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步晓庆 《综合运输》2021,(1):104-109
在一带一路战略背景下,铁路物流中心的公铁联运业务至关重要。公铁联运业务各主体的协同存在易变性,资源双方是否信任会影响各自的策略选择。本文以铁路运输企业为主导,铁路运输企业接到客户公铁联运订单时会借助平台发布公路运输需求信息,公路运输企业根据自身情况向铁路运输企业表达意愿,最后铁路运输企业根据其采取的策略找到自身是否接受合作的均衡条件。本文通过对公、铁运输企业的短期博弈分析,找到双方合作的均衡条件,为双方利益分配奠定基础。  相似文献   


Online retailing is growing fast and claims are being made about its positive environmental impact relative to traditional shopping, particularly by the retailers themselves. There is, however, little concrete evidence to support the claims. Whilst there exists some research into the passenger travel implications of e‐shopping, this paper seeks to analyse the issues involved in online shopping from both a passenger and freight transport perspective. The objectives of the paper are first, to set out the complex transport relationships involved in online shopping and in particular the interaction between the passenger and freight aspects and second, to shed some light on the environmental impact of online shopping. It concludes that as things currently stand, it cannot be stated with any degree of certainty that clicks are any more environmentally responsible than bricks. The paper is conceptual in nature and is the pre‐cursor to an empirical study of the issue.  相似文献   

中国城市公共汽车运输业改革进程和前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市公共汽车运输是具有普遍服务义务的基础性公共服务,具有安全、经济、社会、环境多目标约束的复杂性,其改革设计必须权衡政府规制、市场竞争、企业激励和社会意愿。本文以上海、深圳、成都公共汽车运输业改革为例,归纳总结了中国城市公共汽车运输业改革进程和问题;提出了以竞争性招标的特许经营制度为核心,建构中国城市公共汽车运输的可竞争市场,强调城市公共汽车运输业改革需要政府调控、市场调节、社会监督、企业自律组合治理的制度设计,推进体制、机制和技术等制度的综合改革。  相似文献   

成渝通道近代史 清朝末期,四川保路运动就起因于清政府以"发展经济,加强交通建设"为由将铁路收归国有,朝廷收回各省商办铁路,改由中央借外债修筑铁路.1904年,在成都设立的川汉铁路公司负责督办四川成都经重庆到湖北汉口的川汉铁路,从商办到官商合办,再到清政府的国有化.  相似文献   

服务城市:“有路就有公交车” 1996年以来.徐州市公共交通有限责任公司(以下简称“徐州公交”)通过赊贷资金、员工集资等方式.购车1414台.大公交车数量由1996年的200余台扩大到现在的2000余台,客运量由1996年的1.1亿人次增加到2008年的3亿余人次,日发送班次8000个,较好地解决了过去长期未能解决的市民出行问题。  相似文献   

Rail transportation that is timely and dependable can compete with the trucking mode for Just-In-Time (JIT) deliveries. SNCF, the French National Railway, has a number of such offerings that emphasize reliability of freight shipments. We describe several of these SNCF products. They have in common the nature of regularly-scheduled service: planned connections to specific trains at classification yards. We discuss ways that SNCF can measure reliability, monitor it, and market it. Third-party logistics services of the SNCF are summarized, as is marketing research by SNCF to update their product line in goods transportation. We conclude with possibilities for future research.  相似文献   

交通物流是中新(重庆)战略性互联互通示范项目的四大合作领域之一,是降本增效、提升贸易便利化的关键所在。论文着眼于整个交通物流行业,系统分析了中新(重庆)交通物流合作的基础,研究提出合作愿景、合作原则,并分别从构建基础平台、市场平台、信息平台和政策平台入手,提出了相应的发展重点,相关成果可供政府决策参考,研究思路和经验可供类似项目参考。  相似文献   

本文首先根据四川省绿色交通装备的发展现状及政策法规,明确了发展绿色交通装备的思路与目标,再利用自上而下的方式制定各年度及各地市州的天然气推广计划,并结合企业的实际发展需要,制定了典型道路运输企业的天然气车辆的发展计划,最后提出了推广方案顺利实施的保障措施,为四川省交通运输行业绿色交通发展提供对策和建议。  相似文献   

The paper describes an approach to the vexing problem of transport planning and policy. It deals jointly with three questions, which in today's practice are addressed separately: How are hypotheses about transport problems and alternatives to their solution developed? How can a good plan or policy be identified? What is the process of implementing a transport plan or policy? In doing this the paper has the ambitious objective of proposing a new model and process for transport planning and policy. It is applicable in developed and developing countries and is not restricted to the transport sector. The paper builds on, and is a reinterpretation of two cornerstone transport planning and decision-making models – the CATS (Chicago Area Transportation Study) Planning and Design Model and Braybrooke and Lindblom's Disjointed Incrementalism. It advances a technique of experiential incrementalism (termed polisanalysis) to develop and implement plans and policies. It proposes that problems should be diagnosed by observation and continuous data collection; that their continuous analysis, finding the “cure”, and implementation take place through the method of experiential incrementalism. In this method interventions are grounded on the theories of neoinstitutional economics and psychoanalysis and derived using contact function, explained in the paper, which renders the method scientific replicability. Experiential incrementalism can employ a wider array of options in planning and policy than is presently thought possible. Like other scientific methods, its application requires rigorous training.  相似文献   

