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热带东印度洋春季浮游植物群落结构空间特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于2013年3月至5月采集的热带东印度洋海域(10.0°S~4.0°N, 83.0°~97.5°E)浮游植物水样样品,分析了其种类组成、优势类群、细胞丰度等群落特征参数,综合比较了水平和垂向上浮游植物种类及丰度的差异性,初步探讨了其成因。结果表明:2013年春季热带东印度洋微型浮游植物共鉴定出306种,主要由硅藻、甲藻、金藻、蓝藻、裸藻和隐藻六大门类组成,其优势类群主要以粒径较小的隐藻、微型甲藻、菱形藻、环沟藻等为主。水平分布上,各水层浮游植物细胞丰度分布趋势相似,但斑块特征明显,其高值区位于88°E断面赤道以南次表层水域(30 m、75 m),局部区域细胞丰度值可达104 cells/L以上;与其毗邻的东南部、东部水域为低值区,并向赤道延伸。垂直剖面上,硅藻和甲藻广泛分布在各取样深度,但分布特征有明显的空间差异和规律,0 m、30 m大部分站位硅藻种类比例在0.2~0.3甚至更低,甲藻在0.7~0.8,随着水层加深(75 m、100 m、150 m、300 m),硅藻种类占比上升到0.5~0.6,甲藻降低到0.4~0.5,无论硅藻还是甲藻种类数75 m层最丰富。30 m和75 m水层细胞丰度明显高于其他水层。甲藻是热带东印度洋微型浮游植物种类和细胞丰度的重要贡献者,低生物量海域表现的更为明显,贡献率大于80%。该研究将极大丰富东印度洋浮游植物群落空间特征基础信息较匮乏的现状,为量化、评估该海域的生物资源提供数据支撑。  相似文献   

This study deals with the assimilation of TOPEX altimeter-derived sea level variability in a reduced-gravity model of the northwestern Indian Ocean. The assimilation has been done using variational assimilation method with adjoint technique. A cost function representing the misfit between the model and the data is minimized with the model equations acting as constraints. The initial conditions of the model are used as control parameters and the best-fit initial conditions are determined as a result of minimization carried out using a variable-storage quasi-Newton method. Experiment has been done with 10 days' cycle-averaged data of TOPEX. Assimilation for 10 days and 20 days has been performed and it has been seen that 20 days' assimilation of satellite data provides better results.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton physiologies are dynamic and have sensitive responses to the ambient environment. In this paper,we examine photosynthetic physiologies of phytoplankton communities with Phyto-PAM in the eastern equatorial Indian Ocean during the spring inter-monsoon. Environmental parameters were measured to investigate the coupling between phytoplankton photosynthetic physiologies and their habitats. During the cruise, the water column was highly stratified. The mixed layer extended to about 75 m and was characterized by high temperature(28°C) and low nutrient level. The F_v/F_m values and chlorophyll a(Chl a) concentrations were lower at the surface, as consequences of nutrient depletion and photo-inhibition. Subsurface Chl a maximum(SCM) occurred between 75 and 100 m, and had the highest F_v/F_m values. The formation of SCM was a balance between nutrient availability and light limitation. The SCM may contribute significantly to pelagic food web and primary production in the water column. Phytoplankton in different layers encountered different light, trophic and hydrographic dynamics and evolved distinct photosynthetic characteristics. Despite of co-limitation of nutrient limitation and photo-inhibition, phytoplankton in the surface layer showed their acclimation to high irradiance, had lower light utilization efficiencies(α: 0.061±0.032) and could exploit a wide range of light irradiance. Whereas, phytoplankton in the SCM layers presented the highest light utilization efficiencies(α:0.146±0.48), which guaranteed higher photosynthetic capacities under low light level. These results provide insights into phytoplankton photo-adaption strategies in this less explored region.  相似文献   

