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Wetlands are now being integrated into oil sands mining landscape closure design plans. These wetland ecosystems will be constructed within a regional sub‐humid climate where snowfall represents ~25% of annual precipitation. However, few studies focus on the distribution of snow and, hence, the storage of winter precipitation in reclaimed oil sands landscapes. In this study, the distribution, ablation and fate of snowmelt waters are quantified within a constructed watershed in a post‐mining oil sands environment. Basin‐averaged peak SWE was 106 mm, with no significant difference between reclaimed slopes with vegetation and those that were sparsely vegetated or bare. Snow depth was greatest and more variable near the toe of slopes and became progressively shallower towards the crest. Snow ablation started first on the vegetated slope, which also exhibited the maximum observed ablation rates. This enhanced melt was attributed to increased absorption of short‐wave radiation by vegetation stems and branches. Recharge to reclaimed slopes and a constructed aquifer during the snowmelt period was minimal, as the presence of ground frost minimized infiltration. Accordingly, substantial surface run‐off was observed from all reclaimed slopes, despite being designed to reduce run‐off and increase water storage. This could result in increased flashiness of downstream watercourses during the spring freshet that receive run‐off from post‐mining landscapes where large reclaimed slopes are prolific. Run‐off ratios for the reclaimed slopes were between 0.7 and 0.9. Thus, it is essential to consider snow dynamics when designing landscape‐scale constructed ecosystems. This research demonstrates that the snowmelt period hydrology within reclaimed landscapes is fundamentally different from that reported for natural settings and represents one of the first studies on snow dynamics in constructed watershed systems in the post‐mined oil sands landscape. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Canada's post‐mined oil sands will have a higher concentration of salts compared with freshwater peatlands that dominate the landscape. While rare, naturally occurring saline wetlands do exist in Alberta's Boreal Plains and may function as analogues for reclamation, however, little is known about their hydrology. This paper investigates the geochemical and hydrologic characteristics of a natural saline‐spring peatland in Alberta's oil sands region. The fen is located within a saline groundwater discharge area connected to the erosional edge of the Grand Rapids Formation. Na+ (195–25,680 mgl?1) and Cl? (1785–56,249 mg l?1) were the dominant salts, and the fen transitioned sharply to freshwater along its margins because in part of subsurface mineral ridges that restricted shallow groundwater exchange. Salinity decreased from hypersaline to brackish along the local groundwater flow path but no active spring outlets were observed over the two‐year study. Vertical groundwater discharge was minimal because of the very low permeability of the underlying sediments. Subsurface storage was exceeded during periods of high flow, resulting in flooding and surface runoff that was enhanced by the ephemerally connected pond network. These findings have implications for reclamation, as mechanisms such as subsurface mineral ridges may function as effective saline groundwater‐control structures in the post‐mined environment. Incorporating saline wetlands into regional monitoring networks will help to better quantify natural discharge, which has implications for belowground wastewater storage related to in situ bitumen extraction. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Water and cation budgets were calculated for two sub-basins within a small low relief watershed in South-Central Ontario during a period of ephemeral runoff which was initiated by spring snow melt. The hydrology of one (upland) sub-basin was strongly influenced by seasonal fluctuations in the level of regional ground water. Saturated contributing areas formed in low lying regions adjacent to the stream channel where the water table rose to the surface, and stream discharge was a mixture of ground water and saturation overland flow. In the second sub-basin a wetland provided a large and spatially less variable saturated contributing area. Clay soils underlying the wetland resulted in a shallow perched water table, poorly drained and highly organic soils, and greatly reduced inputs of regional ground water. Stream discharge was largely the result of surface runoff from the wetland and adjacent areas of saturated soil.Inter-basin variations in water export were by far greater than variations in stream chemistry. As a result, inter-basin variations in cation export strongly reflected variations in water export over the time interval in which the majority of a given ion was lost from the watershed. Spatial differences in water export were least at the onset of runoff when basin saturation was greatest and overland