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目的:比较布比卡因分别复合芬太尼,咪唑安定,曲马多行术后硬膜外自控镇痛(PCEA)的临床效果。方法:60例在腰麻加硬膜外麻醉下行择期妇科手术的病人分为四组。A组:0.125%布比卡因:B组:0.125%布比卡因+芬太尼,C组0.125%布比卡因+咪唑安定,D组:0.125%布比卡因+曲马多PCEA参数设置,负荷剂量6ml,单次剂量3ml,锁定时间30分钟,持续剂量2ml/h。术后分别记录24小时用  相似文献   

静脉注射异丙酚或咪唑安定对呼吸循环功能的影响   总被引:52,自引:2,他引:50  
比较异丙酚与咪唑安定对呼吸循环功能影响的程度和时程。45例ASAⅠ成年手术患者,分别静注咪唑安定0.28mg/kg(I组,n=16)、0.40mg/kg(Ⅱ组,n=16)或异丙酚2.5mg/kg(Ⅲ组,n=13)。观测注药前及注药后30min内MAP、HR、SpO2、TV、MV、RR和P^ETCO2,并行动脉血气分析。结果:注药后三组MAP的最大降幅分别为20.0%、22.8%和22.2%;HR最  相似文献   

不同配伍芬太尼术后硬膜外病人自控镇痛效应的比较   总被引:43,自引:2,他引:41  
目的:采用硬膜外病人自控镇痛(PCEA)技术,对不同配伍芬太尼术后镇痛效应进行了研究。方法:100例(ASAⅠ~Ⅱ级)手术病例随机分成三组,F组(n=20):用0.0004%芬太尼+0.15%丁哌卡因;BF组(n=40):用F组药液+0.0009%丁丙诺啡;MF组(n=40):用F组药液+0.005%吗啡;采用双盲法对比观察。结果:术后24小时三组病人VAS评级F组最高(P<0.05),PCEA总按数/实进数(D/D)比值在0~2范围内的病例数,MF组≈BF组>F组(P<0.05),提示MF、BF组镇痛效果较好。三组病人PCEA期间呼吸、循环无明显变化,恶心、呕吐等并发症较低(2.5%~5.0%),后两组有10%~15%病人嗜睡。结论:选择芬太尼和丁哌卡因行PCEA时,复合小剂量吗啡(0.005%)或丁丙诺啡(0.0009%)其镇痛效果更好。  相似文献   

静脉注射不同剂量异丙酚对血流动力学及通气功能的影响   总被引:76,自引:0,他引:76  
应用阻抗法和分气流监测法观察静脉注射不同剂量异丙酚(Propofol,PRO)后患者血流动力学(MAP、NR、SLCI、IFI、VET、EVI、SVRI、IC、PFI、LSWI)与通气功能(VT、RR、VE、FEV1%、ETCO2、SPO2、 I-EtO2)的变化。 40例(ASAⅠ~ Ⅱ)随机分成四组,PRO剂量分别为 1.0mg/kg、1.5mg/kg、2.0mg/kg、2.5mg/kg。结果:(1)1~4组呼吸暂停发生率为0%、20%、30%、80%,苏醒时间分别为3 0±1.5、7.4±2.3、9.1±3.6、9.6±4.2分钟:(2)静脉注射不同剂量PRO启SAP、DAP、MAP、SI下降,HR、CI、SVRI无明显变化,心肌收缩性(IC、PFI、EVI)明显减弱,SVRI减少;(3)PRO对呼吸有抑制作用,以VT和VE影响最大,与剂量呈正相关;对面罩吸氧患者SpO2、RR、ETCO2无明显改变,I-EtO2减少;舌后坠者托起下颌对VT、VE的恢复颇为有效。  相似文献   

目的:比较0.125%及0.2%罗比卡因与0.125%布比卡因在病人自控硬膜外镇痛(PCEA)分娩镇痛中应用的临床效果。方法:90例ASAⅠ~Ⅱ级足月初产妇,随机分为三组。A组采用0.125%罗比卡因(n=30);B组采用0.2%罗比卡因(n=30);C组采用0.125%布比卡因(n=30)。三组均加入芬在μg/ml。首剂负荷量给予10ml。采用电子镇痛泵调节持续量为5ml/h,单次按压量每次2ml,锁定时间为15分钟。于宫口开至8~9cm时再给药10ml,宫口开全后停用麻醉药。结果:三组均能提供安全有效的分娩镇痛,产程时间无延长,阴道助产率无增加,剖宫产率显著下降,对胎儿、新生儿无不良影响。两组罗比卡因与布比卡因组比较,缩短产程时间明显,催产素使用率及阴道器械助产率无增加,对产妇下肢活动影响小。结论:与0.1  相似文献   

