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随着新能源汽车的发展,新能源汽车核心的动力电池也在迅速增加。目前如何安全回收、环保处理、加强废旧动力电池的规范化循环利用,已经成为行业人士关注的焦点。在废旧电池的处理过程中,根据处理方式主要有梯次利用和拆解回收;根据工艺的不同可以划分为:常用回收工艺一般包括化学回收、物理回收、生物回收和联合法四类。未来的废旧锂电池回收技术研究将围绕预处理步骤中的安全问题、二次处理步骤中的污染防治、深度处理步骤中的完全回收、废旧锂离子动力电池中各成分的综合回收利用四个方向展开。  相似文献   

正2018年农历春节刚过,工业和信息化部、科技部、环境保护部等7部门就于2月26日发布了关于印发《新能源汽车动力蓄电池回收利用管理暂行办法》(以下简称"《办法》")的通知,并规定此《办法》将于2018年8月1日起正式实施。《办法》中坚持产品全生命周期的理念,鼓励汽车、电池、回收拆解与综合利用企业等通过多种形式,共建废旧动力电池的回收渠道与平台。我国大力发展新  相似文献   

<正>随着新能源汽车应用逐步推进,围绕电池回收业务相关企业加快推进合作。锂电池厂家鹏辉能源日前公告,将为上汽、通用、五菱提供动力电池产品以及废旧电池梯次回收利用服务。上汽、通用、五菱亦实现了对电池回收业务的布局。业内人士指出,电池回收行业面临回收成本高、行业技术规范不完善等问题,需采取多种举措推进行业发展。资料显示,乘用车电池的有效寿命约4~6年,商用车电池有效寿命约3年左右。按相关产业发展规划,至2020年  相似文献   

杨茹 《中国计量》2024,(2):55-57
<正>新能源汽车行业是国民经济的重要支柱,链长面广,是我国实现“双碳”目标、提高能源安全的重要抓手。广东省在新能源汽车领域具有重要地位,2023年上半年新能源汽车产量占到全国总产量的28.74%,稳居全国第一,每4辆新能源汽车便有一辆是“广东造”。新能源汽车保有量的高位持续增长,使得新能源汽车自燃、起火等安全事故也频繁进入人们的视野。作为新能源汽车核心部件,动力电池安全性与新能源汽车安全事故密切相关,动力电池的安全隐患是当前制约新能源汽车产业发展的关键瓶颈。  相似文献   

近年来,随着全球新能源汽车产业的快速发展,中国政府不断加大了对新能源汽车与动力电池产业发展的政策支持力度,如在2012年国务院发布的《节能与新能源汽车产业规划(2012-2020)》中就明确提出了大力推进动力电池技术创新,重点建设动力电池产业集聚区域等任务;2012年发布的《新材料产业“十二五”发展规划》中也提出实施“先进电池材料专项工程”;2013年9月13日,财政部、科技部、工信部和发改委4部委又联合出台了《关于继续开展新能源汽车推广应用工作的通知》,明确了2013-2015年新一轮的新能源汽车补贴方案,将相关新能源汽车均列人中央财政补贴范围等。  相似文献   

正目前,在国家政策的引导下,新能源汽车的研发和产业化出现了前所未有的高潮。随着我国新能源汽车的迅猛发展,作为核心零部件的动力电池发展也紧随着新能源汽车的整体趋势在大幅度上升。但在早期的发展中,动力电池相关的标准依据单一,仅有行业标准QC/T 743-2006作为参考,缺乏权威性及广泛性,行业监管的门槛不清晰,国家标准体系的建立也日趋重要。我国的电动汽车及动力电池产业,需要符合现阶段行业的规范和监  相似文献   

本文从能源、环境、信息、科技等方面,剖析了我国发展新能源汽车的重大意义。规划设计出到2050年我国新能源汽车发展的战略目标路线。同时,结合已有相关研究,分析探讨了未来新能源汽车发展的整车基本技术路线、动力电池基本技术路线以及驱动电机、系统构型等动力总成的基本技术路线。最后,针对新能源汽车产业技术攻关,提出组建国家级技术创新联盟的建议,以期为我国未来新能源汽车发展提供战略参考。  相似文献   

正9月25日至26日,国务院副总理马凯到天津深入动力电池研发、生产、应用等企业和新能源汽车充换电站调研,并主持召开动力电池研发生产企业座谈会。马凯指出,近年来,我国动力电池研发和产业化取得了积极进展,在部分领域取得了突破,为新能源汽车加快发展奠定了较好的基础。但也要看到,同国际先进水平相比还有一定差距,还  相似文献   

