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随着我国的发展,电力企业的机遇与挑战在不断增加,市场竞争越来越激烈,但是,目前一些电力企业存在影响自身经济发展的问题,如:缺乏竞争意识,缺乏信息化财务管理,管理模式单一等,使电力企业的市场竞争力降低,不仅影响电力行业的发展,还制约着国家的经济发展,一些电力企业的财务管理理念落后,经济效益无法提高,所以,电力企业应该对这些问题重视起来,加快财务管理的脚步,跟上时代的步伐。  相似文献   

在区域供冷采暖,大楼等使用的大容量制冷机领域,近年来不使用氟利昂的吸收式制冷机的需求量有所增加,但是,作为传统的吸收式制冷机课题是,机组是靠热驱动的热交换器系统,因此热容量大,起动,停止,负荷变化跟踪均需要一定的时间,在本研究中,为了掌握吸收式制冷机的特性并以加改善,开发了双效吸收式制冷机的动态特性模拟程序,采用适宜的PID控制,负荷跟踪性有所改善,另外,由于控制软件的改善,保护功能的提高,可控性  相似文献   

现代化机械制造在传统制造业的基础上,不断吸收电子,能源,材料,信息,和现代化管理技术,使其综合应用于机械制造产品的管理,测试,制造,设计,使用,销售等方面,使其服务于机械制造的整个过程中,达到实现降低机械制造消耗,提高机械制造效率,提高机械制造质量的目的,使整个机械制造的生产过程变得更加清洁,灵活,提高了机械制造的动态市场适应能力和整体的制造技术。  相似文献   

坝上是花的世界,林的海洋,水的源头,云的故乡。珍禽异兽的森林草原美景,骑马狩猎让你尽情领略纯自然的魅力。春夏围场,茫茫草原,繁花似锦,徜徉其间,心旷神恰,不知寒暑。九月坝上,红叶满山,霜林叠翠,无数国内外游客和艺术家前来观光摄影。我最喜欢的还是坝上的冬季,林海雪原,莽莽苍苍、气象万千。  相似文献   

黑夜是无涯的境界。藏着悲伤的曲调,藏着日夜,藏着心灵的菩恶,水在其间化为气息,汇聚成谜样的湖水,在回忆的流动间,浮现出深深的蓝色,勾引着意识的介入,暖昧地变幻着,在那渐绿的湖水间,照耀着寂寞的光,夜色在泪光中流淌着,掩映着永恒的咒语。在幽闭的湖水间,黑土散发着青春与神秘的气色,万物生与死都归于原始,这时候,凭着落日的余晖,泛起最后一度暗光。  相似文献   

油田的开采,需要不计其数的井,钻井是油田开采的基础,也是油田开采的关键。但是,数以千计的井中,每口井因其所处的地理环境以及尤其状况不同,其作用和效率也不同,因此为了提高其采油率,对钻井也具有不同的技术的要求。所以说,在钻井过程中,要不断的采取措施,改进钻井技术,提高钻井效率。当然,这也是节省钻井成本,提高设备利用率的关键。再者,提高效率并不是提高速度,它是在安全生产的基础上,运用先进的技术以及管理手段,在保证质量的前提下,提高钻井的效率。  相似文献   

现今,我国的经济飞速发展,社会主义市场经济逐步完善的条件下,计量器具影响着人们的生活以及各个方面,我们把握住时机,清醒的认识到计量器具检定的重性,本着实事求是的工作原则,认真地探索计量检定工作的新技术、新方法,根据市场经济的求,搞好计量检定工作,加强宣传力度,更好地服务于企业,适应市场经济的需,还应与管理相结合,提高计量检定工作质量。  相似文献   

在本文中,基于数字显示数字时钟系统的设计与实现。该系统具有时间设置和显示,闹钟,定时器功能,系统MSP430单片机为核心,主要是基于低功耗MSP430微控制器的数字时钟和系统的研究。用户界面系统,数字显示,具有按键提供友好,操作简单,数字时钟可以是长期的,持续的,可靠的,稳定的工作;还具有体积小,功耗低,便于携带,使用方便。系统的软件设计包括单片机编程。主要实现的关键MCU软件编程,数字显示,时钟,定时器,闹钟模块功能。  相似文献   

