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李建光 《证据科学》2006,13(3):195-198
侵权行为法中的免责事由按损害是否由被告人的行为造成而分为正当理由和外来原因两类,前者因被告行为的合法性和正当性而免除或减轻被告人的责任:后者因被告行为与损害结果之间缺乏直接因果关系或者说损害不是被告人的行为造成的而免除或减轻被告的责任。关于外来原因是由不可抗力和意外事件两者构成,还是不可抗力包含了意外事件。我国法律对此没有明确的界定;同时.我国侵权法学界也是众说纷纭,尚未形成统一的意见。有鉴于此。本文拟从案例出发对不可抗力与意外事件作实证分析.以期澄清两者之间的关系。并对两者作较清晰的界定。  相似文献   

我国的民事法律承认并规定了不可抗力制度,根据不可抗力的特点及该制度的立法目的,这些规定属强制性规定。但是由于成文法的局限以及规定的不完备,使得不可抗力条款存在发挥作用的空间,以弥补法律规定的不足。不可抗力条款具有独立性,不能与免责条款混为一谈。  相似文献   

我国的民事法律承认并规定了不可抗力制度,根据不可抗力的特点及该制度的立法目的,这些规定属强制性规定。但是由于成文法的局限以及规定的不完备,使得不可抗力条款存在发挥作用的空间,以弥补法律规定的不足。不可抗力条款具有独立性,不能与免责条款混为一谈。  相似文献   

论法律实证分析   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
法律实证分析方法的应用是我国法学研究自身发展必须面对的一个重要问题。文中首先讨论了实证分析的概念 ,然后着重分析了法学领域为什么需要引入实证分析方法 ,以及如何在法学研究中应用实证分析方法等问题。按照本文分析 ,法学研究应当提倡理论的应用和操作研究、法律实施效果的测量、法律经验的归纳和“有理无数 ,莫谈学术”的精神。而实证分析就是改造现有法学研究范式的一条途径  相似文献   

论案例分析与案例教学   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
闫英 《行政与法》2001,(3):91-93
案例教学是国外教学管理中的一种较成功的教学方法.此种教学方法是符合理论与实际相结合精神的,它能锻炼与提高学生发现问题、分析问题与解决实际问题的能力,因此,这是一种很值得提倡的教学方法.  相似文献   

深入考察指导性案例适用方面的规律性特征,可以发现“检索难、识别难、参照难”问题限制了指导性案例弥补法律漏洞、统一法律适用等功能作用的发挥.裁判思维的差异、适用技术的缺乏等是案例适用难的主要原因.在厘清制约因素的基础上,以两种区分技术为参考,我们可以尝试案例适用技术的本土化解决方案,将其细化为“要件五步法”,包括基准案例的检索、区分技术的运用、综合情势的权衡、排除规则的检验、适用结论的导入,以推动指导性案例适用的精细化、规范化、便捷化.  相似文献   

缪因知 《北方法学》2014,(3):113-120
法律实证研究方法可以分为计量研究和案例研究两大类。它们各自又可以再细分,如前者可分为基于原始生成数据、人工数据、实验数据作出的研究;后者可以分为基于假想案例、日常案例、全景式案例、罕见案例作出的研究。每种具体研究方法的优缺点都值得深入分析。正确认识其分类与短长可以帮助我们更好地选择、使用这些研究方法,有针对性地进行学术批评、回应,及进行有效的学术跟进、完善。  相似文献   

案例研究区剐于一般的案例分析,旨在透过案例总结与提升其中蕴含的部门法规则或法理问题。从研究所涉及的案例数量而言,有个案、类型化和整体性三种案例研究方法;从研究的视角而言,有部门法学、法理学和法社会学的三种案例研究方法。在我国法学发展和法治建设的时代背景下,案例研究应当成为法学研究的重要方法。  相似文献   

