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上丘-丘脑枕结节-杏仁核通路是哺乳动物脑内的视觉皮层下通路之一。近来的研究提示这条通路和情绪相关的视觉信息处理有关。本综述提出这条通路可能更多地涉及到个体的警戒而不是简单的早期视觉信息处理,并且讨论了其生物学意义。在早期视觉过程中,大脑检测的不是"空间位置",也不是"是什么物体",而是警告大脑的信号:"有情况出现!",使大脑进入一种警戒状态。这种警戒状态对物种生存至关重要。因此,我们认为在视觉早期,对物体"出现"和"消失"的检测较之"质地"和"形状"等特征信息收集等更为重要。拓扑知觉和皮层下通路的存在可能就是机体视觉警戒的神经基础。"警戒"可能正是皮层下通路存在的生物学意义之一。  相似文献   

人和动物的脑是世界上最复杂、最有效的信息加工系统。研究感觉信息的接收、传递、加工辨识和利用,是揭示脑奥妙的突破口,对研究人脑高级神经活动有重要科学意义。现已查明,几乎人脑的各个部分都与视觉反应有关。视觉是个极其复杂的多级过程,外界物理光能在眼睛视网膜内转变成神经电化学能,经过神经编码和初步加工,视觉信息被传递到脑  相似文献   

脑对多感觉信息的整合是人和高等动物获取环境中有意义信息的重要方式。长期以来科学界一直认为,脑对不同感觉刺激(包括视觉、听觉、躯体感觉等)信息的分析和加工由不同的感觉皮层介导,最终在联络皮层进行整合,形成综合性的感觉和意识,但最近的一些实验证据显示,以前被认为只负责对单一感觉刺激分析和处理的感觉皮层亦可受其他感觉刺激的影响并直接参与多感觉信息的整合作用,这些新的发现对过去传统的大脑皮层功能分区概念提出了严峻的挑战。就近些年来有关感觉皮层(主要包括听觉、视觉和躯体感觉皮层)对多感觉刺激信息整合的研究进行综述,以增加人们对大脑皮层功能的新认识,为感觉信息处理和编码及感觉信息整合的后续研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

大脑如何感知物体并对感知到的物体进行类别的划分,这是视觉认知神经科学研究的重要目标之一。先前的研究证明,当我们看到物体时,大脑腹侧视觉通路能够对看到的物体进行识别并分类,进而使我们在行为上产生针对物体的不同交互方式。本文总结了腹侧视觉通路与物体视觉分类相关的最新研究进展,从物体在视觉皮层中的神经表征和机制等方面阐述了物体生命度与真实大小这两个重要组织维度的研究现状,提供了新的见解,同时指出了进一步研究的方向。  相似文献   

研究表明,视觉通路除了经典的视觉皮层通路外,还有一条“古老的”、快速的皮层下通路负责在有意识和无意识状态下快速处理与情绪相关的信息。皮层下视觉通路由上丘、枕核和杏仁核组成,而且不经过初级视觉皮层。我们前期研究表明,初级视觉皮层与拓扑知觉信息加工没有关系,而皮层下视觉通路负责处理视觉拓扑信息。基于这些发现,我们认为,在早期视觉中,大脑检测涉及生命攸关的信号,这些信号告诉大脑:环境中有物体出现或消失,使大脑进入警戒状态,这对物种的生存至关重要。因此,在早期视觉中,需要检测的要素只是物体的“出现”和“消失”,而不是“纹理”、“形状”等。“出现”和“消失”都是拓扑特征的变化。拓扑感知和皮层下视觉通路的存在可能是早期预警的神经基础。在灵长类动物中,视网膜外周区域主要由视杆细胞构成,该区域接收的视觉信息主要通过皮层下视觉通路进行处理;视网膜中心区域(即中央凹)主要由视锥细胞构成,视觉空间分辨率变得非常高,该区域视觉信息处理主要是由视觉皮层负责。研究表明,由视杆细胞构成的视网膜是个“古老”结构,在1亿多年前就出现了;而视锥细胞构成的视网膜类型较为“年轻”,在5 000万年前才出现。所以,我们的视网膜从“古老”结构演化到“年轻”结构至少用了5 000万年的时间,它是由一个古老结构和一个年轻结构共同组成的“嵌合体”。当我们讨论皮层下通路存在的意义时,我们也应该结合皮层通路的功能来统一考虑。  相似文献   

