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Wang J  Jiang H  Xie JX 《生理学报》2003,55(4):422-427
应用快速周期伏安法(fast cyclic vohammetry,FCV)、原子吸收分光光度法及免疫组织化学方法,观察了6-羟基多巴胺(6-hydroxydopamine,6-OHDA)单侧损毁大鼠内侧前脑束(medial forebrain bundle,MFB)早期黑质(sub-stantia nigra,sN)铁水平与多巴胺(dopamine,DA)神经元损伤的变化,以及纹状体(striatum,Str)的DA释放。结果如下:6-OHDA单侧损毁大鼠MFB1d和3d后,SN的酪氨酸羟化酶(tyrosine hydroxylase,TH)阳性细胞分别下降了45%和66%;与正常鼠和未损毁侧相比,损毁侧SN的铁染色增强,铁浓度增加,而Str的DA释放量不变;6-OHDA损毁后1d与3d组相比,损毁侧的铁染色、铁浓度及DA释放量差别无显著性。上述结果表明,6-OHDA单侧损毁大鼠MFB的早期阶段,SN的DA能神经元数目中等程度减少时,铁染色及铁浓度即有增加,由于DA能神经系统有强大的代偿功能,使得Str的DA释放量仍趋于正常。  相似文献   

6-羟多巴胺脑内注射制备帕金森病大鼠模型的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的 通过向大鼠脑内单侧、双点、间隔注射 6 OHDA ,建立PD动物模型。方法 取SD大鼠 4 0只 ,随机分为实验组 35只和对照组 5只。实验组大鼠右侧黑质致密部和内侧前脑束注射 6 OHDA ,两次注射间隔一周 ,对照组大鼠注射人工脑脊液 ,观察经阿朴吗啡诱导后大鼠的行为及黑质DA神经元形态学变化。结果 ①实验组有 2 3只恒定左转鼠且旋转圈数 >2 10r 30min ,被认为是成功的PD模型 ,占 6 7 7% ;有 1只动物死亡 ,占 2 9%。②对PD大鼠模型的免疫组化研究发现 ,注射侧黑质区多巴胺神经元较健侧和对照组显著减少。结论 利用向脑内单侧、双点、间隔注射 6 OHDA制备PD大鼠模型 ,结果稳定可靠 ,动物死亡率低 ,为PD动物模型的建立提供了新方法。  相似文献   

目的:探讨慢性间断性缺氧(chronic episodic hypoxia,EHYP)对帕金森病(Parkinson disease,PD)模型小鼠行为学及纹状体多巴胺(DA)含量的影响。方法:44只雄性6周龄C57BL/6小鼠随机分为百草枯 EHYP组、EHYP组、百草枯组和对照组,观察小鼠自发行为活动及悬挂实验、游泳实验、步态实验进行行为学检测,高效液相色谱分析(HPLC)测定纹状体DA含量。结果:百草枯 EHYP组小鼠出现PD综合征表现,悬挂实验及游泳实验结果与其它各组间有显著性差异(P<0.05或P<0.01),纹状体DA含量较其它各组小鼠出现明显下降(均P<0.01),余各组行为学实验结果及纹状体DA含量差异无显著性(P>0.05)。结论:EHYP联合百草枯暴露可使小鼠出现PD综合征表现及纹状体DA含量的明显下降。  相似文献   

目的观察高频刺激丘脑底核对帕金森病(PD)大鼠纹状体中NOS阳性神经元的影响,以探求其作用机制。方法应用6OHDA制备偏侧PD大鼠模型,丘脑底核区埋入刺激电极进行电刺激,采用组织化学方法观察纹状体中NOS阳性神经元的变化。结果PD大鼠纹状体中NOS阳性神经元数与正常大鼠相比明显增加(P<0.01),经电刺激后PD大鼠纹状体NOS阳性神经元数量明显减少,且与正常大鼠相比无显著性差异。结论高频电刺激丘脑底核治疗PD的机制之一可能是与其抑制纹状体NO的过度释放有关。  相似文献   

