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本文介绍了物联网技术和智慧校园的相关概念、层次结构及特征,并从教学、管理和资源共享等方面论述了物联网技术在智能校园建设中的应用,基于物联网技术的智慧校园是未来高校发展的重要趋势。  相似文献   

随着信息化产业的飞速发展,中国逐渐步入以物联网为主宰的信息时代,物联网在人们的日常生活中扮演越来越重要的角色。以物联网为建设基础的智慧校园,是新时代下校园发展的产物,为学校师生提供了学习生活一站式实践基地。2018年6月,中国颁布了《智慧校园总体框架》建设标准,旨在通过物联网技术建设节能、环保、高效的智慧化办学环境。基于此,简要概括了物联网和智慧校园的概念,分析了物联网在智慧校园建设中的主要功能,结合实际阐述了物联网在智慧校园建设中的应用。  相似文献   

物联网技术的应用领域广泛,与人们的生活息息相关。从数据通信到智能化网络;从军事领域到农业种植;从城市交通管理到医疗卫生;物联网技术都默默的发挥着作用。同时世界各国对物联网的重视,让物联网技术得到迅猛发展,技术逐步成熟。其中射频技术、传感器技术得到多个领域的应用。本文从物联网概念、技术、应用与发展方向等方面,进行了阐述。  相似文献   

近年来,物联网技术得到了快速发展,在智慧医疗领域发挥了重要作用.对智慧医疗和物联网关键技术进行了概述,从医疗健康管理、医疗物资管理以及医疗过程管理等3个方面,详细阐述了物联网技术在智慧医疗上的应用.  相似文献   

物联网技术在智慧城市建设中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过分析物联网的概念及特点,总结了物联网技术在智慧城市建设中的核心应用。同时对城市智慧交通、智慧医疗、智能电网、智慧物流、智慧水利、智慧旅游、智慧校园等方面的物联网应用进行了描述。  相似文献   

世界经济危机之后,随着“智慧地球”的提出,物联网产业蓬勃发展,罗克佳华工业有限公司本着高科技要深入基层、面向应用的理念,集中优势技术和资源,率先将物联网技术应用在事关国计民生的节能环保、安全生产、金融监管、数字城市的领域,并以标准化的技术和产品,进行全社会的推广。应用物联网技术及其带来的相关产业,为转型发展、跨越发展做出贡献,书写“智慧发展”新篇章。  相似文献   

物联网技术是新兴的第三代信息技术,为了使校园管理变得更方便、更智能化,物联网技术已经广泛的应用到校园管理系统中,实现智慧校园的全面建设。该文首先介绍介绍了物联网技术的概念和特征,分析了智慧校园的概念和核心理念,阐述了物联网在智慧校园中的应用。  相似文献   

物联网技术的蓬勃发展推动了世界各国“智慧地球”、“智慧城市”的建设步伐,我国“感知中国”概念的实施同样离不开物联网技术的支持.为了推进我国“智慧城市”的建设,大部分省市都将物联网建设作为城市发展的重中之重.  相似文献   

随着物联网时代的来临,在人们的日常生活中逐渐普遍采用数字化和物联网技术,这也极大地推动了智慧校园建设.智慧校园下运用物联网技术开发教学资源,管理教学事业,能够提高教学质量和管理效果,实现学校智能化、可视化管理,为广大师生创造智慧化教育环境,能够有效实现师生互动.基于此,本文主要针对智慧校园建设中物联网技术的应用展开深入分析,并且提出了相关建议.  相似文献   

物联网是指通过网络将物与物连接到一起,是在计算机、因特网之后又一信息产业的重大突破。物联网技术在社会生活以及经济贸易中有着非常长远的发展前景,对推动电子商务的发展也有非常重要的意义。基于物联网的电子商务目前还处在起步阶段,存在着技术方面以运营方面都存在着诸多问题需要解决。本文对物联网的概念、技术以及物联网技术的发展现状进行阐述与分析,对物联网技术的发展问题做出了探讨。  相似文献   