人脑对不同频率穴位电刺激反应的功能性磁共振成像   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
Jin Z  Zhang WT  Luo F  Zhang KL  Zhang L  Zeng YW  Han JS 《生理学报》2001,53(4):275-280
利用功能性磁共振方法研究人脑对不同频率穴位体表电刺激(transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation,TENS)的反应。实验对11名志愿得进行了22次脑部功能性磁共振成像。成像过程中,每名志愿者分别接受了2和100HzTENS刺激,刺激部位为左腿足三里和三阴交穴,结果为不同频率TENS都激活了初级和次级躯体感觉区,频率特异性的激活信号出现在与运动相关的区域、丘脑、边缘系统和联络皮层。结果显示,在相同穴位给予不同频率的TENS要以在大脑引起不同的反应,提示2和100HzTENS可能激活了不同的神经通路,这些神经通路分别在中枢神经系统起着不同的作用。  相似文献   

额叶-基底神经节模型构成运动控制网络,其网络主要由额下回、辅助运动区、初级运动皮层、初级躯体感觉皮层及基底神经节亚区组成,是调节反应抑制能力的主要网络。目前,评测反应抑制能力的范式主要包括Go/No-Go与Stop-signal范式。多项研究发现,这两种实验范式在进行抑制任务时额叶及基底神经节亚区存在不同的激活,提示其抑制机制可能有所不同。其中,Go/No-Go任务是否由超直接通路调控抑制过程还有待探讨,Stop-signal任务则可能需要间接通路、超直接通路实现对抑制过程的调控。运动控制网络与感觉运动网络、默认模式网络之间的交互作用可能在治疗反应抑制缺陷与其他脑功能疾病中发挥调节作用。  相似文献   

感觉皮层神经元的非经典感受野(简称"外周")对经典感受野(简称"中心")的调节作用广泛存在于哺乳动物中,被认为是感觉皮层神经元的基本特性.以初级视皮层神经元为例,刺激其外周能有效地调节刺激其中心引起的反应,这种作用主要是抑制性的.理解初级视皮层神经元的外周对中心的调节机制能够深入揭示哺乳动物的感觉皮层神经元信息处理的基本原则.本文综述了引起初级视皮层神经元非经典感受野对经典感受野调节作用的神经环路机制和计算模型研究的进展.  相似文献   

随着对神经机制问题阐述水平的迅速提高,所应用的神经成像技术、方法及各种工具的复杂程度也在不断提高.一方面是神经成像技术本身的不断发展,另一方面则是大脑直接刺激与神经成像技术同步记录方法的发展.经颅磁刺激-功能磁共振成像同步技术(TMS-fMRI)和经颅磁刺激-脑电技术(TMS-EEG)能为研究大脑网络的功能和有效连通性提供技术手段,该技术在多种认知领域的发展和应用,为神经科学、认知心理学、神经信息学等学科的研究者对人脑的研究开启了多条通道,更加有利于深入地理解人类大脑的工作机制.  相似文献   

疼痛是一种多维度的情感体验,痛感觉和痛情绪是其最主要的两个组分。关于疼痛,以往研究只专注于痛觉传递通路的某个环节或某个关键脑区,缺乏行为个体脑区与脑区连接在整体状态下参与疼痛或调节疼痛的证据。新的实验工具和实验技术的诞生,为痛感觉和痛情绪的神经通路研究带来了曙光。本文综述了近年来脊髓水平以上的神经系统(包括丘脑、杏仁核、中脑导水管周围灰质、臂旁核和内侧前额叶皮层)参与形成痛感觉和调节痛情绪的神经通路结构和功能基础,为疼痛的深入研究提供线索。  相似文献   