flow made large contributions to the discharge from both sub-basins. Potassium and hydrogen had high concentrations at this time which caused these ions to show only small spatial differences in export. With decreases in the areal extent of soil saturation, and increases in the storage capacity of the wetland, the hydrologic contrast between sub-basins increased. Greater water loss from the upland area resulted from a greater discharge of regional ground water, and a more rapid expansion of the saturated contributing areas during storm events. Calcium, magnesium, and sodium concentrations increased steadily during the first 3 weeks of runoff, so that the peak export of these cations occurred later in the runoff period at times of higher concentration, but lower and spatially more variable discharges. Consequently, spatial differences in the loss of these ions was great and favoured the upland sub-basin, since the majority of export occurred when the hydrologic contrast between sub-basins was largest.  相似文献   

Identifying the role of the two main driving factors—climate change and human interventions—in influencing runoff processes is essential for sustainable water resources management. For this purpose, runoff regime change detection methods were used to divide the available hydroclimatic variables into a baseline and a disturbed period. We applied hydrological modelling and the climate elasticity of runoff method to determine the contribution of climate change and human interventions to changes in runoff. The hydrological model, SWAT, was calibrated during the baseline period and used to simulate the naturalized runoff pattern for the disturbed period. Significant changes in runoff in the study watershed were detected from 1982, suggesting that human interventions play a dominant role in influencing runoff. The combined effects of climate change and human interventions resulted in a 41.3 mm (23.9%) decrease in runoff during the disturbed period, contributing about 40% and 60% to the total runoff change, respectively. Furthermore, analysis of changes in land cover dynamics in the watershed over the past four decades supported these changes in runoff. Contrary to other decades, the discrepancy between naturalized and observed runoff was small in the 2010s, likely due to increased baseflow as a result of storage and/or release of excess water during the dry season. This study contributes to our understanding of how climate change and human interventions affect hydrological responses of watersheds, which is important for future sustainable water management and drought adaptation.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to identify the mechanisms of runoff generation and routing and their controlling factors at the hillslope scale, on artificial slopes derived from surface coal mining reclamation in a Mediterranean–continental area. Rainfall and runoff at interrill and microcatchment scales were recorded for a year on two slopes with different substrata: topsoil cover and overburden cover. Runoff coefficient and runoff routing from interrill areas to microcatchment outlets were higher in the overburden substratum than in topsoil, and greater in the most developed rill network. Rainfall volume is the major parameter responsible for runoff response on overburden, suggesting that this substratum is very impermeable—at least during the main rainfall periods of the year (late spring and autumn) when the soil surface is sealed. In such conditions, most rainfall input is converted into runoff, regardless of its intensity. Results from artificial rainfall experiments, conducted 3 and 7 years after seeding, confirm the low infiltration capacity of overburden when sealed. The hydrological response shows great seasonal variability on the overburden slope in accordance with soil surface changes over the year. Rainfall volume and intensities (I30, I60) explain runoff at the interrill scale on the topsoil slope, where rainfall experiments demonstrated a typical Hortonian infiltration curve. However, no correlation was found at the microcatchment level, probably because of the loss of functionality of the only rill as ecological succession proceeded. The runoff generation mechanism on the topsoil slope is more homogeneous throughout the year. Runoff connectivity, defined as the ratio between runoff rates recorded at the rill network scale and those recorded at the interrill area scale in every rainfall event, was also greater on the rilled overburden slope, and in the most developed rill network. The dense rill networks of the overburden slope guarantee very effective runoff drainage, regardless of rainfall magnitude. Rills drain overland flow from interrill‐sealed areas, reducing the opportunity of reinfiltration in areas not affected by siltation. Runoff generation and routing on topsoil slopes are controlled by grass cover and soil moisture content, whereas on overburden slopes rill network density and soil moisture content are the main controlling factors. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Multilayer covers are widely accepted reclamation designs in the oil sands region of northern Alberta, Canada, with an ultimate goal of revegetating to species characteristic of predisturbance native plant communities. To determine the optimal depth of reclamation material required to reclaim overburden shale from an oil sands mine, an evaluation was made of the long‐term performance of six reclamation soil cover depths all placed over overburden. The measured soil water contents from different cover thicknesses at South Bison Hills located at the Syncrude Mine site north of Fort McMurray, Alberta, were used to calibrate and validate a dual‐porosity model in HYDRUS‐1D. The calibrated and validated model was then used to evaluate the influence of cover thickness and climatic variability on plant available water for forest growth. The frequency distributions of actual transpiration (Tr) for six cover treatments with a range of leaf area index (LAI) cases were developed. These Tr frequency distributions were then modified by coupling Tr and LAI. The modified frequency distributions for annual Tr for the six simulated cover thickness highlight the strong nonlinearity between the distributions of Tr over a long‐term (60 years) climate cycle in that incremental increases in cover thickness do not produce proportional increases in Tr. The results indicated that, once the cover thickness exceeds 100 cm, there is little incremental increase in the median value of Tr over the 60‐year climate cycle. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

To evaluate the effects of hillslope topography on storm runoff in a weathered granite mountain, discharge rate, soil pore water pressures, and water chemistry were observed on two types of hillslope: a valley‐head (a concave hillslope) and a side slope (a planar hillslope). Hydrological responses on the valley‐head and side slope reflected their respective topographic characteristics and varied with the rainfall magnitude. During small rainfall events (<35 mm), runoff from the side slope occurred rapidly relative to the valley‐head. The valley‐head showed little response in storm runoff. As rainfall amounts increased (35–60 mm), the valley‐head yielded a higher flow relative to the side slope. For large rainfall events (>60 mm), runoff from both hillslopes increased with rainfall, although that from the valley‐head was larger than that from the side slope. The differences in the runoff responses were caused by differences in the roles of lower‐slope soils and the convergence of the hillslope. During small rainfall events, the side slope could store little water; in contrast, all rainwater could be stored in the soils at the valley‐head hollow. As the amount of rainfall increased, the subsurface saturated area of the valley‐head extended from the bottom to the upper portion of the slope, with the contributions of transient groundwater via lateral preferential flowpaths due to the high concentration of subsurface water. Conversely, saturated subsurface flow did not contribute to runoff responses, and the subsurface saturated area at the side slope did not extend to the upper slope for the same storm size. During large rainfall events, expansion of the subsurface saturated area was observed in both hillslopes. Thus, differences in the concentration of subsurface water, reflecting hillslope topography, may create differences in the extension of the subsurface saturated area, as well as variability in runoff responses. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In the discontinuous permafrost zone of the Northwest Territories (NWT), Canada, snow covers the ground surface for half the year. Snowmelt constitutes a primary source of moisture supply for the short growing season and strongly influences stream hydrographs. Permafrost thaw has changed the landscape by increasing the proportional coverage of permafrost-free wetlands at the expense of permafrost-cored peat plateau forests. The biophysical characteristics of each feature affect snow water equivalent (SWE) accumulation and melt rates. In headwater streams in the southern Dehcho region of the NWT, snowmelt runoff has significantly increased over the past 50 years, despite no significant change in annual SWE. At the Fort Simpson A climate station, we found that SWE measurements made by Environment and Climate Change Canada using a Nipher precipitation gauge were more accurate than the Adjusted and Homogenized Canadian Climate Dataset which was derived from snow depth measurements. Here, we: (a) provide 13 years of snow survey data to demonstrate differences in end-of-season SWE between wetlands and plateau forests; (b) provide ablation stake and radiation measurements to document differences in snow melt patterns among wetlands, plateau forests, and upland forests; and (c) evaluate the potential impact of permafrost-thaw induced wetland expansion on SWE accumulation, melt, and runoff. We found that plateaus retain significantly (p < 0.01) more SWE than wetlands. However, the differences are too small (123 mm and 111 mm, respectively) to cause any substantial change in basin SWE. During the snowmelt period in 2015, wetlands were the first feature to become snow-free in mid-April, followed by plateau forests (7 days after wetlands) and upland forests (18 days after wetlands). A transition to a higher percentage cover of wetlands may lead to more rapid snowmelt and provide a more hydrologically-connected landscape, a plausible mechanism driving the observed increase in spring freshet runoff.