.  相似文献   

In recent years, studies of cancer development and recurrence have been influenced by the cancer stem cells (CSCs)/cancer-initiating cells (CICs) hypothesis. According to this, cancer is sustained by highly positioned, chemoresistant cells with extensive capacity of self renewal, which are responsible for disease relapse after chemotherapy. Growth of cancer cells as three-dimensional non-adherent spheroids is regarded as a useful methodology to enrich for cells endowed with CSC-like features. We have recently reported that cell cultures derived from malignant pleural effusions (MPEs) of patients affected by adenocarcinoma of the lung are able to efficiently form spheroids in non-adherent conditions supplemented with growth factors. By expression profiling, we were able to identify a set of genes whose expression is significantly upregulated in lung tumor spheroids versus adherent cultures. One of the most strongly upregulated gene was stearoyl-CoA desaturase (SCD1), the main enzyme responsible for the conversion of saturated into monounsaturated fatty acids. In the present study, we show both by RNA interference and through the use of a small molecule inhibitor that SCD1 is required for lung cancer spheroids propagation both in stable cell lines and in MPE-derived primary tumor cultures. Morphological examination and image analysis of the tumor spheroids formed in the presence of SCD1 inhibitors showed a different pattern of growth characterized by irregular cell aggregates. Electron microscopy revealed that the treated spheroids displayed several features of cellular damage and immunofluorescence analysis on optical serial sections showed apoptotic cells positive for the M30 marker, most of them positive also for the stemness marker ALDH1A1, thus suggesting that the SCD1 inhibitor is selectively killing cells with stem-like properties. Furthermore, SCD1-inhibited lung cancer cells were strongly impaired in their in vivo tumorigenicity and ALDH1A1 expression. These results suggest that SCD1 is a critical target in lung cancer tumor-initiating cells.  相似文献   

The isolation and characterization of lung stem and progenitor cells represent an important step towards the understanding of lung repair after injury, lung disease pathogenesis and the identification of the target cells of transformation in lung carcinogenesis. Different approaches using prospective isolation of progenitor cells by flow cytometry or lineage-tracing experiments in mouse models of lung injury have led to the identification of distinct progenitor subpopulations in different morphological regions of the adult lung. Genetically defined mouse models of lung cancer are offering new perspectives on the cells of origin of different subtypes of lung cancer. These mouse models pave the way to further investigate human lung progenitor cells at the origin of lung cancers, as well as to define the nature of the lung cancer stem cells. It will be critical to establish the link between oncogenic driver mutations recently discovered in lung cancers, target cells of transformation and subtypes of lung cancers to enable better stratification of patients for improved therapeutic strategies.  相似文献   

Microvesicles (MVs, also known as exosomes, ectosomes, microparticles) are released by various cancer cells, including lung, colorectal, and prostate carcinoma cells. MVs released from tumor cells and other sources accumulate in the circulation and in pleural effusion. Although recent studies have shown that MVs play multiple roles in tumor progression, the potential pathological roles of MV in pleural effusion, and their protein composition, are still unknown. In this study, we report the first global proteomic analysis of highly purified MVs derived from human nonsmall cell lung cancer (NSCLC) pleural effusion. Using nano‐LC–MS/MS following 1D SDS‐PAGE separation, we identified a total of 912 MV proteins with high confidence. Three independent experiments on three patients showed that MV proteins from PE were distinct from MV obtained from other malignancies. Bioinformatics analyses of the MS data identified pathologically relevant proteins and potential diagnostic makers for NSCLC, including lung‐enriched surface antigens and proteins related to epidermal growth factor receptor signaling. These findings provide new insight into the diverse functions of MVs in cancer progression and will aid in the development of novel diagnostic tools for NSCLC.  相似文献   