Interconnection of the sensing and actuating devices providing the ability to share information across platform through a unified framework for enabling innovative applications. This is achieved by seamless ubiquitous sensing, data analytics and information representation as the unifying framework. Extending the current internet with interconnected objects and devices and their virtual representation has been a growing trend in recent years. Internet of Things (IoT) services are becoming a popular services. This will be supported challenges in a large of aspects such as smart health, green energy, smart home and personalized applications. So, the IoT plays more and more important issue in lifestyle through entertainment such as Games. As of yet, there has not been much research done on IoT environment games as a service. In this paper, we propose schemes of the design and implantation of IT convergence framework for games as a service of IoT. First of all, we discussed what to consider when design and implementation of IT convergence framework for games through contents using user’s mobile devices and various sensors in IoT environment and suggest related techniques. Then, we showed the possibility of games in the IoT environment by creating games and measuring the interactions of users in the IoT environment.  相似文献   

近年来,物联网(Internet of Things,IoT)产业受到许多的关注,世界各国均视其为潜在无限商机的高科技产业,并投入大量的资源从事研发与推广。由于物联网的应用非常广泛,且透过物联网技术人类得以提升生活质量,让生活更加便利,因此,本论文首先简介物联网的背景及应用,并介绍其基本概念与架构。接着,本论文以「无线感测真菌人文树道」为例,针对物联网技术应用于人文艺术领域进行说明,并详细叙述其所使用到之各项软件、韧体及硬件技术,透过真菌的感测、无线通信及异质网络连网功能的设计,使真菌网络成为物联网在人文艺术应用的一个重要典范。  相似文献   

In recent times, the Internet of Things (IoT) applications, including smart transportation, smart healthcare, smart grid, smart city, etc. generate a large volume of real-time data for decision making. In the past decades, real-time sensory data have been offloaded to centralized cloud servers for data analysis through a reliable communication channel. However, due to the long communication distance between end-users and centralized cloud servers, the chances of increasing network congestion, data loss, latency, and energy consumption are getting significantly higher. To address the challenges mentioned above, fog computing emerges in a distributed environment that extends the computation and storage facilities at the edge of the network. Compared to centralized cloud infrastructure, a distributed fog framework can support delay-sensitive IoT applications with minimum latency and energy consumption while analyzing the data using a set of resource-constraint fog/edge devices. Thus our survey covers the layered IoT architecture, evaluation metrics, and applications aspects of fog computing and its progress in the last four years. Furthermore, the layered architecture of the standard fog framework and different state-of-the-art techniques for utilizing computing resources of fog networks have been covered in this study. Moreover, we included an IoT use case scenario to demonstrate the fog data offloading and resource provisioning example in heterogeneous vehicular fog networks. Finally, we examine various challenges and potential solutions to establish interoperable communication and computation for next-generation IoT applications in fog networks.  相似文献   

The Internet of things (IoT) applications span many potential fields. Furthermore, smart homes, smart cities, smart vehicular networks, and healthcare are very attractive and intelligent applications. In most of these applications, the system consists of smart objects that are equipped by sensors and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and may rely on other technological computing and paradigm solutions such as M2M (machine to machine) computing, Wifi, Wimax, LTE, cloud computing, etc. Thus, the IoT vision foresees that we can shift from traditional sensor networks to pervasive systems, which deliver intelligent automation by running services on objects. Actually, a significant attention has been given to designing a middleware that supports many features; heterogeneity, mobility, scalability, multiplicity, and security. This papers reviews the-state-of-the-art techniques for IoT middleware systems and reveals an interesting classification for these systems into service and agent-oriented systems. Therefore two visions have emerged to provide the IoT middleware systems: Via designing the middleware for IoT system as an eco-system of services or as an eco-system of agents. The most common feature of the two approaches is the ability to overcome heterogeneity issues. However, the agent approach provides context awareness and intelligent elements. The review presented in this paper includes a detailed comparison between the IoT middleware approaches. The paper also explores challenges that form directions for future research on IoT middleware systems. Some of the challenges arise, because some crucial features are not provided (or at most partially provided) by the existing middleware systems, while others have not been yet tackled by current research in IoT.  相似文献   

近年来,物联网大规模应用于智能制造、智能家居、智慧医疗等产业,物联网的安全问题日益突出,给物联网的发展带来了前所未有的挑战。安全测评技术是保障物联网安全的重要手段,在物联网应用的整个开发生命周期都需要进行安全测评工作,以保证物联网服务的安全性和健壮性。物联网节点面临计算能力、体积和功耗受限等挑战,智慧城市等应用场景提出了大规模泛在异构连接和复杂跨域的需求。本文首先总结了目前物联网中常用的安全测评方法和风险管理技术;然后从绿色、智能和开放三个方面分析物联网安全技术的发展现状和存在的安全问题,并总结了物联网安全测评面临的挑战以及未来的研究方向。  相似文献   


