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A fully automated dialysis solid-phase extraction (SPE) sample preparation procedure is coupled on-line to capillary electrophoresis (CE) for the first time. The system is used to determine sulfonamides in serum and urine. The dialysis unit serves to remove proteins and particulate matter. Reconcentration of the analytes is performed with a small SPE column while (in)organic salts and other interferences are removed simultaneously. Finally, the analytes are desorbed and injected, via a homemade interface, into the CE system. Limits of detection (LOD) of 0.05-0.1 and 0.05-0.3 microg/mL are obtained in urine and serum, respectively. The within-day and between-day precisions are in the range of 2-6% and 3-8%, respectively, for a concentration of five times the LOD. The dialysis SPE-CE system was used over a period of six months for the analysis of over 500 serum and urine samples without problems such as clogging of the CE capillary or SPE column.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional separations provide extremely high peak capacities. Coupling capillary zone electrophoresis with ultrathin channel gel electrophoresis offers a convenient and efficient way to perform such two-dimensional microseparations. By means of in situ polymerization, high-concentration (up to 50%T) polyacrylamide gels are prepared in 75 mm long, 25 mm wide, and 40 microns thick rectangular channels. By moving the outlet end of the capillary electrophoresis capillary across the entrance of the channel, both separations are completely preserved. Mixtures of peptides labeled by fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) are well resolved in less than 15 min, with theoretical plate numbers in the range of 20,000-50,000 for each independent separation. Significant enhancement in separation efficiency and peak capacity over one-dimensional separations are demonstrated by this combination. The two-dimensional separations of a model mixture of peptides, a tryptic digest of trypsinogen, and < 0.05% of an individual B2 neuron from the marine mollusk Aplysia californica are presented.  相似文献   

The most commonly used measure of resolution for chromatographic and electrophoretic separations does not take into account the possibility of there being different amounts of each of the molecular species. A modification of a measure of resolution recently suggested by Aldroubi and Garner (BioTechniques 1992, 13, 620-624) can incorporate this effect explicitly. Their criterion for resolution is based on the time to observe a valley of specified magnitude separating two peaks. We examine how this measure depends on different physically relevant parameters that characterize the system.  相似文献   

Capillary electrophoresis (CE) was used to optimize the buffer pH, ionic strength and sulfated cyclodextrin concentrations for enantiomeric separation of piperoxan. These enantioseparation conditions were then applied to a classical gel electrophoresis system. Binding constants of the sulfated beta-cyclodextrin-piperoxan couple were approximated using CE and the effects of organic solvents on the system were also investigated.  相似文献   

The molecular karyotype of a series of Giardia lamblia isolates representing the two major genotypes (Groups 1 and 3) was generated by assigning 13 genetic markers to chromosomes separated by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. The co-localization identified five linked groups of genetic markers in Group 1 isolates. For each of the five linkage groups, there were up to four size variants that hybridized with the same genetic markers. Long range physical maps of the regions flanking the low copy number genetic markers indicated that these size variants were homologous chromosomes. The linkage groups were similar in Group 1 and 3 isolates. The core of each chromosome was stable while the subtelomeres were variable. The location of the ribosomal DNA repeats was variable among the different isolates and they were found in the subtelomeric regions of any of the five linkage groups. The data suggest a functional ploidy of at least four. Hypervariable subtelomeric regions of homologous chromosomes provide the structural basis of the chromosome size heterogeneity that is characteristic of G. lamblia.  相似文献   

The separation of 14 different aromatic sulfonates of environmental concern by capillary (zone) electrophoresis (CZE) is presented. A new off-line solid-phase extraction (SPE) enrichment procedure, that is compatible with CE analysis, was developed, using the styrene-divinylbenzene adsorbent LiChrolut EN. The combined method of SPE and CE allows the determination of aromatic sulfonates in water samples in the low microgram/l range. Separations are performed with a simple sodium borate buffer at pH 9.3. Analytes are detected by UV absorbance and fluorescence emission with a Xe-lamp excitation source, and both principles are compared. The recoveries for most of the sulfonates are > 70% for the extraction from spiked tap and river water. The average method precision is < 20% for replicate analyses. Very hydrophilic sulfonates cannot be extracted by this method. The detection limit of the combined method of SPE enrichment and CE analysis is approximately 0.1 microgram/l for 200-ml water samples. The performance of the method was checked with the analysis of river and contaminated seepage water.  相似文献   

