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Al Hassa, gelegen in der Golfregion Saudi-Arabiens, ist eine der größten und ältesten Oasen des Mittleren Ostens. Neben der Ölindustrie ist die rasch anwachsende Bevölkerung traditionell mit dem Gartenbau verbunden, in erster Linie mit der Kultur der Dattelpalme. Das vorherrschende Wüstenklima mit langen, trocken-heißen Perioden sowie zurückgehende Süßwasserreserven schaffen zunehmende Probleme für die landwirtschaftliche Produktion. Dazu kommt eine immer stärker werdende Versalzung der Bewässerungsflächen aufgrund des salzhaltigen Bewässerungswassers. Im vorliegenden Artikel werden der Obstbau in der Oase Al Hassa vor dem Hintergrund der aktuellen Wasserproblematik beschrieben und mögliche Lösungsansätze aufgezeigt.  相似文献   


Weather based forecasters for diseases and pests are important decision elements for the target oriented control of diseases and pests not only for fruit growers. Basic requirement therefore are tested and as actual as possible weather data. In the last twenty years in Rhineland-Palatinate there has been created a good basis with a measuring net of agrometeorological stations. With a daily actualized fire blight forecast and a several times a day actualized scab forecast important decision elements for an optimized application timing are provided. With the monitoring of the most important pests realized on 30 sites, the existing deficits of pest forecasters are partially compensated.  相似文献   

The availability of land and water resources in a diversity of climatic zones provides Sudan with a vast potential to produce many tropical and subtropical fruits. Bananas, dates, guavas, mangos, and citrus are the major fruits produced on a commercial scale. Fruit growing is mostly limited to enterprises ranging from 1–40 ha. Fruits of indigenous wild fruit species play an important role in the diet of people in the savanna belt, especially during famines and food shortages. Local varieties are grown in many fruit-producing areas. They are well adapted to the local environment but of low-to-medium market quality and productivity. Research and international cooperation are necessary and promising for future development of the fruit-producing sector in Sudan.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Arbeit beschreibt den Einsatz eines Laserscanners zur Strukturerfassung und 3D-Rekonstruktion von Obstbäumen. Die Untersuchungen bilden eine analytische Grundlage für die vergleichende Bewertung von Anbausystemen im Obstbau anhand ihrer physiologischen Leistungsfähigkeit. Das Gesamtkonzept umfasst 3 Teile: 1. Strukturbeschreibung mittels automatischer Auswertung von terrestrischen Laserscannerdaten, 2. ein feinskaliges 3D-Lichtmodell und 3. ein stickstoffabhängiges Photosynthesemodell. Die Laserscannerdaten wurden an der Königlichen Untersuchungsstation in Gorsem, Belgien, an 7 Jahre alten Apfelbäumen (Malus domestica Borkh.) der Sorte Jonagold an den überdauernden Baumstrukturen im blattlosen Zustand erhoben, während der physiologische Teil des Konzepts an Waldbäumen (Eiche, Buche) mit ausgedehnten Kronen erprobt wurde. Mit der auf der 3D-Hough-Transformation beruhenden automatisierten Auswertung der Laserscannerdaten konnten große Teile des Hauptastsystems identifiziert werden. Bei etwas höherer Auflösung in der 3D-Beschreibung könnten auch Astdurchmesser und—über allometrische Beziehungen—die zugehörigen Blattflächen automatisch bestimmt werden. Gescannte Obstbaumkronen können damit direkt für eine 3D-Lichtmodellierung eingesetzt werden, wie sie am Beispiel von Eichen und Buchen gezeigt wird. Das 3D-Lichtmodell Standflux-Sectors konnte dabei allein auf Basis der Strukturdaten das maximale spezifische Blattgewicht (LMA) von Ästen mit einer Genauigkeit von ±10,3 g/m2 (RMSE) vorhersagen. Die Variabilität der Blattphotosynthesekapazitäten Vcmax und Jmax im Kronenraum konnte auf die Variabilität des spezifischen Blattgewichts zurückgeführt werden. Die Tagesgänge von modellierter Lichteinstrahlung und gemessener Transpiration an einzelnen Ästen wiesen weitgehende Parallelen auf.  相似文献   