诱导性一氧化氮合酶抑制药对感染性休克治疗作用的观察   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
目的:评价诱导性一氧化氮合酶(iNOS)抑制药氨基胍(AG)的抗感染性休克作用。方法:杂种犬(8 ̄12kg)2小时内静滴内毒素(LPS,1mg/kg)后随机分为对照(n=6)和治疗疗组。治疗组在MAP下降后2小时分别静注L-N位硝基精氨甲酯(L-NAME,n=6.30mg/kg)和AG(n=Y6。20mg/kgl)。结果:静注后的LPS后1小时在NO升高同时MAP明显下降。SVR和尿量明显减少。给予  相似文献   

上腹部手术后镇痛对儿茶酚胺的影响   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
选择30例上腹部手术患者,随机分为三组,每组10例,采用N2一O2一安氟醚(GOE)吸入麻醉,其中镇痛两组术终采用0.25%丁哌卡因20ml行腹腔神经丛阻滞,术后硬膜外分别持续滴入0.125%丁哌卡因及0.00025%芬太尼生理盐水溶液,在术终及术后2、5、8小时分别采静脉血分离血浆,并同时用线性视觉模拟评分法作疼痛程度评定,标本采用反相离子对色谱一电化学检测法分析血中儿茶酚胺浓度。结果镇痛两组疼痛评分较低,与对照组相比差异显著(P<0.01)。多巴胺血浆浓度在组间及组内比较均无差异(P>0.05),而肾上腺素和去甲肾上腺素的血浆浓度术后2、5、8小时与术终相比差异非常显著(P<0.01),三组间比较术终无差异,而术后2、5、8小时镇痛两组与对照组比较差异显著(P<0.01),但镇痛两组间相比无差异(P>0.05)。结论:上腹部手术后在腹腔神经丛阻滞下,行硬膜外术后镇痛既能明显减轻患者的痛苦,又能有效地阻止术后疼痛应激引起儿茶酚胺的明显变化。//  相似文献   

从人足月妊娠羊水提取肺泡表面活性物质,用生理盐水反复灌洗豚鼠双肺复制制急性呼吸窘迫综合征动物模型,观察气管内注入羊水PS与不同水平PEE联合治疗的效果,结果:双肺灌洗导致严重的低氧血症和高碳酸血症;0.39-0.5kPa的PEEP仅能轻度改善PaO2和PaCO2;PEEP与1ml羊水PS(50mg/ml)联合治疗显著改善PaO2和PaCO2,其中0.78-0.98kPa的PEEP比0.39-0.5  相似文献   

目的:观察重症瓣膜置换术患者围术期氧供需平衡和氧合状态的变化。方法:监测26例重症瓣膜置换术患者围术期氧供(DO2)、氧耗(VO2、氧摄取率(ERO2)、混合静脉血氧饱和度(SvO2)和动脉血乳酸含量(ABL)的动态变化。结果:麻醉诱导后至CPB前(DO2)、VO2、ERO2均下降,SvO2升高,与麻醉前比较差异显著或非常显著(P<0.05,P<0.01)。停CPB后20小时内DO2、VO2、ERO2持续升高,停CPB8小时内SvO2持续下降,ABL持续升高,与CPB前时值差异显著或非常显著(P<0.05,P<0.01)。结论:停CPB后氧供需平衡障碍、组织缺氧明显存在,且有在一定时间内加重的趋势。  相似文献   

患者,女性,46岁,体重40kg,因恶心、呕吐伴剧烈头痛入院,全身营养状况较差,脱水,心肺功能正常,在全麻下行脑膜瘤切除术。麻醉采用硫喷妥钠、琥珀胆碱快速诱导,2%普鲁卡因复合液维持麻醉(2%普鲁卡因500ml内含琥珀胆碱400mg、芬太尼0.2mg)。美国太空监测仪(SPacelabs)连续监测PETCO2、SpO2等指标。手术20分钟锯开颅骨时发现板障静脉出血较少,5分钟后PETCO2由3.6hPa降至1.7kPa,SpO2由97%降至66%,收缩压由12kPa降至8kPa,观察术野见硬膜上…  相似文献   