Cancer stem cells (CSCs) represent a population of cancer cells that possess unique self-renewal and differentiation characteristics required for tumorigenesis and are resistant to chemotherapy-induced apoptosis. Lung CSCs can be enriched by several markers including drug-resistant side population (SP), CD133pos and ALDHhigh. Using human non-small cell lung adenocarcinoma cell lines and patient-derived primary tumor cells, we demonstrate that SP cells represent a subpopulation distinct from other cancer stem/progenitor cell (CS/PC) populations marked by CD133pos or ALDHhigh. The non-CS/PCs and CS/PCs of each subpopulation are interconvertible. Epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) promotes the formation of CD133pos and ALDHhigh CS/PC subpopulations while suppressing the SP CS/PC subpopulation. Rac1 GTPase activity is significantly increased in cells that have undergone EMT, and targeting Rac1 is effective in inhibiting the dynamic conversion of non-CS/PCs to CS/PCs, as well as the CS/PC activity. These results imply that various subpopulations of CS/PCs and non-CS/PCs may achieve a stochastic equilibrium in a defined microenvironment, and eliminating multiple subpopulations of CS/PCs and effectively blocking non-CS/PC to CS/PC transition, by an approach such as targeting Rac1, can be a more effective therapy.  相似文献   

It is hypothesized that cancer stem cells arise either from normal stem cells or from progenitor cells that have gained the ability to self-renew. Here we determine whether mammary cancer stem cells can be isolated by using antibodies that have been used for the isolation of normal mammary stem cells. We show that BRCA1 mutant cancer cell lines contained a subpopulation of CD24+CD29+ or CD24+CD49f+ cells that exhibited increased proliferation and colony forming ability in vitro, and enhanced tumor-forming ability in vivo. The purified CD24+CD29+ cells could differentiate and reconstitute the heterogeneity found in parental cells when plated as a monolayer. Under low-attachment conditions, we detected “tumorspheres” only in the presence of double positive cells, which maintained their ability to self-renew. Furthermore, CD24+CD29+ cells could form tubular structures reminiscent of the mammary ductal tree when grown in three-dimensional cultures, implying that these cancer cells maintain some of the characteristics of the normal stem cells. Nevertheless, they could still drive tumor formation since as low as 500 double positive cells immediately after sorting from BRCA1 mutant primary tumors were able to form tumors with the same heterogeneity found in the original tumors. These data provide evidence that breast cancer stem cells originate from normal stem cells and advance our understanding of BRCA1-associated tumorigenesis with possible implications for future cancer treatment.  相似文献   

The pleural effusion proteome has been found containing information that directly reflects pathophysiological status and represents a potential diagnostic value for pulmonary diseases. However, the variability in protein composition between malignant and benign effusions is not well understood. Herein, we investigated the changes of proteins in pleural effusions from lung adenocarcinoma and benign inflammatory disease (pneumonia and tuberculosis) patients by two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis (2D-DIGE). Twenty-eight protein spots displayed significantly different expression levels were positively identified by MALDI-TOF-MS representing 16 unique proteins. Five identified protein candidates were further validated and analyzed in effusions, sera or tissues. Among them, hemopexin, fibrinogen gamma and transthyretin (TTR) were up-regulated in cancer samples. The effusion concentration of serum amyloid P component (SAP) was significantly lower in lung cancer patients than in benign inflammatory patients, but no differences were found in sera samples. Moreover, a Jumonji C (JmjC)-domain-containing protein, JMJD5, was observed to be down-regulated in malignant effusions, lung cancer tissues and cancer cells. These results shed light on the altered pleural effusion proteins as a useful and important complement to plasma or other routine clinical tests for pulmonary disease diagnosis.  相似文献   

Lung cancer is one of the deadliest cancers worldwide. To increase the survival rate of lung cancer, it is necessary to explore specific prognosis markers. More and more evidence finds that noncoding RNA is closely associated with the survival of lung cancer, and cancer stem cells (CSCs) also play a significant role in the progress of lung cancer. The objective of this study is to find CSLCs genes that affect the prognosis of lung cancer. The differential expression of long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs), microRNAs (miRNAs), messenger RNAs (mRNAs) in the Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) database and differential expression data from microarray of CD326+ and CD326 A549 cell are intersected to identify stable and consistent expression genes (2 lncRNAs, 15 miRNAs, and 134 mRNAs). The intersection of lncRNAs and miRNAs is analyzed by univariate and multivariate Cox regression to obtained prognostic genes. Two miRNAs (miR-30b-5p and miR-29c-3p) are significantly correlated with the overall survival rate. Then using these two miRNAs to construct a risk score model as a prognosis signature of lung cancer. Subsequently, we analyzed the association between two miRNAs and clinical information of lung cancer patients, of which T stage, Neoplasm cancer and risk score (P < .05) can be used as independent prognostic indicators of lung cancer. Finally, target genes of 2 miRNAs and 134 mRNAs were annotated with Gene Ontology and analyzed with Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes pathway, and verified with the GEO database. In summary, this study illustrates the role of miRNAs in the promotion of lung cancer by CSCs, which is important to find molecular biomarkers of lung cancer.  相似文献   

