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宋亮  刘文耀 《生态学报》2013,33(8):2632-2635
1背景介绍 林冠是森林与大气相互作用的关键生态界面,在生态系统生物多样性形成与维系,物质、能量交换过程中发挥着重要的作用[1].过去由于受技术、认识水平及其它方面的限制,人们对森林林冠的了解甚少.近20多年来,随着全球变化、生物多样性和生态系统生态学研究的深入,人们对林冠中丰富的附生生物多样性及其功能产生了浓厚的兴趣.目前,国际上对林冠的概念,已从过去简单的森林顶层或冠层发展为包括森林中的所有叶片、枝条、小枝以及各种附生的有机体及其枯死残留物的总和,也即森林中地表以上的所有植冠的集合‘2].林冠是一个适合于许多生物种类生存的场所,其数量比想象的更为丰富.在全球范围内估计有29 500余种附生植物,其中维管束附生植物的种类高达24 000种,约占总维管束植物种类的10%[3],林冠附生物质的生物量范围在105-44000 kg/hm2之间[1],其中在一些热带和温带天然老龄林中林冠附生物的生物量甚至超过了宿主林木的叶生物量.从20个世纪70年代以来,林冠学研究逐渐兴起,并受到来自森林生态学、气候学、环境科学等研究领域学者越来越多的关注[4-5].Nature和Science就分别报道了林冠生物多样性、林冠与全球气候变化等相关研究成果[3,6-7];一些致力于林冠生态学研究的国际组织(如国际林冠网络InternationalCanopy Network,ICAN、国际林冠塔吊网络International Canopy Crane Network,ICCN、全球林冠项目GlobalCanopy Program,GCP)也应运而生,表明林冠学研究已逐渐成为目前国际上生物多样性、全球变化研究中的热点问题.林冠学已成为国际森林生态学研究的前沿方向,有望逐步发展成为一门新兴学科.  相似文献   

林冠的物种多样性极为丰富,在整个森林生态系统中具有非常重要的作用。但由于乔木树体高大,冠层难以接近,在很大程度上限制了林冠植物多样性的研究。在过去30年中,各种技术不断应用于林冠附生植物的采样,林冠取样方法的研究成为林冠附生植物的多样性、生物量及其生态学效应等方面研究的重要基础。文中以附生植物多样性、生物量和附生植物群落的生态功能等为基础,结合作者已开展的工作,综述了林冠附生植物的观测调查及取样方法,并且分析了不同方法的特点及在林冠研究中的应用,对进一步深入研究附生植物提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

附生地衣是森林附生植物的重要类群之一, 在维护森林生态系统的物种多样性以及水分和养分循环等方面发挥着重要作用。作者于2005年12月至2006年5月利用树干取样法调查了云南哀牢山徐家坝地区原生山地常绿阔叶林及其次生群落栎类萌生林、滇山杨(Populus bonatii)林和花椒(Zanthoxylum bungeanum)人工林中525株不同种类和径级树木距地面 0–2.0 m处附生地衣的组成和分布, 并收集了各个群落地面上凋落的地衣, 分析了林冠层附生地衣的物种组成。研究结果表明, 该区森林中附生地衣物种比较丰富。共收集到附生地衣61种, 分属17科29属, 其中原生林、栎类萌生林、滇山杨林和花椒人工林分别有51、53、46和23种。在树干距地面 0–2.0 m位置, 各群落中的附生地衣组成明显不同;但在林冠层中, 各群落内的附生地衣基本相似。原生林中附生地衣种类较多, 但分布不均匀。树干附生地衣的Shannon-Wiener和Simpson多样性指数以栎类萌生林最高, 分别为2.71和0.89;花椒林和滇山杨林次之, 分别为2.43–2.45和0.88–0.89;原生林最低, 为1.25和0.67。树干方位、宿主种类和宿主径级等都对附生地衣的物种组成和多样性有着重要影响, 附生地衣更多地出现于树干南向方位, 云南越桔(Vaccinium duclouxii)的附生地衣最为丰富, 胸径5.0–25.0 cm的树木上附生地衣较多。哀牢山山地森林群落中丰富的附生地衣种类及物种多样性在维系本区山地森林生态系统生物多样性格局方面具有重要的作用。  相似文献   