The study of blind individuals provides insight into the brain re-organization and behavioral compensations that occur following sensory deprivation. While behavioral studies have yielded conflicting results in terms of performance levels within the remaining senses, deafferentation of visual cortical areas through peripheral blindness results in clear neuroplastic changes. Most striking is the activation of occipital cortex in response to auditory and tactile stimulation. Indeed, parts of the "unimodal" visual cortex are recruited by other sensory modalities to process sensory information in a functionally relevant manner. In addition, a larger area of the sensorimotor cortex is devoted to the representation of the reading finger in blind Braille readers. The "visual" function of the deafferented occipital cortex is also altered, where transcranial magnetic stimulation-induced phosphenes can be elicited in only 20% of blind subjects. The neural mechanisms underlying these changes remain elusive but recent data showing rapid cross-modal plasticity in blindfolded, sighted subjects argue against the establishment of new connections to explain cross-modal interactions in the blind. Rather, latent pathways that participate in multisensory percepts in sighted subjects might be unmasked and may be potentiated in the event of complete loss of visual input. These issues have important implications for the development of visual prosthesis aimed at restoring some degree of vision in the blind.  相似文献   

An important unresolved question in sensory neuroscience is whether, and if so with what time course, tactile perception is enhanced by visual deprivation. In three experiments involving 158 normally sighted human participants, we assessed whether tactile spatial acuity improves with short-term visual deprivation over periods ranging from under 10 to over 110 minutes. We used an automated, precisely controlled two-interval forced-choice grating orientation task to assess each participant's ability to discern the orientation of square-wave gratings pressed against the stationary index finger pad of the dominant hand. A two-down one-up staircase (Experiment 1) or a Bayesian adaptive procedure (Experiments 2 and 3) was used to determine the groove width of the grating whose orientation each participant could reliably discriminate. The experiments consistently showed that tactile grating orientation discrimination does not improve with short-term visual deprivation. In fact, we found that tactile performance degraded slightly but significantly upon a brief period of visual deprivation (Experiment 1) and did not improve over periods of up to 110 minutes of deprivation (Experiments 2 and 3). The results additionally showed that grating orientation discrimination tends to improve upon repeated testing, and confirmed that women significantly outperform men on the grating orientation task. We conclude that, contrary to two recent reports but consistent with an earlier literature, passive tactile spatial acuity is not enhanced by short-term visual deprivation. Our findings have important theoretical and practical implications. On the theoretical side, the findings set limits on the time course over which neural mechanisms such as crossmodal plasticity may operate to drive sensory changes; on the practical side, the findings suggest that researchers who compare tactile acuity of blind and sighted participants should not blindfold the sighted participants.  相似文献   



Sensory substitution devices for the blind translate inaccessible visual information into a format that intact sensory pathways can process. We here tested image-to-sound conversion-based localization of visual stimuli (LEDs and objects) in 13 blindfolded participants.

Methods and Findings

Subjects were assigned to different roles as a function of two variables: visual deprivation (blindfolded continuously (Bc) for 24 hours per day for 21 days; blindfolded for the tests only (Bt)) and system use (system not used (Sn); system used for tests only (St); system used continuously for 21 days (Sc)). The effect of learning-by-doing was assessed by comparing the performance of eight subjects (BtSt) who only used the mobile substitution device for the tests, to that of three subjects who, in addition, practiced with it for four hours daily in their normal life (BtSc and BcSc); two subjects who did not use the device at all (BtSn and BcSn) allowed assessment of its use in the tasks we employed. The impact of long-term sensory deprivation was investigated by blindfolding three of those participants throughout the three week-long experiment (BcSn, BcSn/c, and BcSc); the other ten subjects were only blindfolded during the tests (BtSn, BtSc, and the eight BtSt subjects). Expectedly, the two subjects who never used the substitution device, while fast in finding the targets, had chance accuracy, whereas subjects who used the device were markedly slower, but showed much better accuracy which improved significantly across our four testing sessions. The three subjects who freely used the device daily as well as during tests were faster and more accurate than those who used it during tests only; however, long-term blindfolding did not notably influence performance.