帕金森病(Parkinson’s disease,PD)的一个主要病理特征就是中脑黑质多巴胺能神经元的丧失,目前研究认为该病理变化与多种因素有关,包括蛋白质异常积聚、泛素蛋白酶体系统功能异常、神经炎症、线粒体损伤和氧化应激。在帕金森病人和动物模型中,中脑黑质有着明显的氧化改变。帕金森病的遗传和环境因素均会作用于线粒体,尤其对线粒体呼吸链复合体I有着抑制作用,造成线粒体损伤,产生活性氧(ROS)。活性氧的大量产生造成脂类、蛋白质和DNA的氧化,从而加剧多巴胺能神经元的线粒体和细胞损伤。多巴胺代谢过程中会产生活性氧,该自身代谢特点决定了多巴胺能神经元存在有较高的氧化应激,易受环境因素的影响。因而,线粒体的氧化损伤在帕金森病病理发生中起着重要作用。  相似文献   

铁与帕金森病关系研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大量研究证实帕金森患者黑质铁异常沉积,脑内铁代谢紊乱,铁促进氧化应激是神经细胞损伤的重要病理机制。本文综述了铁代谢异常与帕金森病关系的研究概况,指出从中药中寻找金属螯合活性成分治疗PD是极其诱人的研究方向。  相似文献   

目的探讨线刀损毁内侧前脑束建立的帕金森病模型大鼠行为学改变与黒质致密部多巴胺能神经元存活率之间的相关性。方法采用可伸缩线刀切断大鼠内侧前脑束建立单侧损伤的帕金森病大鼠模型;皮下注射阿朴吗啡后测试大鼠的旋转行为;取中脑黑质切片进行酪氨酸羟化酶免疫组织化学染色,通过计数黑质致密部酪氨酸羟化酶阳性神经元的数目得到多巴胺能神经元存活率。结果模型组大鼠损伤侧酪氨酸羟化酶阳性神经元的数目明显下降,而由阿朴吗啡诱导的旋转行为明显增加。结论线刀损毁术后4周,帕金森病模型大鼠由阿朴吗啡诱导的旋转行为和黒质致密部多巴胺能神经元存活率之间存在着明显的负相关。  相似文献   

为了对人胚黑质DA神经元移植治疗PD人的临床应用作出客观评估,将8-12周人胚黑质细胞移植到用MPTP诱发的偏侧PD猴新纹状体内。实验动物分别存活2个月、5个月和1年后,用TH免疫细胞化学方法对被移植的人胚DA细胞的存活和与宿主间的突触联系进行检查。在光镜下可见被移植侧的新纹状体内有TH阳性细胞,它们成小群散在分布,每小群有3-10个细胞。TH阳性细胞的轴突延伸到整个新纹状体,树突呈现出正常发育过  相似文献   

目的观察不同剂量鱼藤酮皮下注射对大鼠行为学及脑纹状体多巴胺含量的影响,探讨鱼藤酮拟帕金森病大鼠模型的适宜造模条件。方法Lewis大鼠分别给予鱼藤酮不同剂量(1.0、1.5和2.0ms/ks/d)皮下注射共28d。应用旷场实验和斜板实验分别测定大鼠的运动功能和协调性,高效液相色谱一电化学法检测大鼠纹状体内多巴胺含量。结果模型组大鼠存活率随鱼藤酮注射剂量的升高呈逐渐下降趋势。鱼藤酮2.0mg/kg组大鼠体重最先明显降低,随着注射时间的延长,各模型组大鼠均出现显著的体重降低。旷场实验结果显示,各剂量鱼藤酮组大鼠跨格次数和站立次数均明显下降。斜板实验结果显示,鱼藤酮1.5mg/kg组大鼠在斜板的停留角度较对照组显著减小。鱼藤酮I.5ms/kg组大鼠脑纹状体内多巴胺含量显著降低。结论鱼藤酮1.5ms/kg皮下注射28d,大鼠出现明显的运动功能障碍和脑内多巴胺含量减少,而死亡率相对较低,因此是建立帕金森病大鼠模型的适宜剂量。  相似文献   

自从科学家发现1-甲基-4-苯基-1,2,3,6-四氢吡啶(MPTP)选择性损伤中脑黑质致密区(A9)多巴胺神经元通路以来,用这种神经毒素诱导的帕金森病(PD)模型被广泛应用于PD的研究。然而同为DA能神经元的中脑一边缘一皮层的DA(A10)系统是否也遭到同样损伤呢?  相似文献   

