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河套灌区年内地下水埋深与矿化度的时空变化   总被引:6,自引:10,他引:6  
该文以内蒙古河套灌区为研究区域,应用统计学方法、普通Kriging、Arc GIS9.0和GS+等工具,分析2003年3个不同特征季节的地下水位埋深和矿化度的时空分布规律。分析表明:在3月份灌区浅层地下水埋深平均为2.5 m,且绝大部分区域地下水矿化度<4 000 mg/L;随着夏灌、秋灌、秋浇后,在11月时浅层地下水埋深减小为1.0 m,且大部分区域地下水矿化度>5 000 mg/L。灌区浅层地下水埋深由灌区西南向东逐渐递减,且自南向北逐渐递增。灌区西北和东南部的地下水矿化度相对较高,中间部分相对较低。浅层地下水埋深与矿化度之间线性关系不明显,但是在特定地区浅层地下水埋深的时空分布规律能够定性地反映出矿化度的时空分布规律,即浅层地下水埋深较大时,相应的矿化度较小;浅层地下水埋深较浅时,相应的矿化度较大。  相似文献   

High spatial variability of soil salinity in coastal reclamation regions makes it difficult to obtain accurate scale-dependent information. The objectives of this study were to describe the spatial patterns of saline-sodic soil properties (using soil pH, electrical conductivity (EC1:5) and sodium ion content (SIC) as indicators) and to gain knowledge of the scaling relationships between those variables. The soil pH, EC1:5 and SIC data were measured at intervals of 285 m along a 13,965-m temporal transect in a coastal region of China. The spatial variability of soil pH was weak but it was strong for soil EC1:5 and SIC at the measurement scale. There was a significant positive correlation between soil EC1:5 and SIC, while correlations between soil pH and either EC1:5 or SIC were weak and negative. For each saline-sodic soil parameter, the variability changed with the decomposition scales. The high-variance area at the larger scales (≥570 m) occupied less than 10% of the total area in the local wavelet spectrum, which meant that the spatial variations of the salinity indicators were insignificant at these scales. For local wavelet coherency, at a scale of 1500–2800 m and a sampling distance of 0–4500 m, the covariance was statistically significant between any two of the saline-sodic soil parameters.  相似文献   

环渤海微咸水区土壤盐分及盐渍化程度的空间格局   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
为了探求环渤海低平原区微咸水的农业利用潜力、缓解水资源危机,就需要掌握该区土壤盐分及其盐渍化程度的空间分布格局。本文通过对该平原微咸水区选取127个代表性样点,采集0~60 cm深度内的8层土样进行土壤全盐量测定,并对130个水井的水位埋深及128个地下水样的矿化度进行了测定。采用地质统计学和GIS相结合的方法研究了该区土壤全盐量及其盐渍化程度的空间分布格局。结果表明,除表层土层盐分含量属于强变异强度外,环渤海低平原区其余土层盐分含量均属于中等变异强度。土层盐分的空间自相关距离从表层(0~5 cm)的35.3 km 增加到深层(50~ 60 cm)的59.7 km。研究区各层土壤盐分含量自内陆平原向东部滨海平原逐渐增加,上下土层盐分含量呈相同的空间变化趋势。表层土层属于非盐化土、轻度盐化土和中度盐化土的比例基本相等,而重度盐化土面积较小,5~60 cm土层无重度盐化土分布。总体上,环渤海低平原以轻度盐化土和非盐化土为主,0~60 cm空间上盐分积聚不强,浅层微咸水灌溉存在很大利用空间。  相似文献   

基于指示Kriging法的土壤盐渍化与地下水埋深关系研究   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6  
在北方干旱、半干旱的地下水浅埋区,土壤盐渍化是土地资源退化的主要原因,防治土壤盐渍化是农业和生态环境可持续发展的重要保障。该文以内蒙古河套灌区解放闸灌域为例,运用指示Kriging法绘制并比较了不同阈值下地下水位埋深和土壤表层含盐量的概率分布图,从概率空间分布的角度分析研究了土壤盐渍化与地下水位埋深之间的关系,从而将这方面的研究从通常的农田尺度扩大到灌域尺度。结果表明:1)土壤盐分和地下水位埋深空间变异强度均为中等,且具有中等的空间自相关性,球状模型拟合变异函数的效果较好;2)在灌域尺度上,解放闸灌域4月底土壤表层发生中度、轻度盐渍化时地下水位临界埋深分别为2.0、2.5m,西南及中东部地下水位埋深小于临界埋深的概率较大,是土壤返盐的高风险区;3)3月底地下水位埋深对土壤返盐的影响比4月底更大一些,这表明地下水位埋深对土壤返盐的影响具有一定滞后效应,只有地下水位埋深小于临界深度的状态维持一段时间,才会造成土壤中度或轻度盐渍化。  相似文献   

