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不同尺度空间下农田生态系统具有不同的生境斑块组成结构,尺度性也是生态系统的重要特征之一.近年来,北美和欧洲等地区用农田生境管理与区域性景观设计相结合的研究方法实施多尺度空间下害虫生态调控,实现复合生态系统服务.其核心思想是以大区域景观设计和农田作物布局与农事管理的有机结合,通过农业景观格局的空间配置,调节种植模式、管理技术、乃至改变农业景观格局的空间配置等以切断害虫种群的生活史,建立和恢复天敌种群库与转移通道,从而最大程度地提高农业生态系统自身的控害功能.近年来,北美和欧洲对多尺度空间下农业复合生态系统服务功能都做了大量工作,尤其是田间尺度与景观尺度相结合的研究方法更是当前生境管理研究的重要内容.本文总结了多尺度空间下生态系统环境条件与天敌种群间的作用机制及假说,包括田间尺度上主要通过轮作与间套作、覆盖作物、减免耕及发展有机农业等方式提高天敌种群,景观尺度上通过生境斑块的空间配置来改变植物资源布局,最终提高天敌的控害作用.以期为深入地解析景观格局及复杂性对生物多样性的影响,揭示农业景观变化对昆虫种间关系的作用机制,在实践上为利用农田景观格局控制害虫种群发生提供新的途径与方法.  相似文献   

农田非作物生境调控与害虫综合治理   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
就害虫综合治理的研究而言,农田生态系统可以区分出作物生境和邻近作物的非作物生境。昆虫从作物生境迁移到非作物生境,与作物生境缺乏食物或受人类栽培活动干扰而引起的自然迁移、转换寄主和寻求庇护场所有关。许多研究表明,与特定作物田块相联系的植被类型和结构可影响害虫及其天敌迁居的种类、数量和时间。因此,我们可以通过改变大田周围非作物生境的植被组成及特征来调控农业生态系统中害虫与天敌的相互关系,提高天敌对害虫的控制效能。由于景观的空间格局对节肢动物的生物学特性有直接或间接的影响,所以,以景观为单元要比以同类作物的田块为单元更加适于害虫综合治理的研究和实施。在现代农业景观区域内重新引入和相嵌一些非栽培植物或廊道,可为众多有益节肢动物的繁殖、取食和避害提供多种类型的非作物栖境。  相似文献   

生境管理——保护性生物防治的发展方向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生境管理是近年来保护性生物防治的重要研究方向,也是利用农业景观格局进行生物防治的重要策略。生境管理是指从农田景观的角度,在大时空尺度范围内进行多种作物与非作物生境的设计与布局,创造有利于天敌的环境条件,抑制害虫种群发生,达到减小环境污染、增强农业生态系统的控害保益功能,最终实现害虫种群控制的可持续性。景观尺度下的生境管理不仅强调单一农田生物控害作用,而是以多生境农业景观整体布局为指导,探索各种生境功能的整合利用,以发挥各种生境最大的生物控害潜能,为实现多目标生态服务价值管理提供重要的理论基础和现实依据。本文系统地总结了生境管理的研究内容与实现途径,论述了农业景观格局与过程对害虫种群控制的机理,并对作为保护性生物防治发展方向的生境管理研究趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

农田景观格局变化对昆虫的生态学效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
欧阳芳  戈峰 《昆虫知识》2011,48(5):1177-1183
景观格局变化是全球变化的一个重要内容。农田是由人类赖以生存所种植的人工栽培作物组成的生态系统。在该景观系统中,多种植物-害虫-天敌相互作用、相互制约,形成有机整体。研究农田景观格局对害虫和天敌种群动态影响,不仅在害虫生物防治的实践中有重要意义,而且对于揭示人类活动对生物多样性结构与功能的影响,阐明农田景观中生物多样性整合、维持机理有重大的理论意义。本文从农田景观格局的"质、量、形、度"4个方面,系统地论述了农田景观格局变化对害虫和天敌的作用,分析了农田景观的生物控制服务功能,指出了未来研究发展的方向。  相似文献   