For these studies, young (8-9 years), middle-aged (14-17 years) and aged (23-28 years) rhesus monkeys were used as a model of normal aging in humans to investigate changes in dopamine (DA)-containing neurons in senescence. Aged monkeys exhibited significant age-related motoric declines as compared to the young animals. In vivo microdialysis studies showed that basal levels of the DA metabolites, homovanillic acid (HVA) and 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC) were diminished by 44% and 79%, respectively, in the substantia nigra (SN) of aged monkeys. In addition, d-amphetamine-evoked overflow of DA in the SN was diminished by 30% in the middle-aged animals and 67% in the aged monkeys. Post-mortem measures of DA and DA metabolites showed significant decreases in DA (20%), DOPAC (47%) and HVA (22%) levels in the putamen and a 25% decline in HVA tissue levels in the SN of the aged monkeys as compared to the young animals. Unbiased stereological cell counting of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH)-immunoreactive neurons in the SN showed a small (15-20%) but significant age-related decline in TH-positive neurons. In addition, there was a small (15-20%) but significant decline in TH-positive fiber density and TH-positive cell size. In comparison to the massive loss of DA neurons responsible for the movement dysfunctions seen in Parkinson's disease, pronounced functional changes in DA release in the SN and putamen may significantly contribute to the motoric dysfunctions characterizing normal aging in rhesus monkeys.  相似文献   

Dopamine (DA) receptors generate many cellular signals and play various roles in locomotion, motivation, hormone production, and drug abuse. According to the location and expression types of the receptors in the brain, DA signals act in either stimulatory or inhibitory manners. Although DA autoreceptors in the substantia nigra pars compacta are known to regulate firing activity, the exact expression patterns and roles of DA autoreceptor types on the firing activity are highly debated. Therefore, we performed individual correlation studies between firing activity and receptor expression patterns using acutely isolated rat substantia nigra pars compacta DA neurons. When we performed single-cell RT-PCR experiments, D(1), D(2)S, D(2)L, D(3), and D(5) receptor mRNA were heterogeneously expressed in the order of D(2)L > D(2)S > D(3) > D(5) > D(1). Stimulation of D(2) receptors with quinpirole suppressed spontaneous firing similarly among all neurons expressing mRNA solely for D(2)S, D(2)L, or D(3) receptors. However, quinpirole most strongly suppressed spontaneous firing in the neurons expressing mRNA for both D(2) and D(3) receptors. These data suggest that D(2) S, D(2)L, and D(3) receptors are able to equally suppress firing activity, but that D(2) and D(3) receptors synergistically suppress firing. This diversity in DA autoreceptors could explain the various actions of DA in the brain.  相似文献   

Dopamine depleting lesions of the substantia nigra result in a reduction of the striatal accumulation of 2-phenylethylamine following monoamine oxidase inhibition. It is established that this effect may not be due to a change in availability of aromaticL-amino acid decarboxylase in striatum. Nevertheless, the possibility remains that striatal concentrations of phenylalanine (the precursor of 2-phenylethylamine) may be altered by dopamine-depleting lesions. The present experiments assessed the effects of dopamine depletion induced by 6-OHDA (7 days following 8 g/4 l unilateral substantia nigra injection) on striatal concentrations of phenylalanine, dopamine, 5-hydroxytryptamine and their metabolites. In addition, the effects of reserpine-induced (10 mg kg1, 2h, sc) amine depletion on these striatal levels were also assessed. Under equivalent conditions reserpine is reported to increase striatal accumulationof 2-phenylethylamine. 6-OHDA induced a significant unilateral depletion of dopamine, DOPAC and HVA and increased 5-HIAA but had no significant effect on phenylalanine levels. Reserpine decreased dopamine and 5-hydroxytryptamine and increased DOPAC, HVA and 5-HIAA levels, no changes in phenylalanine were observed. This pattern of results was also observed when lesioned animals or reserpine-treated animals were pretreated with (-)-deprenyl (2 mg kg–1, 2 hr, sc), the treatment previously used to induce accumulation of 2-phenylethylamine. These data indicate that changes in 2-phenylethylamine previously observed under these conditions may not simply be secondary to a change in striatal phenylalanine concentrations.  相似文献   

Deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the subthalamic nucleus (STN) is an efficient neurosurgical treatment for advanced Parkinson's disease. Non‐invasive metabolic neuroimaging during the course of DBS in animal models may contribute to our understanding of its action mechanisms. Here, DBS was adapted to in vivo proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy at 11.7 T in the rat to follow metabolic changes in main basal ganglia structures, the striatum, and the substantia nigra pars reticulata (SNr). Measurements were repeated OFF and ON acute and subchronic (7 days) STN‐DBS in control and parkinsonian (6‐hydroxydopamine lesion) conditions. Acute DBS reversed the increases in glutamate, glutamine, and GABA levels induced by the dopamine lesion in the striatum but not in the SNr. Subchronic DBS normalized GABA in both the striatum and SNr, and glutamate in the striatum. Taurine levels were markedly decreased under subchronic DBS in the striatum and SNr in both lesioned and unlesioned rats. Microdialysis in the striatum further showed that extracellular taurine was increased. These data reveal that STN‐DBS has duration‐dependent metabolic effects in the basal ganglia, consistent with development of adaptive mechanisms. In addition to counteracting defects induced by the dopamine lesion, prolonged DBS has proper effects independent of the pathological condition.


In the present report, fast-scan cyclic voltammetry was used to identify the monoamines that were released by electrical stimulation in mouse brain slices containing ventral tegmental area (VTA), substantia nigra (SN) -pars compacta (SNc) and -pars reticulata (SNr). We showed that voltammograms obtained in mouse VTA were consistent with detection of a catecholamine, while those in both subregions of the SN were consistent with detection of an indolamine, based on the reduction peak potentials. We used pharmacological blockade and genetic deletion of monoamine transporters to further confirm the identity of released monoamines in mouse midbrain and to assess the control of monoamines by their transporters in each brain region. Inhibition of dopamine and norepinephrine transporters by nomifensine (1 and 10 microm) decreased uptake rates in the VTA, but did not change uptake rates in either subregion of the SN. Serotonin transporter inhibition by fluoxetine (10 microm) decreased uptake rates in the SNc and SNr, but was without effect in the VTA. Selective inhibition of the norepinephrine transporter by desipramine (10 microm) had no effect in any brain region. Using dopamine transporter- and serotonin transporter-knockout mice, we found decreased uptake rates in VTA and SN subregions, respectively. Peak signals recorded in each midbrain region were pulse number dependent and exhibited limited frequency dependence. Thus, dopamine is predominately detected by voltammetry in mouse VTA, while serotonin is predominately detected in mouse SNc and SNr. Furthermore, active uptake occurs in these areas and can be altered only by specific uptake inhibitors, suggesting a lack of heterologous uptake. In addition, somatodendritic dopamine release in VTA was not mediated by monoamine transporters. This work offers an initial characterization of voltammetric signals in the midbrain of the mouse and provides insight into the regulation of monoamine neurotransmission in these areas.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of neuromelanin (NM) isolated from the human substantia nigra and synthetic dopamine melanin (DAM) on neuronal and glial cell lines and on primary rat mesencephalic cultures. Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity and lipid peroxidation were significantly increased in SK-N-SH cells by DAM but not by NM. In contrast, iron-saturated NM significantly increased LDH activity in SK-N-SH cells, compared with 100 mg/mL ETDA-treated NM containing a low concentration of bound iron. DAM, but not NM, stimulated hydroxyl radical production and increased SK-N-SH cell death via apoptotic-like mechanisms. Neither DAM nor NM induced any changes in the glial cell line U373. 3H-dopamine uptake in primary rat mesencephalic cultures was significantly reduced in DAM-compared with NM-treated cultures, accompanied by increased cell death via an apoptosis-like mechanism. Interestingly, Fenton-induced cell death was significantly decreased in cultures treated with both Fenton reagent and NM, an effect not seen in cultures treated with Fenton reagent plus DAM. These data are suggestive of a protective role for neuromelanin under conditions of high oxidative load. Our findings provide new evidence for a physiological role for neuromelanin in vivo and highlights the caution with which data based upon model systems should be interpreted.  相似文献   

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