The incidence of lung fibrosis increases with age. Aging is associated with modifications in the intracellular and extracellular environment including alteration of the extracellular matrix, imbalance of the redox state, accumulation of senescent cells and potential alteration of the recruitment of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells. The combination of these senescence-related alterations in the lung and in bone marrow progenitor cells might be responsible of the higher susceptibility to lung fibrosis in elderly individuals. The understanding of these age related changes must be considered in the rationale for the development of therapeutic interventions to control lung injury and fibrosis.  相似文献   

Adipose-derived stem cells (ADSCs) are a type of mesenchymal stem cells isolated from adipose tissue and have the ability to differentiate into adipogenic, osteogenic, and chondrogenic lineages. Despite their great therapeutic potentials, previous studies showed that ADSCs could enhance the proliferation and metastatic potential of breast cancer cells (BCCs). In this study, we found that ADSCs fused with BCCs spontaneously, while breast cancer stem cell (CSC) markers CD44+CD24-/lowEpCAM+ were enriched in this fusion population. We further assessed the fusion hybrid by multicolor DNA FISH and mouse xenograft assays. Only single nucleus was observed in the fusion hybrid, confirming that it was a synkaryon. In vivo mouse xenograft assay indicated that the tumorigenic potential of the fusion hybrid was significantly higher than that of the parent tumorigenic triple-negative BCC line MDA-MB-231. We had compared the fusion efficiency between two BCC lines, the CD44-rich MDA-MB-231 and the CD44-poor MCF-7, with ADSCs. Interestingly, we found that the fusion efficiency was much higher between MDA-MB-231 and ADSCs, suggesting that a potential mechanism of cell fusion may lie in the dissimilarity between these two cell lines. The cell fusion efficiency was hampered by knocking down the CD44. Altogether, our findings suggest that CD44-mediated cell fusion could be a potential mechanism for generating CSCs.  相似文献   

A subpopulation of cancer stem cells is recognized as the cause of tumorigenesis and spreading. To investigate the effects of casticin (5,3'-dihydroxy-3,6,7,4'-tetramethoxyflavone), derived from Fructus Viticis Simplicifoliae, on lung cancer stem cells, we isolated and identified a subpopulation of lung cancer stem-like cells (LCSLCs) from non-small-cell lung carcinoma A549 cells with the features including self- renewal capacity and high invasiveness in vitro, elevated tumorigenic activity in vivo, and high expression of stemness markers CD133, CD44, and aldehyde dehydrogenase 1 (ALDH1), using serum-free suspension sphere-forming culture method. We then found that casticin could suppress the proliferation of LCSLCs in a concentration-dependent manner with an IC50 value of 0.4 μmol/L, being much stronger than that in parental A549 cells. In addition, casti- cin could suppress the self-renewal and invasion of LCSLCs concomitant with decreased CD133, CD44, and ALDH1 protein expression and reduced MMP-9 activity. Further experiments showed that casticin suppressed self-renewal and invasion at least partly through down-regulation of Akt phosphorylation. In conclusion, casticin suppressed the characteristics of LCSLCs, suggesting that casticin may be a candidate compound for curing lung cancer via elim- inating cancer stem cells.  相似文献   

Since the first publication regarding the existence of stem cells in cancer [cancer stem cells(CSCs)] in 1994, many studies have been published providing in-depth information about their biology and function. This research has paved the way in terms of appreciating the role of CSCs in tumour aggressiveness, progression,recurrence and resistance to cancer therapy. Targeting CSCs for cancer therapy has still not progressed to a sufficient degree, particularly in terms of exploring the mechanism of dynamic interconversion between CSCs and non-CSCs. Besides the CSC scenario, the problem of cancer dissemination has been analyzed indepth with the identification and isolation of microRNAs(miRs), which are now considered to be compelling molecular markers in the diagnosis and prognosis of tumours in general and specifically in patients with non-small cell lung cancer.Paracrine release of miRs via "exosomes"(small membrane vesicles(30-100 nm),the derivation of which lies in the luminal membranes of multi-vesicular bodies)released by fusion with the cell membrane is gaining popularity. Whether exosomes play a significant role in maintaining a dynamic equilibrium state between CSCs and non-CSCs and their mechanism of activity is as yet unknown.Future studies on CSC-related exosomes will provide new perspectives for precision-targeted treatment strategies.  相似文献   