东印度洋细菌类群水平与垂直分布初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为海洋食物网的重要组成部分,微生物在海洋的生物化学循环以及能量和元素流动中起着重要的作用。目前对东印度洋中微生物的种群结构和分布知之甚少。本研究运用分子生物学手段,包括多聚酶链式反应-变形梯度凝胶电泳(PCR-DGGE)技术和高通量测序技术,对东印度洋的赤道区域以及邻近的孟加拉湾区域水体中细菌的16S rRNA基因进行了探索。结果表明,Bacteroidetes, Proteobacteria (Alpha和Gamma类群), Actinobacteria, Cyanobacteria和Planctomycetes为研究区域微生物的主要类群。通过PCR-DGGE,发现微生物类群具有显著的水平分布模式;进一步的高通量测序的结果更加清晰的显示出细菌类群的垂直分布模式:相对其他两层,Cyanobacteria和Actinobacteria在25米水层出现更多;Bacteroidetes在25m和150m为主要类群,而在75m水层相对较少;Proteobacteria (主要为Alphaproteobacteria)类群在75m水层为优势类群。随着水层的加深,不同站位的细菌类群组成趋于一致。结果表明高通量测序能够把占据微小部分的微生物类群区分出来。本研究是针对东印度洋水体中细菌的水平和垂直分布以及多样性信息的首次报道,研究结果对于进一步发现潜在微生物功能类群以及探索这些微生物在东印度洋中的能量和物质循环中的作用有所帮助。  相似文献   

Eleven communities of benthic foraminifera were distinguished on the basis of the results of a qualitative analysis of the structure the population at 94 stations at sea depths down to 4180 m in the Andaman Sea. The habitats of the communities are formed under the influence of the environmental factors, which are determined by the latitudinal and bathymetric zonality of the basin, the water masses, the currents, the upwellings, the coastal runoff, and the contents of calcium carbonate and oxygen in the near-bottom waters and organic carbon in the sediments.  相似文献   

印度洋西北部海域鸢乌贼渔场分布及其与海面温度的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据2004年9月-2005年4月印度洋西北海域鸢乌贼生产调查资料及海面温度数据,按经纬度1°×1°空间分辨率,采用软件Marine Explorer 4.0和数理统计方法对鸢乌贼作业渔场分布及其与海面温度的关系进行了分析。结果显示,9月-翌年1月作业渔场分布比较分散,分布在11°30′~19°30′N,58°~64°E海域;2-4月作业渔场分布比较集中,主要分布在15°~16°30′N,60°~61°30′E。各月份的平均日产量波动不大。作业渔场的适宜海面温度为25~29℃。经Kruskal-Wallis统计检验,调查期间各个温度组作业CPUE不存在显著性差异。  相似文献   

唐松 《海洋科学》2010,34(7):34-40
借助"中国首次环球科学考察航次",在印度洋海区进行了N、Fe、N+Fe以及N+Fe+P的营养盐添加模拟实验。通过对实验过程中水体营养盐浓度、叶绿素a(Chl-a)浓度以及温度等参数进行分析,探讨了添加不同营养盐对该实验海区浮游植物生长的影响。结果表明,N的添加会引起浮游植物的快速爆发,而单独添加Fe并不能刺激浮游植物快速生长,N、P联合作用对浮游植物生长的影响远远大于单独N的作用。另外,在实验海区浮游植物优先利用海水中的硝酸盐,在硝酸根耗尽后,海水中可被利用的P会促进浮游植物的生长。实验过程中水体N/P比值的变化同叶绿素a浓度以及浮游植物生长速度(R)没有可对比性,而且N/P比值与后两者之间的相关性都差,所以认为水体中N/P比值并不能单独决定浮游植物生长。此外,实验水体温度同Chl-a浓度和R值之间相关性分析表明,水体温度虽对浮游植物生长有重要作用,但不能控制浮游植物生长。  相似文献   

Distinctions are rarely made between vertical and horizontal surfaces when assessing reef community composition, yet physical differences are expected because of hydrodynamic differences and sediment accumulation on flat surfaces. As sand often diminishes biotic cover, we hypothesised that vertical surfaces will support a greater biomass but have lower diversity due to domination by a few species. To test this, we quantified sessile communities on vertical and horizontal surfaces at three sites in the Delagoa Bioregion on the east coast of South Africa. Community composition consistently differed: vertical communities were dominated by various filter feeders, especially the ascidian Pyura stolonifera, whereas those on horizontal reef comprised a mixture of filter feeders and various algae. The total number of species and all diversity metrics were significantly greater for horizontal reef surfaces. Contrastingly, Simpson’s dominance and biomass were significantly greater for vertical reef surfaces. Percentage cover of sand explained much of the variation in community composition whereas depth did not. Small-scale topographic differences in substratum orientation associated with differences in sand inundation will therefore influence both α and β diversity. Coastal developments and activities that alter sand movements and delivery to the coastal zone are therefore likely to have a profound influence on the maintenance and diversity of shallow subtidal communities.  相似文献   

