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本文首先介绍了产学研结合的概念,分析了“产学研”结合对高职院校发展的重要意义。其次,结合新疆高校在产学研结合方面的实际,把新疆高校在科研成果转化、产品和技术的开发和应用方面的产学研合作归纳为技术服务和技术咨询模式、技术转让模式、合作开发模式三大模式,详细分析了每种模式的表现形式、特征、优缺点以及在新疆的开展情况。  相似文献   

产学研结合的实现形式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当经济形态、经济增长模式和国家安全模式将主要建立在知识的生产和应用上,知识创新及以此为基础的技术创新便成各国创新体系及其关键的一环。各务发展历史表明,实现创新最有效的手段之一是产学研结合,促进产学研结合不仅成为各级政府政策制定的起点,也是产学研三方面不断思考的重要问题。产学研结合既是过程也是结果,不同时期产学研结合有不同的实现形式。弄清主要的实现形式,对各级政府和产学研三方面均有重要的现实意义。对此世界各国及我国实践,产学研结合主要有以下形式。  相似文献   

结合同济大学土木工程专业在产学研结合方面所作的实践,论述了产学研结合对土木工程专业教育的必要性及其作用,介绍了产学研结合的方式及尚需解决的问题,并对建立产学研结合的有效机制进行了探讨。  相似文献   

我国高校产学研合作模式经过多年发展,无论是在理论研究还是在实践探索方面,都得到了全面发展并逐步走向深入。随着新时期的到来,高校产学研结合的改革与创新势在必行,通过产学研合作模式的进一步完善,使产学研结合效用多层次发挥,促进产学研合作模式的健康、稳定、可持续地发展,将有利于我国的整体改革与发展。  相似文献   

通过论述国内外产学研的合作模式,根据近几年的发展趋势,产学研逐渐开始市场化和国际化,结合我国的发展现状和国情,我国的产学研合作必将由政府来引导,企业主导使产学研市场化然后过渡到国际化,才可以使我国的产学研得到健康的发展,接着提供了适合我国产学研合作的三种创新模式并且对我国的产学研合作提供了发展建议。  相似文献   

文章结合工程造价专业特点对产学研合作教育模式下应用型人才培养进行探索。分析了产学研合作教育对应用型人才培养的必要性及目前产学研合作教育的现状,结合存在的问题,从政策、课程培养体系、与企业的双向合作及提高教师能力四个方面对产学研模式下工程造价专业应用型人才培养进行探索。  相似文献   

高职高专产学研结合教育模式的研究与实践   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
产学研结合教育是培养高素质人才的有效模式 ,本文论述了产学研结合教育模式的特点及其基本特征。我院是一所以培养技术应用型人才为主的高职院校 ,几年来 ,积极开展对产学研结合教育模式的试点 ,取得了阶段性成果  相似文献   

11月18日.华南理工大学建筑设计研究院迎来院庆30周年。华南理工大学建筑设计研究院于1979年正式成立.以一个系设计室的班底起步,从最初只有10多名设计人员和一间50m^2的课室.白手起家.艰苦创业.逐步建成一个甲级资质的设计院。30多年来.建筑设计人继承和发扬岭南建筑特色.强调产学研结合.创作了一批高层次、高品位,在国内外产生深远影响的优秀建筑作品。  相似文献   

文章主要对当下工业设计专业改革与构建"产学研"结合的平台进行研究,总结"产学研"平台在发展过程中所出现的问题,然后针对"产学研"平台的建设和学科交叉融合模式进行详细分析,创新工业设计人才培养方式,在解构"产学研"和学科交叉、重组中找到更利于人才发展的模式。  相似文献   

本文主要针对产学研结合实验室人员构成复杂多样、研发实验过程和结果具有不确定性等安全风险特征,围绕各方安全责任划分与落实以及干系人管理进行分析,提出了产学研结合实验室如何落实主体责任,加强人、机、物安全应急管理的对策。  相似文献   

This study investigated whether European, Mediterranean and natural landscapes might trigger identification responses among residents of Mediterranean Europe. The participants (N = 546) were students from three Italian and three Spanish regions who rated their level of place identification by looking at eight pictures of prototypical landscapes, each depicting a unique combination of attributes in a 2×2×2 research design (European/non-European, Mediterranean/non-Mediterranean and natural/built). The results confirmed both European and natural landscapes as stronger carriers of identification than non-European and built landscapes, respectively, whereas no differences emerged between Mediterranean and non-Mediterranean landscapes. The statistical analysis of two-way interactions showed the amplification effect of the combined European–natural landscape, whilst a less clear picture emerged from the other two interactions. These findings suggest that landscape images may be used to foster a more inclusive identity at the supranational level and thus increase the sense of belonging among European citizens.  相似文献   