银川平原土壤盐分及盐渍土的空间分布格局   总被引:11,自引:10,他引:11  
系统认识和掌握盐渍土的空间分布特征,是治理改良盐渍土的基础。在总面积约6 184.9 km2的银川平原引黄灌区布设101个采样点,分层(0~180 cm)测定了土壤全盐量,应用地统计学方法结合GIS技术对其空间分布特征进行了研究。结果表明,银川平原各层土壤盐分的分布类型均比较复杂,呈高度的偏态分布。土壤盐分的变异属于中等变异强度。0~120 cm土层盐分的空间相关距离一般在20~28 km;而深层(>120 cm)土壤的空间相关距离较大,约34 km。银川平原表层土壤属于非盐化土、轻度、中度、重度盐渍土和盐土的土地面积分别为0、1 508.8、3 614.9、982.6和78.6 km2,总体属于中度和轻度盐化土类型,且呈现一定的盐分表聚趋势。重度盐渍土和盐土主要分布在银北的石嘴山市、平罗县、惠农县一带和银南的部分地区。总体来说,银川平原的土壤盐渍化现象依然严重,应加强研究与治理改良。  相似文献   

Abstract. Daily measurements of precipitation and temperature at 82 locations in Denmark for periods of 10 to 43 years, were used for calculation of the impact energy and intensity of rain, climatic erosivity (hereafter called erosivity). The computed erosivity values were analysed for trends and variations in time and space. Analysis of 43 years of data from 6 locations showed a change in the annual distribution of intense (erosive) precipitation, with a tendency to bi-modality, increasing erosivity in September, and decreasing erosivity in August. Amounts of precipitation in autumn have generally increased, but the erosive power of rain has increased even more. The geographic location of high erosivity varied considerably from year to year. Using a simple crop model, the interaction between crop cover and erosivity was investigated. This suggested that changes in climate in combination with changes in cropping and management practice have increased risk of serious erosion over the period 1954 to 1996. We recommend that present and future cropping and management practices be evaluated for risk of adverse interaction with high erosivity events.  相似文献   

在灌溉季节,尤其是下游灌区,农田地下水位较高,作物可就地利用部分浅层地下水,从而减少灌溉需水量,达到节水减排的双重目的。大田作物对浅层地下水利用量的估算是合理制定灌溉淋洗制度及控制土壤盐碱化的前提,但其估算存在一定困难。该文假设当农田灌溉、排水等水文气象条件一致时,某一作物对浅层地下水的利用量等于该田块有、无作物(即裸地)2种情况下造成地下水位差异的水量。据此,首先建立了浅层地下水利用量的计算模型,并以某一半干旱灌区为例,利用田间水文模型-DRAINMOD模拟出有、无作物2种条件下农田地下水位变化过程,然后,计算了棉花、小麦轮作期内对浅层地下水的利用量;在此基础上,进一步分析了浅层地下水利用条件下土壤剖面的盐分平衡。结果显示,该文提出的计算模型能够较好的反映大田实际情况;研究时段内,田间地下水埋深平均值为2.1 m,单位面积上作物利用浅层地下水量为305.8 mm,主要发生在作物生长阶段,其中棉花生长季内地下水利用量约为160 mm。盐分平衡计算结果显示,浅层地下水的利用使得水位以上土壤剖面盐分含量增加,但1 m以内根区土壤盐分在降雨和灌溉作用下得到一定的淋洗,未超出作物耐盐极限,不会对产量造成显著影响。研究成果可为相关灌区制定合理的灌溉制度及提高水资源利用效率提供科学依据。  相似文献   

再生水灌区地下水硝态氮空间变异性及污染成因分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为了深入了解北京市再生水灌区地下水硝态氮空间分布规律及污染成因,该文基于地统计学理论、结合ArcGIS软件的地统计分析功能,绘制表达了该区域地下水硝态氮随机性和结构性的半变异函数图和空间分布图。结果表明,研究区域地下水硝态氮含量服从对数正态分布,且与1阶高斯克里格模型拟合最好,从获得的参数可知,地下水硝态氮的空间变程为9639.36m,为反应灌区硝态氮的分布特征,2个监测点的距离不应大于变程;其块金效应为0.43,表明地下水中的硝态氮含量的变化是结构性因素与人为因素共同作用的结果,同时还发现土地利用类型、地下水的开采强度与区域地下水是否容易遭受硝态氮的污染有很大的相关性,监测井深度越小、地下水位降幅越大,地下水硝态氮增幅越大,再生水蓄积区(坑塘水面)对应区域产生地下水硝态氮污染的风险较小。研究结果可为再生水的安全利用提供参考。  相似文献   