Together, the results demonstrate that the device allowed blindfolded subjects to increasingly know where something was by listening, and indicate that practice in naturalistic conditions effectively improved “visual” localization performance.  相似文献   

Sensory deprivation and injury to the peripheral nervous system both induce plasticity in the somatosensory system of adult animals, but in different places. While injury induces plasticity at several locations within the ascending somatosensory pathways, sensory deprivation appears only to affect the somatosensory cortex. Experiments have been performed to detect experience-dependent plasticity in thalamic receptive fields, thalamic domain sizes and convergence of thalamic receptive fields onto cortical cells. So far, plasticity has not been detected with sensory deprivation paradigms that cause substantial cortical plasticity. Part of the reason for the lack of thalamic plasticity may lie in the synaptic properties of afferent systems to the thalamus. A second factor may lie in the differences in the organization of cortical and thalamic circuits. Many deprivation paradigms induce plasticity by decreasing phasic lateral inhibition. Since lateral inhibition appears to be far weaker in the thalamus than the cortex, sensory deprivation may not cause large enough imbalances in thalamic activity to induce plasticity in the thalamus.  相似文献   

Psychology and neuroscience have a long-standing tradition of studying blind individuals to investigate how visual experience shapes perception of the external world. Here, we study how blind people experience their own body by exposing them to a multisensory body illusion: the somatic rubber hand illusion. In this illusion, healthy blindfolded participants experience that they are touching their own right hand with their left index finger, when in fact they are touching a rubber hand with their left index finger while the experimenter touches their right hand in a synchronized manner (Ehrsson et al. 2005). We compared the strength of this illusion in a group of blind individuals (n = 10), all of whom had experienced severe visual impairment or complete blindness from birth, and a group of age-matched blindfolded sighted participants (n = 12). The illusion was quantified subjectively using questionnaires and behaviorally by asking participants to point to the felt location of the right hand. The results showed that the sighted participants experienced a strong illusion, whereas the blind participants experienced no illusion at all, a difference that was evident in both tests employed. A further experiment testing the participants' basic ability to localize the right hand in space without vision (proprioception) revealed no difference between the two groups. Taken together, these results suggest that blind individuals with impaired visual development have a more veridical percept of self-touch and a less flexible and dynamic representation of their own body in space compared to sighted individuals. We speculate that the multisensory brain systems that re-map somatosensory signals onto external reference frames are less developed in blind individuals and therefore do not allow efficient fusion of tactile and proprioceptive signals from the two upper limbs into a single illusory experience of self-touch as in sighted individuals.  相似文献   

In the desert locust (Schistocerca gregaria Forsskål), vision is a seemingly indispensable prerequisite for many behaviour patterns. The question arises as to whether and to what extent other senses can compensate for the loss of vision, and whether this can take place in the adult stage. To answer this question, both of the compound eyes of nymphs in the final pre‐adult stage are blinded (but not the ocelli), resulting in permanent visual deprivation during adult life. The results are somewhat unexpected: under laboratory conditions, in comparison with sighted controls, the blinded locusts do not exhibit any noticeable change in overall agility relative to daily activity, nor any detriment in terms of the final moult, reproductive rate or longevity. In their search for a specific food source in an experimental arena with a narrow passage between the compartment where the animals are released and the compartment containing food, in the first trial, visually deprived females need significantly more time than the sighted controls. However with an increasing number of trials, each performed after 1 day of food deprivation, the food finding latency of blinded locusts (S. gregaria) approaches or even surpasses that of normally sighted locusts. The blinded locusts use their antennae, mouthparts and tarsi more extensively, suggesting a more frequent use of tactile and chemical cues, which they gradually learn to use more efficiently. The results indicate that pre‐adult and adult S. gregaria can respond to abrupt, permanent changes in their sensory inputs, and have a significant capacity for adaptation.  相似文献   



The loss of vision has been associated with enhanced performance in non-visual tasks such as tactile discrimination and sound localization. Current evidence suggests that these functional gains are linked to the recruitment of the occipital visual cortex for non-visual processing, but the neurophysiological mechanisms underlying these crossmodal changes remain uncertain. One possible explanation is that visual deprivation is associated with an unmasking of non-visual input into visual cortex.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We investigated the effect of sudden, complete and prolonged visual deprivation (five days) in normally sighted adult individuals while they were immersed in an intensive tactile training program. Following the five-day period, blindfolded subjects performed better on a Braille character discrimination task. In the blindfold group, serial fMRI scans revealed an increase in BOLD signal within the occipital cortex in response to tactile stimulation after five days of complete visual deprivation. This increase in signal was no longer present 24 hours after blindfold removal. Finally, reversible disruption of occipital cortex function on the fifth day (by repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation; rTMS) impaired Braille character recognition ability in the blindfold group but not in non-blindfolded controls. This disruptive effect was no longer evident once the blindfold had been removed for 24 hours.