Using a portable 2 ml.hr-1 type infusor (Baxter Infusor), the effect of continuous epidural infusion for post-operative pain relief for 72 hours was studied in 32 patients after upper abdominal surgery. The patients were randomly allocated into four groups: Group 1 (n = 8) received continuous epidural infusion of 1% mepivacaine and buprenorphine 0.2 mg (48 ml.hr-1); group 2 (n = 8) 1% mepivacaine and buprenorphine 0.4 mg (48 ml.hr-1); Group 3 (n = 8) saline and buprenorphine 0.2 mg (48 ml.hr-1); Group 4 (n = 8) saline and buprenorphine 0.4 mg (48 ml.hr-1). The effect was evaluated at intervals of 12-hour until 72 hours postoperatively. Patients received supplemental buprenorphine intramuscularly as needed. In each period during the 12 to 72-hour after operation, the percentage of the patients who needed no supplemental buprenorphine was 62.5-100%, which is higher than during the 0 to 12-hour (25.0%). The percentage of the patients who showed no pain on coughing and changing in position in Group 1 and 2 was higher than in Group 3 and 4 in each period (P less than 0.05 12-24 and 36-72 hr). Continuous epidural infusion using Baxter Infusor with the combination of 1% mepivacaine and buprenorphine is effective for alleviating postoperative pain during the 12 to 72 hours after the operation, and for prevention of pulmonary complications.  相似文献   

目的 观察胸段硬膜外腔注射可乐定对上腹部手术 (UAS)术后膈肌功能的作用。方法 在连续硬膜外神经阻滞麻醉下行剖腹胆囊切除术病人 2 0例 ,均分为可乐定 (A)组与生理盐水(B)组。术后 2小时A组经硬膜外导管注入可乐定 4μg/kg ,B组注入生理盐水。记录注药前、注药后30分钟、2小时有无反常呼吸运动以及RR、VT。结果 A组注射可乐定 30分钟后膈肌功能改善 :反常呼吸运动消失 ,RR减慢 (由 2 0 0± 1 8降到 15 2± 1 7,P <0 0 0 1)、VT 增加 (由 2 19 8± 2 6 8ml/m2 增到 2 91 0± 2 5 5ml/m2 ,P <0 0 0 1) ,连续观察 2小时 ,膈肌功能仍优于注药前。B组注射生理盐水后上述指标无明显变化。结论 胸段硬膜外腔注射可乐定可改善UAS术后膈肌功能  相似文献   

This prospective, blinded, placebo-controlled study was performed to compare the postoperative analgesic efficacy of low-dose intrathecal and epidural morphine with paraspinal muscle infiltration of bupivacaine in lumbar discectomy cases. Eighty ASA I-III adult patients undergoing elective surgery for lumbar disc disease were enrolled in the study. Patients were randomized to four groups by envelopes. Study groups were as follows: group 1 (n = 20), intrathecal morphine 0.1 mg; group 2 (n = 20), epidural morphine 2 mg; group 3 (n = 20), 30 mL of bupivacaine 0.25% paraspinal muscle infiltration; group 4 (n = 20), 30 mL of saline paraspinal muscle infiltration before wound closure. Recorded parameters were time to response to painful and verbal stimuli and postoperative pain assessed at 30 minutes and 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, and 24 hours by Visual Analog Scale (VAS) and Numeric Pain Scale (NPS). Hemodynamic data, sedation scores, and side effects were also recorded. Meperidine and naproxen sodium were used for postoperative analgesia. Follow-up was performed by a blinded investigator. Mean VAS scores were lower in groups 1 and 2 at 30 minutes (P < 0.05). Mean VAS score of group 2 was lower than that of group 4 at 4 hours postoperatively (P < 0.05). Mean NPS scores were lower in groups 1 and 2 at 2, 4, and 6 hours (P < 0.05) and in group 2 at 8 hours compared with the other groups. The number of patients requiring meperidine at early postoperative phase (0-6 hours) was less in groups 1 and 2 compared with groups 3 and 4 (P < 0.05).There were no statistically significant differences in the late postoperative analgesic requirements, after correction for multiple testing. In conclusion, low-dose intrathecal and epidural morphine provide lower postoperative pain scores and a reduction in early postoperative analgesic requirement with insignificant side effects compared with paraspinal bupivacaine or saline infiltration.  相似文献   

A prospective randomised trial was conducted to evaluate caudal morphine for pain relief following anal surgery. Thirty-three male patients were divided into two groups. Group I (17 patients) were given morphine 10 mg in saline 25 ml injected into the caudal epidural space at the end of surgery. Group II (16 patients) were given intramuscular morphine 10 mg on request in the postoperative period. Pain was assessed at 2, 6, 12 and 24 hours after surgery using the linear analogue of pain score. There was significant pain relief in Group I compared with Group II. There was no instance of respiratory depression in patients of either group. In Group I, five patients suffered urinary retention and three patients transient pruritus.  相似文献   