不同地下水矿化度条件下柽柳土柱的水盐分布特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过探讨土壤水盐分布特征对地下水矿化度的响应规律,为泥质海岸带盐碱土的合理利用和水土保持防护林的栽植管理提供科学依据.以栽植3年生柽柳苗木的土壤柱体为研究对象,在1.8m的地下水水位下,分别模拟设置淡水(0 g/L)、微咸水(3 g/L)、咸水(8 g/L)和盐水(20 g/L)4种地下水矿化度,并以不栽植柽柳的土壤柱体为对照,测定分析不同地下水矿化度处理的土壤水分、盐分以及溶液绝对浓度等水盐参数.结果表明:地下水矿化度可显著影响不同剖面的土壤水盐参数.随地下水矿化度的升高,整个土柱的含水量和含盐量均呈现升高趋势,而土壤溶液绝对浓度呈下降趋势.其中:柽柳土柱相对含水量均值在4种矿化度下,分别比对照下降24.4%、20.6%、11.3%和4.7%;微咸水、咸水和盐水矿化度下,柽柳土柱的含盐量均值,分别比对照下降6.7%、5.6%和8.7%.不同地下水矿化度条件下,随土壤深度的增加,土壤水分呈升高趋势,土壤溶液绝对浓度呈下降趋势,土壤盐分则表现为先下降再升高,并在80 cm土壤深度下,盐分达最低值.地下水矿化度的升高,有利于盐分随水分向土壤表层迁移.栽植柽柳可显著降低土柱的含水量、含盐量和土壤溶液绝对浓度,但随地下水矿化度的升高,栽植柽柳对土壤水分的降低作用在减弱,而抑制盐分作用在增强.  相似文献   

西北灌区地下水矿化度变化及其对作物的影响   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
地下水矿化度的时空变化是影响地下水资源质量和作物生长的重要因素,尤其是对主要依靠抽取地下水用于灌溉的农业地区。该文以石羊河流域为例搜集了武威、昌宁、民勤共21个灌区1981-2003年间观测站点的地下水矿化度数据,选用反距离加权法(IDW)进行空间插值处理。并结合自然因素和人类活动的影响,分析其时空变化趋势,结果显示:流域内年平均矿化度(TDS)整体呈增加趋势,且从上游向下游逐渐增高,矿化度的年际波动也从上游向下游逐渐增大。该文还分析了矿化度变化对当地主要作物的安全生长影响,研究了当地两种典型作物春小麦和棉花的适合种植范围,得出:适合两种作物的种植面积略有缩小趋势。该研究表明在一些需要采用地下水进行灌溉的西北干旱灌区,应加强对地下水矿化度的监测与控制。  相似文献   

菜地土壤剖面上重金属元素含量随时间的变化规律研究   总被引:25,自引:4,他引:21  
在宜城镇蔬菜基地内选择种植时间为1a、5a、10a、15a、20a、45a的菜地序列,并选择周围的水稻田作为对照地,研究了菜地土壤中Hg、Cu、Zn、Cr、Pb 5种元素含量随种植时间的变化趋势。结果表明,在菜地的种植过程中,土壤中Hg、Cu、Zn、Cr和Pb 5种微量元素的含量有不断累积的趋势,应引起足够重视。以上元素含量随菜地利用时间的增加而累积的原因与菜地中大量投入的无机肥料(尤其是磷肥)、动物粪肥以及农药有关。此外,该文提出的土壤元素含量变化速率的概念,可以直观反映土壤中某一元素浓度的增加或减少的快慢,对预测土壤中元素浓度的变化趋势有参考价值。  相似文献   

分析不同灌溉施肥方式下氮素时空分布特征可为改进畦灌施肥技术与方法提供科学依据。该研究基于冬小麦返青灌溉开展的不同入畦流量下撒施和液施硫酸铵时获得的畦灌试验观测结果,分析2种不同施肥方式下地表水流和土壤中氮素时空分布规律,讨论不同施肥方式下影响灌后土壤氮素空间分布均匀性的要素。结果表明,施肥方式对地表水流和土壤中氮素分布影响显著,入畦流量对其影响不显著。液施下地表水流中氮素时空分布差异不显著,撒施下具有明显时空变异性;液施能明显改善灌后土壤氮素空间分布均匀性,灌后1 d 1m土层内氮素空间变异系数为0.07,明显小于撒施。土壤氮素增量分布均匀性在液施下主要与灌水量分布有关,撒施下则与地表水流中氮素分布和灌水量分布有关。液施在提高施肥均匀性和减小灌溉期间肥的损失方面优于撒施,且更易于水肥联合管理。  相似文献   