Overall, our findings suggest that sudden and complete visual deprivation in normally sighted individuals can lead to profound, but rapidly reversible, neuroplastic changes by which the occipital cortex becomes engaged in processing of non-visual information. The speed and dynamic nature of the observed changes suggests that normally inhibited or masked functions in the sighted are revealed by visual loss. The unmasking of pre-existing connections and shifts in connectivity represent rapid, early plastic changes, which presumably can lead, if sustained and reinforced, to slower developing, but more permanent structural changes, such as the establishment of new neural connections in the blind.  相似文献   

Competitive interactions between left and right eye inputs to visual cortex during development are usually explained by the thalamocortical axons competing more or less well for cortical territory during retraction into eye specific domains. Here we review the evidence for competitive and co-operative interactions between cortical columns in barrel cortex which are present several weeks after retraction of thalamocortical axons into barrels. Sensory responses in barrel cortex can be altered by a period of vibrissa deprivation. It was found that responses to previously deprived vibrissae (that had been allowed to regrow) were depressed more if neighboring vibrissae were spared than if all vibrissae were removed simultaneously. Depression of the deprived vibrissa response was greater the closer the cell lay to a spared barrel. It was also found that spared vibrissae responses were potentiated more if several neighboring vibrissae were left intact than if only a single vibrissae was spared. These results suggest a mechanism of cooperative potentiation, perhaps due to intracortical summation of excitation evoked by neighbouring vibrissa stimulation. Thalamic responses to vibrissa stimulation were unaffected by deprivation indicating a cortical origin. One of the consequences of deprivation was that the speed of transmission between barrels was increased for spared and decreased for deprived vibrissa. These results imply that inherent interactions between cortical columns give rise to a property of competition and co-operativity which amplify the effects of sensory deprivation.  相似文献   

There is now ample evidence that blind individuals outperform sighted individuals in various tasks involving the non-visual senses. In line with these results, we recently showed that visual deprivation from birth leads to an increased sensitivity to pain. As many studies have shown that congenitally and late blind individuals show differences in their degree of compensatory plasticity, we here address the question whether late blind individuals also show hypersensitivity to nociceptive stimulation. We therefore compared pain thresholds and responses to supra-threshold nociceptive stimuli in congenitally blind, late blind and normally sighted volunteers. Participants also filled in questionnaires measuring attention and anxiety towards pain in everyday life. Results show that late blind participants have pain thresholds and ratings of supra-threshold heat nociceptive stimuli similar to the normally sighted, whereas congenitally blind participants are hypersensitive to nociceptive thermal stimuli. Furthermore, results of the pain questionnaires did not allow to discriminate late blind from normal sighted participants, whereas congenitally blind individuals had a different pattern of responses. Taken together, these results suggest that enhanced sensitivity to pain following visual deprivation is likely due to neuroplastic changes related to the early loss of vision.  相似文献   

During mastication, reflexes are modulated and sensory transmission is altered in interneurons and ascending pathways of the rostral trigeminal sensory complex. The current experiment examines the modulation of sensory transmission through the most caudal part of the trigeminal sensory system, the medullary dorsal horn, during fictive mastication produced by cortical stimulation. Extracellular single unit activity was recorded from the medullary dorsal horn, and multiple unit activity was recorded from the trigeminal motor nucleus in anesthetized, paralyzed rabbits. The masticatory area of sensorimotor cortex was stimulated to produce rhythmic activity in the trigeminal motor nucleus (fictive mastication). Activity in the dorsal horn was compared in the presence and absence of cortical stimulation. Fifty-two percent of neurons classified as low threshold and 83% of neurons receiving noxious inputs were influenced by cortical stimulation. The cortical effects were mainly inhibitory, but 21% of wide dynamic range and 6% of low threshold cells were excited by cortical stimulation. The modulation produced by cortical stimulation, whether inhibitory or excitatory, was not phasically related to the masticatory cycle. It is likely that, when masticatory movements are commanded by the sensorimotor cortex, the program includes tonic changes in sensory transmission through the medullary dorsal horn.  相似文献   

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