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《金属及石材幕墙工程技术规范》JGJ133-2001是90年代针对铝合金型材而编制的,第5.6.6条的规定不适用于钢结构。幕墙钢结构采用焊接已有十多年历史,并经历了2008年汶川大地震的考验。目前许多大型公共建筑和高层建筑的幕墙都在采用焊接钢结构。实践表明某幕墙钢结构采用焊接是没有问题的。新修订的幕墙规范已经对幕墙钢结构焊接问题做出相应规定。  相似文献   

赵西安 《建筑技术》2011,42(4):300-303
《金属及石材幕墙工程技术规范》(JGJ 133-2001)是20世纪90年代针对铝合金型材编制的,第5.6.6条的规定不适用于钢结构,而幕墙钢结构采用焊接已有十多年历史,并经历了2008年汶川大地震的考验。目前许多大型公共建筑和高层建筑的幕墙都在采用焊接钢结构,实践表明幕墙钢结构采用焊接是没有问题的。新修订的幕墙规范已经对幕墙钢结构焊接问题作出相应规定。  相似文献   

JGJ 133—2001《金属与石材幕墙工程技术规范》的实施,使石材作为装饰板材附加上幕墙这个词汇属性正式以石材幕墙的新名词进入到人们的视野。作为石材幕墙的主受力体系——横梁与立柱的连接方式一直困惑着行业一线工作者,规范强条规定横梁应通过角码、螺钉或螺栓与立柱连接,角码应能承受横梁的剪力。实际项目设计与施工中没有完全按照规范实施的较多。目前这类问题又再次引起建筑幕墙行业的关注。特别是最近一年多,有不少公司反应他们的项目因横梁与立柱之间没有按照规范连接被相关政府检查监督部门开具罚单。  相似文献   

赵西安 《门窗》2013,(10):3-9
<正>1幕墙钢结构的焊接问题1.1 JGJ 133—2001规范编制的时代背景JGJ 133—2001《金属与石材幕墙工程技术规范》颁布于2001年,编制于19961997年,是上一个世纪九十年代的产物,距离今天已经有十六年的历史了。理解和应用JGJ 133规范,不能离开JGJ 133—2001编制当时的历史背景和技术水平。我国从上个世纪八十年代开始出现幕墙,九十年代初形成幕墙行业。但是最初进入这一行业的并不是建筑公司,而  相似文献   

本实用新型公开了一种建筑幕墙横梁与立柱的连接结构,包括在立柱上通过螺钉固定有连接件,其特征在于,该连接件为门型或口型结构.连接件的一面设置有两个或两个以上的同向槽口.在横梁的内腔设置有与连接件的槽口方向相反且相互扣接有反向槽口.连接件通过所述槽口的相互扣接连接在一起。所述连接件的另一面脚部设置有凸台.在该凸台上的连接件与横梁内腔侧壁还设置有卡紧件。[第一段]  相似文献   

温明 《门窗》2012,(12):115-116,118
本文重点阐述了钢结构外倾幕墙的基本概念及性能优点,并以银川某高层商业楼的屋顶钢结构外倾幕墙为实例,对钢结构在安装实践运用中的操作要点、技术测量、安装流程及注意事项等方面做了全面分析和探讨。  相似文献   

袁鼎 《建筑施工》2020,42(12):2276-2278
以上海新开发银行项目为例,研究钢结构与幕墙一体化施工过程中的相关工艺节点及配合措施,例如钢梁上预先开孔,加劲板埋件等。实践证明,采用钢结构与幕墙一体化工艺,可以减少幕墙重复操作导致的资源浪费,在保证钢结构稳定的前提下,使外立面幕墙施工更为简便。  相似文献   