情势变更与不可抗力比较分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文通过对情势变更原则与不可抗力原则在立法宗旨、构成要件、事实和法律上的后果及适用范围等方面的比较,说明两者在涵盖范围及功能上的相同与相异,阐述情势变更原则在国际国内经济、政治形势发生意外变化时在减少损失、公平受益等方面的特殊的、不可抗力原则所无法替代的作用  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2021,61(5):493-504
One of the major problems of courts and insurance companies is the lack of a proper technique to determine the rate of responsibility of the parties involved in the accident. The aim of this study was to determine the Accident/Occupational Diseases Responsibility Rates (AOD RR) for complex events. Accordingly, a case study of a complex accident of carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning was selected and Occupational Accident Tree Analysis (OATA) and Occupational Accident Component Analysis (OACA) techniques, which were solely used to investigate occupational accidents, were used with the new names Accident/Occupational Disease Tree Analysis (AOD TA) and Accident/Occupational Disease Component Analysis (AOD CA) to evaluate their applicability to investigate non-occupational accidents and occupational diseases. For this purpose, causes of CO penetration to victims’ room was assessed using gas tracking methods. Finally, Fuzzy Accident/Occupational Disease Tree/Component Analysis (FAOD TA and FAOD CA) techniques were developed and used for determining AOD RR in fuzzy environment. The results showed that the AOD RR obtained by AOD TA and AOD CA based on the average of experts’ personal opinions and consensus between experts, and AOD TA and AOD CA in a fuzzy environment were close to each other, with the power terminal and the power cable crossing route being the main routes of transmission and penetration of CO to the victims’ room. Also, the owner, contractor, tenant, and serviceman were responsible for the CO poisoning of victims. It can be concluded that any hole, crack, or fission in the building can result in CO penetration to the individuals’ living rooms, and gas tracking in early winter, especially in older buildings, plays a very significant role in preventing residents’ poisoning. Further, due to the uncertainty of AOD TA and AOD CA techniques, it is recommended to use FAOD TA and FAOD CA techniques for increasing the accuracy of the results. This will enhance the court and insurance companies’ trust in the opinions of accident investigation experts, decrease delays in the proceedings, and prevent any violation of the individual rights.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the disaster that occurred after a flight was hijacked at Baiyuen International Airport in Guangzhou, China, on Tuesday, 2 Oct. 1990. The authors show the results of analyses for the causes of death and trauma and compare the disaster with several previous flight accidents that have occurred in China. The authors show, with the analysis on this accident, the possibility and reliability of reconstructing a disaster by medicolegal investigation.  相似文献   

A marriage procession was going through the road when the vehicle met with a fatal accident and the wife of the driver died. The autopsy revealed lesions according with fatal traffic accident. But, a second autopsy revealed that there were injuries, but it was not reported in the first autopsy protocol. We analyze several autosomal STRs to typify some evidences collected inside the vehicle of traffic accident which were stained by the blood of the woman mortal victim. The results of the analysis of DNA suggested that the victim bled inside the vehicle and died and then, she was placed on the pavement and her husband simulated an accident.  相似文献   

Cases at study comprise 21 sharp force fatalities (9 suicides – 7 m and 2 f; 8 homicides – 5 m and 3 f; 2 accidental deaths – 1 m and 1 f; 2 uncertain cases – 2 m), examined from 1993 to 2002. Suicide age range was 17–75 years, mean 42.4; in seven cases the age was upper 40. Scene of death was at home in six cases, at open place in two, during hospitalisation in one. Incised wounds were pre-eminent in suicides. Homicides showed multiple stab wounds. The two accidents were caused by “glassing”. Uncertain cases were a small stab wound to the chest and an eviration.  相似文献   

Steamer accidents, through contact with the bucket wheel, are very seldom today. No publication of such a kind of fatal accident could be found in literature. We present the case of a fatal steamer accident, in which the findings of a blunt traumatization of a person by the ship was completely documented by post-mortem combined multi-slice computed tomography (MSCT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) examinations. A rupture of the aorta was detected using both radiological methods without use of radiopaque material. Radiological examination revealed a comminuted fracture of the thorax vertebrae at the same level as the aortic rupture. Injuries of the soft tissues of the back, caused by the bucket wheel of the steamer, were also diagnosed. In addition to the signs of blunt force trauma the findings of drowning such as an over inflation of the lungs, fluid in the stomach and duodenum were revealed. Furthermore, algological analysis detected diatoms in the lung tissue and blood from the left heart. Therefore, the cause of death was considered being a combination of fatal hemorrhage, caused by the aortic rupture, and drowning. We conclude that virtual autopsy using combined post-mortem MSCT and MRI is a useful tool for documentation, visualisation and analysis of the findings of blunt force trauma and drowning with a large potential in forensic medicine.  相似文献   

Consent forms are the principal method for obtaining informed consent from biomedical research participants. The significance of these forms is increasing as more secondary research is undertaken on existing research samples and information, and samples are deposited in biobanks accessible to many researchers. We reviewed a selection of consent forms used in European Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS) and identified four common elements that were found in every consent form. Our analysis showed that only two of the four most commonly found elements in our sample of informed consent forms were required in UK law. This raises questions about what should be put in informed consent forms for research participants. These findings could be beneficial for the formulation of participant information and consent documentation in the future studies.  相似文献   

对一起职业病鉴定否定原诊断结论案例的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对一起经职业病鉴定后否定原诊断结论案例的分析,探讨如何正确运用和进一步完善职业病诊断与鉴定方面的法律、法规和标准,保护劳动者生命健康权益。  相似文献   

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