中国森林冠层生物多样性监测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林冠作为森林与外界环境相互作用最直接和最活跃的关键生态界面,承载了森林生物多样性的主体,在生物多样性的形成与维持以及生态系统功能过程中发挥着重要的作用,被称为地球的"第八大洲"。同时,林冠对气候变化和人为干扰高度敏感,在人类活动和全球气候变化加剧的背景下,森林生态系统正面临着严重的威胁,首当其冲的就是森林冠层。气候变化下的林冠生物多样性保护与可持续利用已成为现代生态学研究的热点问题,受到森林生态学、气候学、环境科学等研究领域的学者越来越多的关注。据此,中国生物多样性监测与研究网络以网络内拥有森林冠层塔吊的生物多样性监测样地为平台,建立了林冠生物多样性监测专项网。该专项网将参照国际标准,统一监测指标,规范监测标准,通过大尺度地带性森林冠层内植物(包括附生种子植物和附生孢子植物)多样性、动物多样性、微生物多样性及其动态变化的长期监测,结合林冠小气候环境特征监测,建立林冠小环境特征、植物多样性、节肢动物多样性和微生物多样性等4个动态更新的数据库,以阐明我国典型森林林冠生物多样性变化的规律,揭示其对森林生态系统功能过程的影响和对全球变化的响应。  相似文献   

林冠是生物圈中物种最丰富却最鲜为人知的生境之一。它在森林与大气的物质、能量交换过程中发挥着至关重要的作用。但因林冠调查技术的限制, 林冠及生存在其中的附生植物在生态系统中的功能尚未得到足够的重视。塔吊在三维空间中作业具有“全方位、高精度、非破坏、可重复”的特征。林冠塔吊已成为当前林冠学研究的标志, 并为林冠附生植物研究提供了契机。国际上, 欧美国家利用塔吊技术对林冠层附生植物多样性与空间分布等进行了大量的研究, 取得了丰硕的成果。该文介绍了塔吊的构造、林冠塔吊建设历史和站点分布及国际林冠研究组织等概况, 并对依托塔吊开展的附生植物研究进展进行了评述。此外, 还简要介绍了我国塔吊建设与林冠生态学发展情况。在系统分析国内外附生植物研究现状基础上, 从附生植物多样性、附生植物空间格局与维持机制、生态适应性、与林冠动物的关系以及附生植物对气候变化的响应等5个方面对今后基于林冠塔吊开展附生植物研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

林冠附生物在森林生态系统养分循环中的作用   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
刘文耀 《生态学杂志》2000,19(2):30-35,49
1 引 言林冠是森林生态系统中重要的组成部分。由于认识上、技术上和其它方面的原因 ,过去一直都把林冠当作“黑箱”来研究。近 2 0年来 ,随着对林冠生物多样性、林冠附生物在生态系统功能过程影响认识和研究技术上的提高 ,对林冠附生物的研究已逐步从个体水平转移到系统水平上。林冠现在被认为是一个适宜于许多动植物种类生存的场所 ,其物种数量比原先所想象的更为丰富。通过对林冠的研究 ,促进了对天然林生态系统中养分循环的了解 ,以及林冠干扰或破坏对自然和人类活动的影响。其中林冠附生物质在森林生态系统养分循环过程中的作用和影…  相似文献   

王高升  刘文耀  付昀  杨国平 《生态学报》2008,28(3):1328-1336
在热带、亚热带和温带高海拔潮湿生境的山地森林林冠层中,积累有较为丰富的林冠腐殖质(Canopy humus),是构成山地森林生态系统景观结构的重要组分,为丰富的附生植物提供了重要的生长基质和营养物质.通过对云南哀牢山山地湿性常绿阔叶林林冠腐殖质和其相应林下地表腐殖质的分析测定结果表明,由于林冠和林下地表腐殖质的来源、组成和空间分布的不同,它们之间的理化特性存在较大的差异,其中林冠腐殖质中有机C、全N及全Ca的含量、C/N以及阳离子交换量显著高于林下地表腐殖质,而全K和全Mg的含量则显著低于后者,全P含量差异不明显;林冠腐殖质的微生物量C、N和呼吸强度,以及蔗糖酶、脲酶和蛋白酶的活性均显著高于林下地表腐殖质,说明林冠腐殖质是一种具有较高生物活性的有机土类物质,在山地森林生态系统养分循环、林冠附生植物多样性格局形成及其维持方面具有重要的作用.  相似文献   