有关单纤维过滤模型的过滤机理,早期大致将其归类为三种机理:扩散机理、惯性机理、拦截机理。针对这三个机理,也提出了不少的研究方法及理论公式模型,亦有对单一机理的合并分析理论。本文主要就这三个过滤机理的合理性及单机理合并的实际意义进行讨论分析,并讨论今后探索多重机理联合作用模型对实际研究的重要性,方法即是通过效率值的计算对比进行分析。计算分析了各单一机理之间的捕集效率理论误差及合并后对总效率的影响误差,研究结果表明:各单一过滤机理的各经验模型之间或大或小都存在着一定的差距,而对单一机理的合并则会让这样的差距进一步扩大。  相似文献   

焦化废水优势菌的筛选及复合优势菌的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
许霞霞  杨云龙 《山西建筑》2009,35(10):178-180
利用测菌种的脱氢酶活性从焦化废水活性污泥中筛选出六株优势菌,对其不同组合的脱氢酶活性进行了测定,确定出六株优势菌的最佳组合,同时测定其生物增长量及对焦化废水的降解性能,证明三者之间有一定的对应性。  相似文献   

European cultural landscapes have been subject to change since the middle of the twentieth century, and among the most significant alterations are general re-growth, reforestation, and overgrowth. Such changes might lead to landscape loss for locals and deterioration of vistas for sightseeing holidaymakers. This article responds to a lack of academic research on landscape perceptions among tourists. The main objective is to explore international tourists’ landscape perceptions in a coastal area in northern Scandinavia, focusing on three different concepts thought to be important for tourists’ landscape preferences: typicality, vegetation lushness, and degree of human influence. A combination of free and directed sorting procedures was employed. Quantitative and categorical data derived from the multiple sorting methods were subjected to multidimensional scaling analysis. The results indicate that foreign tourists might have an understanding of re-growth in the case area. Preference ratings gave mixed results in relation to vegetation and human influence as important features for landscape preferences, as found in previous studies. The findings emphasise the need for taking into consideration typicality of setting in future landscape research.  相似文献   

Based on an interview with Prof. Michael Batty, a leading scholar in urban modeling, this paper reviews the history of urban models, comments on their present developments and pictures their prospects. The first section briefly overviews the family tree of urban models and then looks further into the causes for their failure in planning application in the first upsurge of related research in the 1960 s and 1970 s. The second section summarizes the current development of urban models, which can be counted as the second upsurge of related research. It is estimated that more research attention will be paid to building dynamic, disaggregate, micro and problem-oriented models, with a combination of top-down and bottomup modeling methods. This can be more capable of tackling the growing urban complexity and uncertainty. Meanwhile, the "big data era" also poses more opportunities for the development of urban models. The last section introduces three new trends in the theoretical, educational and research development of urban models, which compose the idea of "new science of cities" from Michael Batty, the start-up of quantitative urban research education and the establishment of Beijing City Lab.  相似文献   

目的了解不同学制医学研究生的科研训练与临床实践情况,分析各学制在医学博士培养模式上的优势与不足,以期为未来医学教育规划、调整、改革提供参考。方法采用问卷调查与个别访谈相结合的方法,收集北京协和医学院临床学院(北京协和医院)2021年临床医学专业高年级研究生,包括传统学制博士生(2018级博士生,2016级直博、转博生),2013级临床医学八年制本-博连读博士生,2018年和2019年入学的"4+4"试点班博士生科研训练与临床实践相关资料,进行分析、总结。结果共收集有效问卷55份,其中传统学制博士生33份(60.0%),临床医学八年制本-博连读博士生15份(27.3%),"4+4"试点班博士生7份(12.7%)。11人愿意接受访谈,包括6名传统学制博士生,3名临床医学八年制本-博连读博士生,2名"4+4"试点班博士生。传统学制博士生、临床医学八年制本-博连读博士生、"4+4"试点班博士生中毕业后拟投身于临床工作的比率分别为97.0%、93.3%、71.4%。关于科研动力,84.8%的传统学制博士生认为是源于事业发展需求,临床医学八年制本-博连读博士生持同样观点者占比53.3%,"4+4"试点班博士生为57.1%。科研训练中,传统学制博士生面临的最主要问题为研究设计能力弱(60.6%),临床医学八年制本-博连读博士生(73.3%)与"4+4"试点班博士生(71.4%)则主要为缺乏充足的科研时间。对当前科研状态感到满意或享受者的占比在"4+4"试点班博士生中最高(57.1%),其次为传统学制博士生(39.4%),临床医学八年制本-博连读博士生最低(26.7%);对科研产出满意者在传统学制博士生中占比最高(54.5%),其次为"4+4"试点班博士生(42.9%),临床医学八年制本-博连读博士生最低(33.3%)。传统学制博士生、临床医学八年制本-博连读博士生、"4+4"试点班博士生每周科研时间投入>20 h者的比率分别是63.7%、26.7%和14.3%,每周临床实践时间>40 h者比率分别为24.2%、20.0%和42.9%。84.8%的传统学制博士生、100%的临床医学八年制本-博连读博士生、85.7%的"4+4"试点班博士生的科研方向在导师指导下确立并开展;在科研进展遭遇困难时,3种学制博士生中需有赖于导师帮助的比率分别为48.5%、53.3%和42.9%,但每周与导师接触时间>8 h的比率分别为12.1%、20.0%和14.3%。3种学制博士生中,对当前临床实践感到满意或享受者的占比在"4+4"试点班博士生中最高(71.4%),传统学制博士生(42.4%)和临床医学八年制本-博连读博士生(40.0%)相对较低。结论科研思维和临床能力的培养是渐进的过程,需大量时间投入和导师引领。3种博士生培养学制互有优劣,应整合医院及医学院临床和科研资源,合理规划临床实践与科研训练时间分配,激发研究生能动性,以期培养出更多符合社会需求且具有国际视野的高层次拔尖创新型医学人才。  相似文献   