半自然农田边界与相邻农田步甲和蜘蛛的时空分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分别于小麦、玉米收获前后,采用陷阱法调查了华北地区典型农业景观中具有不同植被结构的农田边界及其相邻农田中两类重要天敌类群步甲和蜘蛛的多样性.通过比较农田生境及相邻农田边界间两类天敌群落的时空分布格局及其与相邻半自然生境植被群落的相关关系,探讨半自然农田边界对两类天敌类群的保护作用.结果表明: 整个取样季节农田边界处蜘蛛的多度显著高于农田内部;而步甲多样性在农田与边界间无显著性差异,仅呈现不同的群落结构;作物收获后蜘蛛分科数在边界处的增加以及在农田的减少,显示了蜘蛛在农田和边界之间的迁移活动.边界植被结构对蜘蛛和步甲多样性有不同影响:边界较高的草本层盖度和较低的乔木层盖度有利于增加农田中某些步甲优势种的多样性;而较高的草本层盖度有利于增加皿蛛科蜘蛛的多样性.因此,半自然生境的存在可以通过天敌在农田和边界之间的迁移运动促进农田天敌多样性的维持;但不同类型半自然生境植被群落结构可能影响其对不同天敌群落多样性的维持和保护作用.为促进农业景观对天敌的保护作用,提高其害虫控制功能,需要深入了解不同天敌的生境需求及食物需求,精心设计有利于天敌多样性维持的半自然生境.  相似文献   

农田生物多样性与害虫综合治理   总被引:60,自引:1,他引:59  
在现代农田生态系统中 ,人类为了满足自身的需要 ,通常把自然界的植物群落改造成大面积种植单种特定的作物 ,人为地排除其他植物种类的竞争以提高作物的产量。由于单一化的作物不断取代自然植被 ,降低了农田的物种和生境多样性 ,结果导致农田生态系统的不稳定和害虫问题的更加恶化。影响农田生物多样性的因素很多 ,如地理位置、气候类型、环境条件、作物品种、种间关系、人类的栽培活动等。根据现有的生态学原理和研究成果 ,人类可以通过采用适当的措施来恢复和强化农田生物多样性 ,提高天敌的控制潜能 ,减少害虫发生的可能性 ;这些措施包括合理安排混作的时空格局 ,通过轮作进行间断性耕种 ,对多年生作物采用地面覆盖植被 ,利用不同品种以提高作物的遗传多样性 ,等等。在设计农田生物多样性的管理策略时 ,必须同时考虑当地气候、地理 ,植被 ,作物 ,土壤等因素的变化 ,因为在特定的生境条件下 ,这些因素可能增加或减少害虫发生的机会  相似文献   

生物多样性是人类可持续发展的重要基础,保护和利用生物多样性是国际社会普遍关注的问题。近年来,通过改善农田生物多样性和强化农田生态系统保益控害的服务功能,实现作物病虫害生态调控已成为国内外研究的热点。本文在总结分析国内外利用生物多样性控制害虫理论研究和实际应用的基础上,综述了该领域的研究进展、实践成果和发展前景。文中介绍了生物多样性的基本概念及其与害虫综合治理的关系,系统概述了利用农田生物多样性控制作物害虫的各种理论假说,包括天敌假说、资源集中假说、联合抗性假说、"推-拉"假说、中度复杂假说、景观缓冲假说等;从提高天敌多样性、作物多样性、非作物多样性和景观多样性等方面综合评述了利用农田生物多样性控制作物害虫的应用实践,重点介绍了我国的一些典型的实际应用案例,旨在充分展示中国昆虫学科技工作者在该领域做出的贡献;针对现代农业集约化经营导致农田生态系统结构简单、农田生物多样性不断下降等特点,对如何以农田景观为单元进一步做好利用生物多样性控制作物害虫的理论研究和应用实践进行了讨论和展望。  相似文献   