生物多样性和生态系统功能的关系直接或间接地影响着生产力, 是生态学研究的关键问题。本研究旨在定量探讨亚热带自然林演替后期森林生态系统树木多样性与生物量或生产力的关系。本研究基于中国南亚热带长期永久性样地的群落调查数据以及地形和土壤养分数据, 分析了南亚热带常绿阔叶林树木多样性与生物量和生产力的关联及其影响因素。相关性分析结果表明, 物种多样性与生物量呈显著负相关, 与生产力呈显著正相关; 结构多样性与生物量呈显著正相关, 与生产力呈显著负相关。此外, 不同环境因子对多样性、生物量和生产力的影响具有显著差异, 其中土壤含水量对生产力有显著影响, 物种多样性指标与部分地形和土壤因子均有相关性, 而群落结构多样性指标与土壤因子的相关性更强。方差分解结果表明, 结构多样性对生物量和生产力的单独效应的解释率最大, 分别为35.39%和5.21%; 其次是结构多样性和物种多样性的共同效应, 对生物量和生产力的解释率分别为13.66%和3.53%; 地形和土壤因子的解释率较小。同时, 结构方程结果也表明, 结构多样性对生物量有较强的直接正影响; 生物量对生产力有强烈的直接负影响, 结构多样性通过增加生物量明显地减少了生产力; 土壤和地形因子主要是通过物种和结构多样性间接影响生物量和生产力。综上, 本研究认为在南亚热带森林演替顶极群落中, 群落结构复杂性和物种多样性的提高对促进群落生产力和生物量具有重要作用。  相似文献   

亚高山森林生态系统过程研究进展   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
刘彬  杨万勤  吴福忠 《生态学报》2010,30(16):4476-4483
亚高山森林是以冷、云杉属为建群种或优势种的暗针叶林为主体的森林植被。亚高山森林在庇护邻近脆弱生态系统、保育生物多样性、涵养水源、碳吸存和指示全球气候变化等方面具有十分重要且不可替代的作用和地位,其多样化的植被和土壤组合为研究生态系统过程提供了天然的实验室。亚高山森林的群落演替与更新、生物多样性保育、水文生态过程、生物元素的生物地球化学循环以及亚高山森林生态过程对气候变化的响应等研究已取得了明显的进展。但有关全球变化条件下的亚高山森林土壤生物多样性和冬季生态学过程等研究明显不足。全球气候变化背景下的冬季生态学过程、极端灾害事件对亚高山森林生态系统过程的影响、亚高山森林生物多样性的保育机制、亚高山森林土壤生物多样性与生态系统过程的耦合机制等可能是未来研究的前沿科学问题。  相似文献   

 蓝藻地衣是附生植物类群的重要组成部分, 在森林生态系统的环境监测和养分循环中发挥着重要作用。该研究在云南哀牢山亚热带森林系统的2种原生和6种次生森林群落中, 以粉缘绵毛衣(Leioderma sorediatum)、天蓝猫耳衣(Leptogium azureum)、网肺衣(Lobaria retigera)和双缘牛皮叶(Sticta duplolimbata) 4种常见蓝藻地衣为对象, 共设立120个样地, 调查了它们在3 600株树木0–2 m树干上的分布, 探讨其分布特征及与森林类群、宿主种类以及林龄等生境因子的关系。研究发现4种蓝藻地衣在森林群落间的分布模式明显不同。除双缘牛皮叶的盖度和频度在原生苔藓矮林中最高外, 其他3种蓝藻地衣的最高值均出现于次生林如厚皮香(Ternstroemia gymnanthera)林和滇山杨(Populus bonatii)林中; 而哀牢山地区广布的原生木果柯(Lithocarpus xylocarpus)林中, 4种蓝藻地衣极为少见。4种地衣都能生长于10多个树种上, 但明显表现出对厚皮香、滇山杨和硬壳柯(Lithocarpus hancei)等树种的偏好性, 以及对小花山茶(Camellia forrestii)等的排斥性。森林群落的林龄、胸径、最大胸径、林冠开阔度、基面积、树木密度和树种多样性等因子的变化均对4种附生蓝藻地衣的分布产生重要影响, 但在景观尺度上影响程度相对较小, 在不同森林群落内部却有各自的重要作用。其中, 林龄、林冠开阔度和宿主胸径是影响蓝藻地衣分布的最重要的生境因子。  相似文献   

