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Nanotribological characteristics, including the coefficient of friction, wear coefficient, and wear resistance, of Cu6Sn5, Cu3Sn, and Ni3Sn4 intermetallic compounds developed by the annealing of Sn–Cu or Sn–Ni diffusion couples were investigated in this work. The scratch test conditions combined a constant normal load of 10 mN, 20 mN, or 30 mN and a scratch rate of 0.1 μm/s, 1 μm/s, or 10 μm/s. Experimental results indicated that, as the normal load increases, the pile-up grows taller and the scratch deepens, leading to a greater coefficient of friction and wear coefficient, and reduced wear resistance. Moreover, the scratch rate does not have a significant effect on the nanotribological characteristics except for those of Cu6Sn5 and Cu3Sn under a normal load of 10 mN. Though the hardness of Cu6Sn5, Cu3Sn, and Ni3Sn4 is similar, Ni3Sn4 appears to be more prone to wear damage.  相似文献   

In general, formation and growth of intermetallic compounds (IMCs) play a major role in the reliability of the solder joint in electronics packaging and assembly. The formation of Cu-Sn or Ni-Sn IMCs have been observed at the interface of Sn-rich solders reacted with Cu or Ni substrates. In this study, a nanoindentation technique was employed to investigate nanohardness and reduced elastic moduli of Cu6Sn5, Cu3Sn, and Ni3Sn4 IMCs in the solder joints. The Sn-3.5Ag and Sn-37Pb solder pastes were placed on a Cu/Ti/Si substrate and Ni foil then annealed at 240°C to fabricate solder joints. In Sn-3.5Ag joints, the magnitude of the hardness of the IMCs was in the order Ni3Sn4>Cu6Sn5>Cu3Sn, and the elastic moduli of Cu6Sn5, Cu3Sn, and Ni3Sn4 were 125 GPa, 136 GPa, and 142 GPa, respectively. In addition, the elastic modulus of the Cu6Sn5 IMC in the Sn-37Pb joint was similar to that for the bulk Cu6Sn5 specimen but less than that in the Sn-3.5Ag joint. This might be attributed to the strengthening effect of the dissolved Ag atoms in the Cu6Sn5 IMC to enhance the elastic modulus in the Sn-3.5Ag/Cu joint.  相似文献   

Positive-muon spin rotation (μ+SR) spectroscopy and magnetic moment measurements were used to probe fluxon (or vortex) formation in the superconducting mixed state of a high-purity YBa2Cu3O7 crystal. Random potentials caused by crystal-lattice defects pin fluxons. A fluxon lattice forms in an external magnetic field, and changes of thermal activation lead to fluxon pinning and depinning. The root second moment of the local magnetic field distribution (σ) determined by μ+SR contains information on the magnetic penetration depth and the pinning. Fluxon pinning leads to temperature-dependent transverse displacements of the fluxons that decrease σ and also fluctuations in the separation between fluxons that tend to increase σ. By accounting for the field-dependent and temperature-activated fluxon disorder, it is found that the experimental results for the penetration depth are consistent with a supercon-ducting order parameter of a strong-coupling two-fluid model, confirming that the superconductivity is nodeless with s-wave superconducting pairing. Quantitative results for fluxon displacements are discussed within the context of the fluxon field-temperature phase diagram.  相似文献   

The systematic features of the formation of the low-resistivity compound Cu3Ge by low-temperature treatment of a Cu/Ge two-layer system in an atomic hydrogen flux are studied. The Cu/Ge two-layer system is deposited onto an i-GaAs substrate. Treatment of the Cu/Ge/i-GaAs system, in which the layer thicknesses are, correspondingly, 122 and 78 nm, in atomic hydrogen with a flux density of 1015 at cm2 s–1 for 2.5–10 min at room temperature induces the interdiffusion of Cu and Ge, with the formation of a polycrystalline film containing the stoichiometric Cu3Ge phase. The film consists of vertically oriented grains 100–150 nm in size and exhibits a minimum resistivity of 4.5 µΩ cm. Variations in the time of treatment of the Cu/Ge/i-GaAs samples in atomic hydrogen affect the Cu and Ge depth distribution, the phase composition of the films, and their resistivity. Experimental observation of the synthesis of the Cu3Ge compound at room temperature suggests that treatment in atomic hydrogen has a stimulating effect on both the diffusion of Cu and Ge and the chemical reaction of Cu3Ge-compound formation. These processes can be activated by the energy released upon the recombination of hydrogen atoms adsorbed at the surface of the Cu/Ge/i-GaAs sample.  相似文献   