Two in situ iron-enrichment experiments were conducted in the Pacific sector of the Southern Ocean during summer 2002 (SOFeX). The “north patch,” established within the Subantarctic Zone (∼56°S), was characterized by high nitrate (∼21 mmol m−3) but low silicic acid (2 mmol m−3) concentrations. North patch iron enrichment increased chlorophyll (Chl) by 12-fold to 2.1 mg m−3 and primary productivity (PPEU) by 8-fold to 188 mmol C m−2 d−1. Surprisingly, despite low silicic acid concentrations, diagnostic pigment and size-fraction composition changes indicated an assemblage shift from prymnesiophytes toward diatoms. The “south patch,” poleward of the Southern Boundary of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (SBACC) (∼66°S), had high concentrations of nitrate (∼27 mmol m−3) and silicic acid (64 mmol m−3). South patch iron enrichment increased Chl by 9-fold to 3.8 mg m−3 and PPEU 5-fold to 161 mmol C m−2 d−1 but, notably, did not alter the phytoplankton assemblage from the initial composition of ∼50% diatoms. South patch iron addition also reduced total particulate organic carbon:Chl from ∼300 to 100; enhanced the presence of novel non-photosynthetic, but fluorescent, compounds; and counteracted a decrease in photosynthetic performance as photoperiod decreased. These experiments show unambiguously that in the contemporary, high nitrate Southern Ocean increasing iron supply increases primary productivity, confirming the initial premise of the Martin Iron Hypothesis. However, despite a 5-fold increase in PPEU under iron-replete conditions in late summer, the effect of iron on annual productivity in the Southern Ocean poleward of the SBACC is limited by seasonal ice coverage and the dark of polar winter.  相似文献   

Depth-dependent distribution patterns of bacterial and archaeal communities in deep sea water column around the Ninetyeast Ridge in the Indian Ocean were invest...  相似文献   

The northern Andaman Sea off Myanmar is one of the relatively high productive regions in the Indian Ocean. The abundance, biomass and species composition of mesozooplankton and their relationships with environmental variables in the epipelagic zone(~200 m) were studied for the first time during the Sino-Myanmar joint cruise(February 2020). The mean abundance and biomass of mesozooplankton were(1 916.7±1 192.9) ind./m3 and(17.8±7.9) mg/m3, respectively. A total of 213 specie...  相似文献   

The influences of the large-scale interannual variations in the eastern Indian Ocean on the variability of the Indonesian throughflow are investigated by using an ocean general circulation model, driven by the ERS satellite winds from July 1992 to June 1997. The empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis of the simulated surface dynamic height variability captures two dominant modes on an interannual time scale, which are quite consistent with the available observations. The first mode indicates large amplitude in the western tropical Pacific and has a strong relation to the El Niño events, while the second EOF exhibits the large amplitude in the eastern Indian Ocean. The simulated net Indonesian throughflow shows an interannual variation of amplitude of about 15 Sv, with large transport from the Pacific to the Indian Ocean during 1994/95 and small transport during 1992 and 1997. It turns out that the net throughflow variation shows a high correlation with the second EOF mode (r = 0.51) for the whole five-year simulation. On the other hand, the correlation with the first mode is rather low (r = ?0.07). However, the relative importance of the EOF modes to the throughflow variability changes with time. The upper-layer transport above a depth of 230 m in the Indonesian archipelago is also affected by the second mode. The difference in the upper-layer transport across 1°S and 110°E generates warm water convergence/divergence with a magnitude of 4 Sv within the Indonesian Seas on the interannual time scale, which shows good correspondence with sea surface temperature variation averaged over the Indonesian archipelago.  相似文献   