农田景观格局对害虫天敌生态控害功能的调控作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
如何提升农田景观的生态服务功能是当前景观生态学和害虫防治学的前沿研究热点.基于区域农田景观格局可显著调节植物-植食性昆虫-天敌之间相互关系的理论基础,本文系统概括总结了农田景观格局及其变化对农田重要天敌多样性与生态控害功能的影响.从不同天敌类群的角度,分析了农田景观格局对捕食性天敌、寄生性天敌、有益微生物及其生态控害功能的调控作用.同时,对优化农田景观作物布局、采取合理的植被生境管理策略进行了展望.本文可为应用植被生境管理提升农田景观中天敌的生态系统服务功能提供参考,进一步促进区域生态农业响应"化学农药减量施用"的战略目标提供理论支撑.  相似文献   

宏生态尺度上景观破碎化对物种丰富度的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
生物多样性的地理格局及其形成机制是宏生态学与生物地理学的研究热点。大量研究表明,景观尺度上的生境破碎化对物种多样性的分布格局具有重要作用,但目前尚不清楚这种作用是否足以在宏生态尺度上对生物多样性地理格局产生显著影响。利用中国大陆鸟类和哺乳动物的物种分布数据,在100 km×100 km网格的基础上生成了这两个类群生物的物种丰富度地理格局,进一步利用普通最小二乘法模型和空间自回归模型研究了物种丰富度与气候、生境异质性、景观破碎化的相关关系。结果表明,景观破碎化因子与鸟类和哺乳动物的物种丰富度都具有显著的关联关系,其方差贡献率可达约30%—50%(非空间模型)和60%—80%(空间模型),略低于或接近于气候和生境异质性因子。方差分解结果显示,景观破碎化因子与气候和生境异质性因子的方差贡献率的重叠部分达20%—40%。相对鸟类而言,景观破碎化对哺乳动物物种丰富度的地理格局具有更高的解释率。  相似文献   

农业生物多样性保护的景观规划途径   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
农业生物多样性保护不仅关系到农业可持续发展,也是物种多样性保护的重要组成部分.近年来,生物多样性保护更加强调通过景观规划途径来实现.本文在回顾国内外关于景观结构对生物多样性影响一般性结论和研究结果的基础上,从景观、地块间、地块内3个尺度分别探讨了农业生物多样性保护的景观规划途径,并建议可以通过采取如下途径有效地保护农业生物多样性:1)在景观尺度上,维持较高比例的自然、半自然生境,注意农用地和种植作物的多样化,注重树篱等廊道生境的保护和建设;2)在地块间尺度上,构建农田边缘地带;3)在地块内尺度上,合理地规划作物种植密度、作物空间分布及采取间套作、轮作等方式.此外,大尺度景观规划途径的实施还需要诸如自然保护计划、土地利用规划及生态补偿等相关政策措施的配套与支持.  相似文献   

The challenge to reconcile agricultural production with the conservation of biodiversity and associated ecosystems services has triggered interest in the design of pest suppressive landscapes. However, the uniqueness of species-specific responses to management and landscape context hamper our ability to make generalizations for landscape design, and we often lack quantitative indicators to make inferences about the pest suppressive potential of landscape designs. Here I examine the literature to underpin design principles based on source-sink theory. The potential of landscapes to support herbivore populations is associated with the area of source habitat, source strength, and the ability of herbivores to detect host plants. The potential of natural enemies to suppress herbivore populations is associated with their potential for numerical response, time to colonization and natural enemy diversity. Insecticide applications and other intensive management practices can turn treated fields into sinks. The analysis reveals that landscape features or management practices influence multiple processes at the same time, and that well-documented landscape features associated with high pest suppression potential generally discourage herbivores and/or favour natural enemies. The evaluation of landscapes in terms of source habitats for specific herbivores and their natural enemies may reveal context-specific information that allow a better quantitative understanding of pest suppression potential of landscapes.  相似文献   