樊宏 《江苏建筑》2005,(3):24-25
探讨幕墙系统中大型钢结构设计和施工的一些特点,对进一步改进和完善这一类型建筑物具有一定的参考价值.  相似文献   

张克杰 《工程质量》2003,(2):40-41,49
本文对钢结构焊接作用形式,焊接客体,客体间关系,焊缝构造特点,焊缝强度特点,焊缝强度、长度和质量要求三者的关系,规范与焊缝质量级别,焊缝质量检验和工程应用等进行了系统阐述,旨在从提高认识入手,从而达到提高工程应用水平的目的。  相似文献   

孙海亮 《施工技术》2006,35(12):103-105
主要通过对CCTV幕墙钢结构构件的加工,对其中制作工艺复杂、精度要求较高的大C形异型构件的制作的下料精度控制、组装装配控制及焊接变形控制等一系列的工艺流程的制作工艺进行技术总结。  相似文献   

Simplified methods for approximating the global, distortional, and local critical elastic buckling loads of cold-formed steel columns and beams with holes are developed and summarized. These methods provide engineering approximations appropriate for design, but are intended to be general enough to accommodate the range of hole shapes, locations, and spacings common in industry. The simplified methods are developed as a convenient alternative to shell finite element eigen-buckling analysis, which require laborious and subjective visual identification methods as well as commercial software not generally accessible to the engineering community. Global buckling of cold-formed steel beams and columns, including the influence of holes, is predicted with approximate “weighted average” cross-section properties formulated from classical energy-based stability solutions. Distortional and local buckling of a cold-formed steel member with holes are determined with the semi-analytical finite strip method, considering appropriate modifications to the element thickness and choice of buckling half-wavelength. The proposed methods are verified with shell finite element eigen-buckling studies. Unambiguous, simple methods for elastic buckling prediction of members with holes is central to the extension of the Direct Strength Method (DSM) for cold-formed steel member ultimate strength determination.  相似文献   

矩形钢管混凝土异形柱-钢梁框架节点受剪承载力研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在矩形钢管混凝土异形柱-钢梁节点试验研究的基础上,对节点的破坏特征及影响因素进行分析,结果表明矩形钢管混凝土异形柱-钢梁框架节点的破坏模式主要是节点域发生剪切斜压破坏,其受力机理为钢桁架、混凝土主斜压杆和约束斜压杆的综合作用。在此基础上,将节点域抗剪贡献分为三部分进行研究,包括节点域钢管腹板的抗剪贡献、节点域混凝土主斜压杆的抗剪贡献和约束斜压杆的抗剪贡献。根据试验结果和力学分析,推导了节点区柱腹板剪力计算式;由虚功原理得出节点区混凝土约束斜压杆的承载力计算式;通过对试验数据的回归分析,得到核心区混凝土主斜压杆的承载力计算式;最后提出了矩形钢管混凝土异形柱 钢梁框架节点屈服剪力和极限剪力的计算式,该计算式不仅考虑了柱轴力对节点区实际受力状态的影响,而且考虑了钢管对混凝土的约束作用。对比结果表明,采用计算式得到的结果与试验结果吻合较好。  相似文献   

张祖昆 《山西建筑》2011,37(12):111-112
以山西体育中心运动员训练A馆工程为例,对钢筋混凝土梁与钢骨柱节点连接技术进行了介绍,分别阐述了节点连接的工艺原理,关键技术及施工工艺等内容,以指导相关施工人员合理解决钢骨混凝土梁柱节点处钢筋的贯通问题。  相似文献   

为同时实现梁柱之间和柱柱之间装配,提出一种适用于多高层钢结构的异形钢管混凝土柱与H型钢梁的全螺栓连接节点.上柱、下柱、L形件与H型钢梁4个模块在工厂制作完成,在施工现场通过螺栓进行装配,可实现梁与柱、柱与柱之间的快速连接.通过改变盖板螺栓数量、加劲肋种类设计了4个节点,对其进行了拟静力试验与有限元分析,获得了节点的滞回...  相似文献   