Horticulture Korea today earns 10 billion euros, to which fruit contributes 2.6 billion euros and vegetable production 6.7 billion euros. Apple, kaki, nashi, grape and Citrus contribute 100,000?ha to the overall fruit acreage of 188,000?ha. Koreas fruit industry stagnates and lacks trainees. The consolidation in the apple industry in the last ten years from 53,000?ha in 1995 to 26,000?ha today was due to over-sized aged trees on vigorous rootstocks and – by Asian standard – small-sized, sour, green and low-priced apple varieties like ‘Golden Delicious’. The new Korean cultivars ‘Hongro’ (12%) and ‘Kamhong’ (3%) supersede – apart from the major cv. ‘Fuji’ with a 65 % market share- late ripening and poorly coloured Japanese cv. ‘Tsugaru’ (8%) and ‘Kogetsu’ (5%). Apple harvest extends from August until mid November. The 200,000?t strawberries are from protected cultivation on 7,000?ha. Korea produces 2.3 million t fruit and is largely self-sufficient (84%) for fruit, except for bananas and Citrus, with 440,000?t imports and 33,000?t exports (Satsuma mandarins and Nashi to Taiwan and Japan) and 92% self-sufficiency for vegetables. Fruit consumption of 56?kg/head is half that in Germany with 120?kg/head and vegetable consumption with 170?kg/ha twice that in Germany of 90?kg/head. Apart from university research, the rural development agency (RDA) comprises a central horticultural research institute (NHRI) in Suwon with a dedicated apple (Gunwi, Daegu) and nashi (Naju) research station with extension service. Apples, peaches and nashi are bagged, particularly for export, to fulfil the fruit quality requirements. These comprise a cosmetic skin finish free of blemishes and lenticels, 250–400?g fruit mass, (dark) red colouration and sweet (13–18?° Brix) taste without acidity (0.3–0.4%), resulting in a sugar acid ratio of ca. 43?:?1 with farmgate prices of 2.4?€/kg and retail prices of 2.8–4.8?€/fruit. Historic, Japan inflicted, measures such as defoliating of fruit-bearing branches and bagging to protect the peel, which will be consequently removed with valuable nutrients, are now being questioned and re-considered. Overhead irrigation protects the orchards from frost and hence prevents alternate bearing. Korean apple orchards are devoid of apple scab (Venturia inaequalis), apple canker (Nectria galligena) and fire blight (Erwinia amylovora), despite large annual precipitation of 1,000–1,500?mm, and hence require few pesticides. With farm sizes of 0.8?ha, the 41,000 fruit farmers are not very mechanised; 3% of them subscribe to organic farming and a quarter to a voluntary IFP scheme. GAP is discussed, but QS-EUREP GAP quality schemes are not implemented given the large farm number and few fruit exports.  相似文献   

The pecan (Carya illinoinensis [Juglandaceae]) is the most important of about 20 species of Carya. Except for the pecan, all of these nuts are classified as hickory nuts. All species have four-lobed husks that develop from involucres and, when mature, dry, split apart, and pull away from the nuts. The more strongly growing pecan seedlings are used for stocks. Cultivars now grown were selected from natives for their superior qualities. Most cultivars require 4 to 7 years to begin bearing and 8 to 12 years to produce commercial crops, but these periods are being shortened by irrigation, higher tree density, and better management. Much of the pecan crop, 65% to 70%, goes to the shelling plants. Permanent tree spacing is generally 15 m to 20 m or more on the square, depending upon moisture supply and soil fertility. Strip-chemical weed control or strip cultivation should be practiced next to the trees. Pecan trees were among the first on which zinc deficiency, or leaf “rosette,” was disordered and corrected. The flowers of pecan trees are wind-pollinated. However, since the male and female flowers do not mature at the same time (dichogamy), the trees often are not adequately self-pollinated. They need careful training in early years to develop wide-angled, well-spaced main limbs. In semiarid regions, leaf diseases are not a regular problem, but aphids must be controlled. Harvesting starts when the hulls have split apart. Mechanical limb or trunk shakers for walnut or almonds trees are used. The nuts are caught on large sheets under the tree or are wind-rowed, then sucked or swept up by special machinery. Around 90% of the pecan crop is sold as half and piece kernels for baking, confectionery, ice cream, and other products. Pecan shelling equipment is highly mechanized, consisting of sizers, crackers, cleaners, hand-picking belts, and driers. Driers bring the kernels to constant weight by reducing kernel moisture to 4.5%. Increasing proportions of the crops is being stored at about 0°C; and a short storage period of 2–3 months at 2.8–4.4°C and 85% humidity is satisfactory for early deliveries. In the timber market, pecan is an excellent hardwood: its veneer and lumber are in demand for decorative panelling, fine furniture, and attractive flooring.  相似文献   