In this work, quaternary chalcogenide Cu2ZnSnSe4 (CZTSe) was synthesized using a mechanochemical ball milling process and its thermoelectric properties were studied by electrical resistivity, Seebeck coefficient, and thermal conductivity measurements. The synthesis process comprises three steps viz., wet ball milling of the elemental precursors, vacuum annealing, and densification by hot pressing. The purpose of this is to evaluate the feasibility of introducing wet milling in place of vacuum melting in solid state synthesis for the reaction of starting elements. We report the structural characterization and thermoelectric studies conducted on samples that were milled at 300 rpm and 500 rpm. X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis showed the existence of multiple phases in the as-milled samples, indicating the requirement for heat treatment. Therefore, the ball milled powders were cold pressed and vacuum annealed to eliminate the secondary phases. Annealed samples were hot pressed and made into dense pellets for further investigations. In addition to XRD, energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) studies were performed on hot pressed samples to study the composition. XRD and EDS studies confirm CZTSe phase formation along with ZnSe secondary phase. Electrical resistivity and Seebeck coefficient measurements were done on the hot pressed samples in the temperature range 340–670 K to understand the thermoelectric behaviour. Thermal conductivity was calculated from the specific heat capacity and thermal diffusivity values. The thermoelectric figure of merit zT values for samples milled at 300 rpm and 500 rpm are ~0.15 and ~0.16, respectively, at 630 K, which is in good agreement with the values reported for solid state synthesized compounds.  相似文献   

Thickening behavior of interfacial η (Cu6Sn5) phase and ɛ (Cu3Sn) phase intermetallic layers was investigated in liquid tin/solid copper reaction couples over reaction times from 30 sec to over 4,000 min and temperatures from 250°C to 325°C. A scanning electron microscope (SEM) was used to quantify the interfacial microstructure at each processing condition. The η developed with a scalloped morphology, while the ɛ always grew as a somewhat undulated planar layer in phase with the η. The thickness of each phase was quantitatively evaluated from SEM micrographs using imaging software. Thickening kinetics of the ɛ and η compounds were modeled using time- and temperature-dependent empirical power-law equations. From the model, values for the kinetic exponent, rate constant, and activation energy were established for each intermetallic layer. Measured values for the kinetic exponents and activation energies suggest that thickening of the η is controlled by a grain-boundary diffusion mechanism, and growth of the ɛ occurs by solid-state diffusion, probably grain-boundary diffusion.  相似文献   

Current-voltage characteristics of the In-ZnGa2Se4-In structure have been studied in the temperature range of 90–335 K. Based on the data calculated for the concentration of three trap types in ZnGa2Se4, the values N t = 1.4 × 1013, 8.2 × 1012, and 2.6 × 1012 cm−3 are obtained. The contact region transparency D k *= 10−5, surface recombination velocity S k = 0.65 m/s, and carrier lifetime τ = 1.5 × 10−4 s were determined. It was found that the current transmission mechanism in electric fields weaker than 103 V/cm is caused by monopolar carrier injection.  相似文献   

The structural and optical properties of Cu2ZnSnS4 thin-film layers formed by reactive pulsed laser deposition in a H2S atmosphere at room temperature with the use of a Cu metal target and a Zn–Sn alloy target are studied in relation to the parameters of annealing in a N2 atmosphere.  相似文献   

The data on the influence of the microstructure of In2S3 films produced by thermal evaporation upon their optical properties in relation to the film’s thickness are reported. The atomic force spectroscopy data for the layers that are produced in identical technological conditions, but exhibit different spectral positions of the optical absorption edge are presented and discussed. Variations in the optical band gap from 2.0 to 3.6 eV under variations in the thickness of the In2S3 films from 800–450 nm to 50–30 nm are observed. The variations are interpreted as a result of variations in the content of grains, specific in dimensions and microstructure.  相似文献   