The Internet of Things (IoT) has gained significant attention from industry as well as academia during the past decade. Smartness, however, remains a substantial challenge for IoT applications. Recent advances in networked sensor technologies, computing, and machine learning have made it possible for building new smart IoT applications. In this paper, we propose a novel approach: the Neural Knowledge DNA based Smart Internet of Things that enables IoT to extract knowledge from past experiences, as well as to store, evolve, share, and reuse such knowledge aiming for smart functions. By catching decision events, this approach helps IoT gather its own daily operation experiences, and it uses such experiences for knowledge discovery with the support of machine learning technologies. An initial case study is presented at the end of this paper to demonstrate how this approach can help IoT applications become smart: the proposed approach is applied to fitness wristbands to enable human action recognition.  相似文献   

Abhik Chaudhuri 《EDPACS》2017,56(4):7-18
This article discusses the various dimensions of philosophy of information for the Internet of Things (IoT) technology. The aspects of attention, subjectivity, objectivity, happiness, key ethical concerns, and the need for algorithmic transparency and accountability in autonomous IoT applications that are necessary to build an IoT belief system have been highlighted here. The interplay of smart devices, smart services, and humans has been depicted to highlight trust permeability in human and IoT interfaces.  相似文献   


Internet of things is the backbone of the smart applications, which attracts many types of research on the state-of-the-art network applications. Enormous research on sensor networks left more devices that are sensible in the day-to-day life. Hence, implementing new sensor networks for smart applications is not necessary. Many researchers have accepted and utilized existing networks for their request. In this case, techniques for identifying and registering existing sensible things are on demand. This paper proposed a hybrid framework for sensor identification and registration (HSIR) for new IoT applications. This research proposing HSIR as a framework aimed for user-friendliness in the IoT as well as addressed toward the scalability requirement of IoT applications. This model uses content- and context-based multicast communication instead of broadcast to reduce energy and time consumption in sensor identification. HSIR also proposed a public key to register the new network for application requirements. The behaviour of the proposed model has been assayed in realistic with simulations and proved by comparing other models.


Internet-of-Things (IoT) is an awaited technology in real-world applications to process daily tasks using intelligent techniques. The main process of data in IoT involves communication, integration, and coordination with other real-world applications. The security of transferred, stored, and processed data in IoT is not ensured in many constraints. Internet-enabled smart devices are widely used among populations for all types of applications, thus increasing the popularity of IoT among widely used server technologies. Smart grid is used in this article with IoT to manage large data. A smart grid is a collection of numerous users in the network with the fastest response time. This article aims to provide high authentication to the smart grid, which constitutes secure communication in cloud-based IoT. Many IoT devices are deployed openly in all places. This open-access is vulnerable toward cloning attacks. Authentication is a significant process that provides strength while attacking. The security of the cloud and IoT must be computationally high. A lightweight authentication using hashing technique is proposed considering the aforementioned condition. The main factor of the authentication involves physically unclonable functions, which are utilized in improving the performance of the authentication. The proposed approach is evaluated with the existing techniques. Results show that the performance of the proposed algorithm provides high robust security.  相似文献   

The new Internet of Things (IoT) applications are enabling Smart City initiatives worldwide. It provides the ability to remotely monitor, manage and control devices, and to create new insights and actionable information from massive streams of real-time data. The main features of a smart city include a high degree of information technology integration and a comprehensive application of information resources. The essential components of urban development for a smart city should include smart technology, smart industry, smart services, smart management and smart life. The Internet of Things is about installing sensors (RFID, IR, GPS, laser scanners, etc.) for everything, and connecting them to the internet through specific protocols for information exchange and communications, in order to achieve intelligent recognition, location, tracking, monitoring and management. With the technical support from IoT, smart city need to have three features of being instrumented, interconnected and intelligent. Only then a Smart City can be formed by integrating all these intelligent features at its advanced stage of IOT development. The explosive growth of Smart City and Internet of Things applications creates many scientific and engineering challenges that call for ingenious research efforts from both academia and industry, especially for the development of efficient, scalable, and reliable Smart City based on IoT. New protocols, architectures, and services are in dire needs to respond for these challenges. The goal of the special issue is to bring together scholars, professors, researchers, engineers and administrators resorting to the state-of-the-art technologies and ideas to significantly improve the field of Smart City based on IoT.  相似文献   

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