Multidisciplinary oceanic investigation was undertaken in Aug–Sep. 2003 along a transect from Northwestern (Busan, Korea) to Southeastern Pacific (Talcahuano, Chile) to understand the physical, chemical and biological features in the surface water, and to depict their interaction with the atmosphere. Among the twenty parameters measured, we describe the physical, chemical and biological features. Physico-chemical data were analyzed in conjunction with the geographic position and yielded 7 peculiar surface water masses. The first water mass (28.4°N, 130.8°E to 21.5°N, 139.5°E) was warm and low in phosphate and nitrate content, and high in silicate. The concentration of phytoplankton pigment was one of the lowest. The second (20.4°N, 140.7°E to 2.2°S, 162.9°E) was the warmest and the least saline. Nitrate and phosphate concentration were one of the lowest. Chlorophyll a (Chl a) concentration was the lowest among the surface waters. The third (3.4°S, 164.0°E to 14.5°S, 173.3°E) was warm. Nitrate concentration was the lowest. CHL-a, peridinin (Perid), violaxanthin (Viola), zeaxanthin (Zea), chlorophyll-b (Chl b) and β-CAR were abundant. The fourth (18.6°S, 177.5°E to 31.8°S, 123.9°W) was saline and poor in nutrient concentration. The contributions of 19′-butanoyloxyfucoxanthin (But-fuco), 19′-hexanoyloxyfucoxanthin (Hex-fuco), and CHL b to CHL a were non-negligible. The fifth (32.4°S, 122.1°W to 33.8°S, 117.2°W) was relatively cold and well oxygenated. Concentration of Fuco, But-fuco, Hex-fuco and Chl b was high. The sixth (34.2°S, 115.4°W to 37.4°S, 92.1°W) was cold, well oxygenated and enriched with phosphate and nitrate. Concentration of phytoplankton pigment was, however, one of the lowest. The seventh, located off the Chilean coast, from 37.2°S, 87.2°W to 36.1°S, 74.1°W was well oxygenated and highly enriched with nitrate and phosphate. Phytoplankton pigments such as Fuco, Perid, But-fico, and Hex-fuco were rich. The 7 surface water masses are partially attributed to Kuroshio Current, North Equatorial Current and North Equatorial Countercurrent, South Equatorial current, South Pacific Subtropical Gyre, South Pacific Current, Subtropical Front and Chilean coastal water. The differences in physicochemical characteristics and the history of the surface water resulted in difference in quantity and composition of the phytoplankton pigment.  相似文献   

Short-term iron enrichment experiments were carried out with samples collected in areas with different phytoplankton activity in the northern North Sea and northeast Atlantic Ocean in the summer of 1993. The research area was dominated by high numbers of pico-phytoplankton, up to 70,000 ml−1. Maximum chlorophyll a concentrations varied from about 1.0 μg l−1 in a high-reflectance zone (caused by loose coccoliths, remnants from a bloom of Emiliania huxleyi) and about 3.5 μg l−1 in a zone in which the phytoplankton were growing, to about 0.5 μg l−1 in the northeast Atlantic Ocean. From the high-reflectance zone to the northeast Atlantic Ocean, nitrate concentrations increased from 0.5 μM to 6.0 μM. Concentrations of reactive iron in surface water showed an opposite trend and decreased from about 2.6 nM in the high-reflectance zone to <1.0 nM in the northeast Atlantic Ocean. In the research area, no signs of true iron deficiency were found, but iron enrichments in the high-reflectance zone, numerically dominated by Synechococcus sp., resulted in increased nitrate uptake. Ammonium uptake was hardly affected. Strong support for the effect of Fe on cell physiology is given by the increase in the f-ratio. Net growth rates of the phytoplankton (changes in cell numbers over 24 h) were almost unchanged. Phytoplankton collected from the northeast Atlantic Ocean, did not show changes in the nitrogen metabolism upon addition of iron. Net growth rates in these incubations were low or negative, with only slightly higher values with additional iron.  相似文献   

The Lagrangian eddies in the western Pacific Ocean are identified and analysed based on Maps of Sea Level Anomaly (MSLA) data from 1998 to 2018. By calculating ...  相似文献   

《Marine Chemistry》2005,93(1):33-52
Storage carbohydrates (e.g., water-extractable β-1,3-d-glucan in diatoms) are of key importance for phytoplankton growth in a variable light climate, because they facilitate continued growth of the cells in darkness by providing energy and carbon skeletons for protein synthesis. Here, we tested the hypothesis that synthesis of storage carbohydrates by phytoplankton in the Southern Ocean is reduced by low iron and light availability. During the EisenEx/CARbon dioxide Uptake by the Southern Ocean (CARUSO) in situ iron enrichment experiment in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean in November 2000, we studied the dynamics of water-extractable carbohydrates in the particulate fraction over the period of 3 weeks following the iron release. The areal amount (integral between 0- and 100-m depth) of carbohydrates increased from 1400 to 2300 mg m−2 inside the iron-enriched patch, while remaining roughly constant in the surrounding waters. Most of the increase inside the patch was associated with the fraction of large (>10 μm) phytoplankton cells, consistent with the shift in the community structure towards larger diatoms. Deck incubations at 60% of the ambient irradiance revealed that the diurnal chlorophyll a (Chl a)-specific production rates of water-extractable polysaccharides were significantly higher for “in-patch” than for “out-patch” samples (0.5 vs. 0.3 μg C [μg Chl a]−1 h−1, respectively). Together with the higher photochemical efficiency of photosystem II (Fv/Fm), this indicates enhanced photosynthetic performance in response to iron fertilization. In addition, the nocturnal polysaccharide consumption rates were also enhanced by iron release, causing a striking increase in the diel dynamics of polysaccharide concentration. An iron-stimulated increase in diel dynamics was also observed in the fluorescence and size of pico- and nanophytoplankton cells (measured by flow cytometry) and is indicative of enhanced phytoplankton growth. Diurnal polysaccharide production by phytoplankton inside the patch was light-limited when they were incubated at intensities below ca. 200 μmol m−2 s−1 (daytime average). These irradiance levels correspond to those at 20- to 30-m depth in situ, whereas the upper mixed layer was frequently several-fold deeper due to storms. Therefore, these first measurements of phytoplankton carbohydrates during an in situ iron release experiment have revealed that both light and iron availability are the key factors controlling the synthesis of storage carbohydrates in phytoplankton and, hence, the development of diatom blooms in the Southern Ocean.  相似文献   