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a concept of ‘effective length’ in hillslopes to define the effective area influencing the runoff‐producing saturated zones of a hillslope or catchment. This effective area of a catchment usually is less than that given by its physical boundaries, particularly in regions where the total potential evaporation exceeds total rainfall on an annual basis. In this paper, expressions for effective lengths in hillslopes with different scale, shape and soil properties are derived for given climatic conditions. The influence of these variables on effective length is investigated. It is shown that, for a given rainfall frequency and soil parameters, the effective length changes with the planform geometry and profile shape of a hillslope; it is also a function of the ratio of available travel opportunity time to the hillslope's scale response time. The application of the concept to three natural catchments, subdivided into a number of simple hillslopes, is described. It is shown that, for these three test catchments and over 24 years of record, rarely would the entire catchment areas contribute to flow at the respective outlets. The implications of the concept of effective length for several land‐use practices, such as clearing for forest for greater water yield, and planting trees for salinity control, are discussed. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A network of 30 standalone snow monitoring stations was used to investigate the snow cover distribution, snowmelt dynamics, and runoff generation during two rain‐on‐snow (ROS) events in a 40 km2 montane catchment in the Black Forest region of southwestern Germany. A multiple linear regression analysis using elevation, aspect, and land cover as predictors for the snow water equivalent (SWE) distribution within the catchment was applied on an hourly basis for two significant ROS flood events that occurred in December 2012. The available snowmelt water, liquid precipitation, as well as the total retention storage of the snow cover were considered in order to estimate the amount of water potentially available for the runoff generation. The study provides a spatially and temporally distributed picture of how the two observed ROS floods developed in the catchment. It became evident that the retention capacity of the snow cover is a crucial mechanism during ROS. It took several hours before water was released from the snowpack during the first ROS event, while retention storage was exceeded within 1 h from the start of the second event. Elevation was the most important terrain feature. South‐facing terrain contributed more water for runoff than north‐facing slopes, and only slightly more runoff was generated at open compared to forested areas. The results highlight the importance of snowmelt together with liquid precipitation for the generation of flood runoff during ROS and the large temporal and spatial variability of the relevant processes. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


The Vakhsh and Pyandj rivers, main tributaries of the Amu Darya River in the mountainous region of the Pamir Alay, play an important role in the water resources of the Aral Sea basin (Central Asia). In this region, the glaciers and snow cover significantly influence the water cycle and flow regime, which could be strongly modified by climate change. The present study, part of a project funded by the European Commission, analyses the hydrological situation in six benchmark basins covering areas of between 1800 and 8400 km2, essentially located in Tajikistan, with a variety of topographical situations, precipitation amounts and glacierized areas. Four types of parameter are discussed: temperature, glaciation, snow cover and river flows. The study is based mainly on a long-time series that ended in the 1990s (with the collapse of the Soviet Union) and on field observations and data collection. In addition, a short, more recent period (May 2000 to May 2002) was examined to better understand the role of snow cover, using scarce monitored data and satellite information. The results confirm the overall homogeneous trend of temperature increase in the mountain range and its impacts on the surface water regime. Concerning the snow cover, significant differences are noted in the location, elevation, orientation and morphology of snow cover in the respective basins. The changes in the river flow regime are regulated by the combination of the snow cover dynamics and the increasing trend of the air temperature.
Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz  相似文献   

Changes in climate and urban growth are the most influential factors affecting hydrological characteristics in urban and extra‐urban contexts. The assessment of the impacts of these changes on the extreme rainfall–runoff events may have important implications on urban and extra‐urban management policies against severe events, such as floods, and on the design of hydraulic infrastructures. Understanding the effects of the interaction between climate change and urban growth on the generation of runoff extremes is the main aim of this paper. We carried out a synthetic experiment on a river catchment of 64 km2 to generate hourly runoff time series under different hypothetical scenarios. We imposed a growth of the percentage of urban coverage within the basin (from 1.5% to 25%), a rise in mean temperature of 2.6 °C, and an alternatively increase/decrease in mean annual precipitation of 25%; changes in mean annual precipitation were imposed following different schemes, either changing rainstorm frequency or rainstorm intensity. The modelling framework consists of a physically based distributed hydrological model, which simulates fast and slow mechanisms of runoff generation directly connected with the impervious areas, a land‐use change model, and a weather generator. The results indicate that the peaks over threshold and the hourly annual peaks, used as hydrological indicators, are very sensitive to the rainstorm intensity. Moreover, the effects of climate changes dominate on those of urban growth determining an exacerbation of the fast runoff component in extreme events and a reduction of the slow and deep runoff component, thus limiting changes in the overall runoff.  相似文献   

We investigated the role of different hillslope units with different topographic characteristics on runoff generation processes based on field observations at two types of hillslopes (0·1 ha): a valley‐head (a convergent hillslope) and a side slope (a planar hillslope), as well as at three small catchments having two types of slopes with different drainage areas ranging from 1·9 to 49·7 ha in the Tanakami Mountains, central Japan. We found that the contribution of the hillslope unit type to small catchment runoff varied with the magnitude of rainfall. When the total amount of rainfall for a single storm event was < 35 mm, runoff in the small catchment was predominantly generated from the side slope. As the amount of rainfall increased (>35 mm), the valley‐head also began to contribute to the catchment runoff, adding to runoff from the side slope. Although the direct runoff from the valley‐head was greater than that from the side slope, the contribution from the side slope was quantitatively greater than that from the valley‐head due to the proportionally larger area occupied by the side slope in the small catchment. The storm runoff responses of the small catchments reflected the change in the runoff components of each hillslope unit as the amount of rainfall increased and rainfall patterns changed. However, similar runoff responses were found for the small catchments with different areas. The similarity of the runoff responses is attributable to overlay effects of different hillslope units and the similar composition ratios of the valley‐head and side slope in the catchments. This study suggests that the relative roles of the valley‐head and side slope are important in runoff generation and solute transport as the catchment size increases from a hillslope/headwater to a small catchment. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We attempted to clarify the runoff characteristics of a permafrost watershed in the southern mountainous region of eastern Siberia using hydrological and meteorological data obtained by the State Hydrological Institute in Russia from 1976 to 1985. We analysed seasonal changes in the direct runoff ratio and recession gradient during the permafrost thawing period. Thawing depth began to increase from the beginning of May and continued to increase until the end of September, exceeding 150 cm. Annual precipitation and discharge were in the range 525–649 mm and 205–391 mm respectively. The sum of the annual evapotranspiration and changes in water storage ranged from 235 to 365 mm. The mean daily evapotranspiration in June, July, August and September was 1·5 mm day?1, 1·7 mm day?1, 1·5 mm day?1, and 0·5 mm day?1 respectively. The direct runoff ratio was highest in June, decreasing from 0·8 in June to 0·2 in September. The recession gradient also decreased from June to September. Since the frozen soil functioned as an impermeable layer, the soil water storage capacity in the thawing part of the soil, the depth of which changed over time, controlled the runoff characteristics. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this study, the Cold Regions Hydrological Modelling platform was used to create an alpine snow model including wind redistribution of snow and energy balance snowmelt to simulate the snowpack over the period 1996–2009 in a small (33 ha) snow‐dominated basin in the Spanish Pyrenees. The basin was divided into three hydrological response units (HRUs), based on contrasting physiographic and aerodynamic characteristics. A sensitivity analysis was conducted to calculate the snow water equivalent regime for various combinations of temperature and precipitation that differed from observed conditions. The results show that there was large inter‐annual variability in the snowpack in this region of the Pyrenees because of its marked sensitivity to climatic conditions. Although the basin is small and quite homogeneous, snowpack seasonality and inter‐annual evolution of the snowpack varied in each HRU. Snow accumulation change in relation to temperature change was approximately 20% for every 1 °C, and the duration of the snowpack was reduced by 20–30 days per °C. Melting rates decreased with increased temperature, and wind redistribution of snow was higher with decreased temperature. The magnitude and sign of changes in precipitation may markedly affect the response of the snowpack to changes in temperature. There was a non‐linear response of snow to individual and combined changes in temperature and precipitation, with respect to both the magnitude and sign of the change. This was a consequence of the complex interactions among climate, topography and blowing snow in the study basin. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Spatio‐temporal variation of snow depth in the Tarim River basin has been studied by the empirical orthogonal function (EOF) based on the data collected by special sensor microwave/imager (SSM/I) and scanning multichannel microwave radiometer (SMMR) during the period from 1979 to 2005. The long‐term trend of snow depth and runoff was presented using the Mann‐Kendall non‐parametric test, and the effects of the variations of snow depth and climatic factors on runoff were analysed and discussed by means of the regression analysis. The results suggested that the snow depth variation on the entire basin was characterised by four patterns: all consistency, north–south contrast, north‐middle‐south contrast and complex. The first pattern accounting 39·13% of the total variance was dominant. The entire basin was mainly affected by one large‐scale weather system. However, the spatial and temporal differences also existed among the different regions in the basin. The significant snow depth changes occurred mainly in the Aksu River basin with the below‐normal snow depth anomalies in the 1980s and the above‐normal snow depth anomalies in the 1990s. The long‐term trend of snow depth was significant in the northwestern, western and southern parts of the basin, whereas the long‐term trend of runoff was significant in the northwestern and northeastern parts. The regression analysis revealed that the runoff of the rivers replenished by snow melt water and rainfall was related primarily to the summer precipitation, followed by the summer temperature or the maximum snow depth in the cold season. Our results suggest that snow is not the principal factor that contributes to the runoff increase in headstreams, although there was a slow increase in snow depth. It is the climatic factors that are responsible for the steady and continuous water increase in the headstreams. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study examines the 1914–2015 runoff trends and variability for 136 rivers draining British Columbia's Coast and Insular Mountains. Rivers are partitioned into eastward and westward flowing rivers based on flow direction from the Coast Mountains. Thus, eastward and westward runoff trends and influence of topography on runoff are explored. Our findings indicate that rivers flowing eastward to the Nechako and Chilcotin plateaus contribute the lowest annual runoff compared to westward rivers where runoff is high. Low interannual runoff variability is evident in westward rivers and their alpine watersheds, whereas eastward rivers exhibit high interannual runoff variability. On Vancouver Island, some of the rivers with the highest annual runoff exhibit high interannual variability. A significant (p < .05) negative correlation exists between mean annual runoff (Rm) and latitude, gauged area, mean elevation, and its corresponding coefficient of variation. However, a significant positive correlation was found between the glacierized area of mountainous regions and Rm. The mean coefficient of variation in annual runoff is significantly negatively correlated with latitude and glacierized area, but significantly positively correlated with longitude. Annual and seasonal runoff trend analyses of each river were performed for an early (1936–2015), a