基于土地利用和微地形的红壤丘岗区土壤水分时空变异性   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
在红壤丘岗区冬春两季,以网格采样法测定了红壤丘岗区一块包含茶地、旱地和林地的缓坡的地表层和深层土壤含水率,采用经典统计结合地统计方法分析了其空间变异特征。结果表明:单一土地利用下,林地土壤含水率明显高于茶地和旱地,整体采样区土壤水分变异系数明显大于单一土地利用。同一季节表层和深层土壤水分具有类似的变异趋势;土壤水分在不同利用下存在截然不同的变异特征。通过半方差分析发现,茶地-旱地交界区土壤水分空间变异低于其他地方;另一方面,茶地-旱地土壤水分不具备空间相关性。另外,采样区表现出明显的各向异性且季节性变化明显,在冬季,土地利用和微地形共同影响水分变异特征;而在春季,土地利用是土壤水分变异的主导因素。除茶地-旱地交界区冬季水分不具有空间相关性外,土壤水分整体上具有良好的变异特征和空间连续性,因此可以利用地统计学在整体采样区进行水分空间变异的研究。  相似文献   

掌握不同地表覆被类型和微地貌特征下的不同深度土壤盐分空间分布规律,对土壤盐渍化防治具有重要意义。该研究以黄河三角洲入海口为研究区,在分析不同深度土壤全盐量、盐基离子(Ca2+、Mg2+、Na+、SO42-、HCO3-、Cl-)空间变异特征的基础上,通过单因素方差分析不同地表覆被类型和微地貌特征下该区土壤盐分的差异,并通过地理探测器分析地表覆被类型、微地貌对土壤盐分的交互影响。结果表明:1)表层土壤Mg2+变异系数达到1.010 8,为强变异性,其余盐基离子均为中等变异性,且均有强烈的空间相关性,全盐量与盐基离子均呈现沿海向内陆降低的趋势,约有42.57%的地区为轻度盐化土;2)不同地表覆被类型间土壤全盐量与Na+、Cl-具有显著差异;3)不同微地貌类型间Na+、Cl-具有显著差异;不同海拔的深层土壤Na+具有显著差异;4)海拔对土壤全盐量与Na+的解释力最强,地表覆被类型对土壤Cl-的解释力最强;5)坡向和海拔对土壤盐分的交互作用最强烈,地理探测器q值在0.545~0.708之间,其次是地表覆被类型与坡向,q值在0.521~0.613之间。氯化钠主导该区域土壤盐分空间变异,不同地表覆被类型和微地貌特征下均呈显著差异,表层土壤盐分明显高于深层,坡向与海拔之间的交互作用能够较好地解释该地区土壤盐分空间分布。  相似文献   

Soil quality is important in measuring sustainable land‐use and soil‐management practices. It is usually assessed by evaluating important physical, chemical, and biological soil properties. For this study, a site‐specific 22 variables representing pertinent soil (0–10 cm) and groundwater properties were selected as potential soil‐quality indicators in a coastal salt‐affected farmland of E China. To investigate the role of groundwater in soil‐quality assessment, we designed two sets of minimum data sets (MDSs). Minimum data set 1 (MDS1) had inputs of the 19 soil chemical and physical properties whereas MDS2 was based on the 22 soil and groundwater properties. Using principal‐component analysis, discriminant analysis, and soil‐quality‐index (SQI) model, we demonstrated the procedures of MDS selection, indicator normalization, and integration of MDS into SQI value for soils used for the two cropping systems. Results indicated selection of SOCD, AK, and ρb as MDS1 indicators but MDS2 indicators included SOM, SOCD, Cl, Na, WTg, and ECg. These were found to be the most effective discriminators between the two cropping systems. Available K (AK) made greatest contribution to SQI using MDS1 indicators, however, WTg, ECg, and Cl were the greatest contributors to the SQI for MDS2. Contribution of SOCD to SQI was severely inhibited in cotton–barley rotation system while ECg and WTg contributions to SQI were inhibited in rice–rape rotation system. In general, cotton–barley rotation system had a better soil quality over rice–rape rotation system as the former had higher SQI values than the latter for both MDSs. Crop parameters did also exhibit significant relationship with the SQI values using MDS2 but it was not significant for MDS1. Our results suggest that in addition to soil chemical, physical, and biological indicators, groundwater properties particularly the WTg and ECg are also important for assessing soil quality in an intensively farmed coastal area.  相似文献   