Recent studies have described a new tropical lowland forest type in the Guianas, the tropical lowland cloud forest. It is characterized by an enriched epiphytic species diversity particularly for bryophytes compared to common lowland rainforest, and is facilitated by frequent early morning fog events in valley locations. While the increase in epiphytic species diversity in lowland cloud forests has been documented, uncertainties remain as to (1) how this small scale variation in water supply is shaping the functional diversity of epiphytic components in lowland forests, and (2) whether information on functional group composition of epiphytes might aid in discerning these cloud forests from the common lowland rainforest. We compare the distribution of functional groups of epiphytes across height zones in lowland cloud forest and lowland rain forest of French Guiana in terms of biomass, cover as well as the composition of bryophyte life-forms. Both forests differed in functional composition of epiphytes in the canopy, in particular in the mid and outer canopy, with the cloud forest having a higher biomass and cover of bryophytes and vascular epiphytes as well as a richer bryophyte life-form composition. Bryophyte life-forms characteristic for cloud forests such as tail, weft and pendants were almost lacking in the canopies of common rain forest whereas they were frequent in lowland cloud forests. We suggest that ground-based evaluation of bryophyte life-form composition is a straightforward approach for identifying lowland cloud forest areas for conservation, which represent biodiversity hotspots in tropical lowland forests.  相似文献   

Cloud forests (CF) are disappearing due to anthropogenic causes such as cultivation. A characteristic feature of the CF is that a high proportion of its biomass occurs in the form of epiphytes, which are vital microhabitats to canopy dwelling arthropods. Coffee plantations overlap with CF and replace them. Epiphytes are abundant in shade coffee (SC) plantations and therefore these plants are an appropriate background for comparing the diversity between these systems. Spiders are understudied in canopies, and since they are major predators and their communities are highly sensitive to environmental changes, they can be used to test the similarity between habitats. We conducted a diversity assay of spiders living in epiphytes in cloud forest fragments and SC plantations, to test the hypothesis that SC plantations function as refugia. We manually sampled epiphytes within the canopy of two coffee plantations and two fragments of cloud forest in central Veracruz, Mexico. Our results show that SC plantations account for higher spider abundance and species richness than cloud forest fragments, there is little overlap between the species found in both systems, and the range of distribution and the guild structure of the spider assemblages between both systems is similar. As there were no significant differences between cloud forest fragments and SC plantations in terms of spider species assemblages, species distribution and guild structure the epiphytes from the SC plantations can be consider a refuge for the spider fauna from the surrounding cloud forest fragments. Epiphyte load and tree height are important factors driving the differentiation at community level, between sites and habitats. Bromeliads harbored more spiders than the other types of epiphytes, and since these plants are frequently removed by farmers or extracted for commercial and religious purposes, we suggest that preserving epiphytes in coffee plantations and cloud forest fragments could aid in the conservation of spiders.  相似文献   

Despite considerable progress in the ability to measure the complex 3‐D structure of forests with the improvement of remote‐sensing techniques, our mechanistic understanding of how biodiversity is linked to canopy structure is still limited. Here we tested whether the increase in arthropod abundance and richness in beech forest canopies with increasing canopy complexity supports the more‐individuals hypothesis or the habitat‐heterogeneity hypothesis. We used fogging to collect arthropod samples from 80 standardized plots from canopies of single‐ to multi‐layered mature montane European beech stands. Tree height and an independent measure of vertical heterogeneity – the vertical distribution ratio – on each arthropod sampling plot were derived from high‐resolution full‐waveform airborne laser scanning data. Mixed‐model path analysis based on almost 20 000 specimens of 762 species from 11 orders provided support for the more‐individuals hypothesis, with higher arthropod abundance but not higher species richness in stands with a more equal vertical distribution of plant biomass. By contrast, we found no support for the habitat‐heterogeneity hypothesis. The increase in the number of individuals with increasing vertical distribution of biomass might be caused either by increasing leaf area, as indicated by higher space filling and productivity in multi‐layered stands, or by higher persistence of arthropod populations owing to better shelter, reduced competition and more refuges under harsh conditions, or by both. High‐resolution airborne laser scanning, with its ability to penetrate dense canopies under leaf‐on conditions, has proved suitable for measuring vertical structures as a predictor for canopy diversity. Expanding combinations of remote‐sensing and canopy‐biodiversity data opens many avenues for improving our understanding of the link between diversity and forest structures.  相似文献   