印度洋西北部公海鸢乌贼资源特征及其与海况的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据2004年9月~2005年4月我国鱿钓船在印度洋西北部12°N~21°30′N,58°E~65°E获得的鸢乌贼资源调查资料,对其资源特征及其与海况关系进行了分析。研究认为,调查海域内鸢乌贼均有一定的分布,其中以14°30′N、60°E~63°E附近海域CPUE为最高。渔获物胴长范围为163~560 mm,优势胴长组为280~440 mm,占总数的70.51%,平均胴长为365.0 mm。渔获个体组成随纬度变化差异显著,而随经度变化差异不明显。16°N以南海域,雌性个体一般以Ⅰ、Ⅱ期为主;16°N以北海域,则以Ⅲ~Ⅴ期为主。分析还认为,鸢乌贼分布与表温、海面高度距平关系密切,9~11月适宜表温为27~28℃,12月~翌年3月为26~27℃,高产渔场大都分布在海面高度距平SSHA≤0的附近海域。  相似文献   

简要阐述了西北太平洋台风海域实时海洋监测及其对台风预测预报的重要意义,以及利用卫星跟踪的自动剖面浮标实时监测海洋环境要素的必要性和迫切性。2010–2016 年期间,中国 Argo 在该海域布放了 36 个铱卫星剖面浮标,利用其双向通讯功能,实现在台风天气条件下对上层海洋进行加密观测,从而获取到台风源地及其经过前后上层海洋的现场环境要素资料;开发研制了台风海域实时海洋环境智能服务平台, 实现了对台风路径附近 Argo 剖面浮标位置的实时监控、漂移轨迹的可视化追踪、观测参数的快速调整以及观测资料的高效检索和统计分析等智能管理目标。最后,展望西北太平洋台风海域 Argo 实时海洋监测网的发展及应用前景,设想在西北太平洋台风海域建设并维持一个由 30~45 个浮标组成的 Argo 实时海洋监测网,从而为台风预测预报提供更多、更有针对性的第一手资料。  相似文献   

报道了2012年6月份桑沟湾藻华期间的浮游植物和纤毛虫群落结构,并对环境因子进行了初步分析。研究发现,藻华原因种为一种直径为2μm左右的小球型藻类,细胞形态和粒径均与近年来在中国秦皇岛近岸海域频繁引发水华的超微型浮游植物相似。藻华发生期间,调查区海水中藻华原因物种细胞丰度高达109个/L,高于2011年同期调查区该物种藻华期间的细胞丰度(108个/L)。除藻华原因种外,其他浮游植物共鉴定38种,隶属3门23属,以硅藻和甲藻为主,优势种为:具槽帕拉藻(Paralia sulcata)、裸甲藻(Gymnodinium sp.)、圆筛藻(Coscinodiscus sp.)、长菱形藻(Nitzschia longissima)和太平洋海链藻(Thalassiosira pacifica)等。纤毛虫共鉴定3属5种,以砂壳纤毛虫为主,优势种为百乐拟铃虫(Tintinnopsis beroidea)。细胞丰度分布方面,藻华原因种从湾内向湾外逐渐降低;硅藻细胞丰度在位于湾口处的6号站位最高,并向湾内和湾外递减;甲藻和纤毛虫细胞丰度均从湾内向湾外降低,这分别由优势种裸甲藻和百乐拟铃虫的分布决定。分析发现,调查区藻华原因物种细胞丰度与海水温度和层化系数呈良好的正相关性,与盐度呈负相关性;与裸甲藻和百乐拟铃虫细胞丰度呈良好的正相关性,这两种异养微型浮游生物对藻华原因种的摄食能力值得探索。与历史资料的对比发现,调查区藻华期间浮游植物群落多样性下降,群落稳定性降低。  相似文献   

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