Understanding the watershed-scale spatial distribution of soil salinity and its compositions is important for soil management. Here, we present the first study on the Manas River watershed in northwest China. In this study, we took soil samples in upper 20 cm of soil from 186 locations across the watershed and measured total salt concentration (TSC), salt ion composition and soil particle size distribution (PSD). We found that on average topsoil TSC tended to increase, from 3.55 g kg−1 in upstream regions to 19.40 g kg−1 in downstream regions. The stoichiometric analysis showed that the equivalence ratio of soil Cl- to SO42− increased from 0.53 in upstream regions to 2.12 in midstream regions, and further to 3.76 in downstream regions; thus, the soil types were classified into chloride–sulfate, sulfate–chloride and chloride soils types, respectively. Additionally, proportions of small (<2 μm in diameter) and large (>2,000 μm) soil particles increased, while that of medium sizes (2–50 μm) decreased from upstream to downstream, with an increasing coefficient of variance (CV) in PSD. Taken together, watershed-scale topsoil salinity may be horizontally characterized by increased TSC and Na+ & Cl proportions, greater equivalence ratio of Cl vs. SO42− and more balanced distribution of PSD along with surface water flow. Results demonstrated that soil salinity and its ions compositions showed a great variation across the watershed scale, suggesting that soil management may consider the spatial heterogeneity of saline–alkaline soil types, and our results provided scientific guidance for local soil management and restoration.  相似文献   

Human activities, such as military off‐road vehicular traffic, disturb ground and vegetation cover of landscapes and increase potential rainfall related runoff and soil erosion. On military lands, soil erosion is of major concern in order to sustain training lands and thus there is a need for land condition maps for planning training activities and land management. In this study, we presented a conditional co‐simulation algorithm to generate annual time series maps of soil erosion status from 1989 to 2001 for an army installation. The spatial variability and temporal dynamics of land condition were analyzed. This algorithm modeled soil erosion as realizations of a random function by combining a set of permanent plot data and Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) images. In addition to estimation maps of soil erosion status, we obtained the maps of uncertainties including the variance of each pixel estimate and the probability of poor land condition. The results and maps are useful tools for land managers and decision‐makers to guide military training programs and to generate management plans for sustaining training lands. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

中国农业生态系统氮磷钾平衡时空变异研究   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium balances for agroecosystems in China from 1993 to 2001 were calculated at national and provincial levels using statistical data and related parameters, and their spatial and temporal variabilities were analyzed with GIS to estimate the potential impacts of nutrient N, P and K surpluses or deficits to soil, water and air. At the national scale, the N and P balances from 1993 to 2001 showed a surplus, with the nitrogen surplus remaining relatively stable from 1997-2001. Although during this period the P surplus pattern was similar to N, it had smaller values and kept increasing as the use of phosphate fertilizer increased year by year. However, K was deficient from 1993 to 2001 even though from 1999 to 2001 the K deficit decreased. The spatial analysis revealed higher N surpluses in the more developed southeastern provinces and lowest in the western and northern provinces where there was less chemical fertilizer input. The serious K deficit mainly occurred in Shanghai and Beijing municipalities, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Hubei provinces, and Xinjiang autonomous regions. For the years 1992, 1996 and 2001, N surpluses and K deficits had significant positive spatial correlations with per capita gross domestic product (GDP), per capita gross industrial output value, and per capita net income of rural households. This showed that the level of economic development played an important role on nutrient balances in the agroecosystems.  相似文献   

基于GIS与RS的大理河流域植被格局分形维数时空变化特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
为掌握大理河流域植被格局时间和空间分布特征,构建了基于分形布朗运动理论的流域植被格局量化模型。该文利用自1990年至2006年共计5期TM/ETM影像为基础信息源,在ARCGIS平台下计算得到大理河流域各时相的像元归一化植被指数(normalized difference vegetation index,NDVI),建立了流域像元尺度的栅格结构数字植被模型(digital vegetation model,DVM),并逐个计算得到各子流域植被格局分形维数。结果显示分形维数都大于2.5,介于2.7311~2.8499之间,各下一级子流域植被覆盖分形维数的大小都没有超过其所在的更大流域的分形维数。植被格局分形维数(fractional brownian motion,FBM)从下游到上游随着离出口点距离的增大而逐渐变小,植被格局自下游到上游逐渐趋于破碎复杂。各子流域从1990年至2006年植被格局分形维数基本随着时间的变化呈现了先减小后增大的趋势。该文建立的流域植被格局分形量化模型在综合量化流域植被格局破碎程度等方面具有一定的优越性。  相似文献   

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