肿瘤干细胞对恶性肿瘤辅助治疗的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
查郎  王子卫 《生命科学》2010,(8):801-805
放化疗是目前恶性肿瘤治疗的重要手段,但是迄今为止,除了手术以外,几乎没有能单独根治恶性肿瘤的治疗方法,甚至一些恶性肿瘤在手术、化疗或放疗后会出现再生和侵袭能力增强,被称为恶性肿瘤治疗后再增殖,这可能是恶性肿瘤治疗失败的主要原因,其主要机制可能是肿瘤干细胞(cancer stem cells,CSCs)对放化疗的耐受,以及放化疗导致肿瘤细胞的上皮细胞间质化,继而提高了肿瘤侵袭性。该文将从CSCs的角度重新探讨放化疗等辅助治疗对恶性肿瘤的影响。  相似文献   

Objective:  The aim of this study was to evaluate the individual and combined diagnostic utility of carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), cytokeratin 19 fragments (CK19) and HBME-1 in pleural effusions of patients with lung cancer.
Study design:  CEA, CK19 and HBME-1 were detected by immunocytochemistry in pleural effusions from patients with lung cancer (86 cases) and without lung cancer (40 cases).
Results:  CEA and CK19 expression were significantly higher in the carcinoma cell group and in three subgrouped as adenocarcinoma (AC), squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) and small cell lung cancer than in the mesothelial cell group, whereas HBME-1 expression was lower in the former group ( P <  0.01). In the subgrouped tumours, CEA expression was higher in AC than in SCC ( P <  0.05), whereas HBME-1 expression was higher in SCC than in AC ( P <  0.01). Used alone, CK19 had the highest sensitivity (95.3%) and accuracy (93.7%), whereas CEA had the highest specificity (97.5%). When combinations of antibodies were evaluated together and membrane staining with HBME-1 taken as a negative outcome, CK19 and HBME-1 gave a high diagnostic performance: sensitivity of 100.0% and accuracy of 95.2% respectively.
Conclusion:  A panel of CEA, CK19 and HBME-1 monoclonal antibodies proved to be suitable for distinguishing carcinoma cells from reactive mesothelial cells in pleural effusions.  相似文献   

Recent experimental evidence indicates that many solid cancers have a hierarchical organization structure with a subpopulation of cancer stem cells (CSCs). The ability to identify CSCs prospectively now allows for testing the responses of CSCs to treatment modalities like radiation therapy. Initial studies have found CSCs in glioma and breast cancer relatively resistant to ionizing radiation and possible mechanisms behind this resistance have been explored. This review summarizes the landmark publications in this young field with an emphasis on the radiation responses of CSCs. The existence of CSCs in solid cancers place restrictions on the interpretation of many radiobiological observations, while explaining others. The fact that these cells may be a relatively quiescent subpopulation that are metabolically distinct from the other cells in the tumor has implications for both imaging and therapy of cancer. This is particularly true for biological targeting of cancer for enhanced radiotherapeutic benefit, which must consider whether the unique properties of this subpopulation allow it to avoid such therapies. J. Cell. Biochem. 108: 339–342, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Tissue resident mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) are important regulators of tissue repair or regeneration, fibrosis, inflammation, angiogenesis and tumor formation. Taken together these studies suggest that resident lung MSC play a role during pulmonary tissue homeostasis, injury and repair during diseases such as pulmonary fibrosis (PF) and arterial hypertension (PAH). Here we describe a technology to define a population of resident lung MSC. The definition of this population in vivo pulmonary tissue using a define set of markers facilitates the repeated isolation of a well-characterized stem cell population by flow cytometry and the study of a specific cell type and function.  相似文献   

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