Epiphytes in tree canopies make a considerable contribution to the species diversity, aboveground biomass, and nutrient pools in forest ecosystems. However, the nutrient status of epiphytes and their possible adaptations to nutrient deficiencies in the forest canopy remain unclear. Therefore, we analyzed the stoichiometry of five macroelements (C, N, P, K, and Ca) in four taxonomic groups (lichens, bryophytes, ferns, and spermatophytes) to investigate this issue in a subtropical montane moist evergreen broad‐leaved forest in Southwest China. We found that the interspecific variations in element concentrations and mass ratios were generally greater than the intraspecific variations. And there were significant stoichiometric differences among functional groups. Allometric relationships between N and P across the epiphyte community indicated that P might be in greater demand than N with an increase in nutrients. Although canopy nutrients were deficient, most epiphytes could still maintain high N and P concentrations and low N:P ratios. Moreover, ferns and spermatophytes allocated more limited nutrients to leaves than to stems and roots. To alleviate frequent drought stress in the forest canopy, vascular epiphytes maintained several times higher K concentrations in their leaves than in the tissues of lichens and bryophytes. Our results suggest that epiphytes may have evolved specific nutrient characteristics and adaptations, so that they can distribute in heterogeneous canopy habitats and maintain the stability of nutrient metabolism.  相似文献   

普晓妍  王鹏程  李苏  鲁志云  宋钰 《广西植物》2021,41(9):1465-1475
附生植物是热带亚热带森林生态系统中物种多样性极高且极其脆弱敏感的生物类群之一。光照被认为是促进附生植物由陆生类群演化而来并决定其生长和分布的关键因素。然而,由于接近林冠和规范性采样的限制,附生植物与光照的关系仍亟待阐述。为揭示附生植物对光强变化的响应和适应策略,该研究以亚热带常绿阔叶林6种附生植物(林冠层木本:鼠李叶花楸、毛棉杜鹃;林冠层草本:狭瓣贝母兰、毛唇独蒜兰;树干区草本:点花黄精、距药姜)为对象,对其在4个光处理梯度下生长的叶片气孔特征及其可塑性进行了对比分析。结果表明:(1) 2种附生小乔木的气孔面积(SA)、气孔密度(SD)、潜在气孔导度指数(PCI)和表皮细胞密度(ECD)均对光强改变显著响应。2种附生兰科植物的SA最大,而SD最小;附生乔木叶片SD和ECD的光响应趋势与陆生植物更相似,而附生草本则出现种间差异。(2) 6种附生植物的气孔、表皮细胞特性及其表型可塑性,在草本-木本、常绿-落叶植物、林冠-树干区之间,均无明显差别。(3)附生植物气孔特性和表皮细胞平均可塑性指数均低于陆生植物。综上结果表明,亚热带常绿阔叶林中附生植物对于光环境变化的适应性相对较弱。不同的附生植物可以通过不同程度地增加叶片SD和ECD来适应高光强生境,并通过对SD和SA的双重调节以增大潜在光合能力从而应对低光胁迫。  相似文献   