明媚的风光,秀丽的景致,都是风光摄影对象。同一景色,一年四季,晨曦,晚霞,雨雾霜雪,变化万千,拍之不尽。但正是这个变化无常的风光景色,给拍摄技术带来了一定难度,要获得正确的摄影曝光就不太容易了。风光摄影除需要有正确的曝光外,还要通过照相机的取景器,将无限风光,摄录于有限的画面之上,框出美好的景色来,这也是不容易的。  相似文献   

古邑兴化,楚地昭阳,北挽淮河,南依长江,就是这片神奇的土地,蜿蜒流淌着几千年的历史深淀中,有着施耐庵的才气风发,郑板桥的墨影风竹,刘熙载的性静情逸,仿佛都在诉说着青瓦灰墙,碧水蓝天的古城神貌。这里又是东方的湿地之都,千里无垠的生态土地上,鹤鹭群唳,万亩菜花,金色茫茫,夕阳西下,欧鸟齐归……好一派世外仙境,令你倦不思归。  相似文献   

Today, the generality of computer-aided process planning (CAPP) systems and their standardization do not achieve satisfactory standards levels for industry. One of the major causes here is the difficulty of integration with computer-aided design applications, due mainly to the product model used. It is therefore necessary to identify models that are general with regard to the products, but at the same time suitable for CAPP. A product model suitable for CAPP must represent the product conceptually, enabling the development of process planning functions that operate with manufacturing concepts. It is therefore necessary to develop product information models using this philosophy. The present paper focuses on this problem and proposes an information system for representing the product for internal CAPP use. It is geared towards representing all of the part information (necessary for manufacturing) integrally with the machining features and under the same concept as these features. To this end, one of the main characteristics of the model is the absence of conventional geometric entities. The application domain of the model proposed is the assignment of processes and machines in machined parts. The GF-CAPP system has revealed that the advantages of using this type of product model in CAPP are its generality with regard to the product and the ease of developing functional procedures that are general, simple and independent.  相似文献   

The available automated CAPP solutions are mostly academic research or specific applications, which cannot be used in different environments. This paper presents a solution for automated process planning for parametric parts included in one CAPP environment with many other software components. It meets the planning requirements of any parts and products in a real industrial environment. This paper provides a brief overview of CAPP and a definition of the parametric parts used. The requirements of the CAPP environment are discussed and its concept and design characteristics are presented. A practical application of the CAPP environment is described in order to validate the proposed solution.  相似文献   

介绍了一个适用于FMS的CAPP/CAM集成系统。它由创成法CAPP系统,NC自动编程系统和它们之间的接口等主要部分组成。系统采用基于特征的零件描述方法作为集成环境下统一的零件信息模型。由CAPP系统生成的工艺规程,通过接口文件自动传输给NC编程系统,经过特征识别后,从特征NC程序库中调用相应的特征数控程序,实现NC自动编程,为检验NC程序的错误,系统还具有刀具轨迹仿真功能,系统用户界面友好,经加工验证,可用于生产。  相似文献   

Diversity of electronic products, lack of human expertise, and inconsistency among manually generated process plans increase the necessity of developing Computer Aided Process Planning (CAPP) systems for electronic assembly. Artificial Intelligence (AI) offers a few techniques to develop CAPP systems which would behave in a 'knowledgeable' manner. Two rule-based CAPP systems, a backward-chaining system developed in M. 1 shell and a forward-chaining system developed in OPS 5, and an object-oriented system developed in Objective-C are discussed. The CAPP systems generate processes and select a set of machines to perform the generated processes for a given product. In the rule-based CAPP systems, product characteristics and bill of components are stored in working memory and capabilities of the available machines are stored as rules. In the object-oriented CAPP system, product as well as the available machines are represented as objects. A central decision module which does pattern matching and sends messages to appropriate machines (objects) is developed  相似文献   

程鲲  王军锋 《包装工程》2011,32(2):29-32,67
基于产品设计资料,引入产品结构树型图、产品可拆解性和能源回收指数等概念,评估了产品的可拆解性和能源回收性;构建了合并材料和整合产品功能单元2种绿色优化设计方法。以四川绵阳某企业B型超声仪器为例,通过优化设计前后产品零部件数量、拆解步数、拆解时间和能源回收指数的对比,验证了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