In 40 females undergoing gynecologic laparotomy, lumbar epidural analgesia using a disposable infusion pump was continued for postoperative 48 hours. Then the analgesic effect of epidural bupivacaine (4.8 mg.kg-1) plus fentanyl (12 micrograms.kg-1) diluted with normal saline was prospectively compared between the two groups; high concentration/low volume group (HC/LV, 96 ml of total volume and 2 ml.h-1 of infusion rate, n = 20) versus low concentration/high volume group (LC/HV, 240 ml of total volume and 5 ml.h-1 of infusion rate, n = 20). On postoperative day 1, LC/HV group showed the significantly lower visual analog scale and verbal pain score at rest than HC/LV group (P < 0.05). No significant differences in the incidence of side effects were observed between the groups. These results suggest that when the equivalent dose is given, the volume rather than the concentration of the solution is important for postoperative continuous epidural analgesia with the combination of bupivacaine and fentanyl.  相似文献   

STUDY OBJECTIVE: To compare the analgesic efficacy of additional 0.1% bupivacaine to patient-controlled epidural analgesia (PCEA) using buprenorphine and droperidol after gynecological surgery. DESIGN: Randomized, double-blinded study. SETTING: Operating theater and general ward at Jichi Medical School Hospital. PATIENTS: Thirty patients with American Society of Anesthesiologists physical status I and II scheduled for gynecological surgery. INTERVENTIONS: Patients received combined general and epidural anesthesia for surgery and epidural analgesia for postoperative analgesia. Patients were assigned to receive PCEA with or without 0.1% bupivacaine. Group 1 (n = 15) received buprenorphine 20 microg and droperidol 0.1 mg diluted with saline, and group 2 (n = 15) received bupivacaine 2 mg, buprenorphine 20 microg, and droperidol 0.1 mg diluted with saline (0.1% bupivacaine solution) in a bolus dose of the PCEA, respectively. No background epidural infusion was used. MEASUREMENTS: Visual analog pain scale (VAPS) scores at rest and on coughing, and cumulative frequency of self-administrated analgesic solution in PCEA were recorded at 24 and 48 hours postoperatively. MAIN RESULTS: There were no significant differences noted between the groups in VAPS scores at rest or in cumulative volumes of PCEA solution in 24 or 48 hours postoperatively. Median VAPS scores on coughing in group 2 were significantly lower than those values in group 1 at 24 hours (36 vs 65 mm, P < .001) and 48 hours (32 vs 54 mm, P = .036) postoperatively. CONCLUSIONS: Addition of 0.1% bupivacaine to PCEA using buprenorphine and droperidol provides better analgesia on coughing after gynecological surgery.  相似文献   

Epidural midazolam with saline--optimal dose for postoperative pain]   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Optimal dose of epidural midazolam with saline for postoperative pain relief was investigated. Forty three patients for upper abdominal surgery were divided into 5 groups. Each group had either 10 ml saline only (saline group), 10 ml saline + midazolam 0.025 mg.kg-1 (0.025 group), 10 ml saline + midazolam 0.05 mg.kg-1 (0.05 group), 10 ml saline + midazolam 0.075 mg.kg-1 (0.075 group), or 10 ml saline + midazolam 0.1 mg.kg-1 (0.1 group) administered epidurally for complaint of postoperative pain. Blood pressure (BP), heart rate (HR), respiratory rate (RR) and sedation score (SS) were monitored for 120 minutes, and the time interval for next analgesics (TNA) was checked. In each group, BP was unchanged compared with preinjection level. HR changes were less in 0.05 and 0.1 group than in others. RR changes were less in 0.025 and 0.05 group than in others. Optimal SSs were obtained in 0.025 and 0.05 groups. In 0.075 and 0.1 groups, many patients fell into complete sleep (not responded to verbal command). TNA was about 2 hours in 0.025 and 0.05 groups, over 6 hours in 0.075 and 0.1 groups. Complete sleep was the cause of long TNA in 0.075 and 0.1 groups. It was concluded that optimal dose of epidural midazolam with saline 10 ml was 0.05 mg.kg-1 for postoperative pain relief after upper abdominal surgery.  相似文献   

A W Ibrahim  H Farag  M Naguib 《Spine》1986,11(10):1024-1026
A prospective randomized trial was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of epidural morphine for pain relief after lumbar laminectomy. Thirty-three male patients were studied in two groups. At the end of surgery, Group 1 patients (15) received 2 mg morphine in 5 ml saline through an epidural catheter. Doses were repeated on demand. Group 2 patients (18) received 10 mg morphine intramuscularly on request in the postoperative period. Pain was assessed at 2, 6, 12, and 24 hours postoperatively by the linear analog of pain scale. There was significantly greater pain relief in Group 1 than in Group 2 after 2, 6, and 12 hours, respectively. Furthermore, Group 2 received larger doses of morphine than Group 1. There was no respiratory or cardiovascular depression detected in patients in either group. Nine patients in Group 1 and five patients in Group 2 had transient postoperative urinary retention that required catheterization. Only one patient in Group 1 had mild pruritus and three patients in Group 2 had nausea.  相似文献   

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