纪亮 《中国计量》2024,(2):52-54
<正>“十三五”以来,我国新能源汽车产业快速发展,逐步成长为世界新能源汽车领域的创新高地。动力电池作为新能源汽车的核心部件,其制造水平与车辆动力性能和安全性息息相关。动力电池检验检测是对电池的全面体检,是电池生产和研发的必需环节,也是政府对电池实施监管、守护安全的重要依据。  相似文献   

正随着我国经济的快速发展和人们生活水平的大幅提高,汽车产量和保有量均急剧上升,尤其近几年纯电动汽车的发展以及锂离子动力电池的生产、使用和报废,锂离子动力电池的回收和再利用问题已经成为全行业关注的焦点。2015年3月工业和信息化部发布的《汽车动力蓄电池行业规范条件》对废旧动力蓄电池回收处理、再利用提出了新要求,2016年1月工信部会同发改委等有关部门组织研究制定了《电动汽车动力蓄电池回  相似文献   

The emergence and dominance of lithium-ion batteries in expanding markets such as consumer electronics, electric vehicles, and renewable energy storage are driving enormous interests and investments in the battery sector. The explosively growing demand is generating a huge number of spent lithium-ion batteries, thereby urging the development of cost-effective and environmentally sustainable recycling technologies to manage end-of-life batteries. Currently, the recycling of end-of-life batteries is still in its infancy, with many fundamental and technological hurdles to overcome. Here, the authors provide an overview of the current state of battery recycling by outlining and evaluating the incentives, key issues, and recycling strategies. The authors highlight a direct recycling strategy through discussion of its benefits, processes, and challenges. Perspectives on the future energy and environmental science of this important field is also discussed with respect to a new concept introduced as the Battery Identity Global Passport (BIGP).  相似文献   

电动汽车和相关电源材料的现状与前景   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
论述了电动汽车(EV)、电动汽车用镍氢电池、锂离子电池、质子交换膜燃料电池(PEMFC)、固体氧化物燃料电池(SOFC)及相关材料的研发现状、产业化前景,指出以电动汽车代替燃油内燃机汽车,以氢能代替碳基燃料,是当前运输业的主要发展方向。  相似文献   

在新能源政策倡导的发展趋势下,我国新能源汽车的发展已取得了长足的进步,随之增加的是电动汽车的电池能量密度。相应的电动汽车动力电池充电的直流充电桩的功率越来越高,使得直流充电桩的充电功率在配电层总负荷功率中的占比越来越大,这对配电网的规划建设带来新的挑战。根据电动汽车充电过程的随时可中断性,提出在电动汽车的总规模达到一定数量时,可以通过灵活控制电动汽车的总体充电功率,从而达到为电网调峰的目的。通过对电动汽车充电桩的功率和控制模式的分析,得出当直流充电桩的数量及其总功率在配电网负荷中的占比达到一定规模时,在集群控制模式下,更加适合参与配电网层的调峰。  相似文献   

随着新能源汽车产业的迅速发展,消费者对电动汽车续航里程的要求不断提高。高镍三元锂离子电池因其比能量高成为电动汽车中最具应用前景的动力电池,但该电池体系依然面临着低温性能差的问题。本文综述近年来高镍三元锂离子电池低温性能的研究进展,重点总结高镍三元锂离子电池低温性能的影响因素,一方面从热力学角度分析低温下高镍三元正极材料和石墨负极材料的结构变化、电解液相态和溶剂化结构变化以及黏结剂玻璃化转变对电池低温性能的影响;另一方面从动力学角度分析高镍三元电池低温放电过程中的速率控制步骤。归纳目前高镍三元锂离子电池低温性能的主要改善措施,其中低温电解液的设计包括优化溶剂、改善锂盐及使用新型添加剂三个方面,对电极材料低温性能的改善主要是通过体相掺杂、表面包覆及材料颗粒粒径降低的方式。总结电池中低温性能研究中存在的对电池低温热力学特性研究不够明确、对电池低温动力学过程研究方式单一以及对电池中的反应顺序存在的影响认识不足等问题。  相似文献   

There is an ever-increasing need for advanced batteries for portable electronics, to power electric vehicles and to facilitate the distribution and storage of energy derived from renewable energy sources. The increasing demands on batteries and other electrochemical devices have spurred research into the development of new electrode materials that could lead to better performance and lower cost (increased capacity, stability and cycle life, and safety). These developments have, in turn, given rise to a vigorous search for the development of robust and reliable diagnostic tools to monitor and analyse battery performance, where possible, in situ. Yet, a proven, convenient and non-invasive technology, with an ability to image in three dimensions the chemical changes that occur inside a full battery as it cycles, has yet to emerge. Here we demonstrate techniques based on magnetic resonance imaging, which enable a completely non-invasive visualization and characterization of the changes that occur on battery electrodes and in the electrolyte. The current application focuses on lithium-metal batteries and the observation of electrode microstructure build-up as a result of charging. The methods developed here will be highly valuable in the quest for enhanced battery performance and in the evaluation of other electrochemical devices.  相似文献   