The needs of customers are now highly specific and continually changing, although they still want to have high-quality and low-cost products. Companies must respond rapidly to the demands of customers and improve their productivity. They must also provide a suitable product variety in order to survive and be competitive in the market. They attempt to find strong and flexible solutions to this problem. One of the keys for improving productivity and responsiveness is computer-aided process planning (CAPP). The automatic generation or preparation of effective and optimal process plans within a short period of time is vitally important in manufacturing, since small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have recently become a central part of the manufacturing industry of developing countries. The use of new technology and CNC machine tools has dramatically increased in developing countries, while complete CAD/CAM integration through CAPP is still not seen as ‘realizable’. The productivity and responsiveness of SMEs are the two fundamental issues to be improved to provide qualitative success as well as quantitative success and competitiveness. CAPP is the key technology for the increased productivity and responsiveness in SMEs, which are very sensitive to the diffusion of process planning know-how. SMEs have started to believe that it is necessary to use CAPP systems to improve the productivity of their CNC machine tools and systems. Therefore, the main objective of this research is to focus on the development of an open process planning system that can produce optimal process plans and machining codes for SMEs in the machining industry. The present paper introduces the updated version of a process planning system called OPPS-PRI 2.0 (Optimised Process Planning System for PRIsmatic parts) which was developed for SMEs.  相似文献   

王立岩  唐加福  宫俊 《工业工程》2009,12(6):122-126
以某电子集团生产的某类型控制器的实际生产为例,采用因果分析法对其生产过程中造成质量缺陷的原因从5M1E(人、机、料、法、测、环)方面进行综合分析.通过对其测量系统进行监控,在其稳定可靠的情况下采集数据.运用SPC技术对波峰焊工序进行控制图监控,对失控原因进行分析并在线调整.有效地保证了控制器的质量,为其质量改善指明了方向.  相似文献   

目的 设计并实现基于B/S架构模式的航空航天环形锻件CAPP系统,提升航空航天环形锻件的工艺设计效率,保证产品工艺设计的一致性,实现环形锻件工艺设计的自动化、智能化。方法 根据环形锻件工艺设计理论,结合实际生产过程中环形锻件工艺的设计要求,分析环形锻件工艺设计流程,提炼环形锻件的工艺设计规则。根据环形锻件工艺设计需求和用户需求设计环形锻件CAPP系统架构,选取C#作为系统后端开发语言,利用HTML、CSS和JavaScript技术开发系统界面。选用SQL Server开发系统数据库,配合MVC框架进行CAPP系统各功能模块的开发。结果 设计并实现了环形锻件CAPP系统,系统包含工艺编制、环件信息管理、知识库管理、用户管理4个系统功能模块。在工艺编制模块中导入新增环件信息后可以选择基于规则或基于机器学习2种设计模式进行环形锻件的工艺编制,能够自动生成标准化工艺卡片,与人工设计相比,工艺设计时间缩短了90%。结论 环形锻件CAPP系统具备良好的环形锻件工艺设计能力,能够显著提高环形锻件的工艺设计效率及一致性。  相似文献   

刘海江  陈乾峰 《包装工程》2013,34(17):12-15
为充分利用前人的经验以及有效地提高钢产品包装工艺规划的速度,提出了一种基于实例推理的钢产品包装工艺检索方法。基于钢产品包装工艺实例库,提出了2 层次的实例检索,第1 层采用层次编码来检索出相同包装代码下的包装工艺实例集;在第2 层检索中计算钢产品包装零件类型、材质特征以及几何尺寸的相似度,来逐步过滤掉不符合要求的实例,从而获得工艺最相似的包装工艺。通过具体的实例验证了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

基于PDM和组件技术的CAPP系统研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
组件技术的应用可提高软件系统的可重构性和柔性,便于系统维护和二次开发,同时,产品数据管理系统(PDM)作为平台可以支持快速地构建出像CAPP这样的应用系统.本文研究了基于组件技术的CAPP系统的设计思想,讨论了基于PDM系统和组件技术的CAPP系统的组件划分模型、体系结构和接口模型,并给出了基于PDM系统TeamCenter的组件化CAPP系统的构建实例.  相似文献   

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