Adrenomedullin (AM) is a new peptidergic regulator of vascular function. AM serves as a hormone, which has many biological properties, plays an important role in the many pathophysiological processes, especially shock. This review will highlight the structure. bilogical properties of AM and the relationship between AM and shock.  相似文献   

陈凯莉  许轲  张贤聪  王亚楠  汪志辉  王迅 《园艺学报》2017,44(10):2008-2014
对果实果胶代谢相关酶基因的研究概况进行综述,总结了参与果胶合成和分解途径的重要酶类编码基因的家族信息、基因功能鉴定、基因表达分析等研究,为果胶代谢分子机制的深入研究及果实品质改良育种提供参考。  相似文献   

乐都县引进大樱桃效益分析及栽培技术   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
从气候和区域地理优势角度,对大樱桃在乐都县的发展及栽培优势作出了简单介绍,对栽培大樱桃的效益作出了分析,指出大樱桃在乐都县具有较高的栽培前景,并对大樱桃的栽培技术作了一般性介绍.  相似文献   

我国花卉育种研究进展   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
综述了我国近十几年来花卉种质资源的研究,杂交育种、辐射育种、航天育种、生物技术育种等方面的进展及取得的成果。为花卉育种工作提供了依据。  相似文献   

葡萄中糖基化花色苷研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
朱磊  李丹丹  王鹤霖  张雅丽 《园艺学报》2017,44(9):1693-1703
葡萄果实与葡萄酒的颜色由其所含花色苷的种类和含量决定,而花色苷是由花色素经过糖基化修饰转变而成,所以糖基化修饰在葡萄果实花色苷合成途径中起着重要作用。葡萄果实中的糖基化花色苷主要包括花色素的3–O–葡萄糖基和3,5–O–双葡萄糖基,即花色素单糖苷和花色素双糖苷,糖基化花色苷的组成是决定红葡萄酒品质的关键因素之一。对糖基化花色苷在葡萄果实中的组成及其对葡萄酒颜色和稳定性的影响进行了简要介绍,重点对花色素单糖苷和花色素双糖苷合成的关键酶基因以及转录因子进行了综述,以期为葡萄果实糖基化花色苷合成的调控机理的全面揭示和优质红色酿酒葡萄品种的选育提供信息。  相似文献   

我国西瓜品种选育研究进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
中国是西瓜生产与消费第1大国,2013年我国西瓜播种面积为182.82万hm~2。我国的西瓜育种从20世纪50年代开始到现在,西瓜品种已经实现了至少5次品种更新换代,经历了农家品种、固定品种、杂交1代、抗病育种、品种多元化等西瓜育种时期,采用引种、有性杂交、杂种优势利用、多倍体育种、分子标记辅助选择育种等育种手段,育成了不同时期西瓜主栽品种,基本实现了我国西瓜良种杂交1代化,极大地推动了我国西瓜产业的发展。本文对我国的西瓜育种进行回顾和展望,为提高我国的西瓜选育水平提供借鉴。  相似文献   

随着人们安全健康意识的提高,食品中农药残留问题更加受到重视。为此,对样品预处理研究进展及农药残留快速检测技术研究进展进行综述,并简单介绍各种方法的优缺点。  相似文献   

2010年福建省梨树霜害调查   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
2010年3月5—11日福建梨开花幼果期发生罕见晚霜害。对5个梨主产县(市)的调查分析结果表明,全省2.67万hm2梨园全面受害,预计产量、经济损失35%以上;受害程度与品种结构、发育进程、地形地貌、管理状况等因素关系密切,台农2号蜜雪梨品种受害较重,开花较早的地区受害较重,单面靠山坐南朝北或朝西、冻前冻后防护补救措施不到位的梨园受害重,反之则轻;今后应重点加快抗寒品种的选育推广、防寒防冻技术与设施的研发应用,并建立完善的防寒防冻应急体系。  相似文献   

苹果原生质体研究进展——文献综述   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
潘增光  章文才 《园艺学报》1997,24(3):239-243
综述了近二十年来苹果原生质体研究进展。概述了苹果原生质体分离培养技术及影响分离培养的条件。通过对有关文献的分析,提出了在选用不同的原生质体起始分离材料时应重点解决的问题及今后苹果原生质体研究的方向  相似文献   

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