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这栋3层联排式住宅的设计完成于2005年8月。设计满足了业主容纳6个人居住的需求,其中包括一对夫妇,3名未成年的孩子和1名佣人。在不完全分隔的情况下,夫妇与孩子们需要各自的私密空间。与此同时,他们希望这栋住宅所带来的亲近自然的体验,能够重新点燃童年时代那种对自然的热爱。  相似文献   

<正>这栋新建的学生公寓与巴塞罗那瓦莱斯高等建筑技术学院校区的基地一致,都位于圣库加特·德尔·瓦莱斯的一块低密度住宅区内。该项目由巴塞罗那瓦莱斯高等建筑技术学院和加泰罗尼亚理工大学共同组织竞标,他们提出了3个雄心勃勃的挑战:为建筑系学生建造一个住宅区域,符合瑞士迷你能源标准(38kWh/(m~2·a)以下),采用一项新的工业施工系统(Compact Habit公司的工业化集成模数系统)。原有地形及2条平行的体块组织使得这栋公寓更贴近地面,且易于形成一个巨大的中央庭院,为集体生活提供起居空间。  相似文献   

建筑师旨在将Zwolle的学生公寓和社会住宅项目定义为“社会底层的解放”。尽管项目预算很紧张。他们还是建造了一栋空间较为奢华、舒适的样板楼。这栋节点建筑的紧密度很高,但表面积却相对较小。  相似文献   

为了加速墙体材料革新、推广节能建筑的步伐,节约土地,节约能源,探索天津市住宅建筑新体系的发展方向,推动住宅产业现代化,在市场改领导小组、市建委、市科委和市墙改办公室的支持下,天津建材集团总公司新荣房地产开发公司1995年10月在南开区保盈里建成了我市第一幢大开间砼承重砌块住宅。这栋住宅是1994年经市科委、市建委立项,市建材集团总公司、市建筑设计院、天津大学土木系、新型建材设计院、建材科研所、住宅科研所、新荣房地产开发公司组成课题组开展研究,市房产住宅研究所设计,长祥建筑工程公司施工的试点工程。这栋住宅以…  相似文献   

建造在一块面积很小的砂石地上,这栋醒目的两层高红色住宅就是德国设计师Jakob Bader打造的以跑车为主题的Loft住宅。  相似文献   

目前很多住宅设计的色彩缤纷已经并不稀奇,不过坐落在日本东京郊外三鹰市的一座住宅就不一样了,堪称世上最花哨的住宅,这栋住宅楼日本名称叫“三鹰天命反転住宅”英文名称叫“Reversible Destiny Lofts”,而翻译成中文为“转运阁”。  相似文献   

这栋建筑呈立方体,与周围的住宅相似,为了更好地适应场地而采取了一些变形——观众厅采用了不规则的倾斜屋面。  相似文献   

陈为人 《建筑创作》2008,(11):156-159
九月的一天,我和朋友有幸参观了斯蒂文·霍尔(Steven Holl)的新作位于华盛顿的瑞士大使邸。能有这个机会接近并体验这栋建筑还要感谢瑞士使馆的公众开放日。这也算瑞士官员给外交建筑赋予文化传播功能的良苦用心吧。结果当然很成功,活动吸引了很多附近的居民.热衷于瑞士文化的市民.和像我们这种“追星族”建筑师。  相似文献   

正葡萄牙加亚新城Miramar当地一户热情好客的人家,请来了e|348建筑事务所的设计师,为他们的三口之家打造一所将要迎来一双新生儿的居所。由于有严格的规划条款对当地房子的面积、立面等方面进行了控制,在遵守关于房屋需要适应当地气候等规定的前提下,设计师需尽力满足这家人的要求。他们对新家的要求是:舒适而明亮,节约能源,并且,能够在夏日里举办跨越室内外界限的派对。而据设计师说,设计这栋住宅最大的挑战,便是要在保持与周围其它住宅相似风格、立面的前提下,创造出属于这栋房子的独特个性。  相似文献   

这栋低矮扁平的私人住宅构成联系周边不同风格建筑的纽带,环形空间引入了尽可能多的风景。住宅在最大程度上水平延伸.比紧凑或高大更好.在室内透露出漫步乡间的理念。  相似文献   

Public owners and private contractors and consultants are expected to maintain arm’s length relationships with each other to avoid any accusation of corruption. In the context of public construction projects in Vietnam, this study examines: the relational contracting (RC) related behavioural patterns that lead to better interpersonal relations during the construction stage and at the end of the project among public project owners, and private contractors and consultants; and the extent to which better interpersonal relations affect project performance. Using a questionnaire survey, data were collected from public owners and private contractors and consultants in Vietnam. Correlation analysis shows that there exist several behavioural patterns that significantly affect interpersonal relations among project team members during the construction stage and at the end of the project, and the general harmony during the construction stage. It was also found that cost performance is significantly correlated with project harmony level. Schedule performance is significantly correlated with interpersonal relations between project team members during the construction stage, and at the end of the project. The findings indicate the important role that interpersonal relations play in project outcomes and vice versa. The behavioural patterns that are found to be significantly correlated with harmony during the construction stage and/or relationships among project team members suggest that concrete actions may be taken by owners, consultants and contractors to improve relationships, and thereby improve cost and schedule outcomes. It is recommended that owners, consultants and contractors adopt some of the behavioural patterns identified.  相似文献   