Rework has been a primary cause of cost and schedule overruns in large construction projects. While several research efforts have analyzed the causes and effects of rework and provided guidelines to reduce rework, almost no research exists to analyze the impact of rework timing and quantity on schedule delays and to support decisions on cost effective recovery. This research presents a quantitative mechanism for schedule analysis considering rework. The mechanism has three aspects: (1) a new schedule representation of rework magnitude as negative percentage complete for affected activities, documented on the specific date on which the rework is detected; (2) a modified daily-windows delay analysis to apportion project delays among the responsible parties; and (3) an optimization technique for determining the least costly corrective action strategy that recovers project delays. The proposed approach is applied to a case study to demonstrate its ability to consider rework impact, in combination with other progress events by other project parties. This research offers an innovative quantitative approach to consider rework timing and amount in delay analysis and corrective action optimization.  相似文献   

当下,“数字景观技术”已成为风景园林领域中辅助景观量化研究与实践的重要途径之一。纵观中国近20年间“数字景观技术”的发展历程,以检索出的中国知网收录的15 177篇相关研究论文为基础,对文本数据内在信息进行深入挖掘,将“数字景观技术”的运用与发展总结为兴起期、平稳期和蓬勃期3个阶段,由此对“数字景观技术”研究的区位拓展特征、所适用的热点议题,以及研究发展态势3个方面进行详细探讨,由此总结出我国“数字景观技术”在风景园林领域的运用与发展规律。1)研究发展途径:网状发展结构,院校间协同联动,跨学科趋势明显;2)研究关注热点:多元议题共生,战略规划引领,化解特定地域问题;3)研究发展态势:持续迅猛前行,结合科技革新,应对阶段发展。  相似文献   

中国社会情理法交融共生的同时又包含矛盾冲突,表现在社会生活的各个方面。作为高校辅导员工作的三个主要维度,情理法三者无法兼顾的情况普遍存在,往往偏重其一而忽视其他。从情理法的内涵出发,明晰辅导员工作中情理法关系误区,找出三者的互通性和结合点,可以帮助辅导员合情合理合法地开展学生工作。  相似文献   

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), a class of POPs, are widely distributed in the environment. Phytoremediation has long been recognized as a cost-effective method for removal of PAHs pollutants from soil. This study was conducted to investigate the capability of three plant species separately and their combination to promote the degradation of phenanthrene and pyrene in soil. The performance of three plant species, maize, ryegrass and white clover for phenanthrene and pyrene removal was also compared. The result showed that the presence of vegetation significantly enhances the dissipation of phenanthrene and pyrene in the soil environment. This effect was especially marked with maize. At the end of 60 days treatment, phenanthrene and pyrene concentrations in treated soils declined from an initial 52.52 mg kg-1 and 58.19 mg kg-1 to 4.15 mg kg-1 and 6.77 mg kg-1, respectively, indicating that phenanthrene and pyrene was successfully removed by maize. Around 92.10% of phenanthrene and 88.36% of pyrene were removed from soils planted with maize. Within approximately two months experimental period, the dissipation extent showed that the 4-ring pyrene was more recalcitrant than 3-ring phenanthrene. Although the extents did not differ significantly among three tested species, the rates of degradation were different. The maize treatment had the highest rate of contaminant removal after two months, followed by white clover and annual ryegrass. As compare to single plant cultivation, combined plants cultivation significantly enhanced the destruction rate and extent of phenanthrene and pyrene in soils. Around 98.22% of phenanthrene and 95.81% of pyrene were removed from soils planted with maize and ryegrass. This research indicates the potential for phenanthrene and pyrene mineralization in combined plants cultivation, which may be especially useful for phytoremediation of soils contaminated with PAHs.  相似文献   

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