文章充分肯定了近年来我国道路运输工作取得的成绩,阐述了交通运输业今后的工作重点,提出了道路运输业发展的总体目标和要求。  相似文献   

文章总结2007年和十六大以来的交通工作,深入分析了交通发展面临的形势和任务,按照中央经济工作会议的部署和要求,安排交通2008年的各项工作任务。  相似文献   

社区卫生服务中心是我国最基本的医疗服务设施,其在空间上的分布代表着公共卫生服务设施的公平性。本文以百度兴趣点(POI)数据作为数据获取手段,有助于短时、且大量收集数据,并通过比较小汽车与常规公交两种出行方式的可达性,评价上海市社区卫生服务中心的布局合理性。结果显示,在城市空间上卫生服务中心的公交可达性远低于小汽车,对于使用公交出行的人群并不公平,未来在进行公交线路调整时,应该更多地考虑公交公平性,而非一味关注运行效率。  相似文献   

在德国新高速铁路线Nuremberg至Ingolstadt段的工程中,修建了总长约15 km的若干座隧道,最长的是7 250 m的Irlahüu隧道.该隧道是在喀斯特地质条件下开挖的.当时没想到喀斯特地质现象分布范围如此广泛,迫使业主、设计人员和承包商对该工程采取了一些新对策.他们研制了一些不同的机具来应付现场发生的问题.同时不得不增加了一些现场勘查工作以查清隧道附近的喀斯特现象.为确保该隧道的稳定性和服务能力,还必须找到一种新的确定施工事故概率的新方法.根据德国高速铁路Nuremberg至Ingolstadt段的隧道施工经验,本文将对两种隧道施工方法钻爆法(或新奥法)和TBM法进行讨论.  相似文献   

Integrated land use and transportation forecasting models are used to assist decision-makers in the policy analysis and infrastructure capital improvement selection process. These models are typically given precise, point-estimate inputs that are mathematically linked, through a series of submodels, to forecasted model outputs. These point-estimate inputs represent an unrealistic level of precision and a growing body of research is focusing on statistical techniques to model uncertainty in model inputs and parameters and tracking the effects of this uncertainty through the various submodels to the model outputs. This paper presents an uncertainty analysis of the Large Zone Economic Module (LZEM) of the Simple, Efficient, Elegant, and Effective Model (SE3M) of land use and transportation. Three case-study implementations of the model are used to obtain a reasonably sound approximation of how uncertainty affects LZEM outputs: Guam, Puerto Rico, and Oahu, Hawaii. These case studies were the subject of an early transferability study with SE3M and were selected based on both their insularity and diverse physical, economic, and demographic geographies. The findings of this research demonstrate that LZEM has a robust framework, with the potential to estimate error both in the positive and negative direction under uncertain input/parameter conditions.  相似文献   

The execution of vandalism and graffiti on rail property has a significant impact on rail authorities, the patronisation of rail services, expenditure, and the timely operation of services. There are also important social costs which stem from passengers feeling unsafe, not to mention the environmental costs of removing graffiti and repairing vandalism. In this review paper, we focus on the social, non-technical determinants of and deterrents to vandalism and graffiti in the rail industry. First, we consider the definitions of graffiti and vandalism that are often conflated. After providing some clarification on terminology, and proposing a media-centred approach to vandalism and graffiti, we consider various theorisations of the psychosocial determinants of vandalism and graffiti behaviour. We then turn to an empirical discussion of different technical and social, non-technical prevention programmes that have been trialled. With a focus on identifying what works and under what circumstances, we refer to international case studies of successful vandalism reduction initiatives from Europe, the United Kingdom, the United States of America and Australia. Based on a review of literature and practice, we outline a future research agenda to address vandalism and graffiti. We recommend lines of further research covering: theory, empirical data collection and practical initiatives. Specifically, we note the need for a trans-theoretical model of vandalism and graffiti, further ethnographic research and improved evaluation and benchmarking strategies. This is the first review dedicated to the topic of vandalism and graffiti in the rail industry and the first review of non-technical, social deterrents to vandalism and graffiti broadly.  相似文献   

This study proposes a framework to explore the concepts of exposure, vulnerability and connectivity in EU road network and to assess the potential transportation infrastructure sensitivities towards Sea-Level Rise (SLR) and storm surges. The magnitude and significance of impacts were determined and knowledge of network robustness was built up based on existing climate data and on future trends. Various spatial databases were integrated and a four-stage transport model was used to explore the likely impacts of network degradation. The pattern of the network was assessed via both node- and link-based measurements, where different road databases, namely TRANS-TOOLS and Tele Atlas/TomTom, were employed in order to analyze the impact of spatial resolution within network connectivity analyses. This general framework developed for European Union, was tested on a specific and articulated case study area; namely, the north-east coastal region of Spain. The research conducted, yielded useful methods for the analysis of network vulnerability, where impacts are more significant in regional accessibility patterns. Accessibility indicators at the regional level changed drastically, with some regions showing up to a 26% decrease. According to the results of network connectivity indicators, the changes in network topology have reduced the number of alternative routes and placed more pressure on the transport system. The implementation of this framework and quantitative assessment methodologies outlined in this paper could be employed to assist policy makers to recognize the opportunities that may arise or diminish the adverse effects.  相似文献   

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