Capillary electrophoresis with laser-induced fluorescence detection was used to develop a universal, highly specific protease assay. In this method, a peptide, biotinylated at the N-terminus, is labeled with fluorescein at a lysine residue near the C-terminus. Impurities are removed from the fluorescence labeling mixture by solid-phase extraction of the substrate on immobilized streptavidin, followed by extensive washing. The purified fluorescent substrate is dissociated from the streptavidin and incubated with the protease. The peptide sequence between the biotin and fluorescent label contains the cleavage sequence of the protease of interest. After cleavage, the fluorescent product does not contain a biotin group. A second solid-phase extraction is used to remove unreacted substrate to dramatically lower the background signal. The product is detected by capillary electrophoresis, which provides powerful discrimination against products generated by nonspecific proteases. With chymotrypsin as a test protease, product was detected with as little as 10 pg/mL (4.6 x 10(-13) M) chymotrypsin, or 5 amol of enzyme in the 10-microL sample volume.  相似文献   

Gabapentin (GP) is a new anticonvulsant used in refractory epilepsy. Few studies have monitored the drug in vivo. We report the combination of capillary electrophoresis and laser-induced fluorescence detection (CZE-LIFD) with brain microdialysis and plasma ultrafiltration in an attempt to measure GP and offer an alternative technique for pharmacokinetic studies. We found that CZE-LIFD is capable of linearly measuring 10(-7)-10(-9) M GP in a 1 nL volume. It was also demonstrated that it is possible to monitor GP in prefrontal cortex dialysates and plasma in rats. It is concluded that the method permits in vivo monitoring of the drug in pharmacological as well as in clinical studies.  相似文献   

A capillary gel electrophoresis (CGE) method is described for detection of the formation of circular DNA ligation products as an aid in the prediction of ligated DNA competent cell transformation efficiency. The separation is based upon the differences in the relative migrations of linear and circular DNA molecules of the same size. In CGE, circular ligation products are shifted significantly from linear DNA fragments of comparable size (to 40-42 min from 32-33 min migration time) in the presence of an intercalating dye. CGE separation and detection of circularized DNA can be correlated with transformation efficiencies of > 10(6) colony-forming units (CFU, colonies/micrograms/ml) or the high efficiency desired for phagemid display and cell expression libraries. CGE has several advantages over slab gel electrophoresis: (i) only a minute quantity (approximately 250 CFU or 0.02%) of the total library is sacrificed for analysis, (ii) verification of the circularized ligation products is easier by CGE, and (iii) CGE analysis of ligation success can be accomplished in less than 2 h, prior to transforming competent cells.  相似文献   

A review on peak broadening in capillary zone electrophoresis in free solutions is given which covers a selection of the literature published on this topic over the period mainly between 1992 and the beginning of 1997 (consisting of 71 publications). The contributions to peak dispersion from extracolumn effects (e.g. due to the finite length of the injection zone, or the aperture of the detector), from longitudinal diffusion, Joule heating, electromigration dispersion (concentration overload), a different path length of the solute ions, wall adsorption, laminar flow and the (longitudinally) homogeneous or nonhomogeneous electroosmotic flow are described. The latter may also occur when a longitudinally nonhomogeneous radial electric field is applied. Peak dispersion is depicted either by the plate-height model, or the concentration of the solute as a function of space and time is calculated either analytically or numerically by solving the equation of continuity with appropriate initial and boundary conditions and possibly completed by equations governing further quantities.  相似文献   

A beta-cyclodextrin sulfate mixture has been fractionated using discontinuous gradient polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Semidry electrotransfer of the sample onto a positively charged nylon membrane and visualization of a portion of this membrane with Alcian blue stain showed multiple bands. The bands were cut from the remaining portion of the membrane and after washing with 8 M urea, the beta-cyclodextrin sulfate fractions were eluted with 2 M sodium chloride and dialyzed. Analysis of each fraction using high resolution analytical gradient polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis as well as capillary electrophoresis, using indirect detection, showed some of the fractions to be pure while others were mixtures. Each beta-cyclodextrin sulfate fraction was complexed with a basic synthetic peptide and analyzed by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry to define the mass of the components in each mixture and thereby to determine the purity of each sample.  相似文献   

A method was developed for determination of the enantiomeric purity of the therapeutic-pharmacological active (-)-enantiomer of terbutaline using cyclodextrins as a chiral selector dissolved in a removable liquid polyethylene glycol gel by use of capillary electrophoresis. The effect of temperature, type and concentration of polyethylene glycol and cyclodextrins was studied on the resolution between the two enantiomers. Best results were obtained with 10 mM hydroxyethyl-beta-cyclodextrin dissolved in a 10% polyethylene glycol-2000 solution at 15 degrees C. Under these conditions, an impurity of 0.1% (distomer/eutomer) can be readily detected.  相似文献   