X-ray diffraction and differential thermal analysis data obtained in the Cu1.95Ni0.05S phase-transition region are analyzed. It is established that the low-temperature rhombic α phase in Cu1.95Ni0.05S transforms to the hexagonal β phase at temperatures of 370–390 K and to the cubic γ phase at temperatures of 740–765 K according to the scheme \(\alpha \to \mathop {\alpha + \beta }\limits_{370 - 390K} \to \mathop {\alpha + \gamma }\limits_{740 - 765K} \to \gamma \). It is determined (using the temperature dependence of differential thermal analysis) that the transition α → β is accompanied by heat absorption while the transition β → γ is accompanied by heat release. It is found that both transitions are allowed and belong to the reconstructive type. Both transitions are found to occur in a fluctuation volume of ~10–20 cm3 at temperature rates of 0.11 and 0.08 K–1. It is demonstrated that the transition α → γ is accompanied by alternation of the structures passing through the intermediate β phase, which is incommensurate with respect to the α and γ phases.  相似文献   

Films of cerium hexaboride, a material promising for use in thermoelectric devices at liquidhelium temperatures, are produced by electron-beam deposition. Deposition is carried out from ceramic targets onto insulator, semiconductor, and metal substrates at different temperatures. The microstructure, the elemental and phase compositions, the temperature dependences of the resistivity and the Seebeck coefficient are thoroughly studied. CaB6-structured films, for which the structure is characteristic of cerium hexaboride and the elemental composition is close to the stoichiometric composition, are obtained. At low temperatures, the resistivity of the films is somewhat higher than that of single-crystal samples, and the Seebeck coefficient is close to the corresponding coefficient for single-crystal samples. The main cause of the difference between the resistance values is a high concentration of oxygen impurity detected in the films.  相似文献   

Cu2ZnSnSe4 thin films are produced by selenizing electrochemically layer-by-layer deposited and preliminarily annealed Cu–Zn–Sn precursors. For flexible metal substrates, Mo and Ta foils are used. The morphology, elemental and phase compositions, and crystal structure of Cu2ZnSnSe4 films are studied by scanning electron microscopy, X-ray spectral microanalysis, X-ray phase analysis, and Raman spectroscopy.  相似文献   

In the temperature range of 100–300 K, the electric (σ) and thermoelectric (α0) properties of Ag2Se with an excess of Ag as high as ~0.1 at. % and Se as high as ~1.0 at. %, respectively, are investigated. From the data on σ, α0, and χtot (thermal conductivities), the thermoelectric power α 0 2 σ and the figure of merit Z are calculated. It is found that α 0 2 σ and Z attain the peak values at room temperature and the electron concentration n ≈ 6.5 × 1018 cm?3.  相似文献   

In this work, Bi2Te3-Sb2Te3 superlattices were prepared by the nanoalloying approach. Very thin layers of Bi, Sb, and Te were deposited on cold substrates, rebuilding the crystal structure of V2VI3 compounds. Nanoalloyed super- lattices consisting of alternating Bi2Te3 and Sb2Te3 layers were grown with a thickness of 9 nm for the individual layers. The as-grown layers were annealed under different conditions to optimize the thermoelectric parameters. The obtained layers were investigated in their as-grown and annealed states using x-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy-dispersive x-ray (EDX) spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and electrical measurements. A lower limit of the elemental layer thickness was found to have c-orientation. Pure nanoalloyed Sb2Te3 layers were p-type as expected; however, it was impossible to synthesize p-type Bi2Te3 layers. Hence the Bi2Te3-Sb2Te3 superlattices consisting of alternating n- and p-type layers showed poor thermoelectric properties.  相似文献   

We report single-crystal growth of the superconducting pyrochlore Cd2Re2O7 using a vapor transport technique. Several parameters of the growth conditions, including hot-zone temperature and starting stoichiometry, were varied in order to control the formation of ReO2 inclusions, as confirmed by the electron microscopy, resistivity, and magnetic susceptibility measurements. The Rietveld refinement of x-ray (neutron) powder diffraction was found to be consistent with a cubic structure Fd3m with lattice constant a = 10.2250 (10.2358) Å and reduced coordinate of O1 = 0.3184 (0.3177) at 293 K (250 K). We also studied the oxygen stoichiometry by means of redox reactions, electron microprobe analysis (EMPA), and x-ray/neutron diffractions. Particularly, the neutron powder diffraction on the 114Cd-enriched specimens yielded an oxygen deficiency δ = 0.14 ± 0.03 solely at the O2 site, which was consistent with the EMPA results. The EMPA indicated that the oxygen deficiency is homogeneous in the bulk and in a range of 0.01 ± 0.18–0.23 ± 0.19.  相似文献   