middle (1966–2015), and a late (1986–2015) period using the Mann–Kendall test. Trend analyses revealed a shift towards more positive detectable (signal‐to‐noise ratio > 1) trends in annual and seasonal runoff from the middle to the late period across the study domain. Most positive detectable seasonal runoff trends in the middle period occur in spring in glacierized westward rivers located >1,200 m, whereas in the late period, they all occur in fall and are regionally coherent around Vancouver Island and south coastal BC. Rivers draining eastward exhibit more positive trends over 1986–2015 compared to westward rivers. This study provides crucial information on the hydrology of mountain watersheds across British Columbia's coast in response to Pacific Decadal Oscillation phase changes, the elevational amplification of regional climate change, and their influences on precipitation and glacier retreat.  相似文献   

In the past century, great progress has been made worldwide in our understanding of forest-water relationship. The successful forestation programs implemented in China-which have improved the ecological environmental conditions-have gained the attention of many researchers and highlighted the relationship between forestation and water yields. The arid and semi-arid Loess Plateau has received attention from water engineers and eco-hydrological researchers in China because of a shortage in water resources. We selected one of the oldest stations conducting soil and water conservation experiments, the Xifeng soil and water conservation station, and chose the Nanxiaohe catchment and its paired catchments (Yangjiagou catchment and Dongzhuanggou catchment) as our research areas. Trends in precipitation, air temperature, streamflow over the past 50 years, and the effect of changing land use on streamflow were analyzed. The Mann-Kendall test showed that precipitation had a negative trend (downward trend), whereas air temperature showed a positive trend (upward trend) from the past to present in the Nanxiaohe catchment. However, the trends seen in precipitation, air temperature did not contain any "jumping points." The paired catchment approach is used to detect the effects of land cover change on hydrology in the Yangjiagou and the contrast catchment, i.e., Dongzhuanggou catchment in our study. The results showed a large change in land use in the Yangjiagou catchment from 1954 to 2008. An increase in forested land (from 0% to 40.08% from 1954 to 2008) and a reduction of bare land (from 51.26% to 5.50% from 1954 to 2008) accounted for a large part of the change in land use. However, the land use changed little in the contrast catchment. The comparison of streamfiow in the paired catchments showed that forestation reduced streamflow by 49.63% (or 6.5 mm) each year.  相似文献   


The southern coast of the Caspian Sea in northern Iran is bordered by a mountain range with forested catchments which are susceptible to droughts and floods. This paper examines possible changes to runoff patterns from one of these catchments in response to climate change scenarios. The HEC-HMS rainfall–runoff model was used with downscaled future rainfall and temperature data from 13 global circulation models, and meteorological and hydrometrical data from the Casilian (or “Kassilian”) Catchment. Annual and seasonal predictions of runoff change for three future emissions scenarios were obtained, which suggest significantly higher spring rainfall with increased risk of flooding and significantly lower summer rainfall leading to a higher probability of drought. Flash floods arising from extreme rainfall may become more frequent, occurring at any time of year. These findings indicate a need for strategic planning of water resource management and mitigation measures for increasing flood hazards.
EDITOR M.C. Acreman ASSOCIATE EDITOR not assigned  相似文献   


A monthly rainfall-runoff model was calibrated for a large tropical catchment in southern India. Various land-use and climatic change scenarios were tested to assess their effects on mean annual runoff and assured water yield at the Bhavanisagar Reservoir in Tamil Nadu, India. The largest increase in runoff (19%) came from converting forest and savanna (the indigenous control scenario) to agriculture. Mean annual runoff decreased by 35% after conversion to commercial forest and 6% after partial conversion to tea plantations. The predicted climate scenarios of reduced dry season rainfall decreased the annual runoff by 5% while enhanced annual rainfall caused a 17% increase in runoff. Even if land-use and climate changes had relatively large effects on runoff, the changes in reservoir yield which can be assured every year, were often less severe. This was probably due to the buffering effect of the reservoir and variation in the mean annual runoff.  相似文献   

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