Owing to almost unmatched volumetric energy density, Li-ion batteries have dominated the portable electronics industry and solid state electrochemical literature for the past 20 years. Not only will that continue, but they are also now powering plug-in hybrid electric vehicles and electric vehicles. In light of possible concerns over rising lithium costs in the future, Na and Na-ion batteries have re-emerged as candidates for medium and large-scale stationary energy storage, especially as a result of heightened interest in renewable energy sources that provide intermittent power which needs to be load-levelled. The sodium-ion battery field presents many solid state materials design challenges, and rising to that call in the past couple of years, several reports of new sodium-ion technologies and electrode materials have surfaced. These range from high-temperature air electrodes to new layered oxides, polyanion-based materials, carbons and other insertion materials for sodium-ion batteries, many of which hold promise for future sodium-based energy storage applications. In this article, the challenges of current high-temperature sodium technologies including Na-S and Na-NiCl2 and new molten sodium technology, Na-O2 are summarized. Recent advancements in positive and negative electrode materials suitable for Na-ion and hybrid Na/Li-ion cells are reviewed, along with the prospects for future developments.  相似文献   

The urgency for clean and secure energy has stimulated a global resurgence in searching for advanced electrical energy storage systems. For now and the foreseeable future, batteries remain the most promising electrical energy storage systems for many applications, from portable electronics to emerging technologies such as electric vehicles and smart grids, by potentially offering significantly improved performance, energy efficiencies, reliability, and energy security while also permitting a drastic reduction in fuel consumption and emissions. The energy and power storage characteristics of batteries critically impact the commercial viability of these emerging technologies. For example, the realization of electric vehicles hinges on the availability of batteries with significantly improved energy and power density, durability, and reduced cost. Further, the design, performance, portability, and innovation of many portable electronics are limited severely by the size, power, and cycle life of the existing batteries. Creation of nanostructured electrode materials represents one of the most attractive strategies to dramatically enhance battery performance, including capacity, rate capability, cycling life, and safety. This review aims at providing the reader with an understanding of the critical scientific challenges facing the development of advanced batteries, various unique attributes of nanostructures or nano-architectures applicable to lithium-ion and lithium-air batteries, the latest developments in novel synthesis and fabrication procedures, the unique capabilities of some powerful, in situ characterization techniques vital to unraveling the mechanisms of charge and mass transport processes associated with battery performance, and the outlook for future-generation batteries that exploit nanoscale materials for significantly improved performance to meet the ever-increasing demands of emerging technologies.  相似文献   

并联混合动力汽车复合电源控制策略的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
通过对复合电源在混合动力汽车(HEV)中应用的研究,设计了针对某款并联式混合动力汽车的复合电源结构,并对其效率特性进行了分析,提出了复合电源的功率分配控制策略以及电池给超级电容充电策略,基于MATALAB/Simulink,建立了复合能量存储系统模型,并嵌入ADVISOR软件中,在城市道路循环UDDS工况下进行了仿真研究。仿真结果表明,通过采用该复合电源控制策略,可以充分发挥超级电容和蓄电池各自的优点,改善整车储能系统的存储效率,提高制动能量的回收效率。  相似文献   

Batteries have become an integral part of everyday life—from small coin cells to batteries for mobile phones, as well as batteries for electric vehicles and an increasing number of stationary energy storage applications. There is a large variety of standardized battery sizes (e.g., the familiar AA-battery or AAA-battery). Interestingly, all these battery systems are based on a huge number of different cell chemistries depending on the application and the corresponding requirements. There is not one single battery type fulfilling all demands for all imaginable applications. One battery class that has been gaining significant interest in recent years is polymer-based batteries. These batteries utilize organic materials as the active parts within the electrodes without utilizing metals (and their compounds) as the redox-active materials. Such polymer-based batteries feature a number of interesting properties, like high power densities and flexible batteries fabrication, among many more.  相似文献   

低成本、高能量密度、高安全性的镁电池有望应用在未来大规模储能和动力汽车等领域。然而,镁电池目前仍处于初步发展的阶段,正极是限制电池性能的关键原因。由于Mg2+电荷密度高,在正极材料中扩散缓慢,因此如何提高正极材料的电化学性能是镁电池研究的重点与难点。本文通过分析正极材料的相关研究,总结出提升正极材料电化学性能的6种策略,分别为减小粒径、借助溶剂的屏蔽效应、增大层间距、调控阴离子、开发新结构和发展双离子电池。通过明确策略有效的根本原因、分析策略的优势与局限性,为高性能镁电池正极材料的开发提供有价值的指导。最后,对镁电池正极的发展现状进行总结,并对镁电池的正极及整个电池体系的未来发展趋势进行展望。  相似文献   

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