Agricultural intensification has resulted in a simplification of agricultural landscapes by the expansion of agricultural land, enlargement of field size and removal of non-crop habitat. These changes are considered to be an important cause of the rapid decline in farmland biodiversity, with the remaining biodiversity concentrated in field edges and non-crop habitats. The simplification of landscape composition and the decline of biodiversity may affect the functioning of natural pest control because non-crop habitats provide requisites for a broad spectrum of natural enemies, and the exchange of natural enemies between crop and non-crop habitats is likely to be diminished in landscapes dominated by arable cropland. In this review, we test the hypothesis that natural pest control is enhanced in complex patchy landscapes with a high proportion of non-crop habitats as compared to simple large-scale landscapes with little associated non-crop habitat. In 74% and 45% of the studies reviewed, respectively, natural enemy populations were higher and pest pressure lower in complex landscapes versus simple landscapes. Landscape-driven pest suppression may result in lower crop injury, although this has rarely been documented. Enhanced natural enemy activity was associated with herbaceous habitats in 80% of the cases (e.g. fallows, field margins), and somewhat less often with wooded habitats (71%) and landscape patchiness (70%). The similar contributions of these landscape factors suggest that all are equally important in enhancing natural enemy populations. We conclude that diversified landscapes hold most potential for the conservation of biodiversity and sustaining the pest control function.  相似文献   

Agricultural landscapes rich in natural and semi-natural habitats promote biodiversity and important ecosystem services for crops such as pest control. However, semi-natural habitats may fail to deliver these services if agricultural pests are disconnected from the available pool of natural enemies, as may be the case with invasive species. This study aimed to provide insights into the relationship between landscape complexity and the abundance of the recently established invasive pest species Drosophila suzukii and a group of natural enemies (parasitoid wasps), which contain species that parasitize D. suzukii in native and invaded ecosystems. The importance of landscape complexity was examined at two spatial scales. At the field scale, the response to introduction of wildflower strips was analysed, while the relationship with forest cover was assessed at the landscape scale. Half of the surveys were done next to blueberry crops (Vaccinium corymbosum), the other half was done in landscapes without fruit crops to examine effects of D. suzukii host presence. As expected, the number of observed parasitoid wasps increased with amount of forest surrounding the blueberry fields, but the number of D. suzukii individuals likewise increased with forest cover. Establishment of wildflower strips did not significantly affect the abundance of D. suzukii or parasitoid wasps and insect phenology was similar in landscapes with and without blueberry crops. This suggests that D. suzukii is enhanced by landscape complexity and is largely unlinked from the species group that, in its native range, hosts key natural enemies. Although management practices that rely on enhancing natural enemies through habitat manipulations can contribute to the long-term stability of agroecosystems and to control agricultural pests, other control measures may still be necessary in the short term to counteract the benefits obtained by D. suzukii from natural habitats.  相似文献   

Organic farming is seen as a prototype of ecological intensification potentially able to conciliate crop productivity and biodiversity conservation in agricultural landscapes. However, how natural enemies, an important functional group supporting pest control services, respond to organic farming at different scales and in different landscape contexts remain unclear. Using a hierarchical design within a vineyard‐dominated region located in southwestern France, we examine the independent effects of organic farming and semi‐natural habitats at the local and landscape scales on natural enemies. We show that the proportion of organic farming is a stronger driver of species abundance than the proportion of semi‐natural habitats and is an important facet of landscape heterogeneity shaping natural enemy assemblages. Although our study highlights a strong taxonomic group‐dependency about the effect of organic farming, organic farming benefits to dominant species while rare species occur at the same frequency in the two farming systems. Independently of farming systems, enhancing field age, reducing crop productivity, soil tillage intensity, and pesticide use are key management options to increase natural enemy biodiversity. Our study indicates that policies promoting the expansion of organic farming will benefit more to ecological intensification strategies seeking to enhance ecosystem services than to biodiversity conservation.  相似文献   