Question: Disturbance effects on dry forest epiphytes are poorly known. How are epiphytic assemblages affected by different degrees of human disturbance, and what are the driving forces? Location: An inter‐Andean dry forest landscape at 2300 m elevation in northern Ecuador. Methods: We sampled epiphytic bryophytes and vascular plants on 100 trees of Acacia macracantha in five habitats: closed‐canopy mixed and pure acacia forest (old secondary), forest edge, young semi‐closed secondary woodland, and isolated trees in grassland. Results: Total species richness in forest edge habitats and on isolated trees was significantly lower than in closed forest types. Species density of vascular epiphytes (species per tree) did not differ significantly between habitat types. Species density of bryophytes, in contrast, was significantly lower in edge habitat and on isolated trees than in closed forest. Forest edge showed greater impoverishment than semi‐closed woodland and similar floristic affinity to isolated trees and to closed forest types. Assemblages were significantly nested; habitat types with major disturbance held only subsets of the closed forest assemblages, indicating a gradual reduction in niche availability. Distance to forest had no effect on species density of epiphytes on isolated trees, but species density was closely correlated with crown closure, a measure of canopy integrity. Main conclusions: Microclimatic changes but not dispersal constraints were key determinants of epiphyte assemblages following disturbance. Epiphytic cryptogams are sensitive indicators of microclimate and human disturbance in montane dry forests. The substantial impoverishment of edge habitat underlines the need for fragmentation studies on epiphytes elsewhere in the Tropics.  相似文献   

The forest canopy is fundamentally important in biodiversity conservation and ecosystem function. Cryptogamic epiphytes are dominant tree bole and canopy elements in temperate and boreal forests, though remain neglected by mainstream forest ecology. This review makes ecological information on cryptogamic epiphytes available to a non-specialist audience, to facilitate their integration in forest biodiversity and ecosystem studies more generally. The review focuses specifically on lichen epiphytes, highlighting their diversity and ecosystem role. A principal task is to explore pattern and process in lichen epiphyte diversity – species composition and richness – therefore demonstrating the utility of lichens as an ecological model system. The review examines key themes in previous research. First, the extensive literature used to resolve species response to, and community turnover along environmental/resource gradients, consistent with the habitat niche. Second, the evidence for dispersal-limitation, which may constrain community composition and richness in isolated habitats. Third, these two processes – the habitat niche and dispersal-limitation – are used to explain stand-scale diversity, in addition to the role of neutral effects (habitat area). Fourth, the review moves from a taxonomic (pattern) to a functional (process) perspective, considering evidence for autogenic succession evidenced by competition and/or facilitation, and non-random trends in life-history traits. This functional approach provides a counter-point to an assumption that lichen epiphyte communities are unsaturated and non-competitive, a situation which would allow the long-term accumulation of species richness with temporal continuity. Finally, the review explores landscape-scale impacts on lichen epiphytes, with recommendations for conservation.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The importance of the organisms and processes thatoccur in forest canopies is becoming increasingly recognizedin relation to understanding biodiversity. The upper tree canopyof many forest ecosystems fosters extremely diverse communities,particularly of vascular epiphytes and arthropods. Epiphytesalso contribute to the diversity of birds because they add tothe total amounts of resources, provide opportunities for resourcespecialization, and temporally spread available resources inthe canopy throughout the year. Epiphytes also contribute toecosystem processes such as nutrient cycling because they gainaccess to nutrient sources originating outside the ecosystemand transfer them to other members of the forest, thus functioningas a "keystone" resource.  相似文献   

Lichen epiphytes are applied as excellent environmental indicators worldwide. However, very little is known about epiphytic lichen communities and their response to forest dynamics in subtropical China. This paper proposes the applications of the cover, diversity, and functional traits of epiphytic lichens to assess environmental changes associated with succession in subtropical forests of southwest China. Bole lichens were sampled from 120 plots of eight representative forest types in the Ailao Mountains. Total cover, species richness, diversity and community structure of bole lichens differed significantly among forest types, and the highest cover and diversity occurred in the Populus bonatii secondary forest (PBSF). Sixty-one indicator species were associated with particular forest types and more than 50% occurred in the PBSF. Both cover and diversity of most lichen functional groups varied regularly during forest succession. Lichen pioneer species were not displaced by competitively superior species as succession proceeds and cyanolichens were more prevalent in secondary forests. The results also highlight the importance of habitat variables such as canopy openness, host diversity, forest age, tree size, the size of the largest tree, tree density, and basal area on the lichen community. Consequently, our findings support the notion that epiphytic lichens, in terms of cover, diversity, species composition and functional traits can be used as effective indicators for large-scale and long-term forest monitoring. More importantly, the narrowly lobed foliose group was the best candidate indicator of environmental conditions in this region. The combined application of lichen indicator species and functional groups seemed to be a more reliable and more powerful method for monitoring forest dynamics in subtropical montane ecosystems.  相似文献   

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