Reinforced concrete (RC) structures often need strengthening due to defective construction, having higher loads than those foreseen in the initial design of the structure, or as a result of material deterioration or accidental damage. The need for strengthening concrete structures has become a crucial problem not only in developed countries but also in China and other developing countries. The use of bolted steel plates to retrofit existing RC structural components has been proven experimentally and practically to be effective in solving the problem. In this article, experimental and numerical studies conducted at The University of Hong Kong on the strengthening of RC-coupling beams, floor beams, and columns using bolted external steel plates are summarised. Features and design principles of this strengthening method are discussed.  相似文献   

The stability resistance of steel columns and beams is still a relevant research task in the structural engineering field. One of the main goals of these ongoing works is the improvement of the standard design process, making it more and more sophisticated and providing a better modelling of the real behaviour. However the research should provide, in parallel, a better understanding of the probabilistic side of design problems to make its safety level more uniform. This paper presents a deep look into the probabilistic stability resistance of steel columns and beams with hot-rolled I profiles. A wide range of random variables is considered, higher-level statistics are taken into account, and a special probabilistic model is applied to achieve refined and coherent results based on the most current statistical data. The results are applicable for reliability examinations of standard design processes.  相似文献   

钢结构箱形柱与梁异型节点抗剪承载力分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于对钢结构箱形柱与梁异型节点形式及受力性能的分析,建立异型节点域的受剪计算模型,并推导节点域在压弯情况下的抗剪承载力计算公式。通过对箱形柱与工字梁和箱形梁异型节点模型的低周反复加载试验,研究轴压比和核心区高度对节点域抗剪承载力的影响,得到节点域的剪力-剪应变滞回曲线;从试验模型的滞回曲线可以看出,异型节点域以剪切变形为主,且具有良好的延性和抗剪承载能力。试验结果与计算分析表明,节点域在小核心区发生剪切屈服,提出的节点域抗剪承载力计算公式与试验结果比较吻合。  相似文献   

A host of tests and numerical analyses for frames consisting of reinforced concrete columns and steel beams (RCS) have been conducted in the US and Japan over the past decades. Most results have revealed the superior performance of these structures relative to that of traditional concrete and steel frames. However, few studies could be found about composite frame structures consisting of high-strength concrete columns confined by continuous compound spiral ties and steel beams (CCSTRCS), which requires the development of an accurate finite element model of composite CCSTRCS frames. The validity of the proposed model is examined by comparing with the test data presented in reference studies. With the proposed model, an extensive parametric study is carried out to investigate the behavior of composite CCSTRCS frames. Simplified hysteretic lateral load versus lateral displacement models are proposed for such composite frames.  相似文献   

This paper presents an experimental study on seismic behavior of a composite structural frame system consisting of concrete filled steel tube columns and steel beams with bolted endplate connections. Based on current seismic provisions and previous research, a ten-story prototype building was designed. Analytical models were developed to predict the elasto-plastic behavior of the prototype frame under a series of ground motion records. A four-seventh scale sub-structure model consisting of two stories and one and half span was constructed and subjected to simulated seismic excitations using pseudo-dynamic hybrid testing method. Results from the tests indicate that the model behavior under the simulated seismic loading was consistent with the expected performances analyzed for different earthquake hazard levels. Finally, quasi-static test and pushover test were also conducted to identify the ultimate failure mode of the testing model. The study shows that the proposed system can offer appropriate strength and adequate ductility required for seismic design.  相似文献   

In order to improve the constructability and meanwhile ensure satisfactory seismic behavior, an innovative type of connection for concrete filled circular steel tube (CFT) column-to-steel beam composite structures was conceived and studied. The proposed connection details are characterized by an extended endplate that is welded to a steel beam in factory and then bolted to a CFT column using high-strength steel rods in the field. An experimental investigation on seismic behavior of the proposed bolted endplate connection and evaluation of the effect of concrete floor slabs and reduced beam sections was conducted by testing three full scale joint models. The experimental results indicated that the presence of floor slabs contributed to the strength of joints significantly and reduced beam sections were effective in moving the buckling zone away from the welds. Analytical models for the bolted endplate connections were also constructed using OPENSEES1.7.3 to simulate the experimental results.  相似文献   

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