The property anisotropy in Bi2Se0.3Te2.7 alloy is analyzed by constructing index surfaces for the thermoelectric figure of merit and thermal expansion coefficient. Texture is an important factor forming the property anisotropy and technological applicability of an ingot for fabricating modules. The property anisotropy is analyzed based on studying the texture in ingots produced by the modified Bridgman method (thermoelectric plate growth in a flat cavity). Analysis of the texture shows that not only the crystallization rate, but also the crystallization cavity design is an important factor for the proposed crystallization method, affecting the formation of the thermoelectric-material structure. As the plate thickness is decreased by changing the heat removal conditions in a thin gap, a more perfect structure can be obtained.  相似文献   

In major applications, optimal power will be achieved when thermoelectric films are at least 100 μm thick. In this paper we demonstrate that screen-printing is an ideal method to deposit around 100 μm of (Bi,Sb)2(Te,Se)3-based films on a rigid or flexible substrate with high Seebeck coefficient value (90 μV K−1 to 160 μV K−1) using a low-temperature process. Conductive films have been obtained after laser annealing and led to acceptable thermoelectric performance with a power factor of 0.06 μW K−2 cm−1. While these initial material properties are not at the level of bulk materials, the complete manufacturing process is cost-effective, compatible with large surfaces, and affords a mass-production technique.  相似文献   

An ultralow-firing microwave dielectric ceramic Cu3Mo2O9 with orthorhombic structure has been fabricated via a solid-state reaction method. X-ray diffraction analysis, Rietveld refinement, Raman spectroscopy, energy-dispersive spectrometry, and scanning electron microscopy were employed to explore the phase purity, crystal structure, and microstructure. Pure and dense Cu3Mo2O9 ceramics could be obtained in the sintering temperature range from 580°C to 680°C. The sample sintered at 660°C for 4 h exhibited the highest relative density (~ 97.2%) and best microwave dielectric properties with ε r = 7.2, Q × f = 19,300 GHz, and τ f = ? 7.8 ppm/°C. Chemical compatibility with aluminum electrodes was also confirmed. All the results suggest that Cu3Mo2O9 ceramic is a promising candidate for use in ultralow-temperature cofired ceramic applications.  相似文献   

For widespread application of thin-film photovoltaic solar cells, synthesis of inexpensive absorber material is essential. In this work, deposition of ternary Cu3BiS3 absorber material, which contains abundant and environmentally benign elements, was carried out on glass substrate. Flowerlike Cu3BiS3 thin films with nanoflakes as building block were formed on glass substrate by chemical bath deposition. These films were annealed at 573 K and 673 K in sulfur ambient for structural improvement. Their structure was characterized using Raman spectroscopy, as well as their surface morphological and optical properties. The x-ray diffraction profile of as-deposited Cu3BiS3 thin film revealed amorphous structure, which transformed to orthorhombic phase after annealing. The Raman spectrum exhibited a characteristic peak at 290 cm?1. Scanning electron microscopy of as-deposited Cu3BiS3 film confirmed formation of nanoflowers with diameter of around 1052 nm. Wettability testing of as-deposited Cu3BiS3 thin film demonstrated hydrophobic nature, which became hydrophilic after annealing. The measured ultraviolet–visible (UV–Vis) absorption spectra of the Cu3BiS3 thin films gave an absorption coefficient of 105 cm?1 and direct optical bandgap of about 1.42 eV after annealing treatment. Based on all these results, such Cu3BiS3 material may have potential applications in the photovoltaic field as an absorber layer.  相似文献   

The temperature and electric- and magnetic-field dependences of the resistivity of the R0.1Bi1.9Te3 compound are investigated. It is shown that, in the low-temperature region, variable-range hopping conductivity is realized in this compound. In the temperature range of hopping conductivity, the electrical resistivity decreases with increasing electric-field strength in the sample, which is typical of charge-carrier tunneling from one localized state in the impurity band to another. Investigation of the transverse magnetoresistance revealed the crossover from the parabolic dependence of the magnetoresistance in low fields to the linear dependence in high fields. The established features of the transport properties of the R0.1Bi1.9Te3 compound are characteristic of inhomogeneous and disordered semiconductors.  相似文献   

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