微观层面建设项目各个参与方间,特别是业主和承包商之间信任的缺乏是导致宏观层面建筑业生产效率低下的原因之一。在对企业间信任文献梳理的基础上,以业主和承包商之间的信任为研究对象,以理性行为理论为指导,构建了包括信任环境、施信方特征、信任信念、信任意图和信任行为的建设项目业主和承包商的信任环模型。该模型体现了业主和承包商间信任的多维性、相互性、动态性和非对称性等特点,有助于深入理解业主和承包商间的信任,并为进一步的相关研究指明方向。  相似文献   

景有荣  支凤生 《山西建筑》2014,40(30):241-242
以淮阴工学院学生宿舍楼建设为例,通过对两家建筑公司投标报价的对比分析,说明了不平衡报价对施工单位与业主方所产生的不同影响,并着重探讨了业主为防范不平衡报价所采取的措施,指出不平衡报价对施工单位与业主方的管理水平、廉政建设是一种促进,可以推动我国建筑业的健康发展。  相似文献   

工程造价作为建设单位投资控制的重要部分,得到了建设单位的极大关注,由于工程招标价是形成工程合同价的基础,故工程招标阶段的造价控制显得尤为重要。如何在招标阶段对工程造价进行有效的控制是建设单位面临的一个新问题。本文在对工程招标阶段造价控制现状进行阐述的基础上,系统分析了建设单位在此阶段对工程造价控制存在的问题。提出了造价控制的有关对策。  相似文献   

Constructability is an approach that links the design and construction processes, which can lead to significant savings in both cost and time required for completing construction projects. Improving constructability of construction projects is the responsibility of all project stakeholders: owners, designers and contractors. As the owners have the most authority in enforcing the implementation of constructability, the owners' awareness of the benefit of improved constructability is the most important. Project owners must be aware that the decisions that are made in the initial stages of planning and design are difficult and costly to change once construction begins. A questionnaire survey was used to gain information on the Indonesian construction project owners' understanding of constructability by assessing the current constructability practices and their impact on project performance. The study shows that project owners in Indonesia do have some understanding of the importance of constructability. However, the traditional approach to project delivery, which is the preferred method by most of them, limits their option for involving construction personnel in the pre‐construction phases.  相似文献   

业主其实就是建筑工程中建设单位的别称,是建筑工程中较为重要的一方。早在20世纪80年代,西方国家就提出了业主应当参与到建筑施工安全管理中的思想。本文对业主建筑施工安全管理模式问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

汤金晶 《城市建筑》2013,(16):150-150
随着我国建筑行业的迅猛发展,在确保建筑工程质量的同时,如何降低建设工程的费用就成为了业主最关心的问题。本文对价值工程理论的概念以及价值工程活动的原则进行了概述,并将价值工程理论应用于建设工程的费用管理中。希望能为业主和项目管理部门实行有效的建设工程费用管理提供一些参考依据,促进我国建筑行业又好又快的发展。  相似文献   

理解建筑生产活动的原理,是比较和推行不同承发包模式的基础。文章将一个建筑工程项目生产活动划分为设计、施工和管理三种类型,并阐释了各自的工作原理,包括设计的三阶段划分、设计与施工的协作,以及工程管理的工作内容;进一步分析了各项活动对于业主的价值。文章为不同承发包模式之间的比较提供了一个分析的框架;为政府主管部门进一步研究市场准入、招投标、建筑许可等监管政策的改革,合理调整设计、施工单位的分工范围,促进行业按照建筑生产活动基本规律科学发展提供了理论上的支持;为业主选择合理的项目发包模式,建筑业相关企业探索各自发展方向提供了理论上的指导。  相似文献   

本主要通过分析业主在工程建设中遇到的问题,要求业主在工程建设中进行全过程控制,建立项目管理制度及程序化管理的方法。  相似文献   

The construction industry is a major user of formal project risk management practices, yet risk is often dealt with inadequately, which is a contributory factor to poor performance. Conceptual developments propose a holistic view of risk incorporating threats and opportunities and the management of uncertainty. To optimize a risk management process there needs to be a reflection of this holistic view in management practice. A key project participant is the owner and understanding the perceptions of project risk of construction owners is an important step in assessing the degree to which practices reflect theory. Semi‐structured interviews were conducted with 10 practitioners in German construction owner organizations to explore their perceptions of project risk. The results showed no common definition of project risk and a general belief that risk equated to threat. Some owners did manage opportunities and saw a link between threats and opportunities, yet this practice seemed more the result of experience than an awareness that it was an integral part of a theoretical risk management framework. Most owners perceived risk to encompass uncertainty and the sources of uncertainty perceived as most important were those linked to a longer timescale, such as the ability to let out buildings.  相似文献   

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