Hybridization to genomic DNA fractionated by CHEF electrophoresis can vary >100-fold if the DNA is acid depurinated prior to Southern blotting. The level of hybridization is high or low depending on whether the molecule being analyzed migrates at a size coincident with or different from the size of the majority of genomic DNA in the sample, respectively. Techniques that avoid acid depurination including in-gel hybridizations and UV irradiation of DNA prior to blotting provide more accurate quantitative results. CHEF analysis of DNA molecules containing repetitive satellite sequences is particularly prone to this effect.  相似文献   

Since its introduction into the analytical laboratory, CE has had to prove that it was capable of generating results comparable to HPLC or GC techniques in the six areas (specificity, precision, accuracy, linearity, ruggedness, and range) typically required of validated methods intended for submission to governmental agencies. This paper will showcase the development and validation of two analytical methods: one for specific identification of HEPES (N-[2-hydroxyethyl]piperazine-N'-[2-ethane sulfonic acid]) and the other to quantitate millimolar concentrations of tris (tris[hydroxymethyl]aminomethane) in high electrolyte solutions. Utilizing neutral markers and internal standards, results for HEPES demonstrate that migration time reproducibility, expressed as %RSD of 2% or less on a variety of capillaries, is obtainable. Additionally, for quantitation of tris, the values obtained for accuracy (%relative mean bias), precision (%RSD), and linearity (r2) over multiple days and capillaries meet the rigorous standards we require of HPLC or GC methods.  相似文献   

Information about sequence variability between different copies of a multigene family is indispensable for understanding the evolutionary mechanisms acting on multigene families. However, their high copy number has been a major obstacle to systematic analysis. Exemplified by the internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1) of the rDNA in Drosophila melanogaster, it is shown how temperature gradient gel electrophoresis (TGGE) can be used to study sequence polymorphisms in a multigene family. Experimental conditions influencing the melting behavior of the ITS1 fragment are discussed as well as discrepancies between observed and calculated melting patterns.  相似文献   

Since instruments performing capillary electrophoresis (CE) became commercially available in the late 1980s, information on this relatively new analytical technique has been increasing almost exponentially. At the beginning of the last decade, fundamental discoveries in the field were made mainly in the laboratories of analytical chemists; but now, this separation science is giving increasing impact to the laboratories of clinical chemists. This paper briefly reviews the history, instrumentation, different modes and theory of CE, and the prominent fields of its applications in clinical chemistry.  相似文献   

The technique used in this study was based on the addition of a known quantity of hyaluronic acid (HA) to an aliquot of crude venom sample, followed by obtaining capillary electrophoresis profiles both immediately after the mixing and after a known period of incubation. The presence of hyaluronidase (HYASE) and the degree of its activity were determined from the change in the abundance (peak height) of intact HA at its retention time. Quantitative and/or comparative enzyme activity could also be obtained from determining the incubation time needed either to achieve a selected percentage decrease in the size of the intact HA peak or to complete the digestion process as determined by the attainment of a constant profile of the oligosaccharide end products. The detection limit was 3 x 10(-6) U/microliter HYASE, defined as the decrease of the peak height of the added standard quantity of HA (0.008 mg/ml) from the initial signal-to-noise ratio of 6 down to 2; with respect to sample size, 1.5 x 10(-8) U of HYASE could be detected in 5 nl of incubated sample. The utility of the technique was illustrated by the rapid detection of HYASE activity in HYASE standards, crude bee venom and several snake venoms, the HYASE content of which has not yet been reported, and in collected high-performance liquid chromatography-separated venom fractions.  相似文献   

Proteins, by their very diverse nature, provide a wide variety of options for generating selectivity in capillary electrophoresis (CE). Their use in different modes of CE will be considered in this review. Proteins added in solution to the background electrolyte allow separations to be made in a similar fashion to other electrokinetic chromatography methods, e.g., micellar separations. Alternatively, different immobilization schemes can be used to secure proteins within the capillary; these have included capillary electrochromatography with the protein grafted onto a silica support, or immobilization of the protein within a gel structure. Compounds varying in size from small inorganic ions to biopolymers may be bound by proteins. There is the potential for any sort of intermolecular interaction to play a role in the binding process (e.g., hydrophobic interactions, electrostatic interactions, etc.). Very specific high-affinity binding often occurs, but also there is often weaker, non-selective binding. Frequently the interactions of chiral compounds with proteins are stereoselective. Obtaining chiral selectivity has been one of the main applications of protein selectors in CE, and this use will be emphasized here in a discussion structured by type of protein. As well as utilizing the selectivity of proteins to develop separations, the role of CE in investigating ligand-protein interactions will be emphasized.  相似文献   

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