Intensive farming imposes harsh conditions impeding the persistence of most arthropod species within crop fields. Hence, arthropods surviving the unfavourable conditions prevailing within crop fields may disperse towards nearby uncropped margins, such as fencerows. Here, we evaluate the influence of landscape heterogeneity on the abundance of different guilds, particularly herbivores and their natural enemies. Said heterogeneity mostly derives from fencerow network density. Hence, we developed an approach based on fitting linear‐mixed models to elucidate the effects of landscape heterogeneity and field position (fencerows and crop interiors) on arthropod diversity. Mixed models were fitted to arthropod data obtained by pitfall trap samplings in 36 crop fields. Arthropod communities were structurally and functionally more complex along fencerows than within nearby crop interiors. Arthropods abundance was modulated by landscape heterogeneity, increasing the abundance of natural enemies as the landscape heterogeneity increased. On the contrary, herbivores abundance decreased as landscape heterogeneity increased. Consequently, the ratio between herbivores and natural enemies also decreased as landscapes became more heterogeneous. Natural enemies with larger body sizes, mostly carabid beetles, were more sensitive to landscape homogenisation. Our study reveals that, despite the coarse‐grained landscapes in the Rolling Pampa, fencerow density appears as a key factor for structuring complex arthropod guilds in intensively farmed agricultural mosaics. In landscapes with higher density of fencerows, arthropods tend to concentrate along them, thus increasing the community structural complexity as well as the predation pressure over herbivores. This structural complexity of upper trophic levels enhances the ‘top‐down’ regulation of herbivore populations, consequently decreasing the probability of pest outbreaks within crop fields.  相似文献   

不同农业景观结构对麦蚜种群动态的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
赵紫华  石云  贺达汉  杭佳  赵映书  王颖 《生态学报》2010,30(23):6380-6388
研究表明农业景观结构的复杂性与害虫种群发生强度关系密切,然而在不同农业景观结构下研究麦蚜的发生、种群及寄生蜂的变化还不多。设计了不同的麦田景观结构,调查研究了不同麦田景观结构对麦蚜种群的影响。在简单与复杂两种农业景观结构下,分析了不同种类麦蚜的入田时间、入田量、种群增长率、种群密度及寄生性天敌的多样性与寄生率。结果表明:景观结构对不同种类麦蚜影响不同,但复杂农业景观下麦蚜迁飞入田时间都要晚于简单农业景观(连片种植)下的入田时间,复杂农业景观下有翅蚜的迁入量显著低于简单景观下有翅蚜的迁入量,并且复杂农业景观下麦蚜种群增长速率高于简单农业景观下的增长速率。不同种类麦蚜对景观结构的不同反应可能与形态学与生活史特征有关,两种不同农业景观结构下寄生性天敌的多样性与寄生率无显著差异。复杂景观结构下的麦蚜有翅蚜低的迁入量、高的增长速率可能与生境高度破碎化有关,其中与温室大棚塑料白色反光有的很大的影响。生境破碎化影响了麦蚜对寄主植物寻找以及天敌对猎物的寻找效应。  相似文献   

  1. Increasing landscape heterogeneity, both in terms of composition and configuration, can promote natural enemies and biological control in agricultural landscapes. However, relatively poor information exists about the effects of landscape heterogeneity on lacewings, which are a major group of predators. Furthermore, temporal changes of landscape effects on natural enemy dynamics remain largely unexplored.
  2. Here, we investigated how landscape composition and configuration affect lacewings and their biological control potential on leafhoppers. Lacewings and leafhoppers were sampled from April to July in 10 vineyards located in southwestern France. The vineyards were selected along a gradient of a proportion of semi‐natural habitats in the landscape.
  3. The proportion of semi‐natural habitats positively affected the abundance of adults and eggs, as well as species richness, of lacewings, alone or in interaction with the sampling month. Landscape configuration was never found to enhance abundance or species richness of lacewings. Finally, the predator–prey ratio increased through time but did not respond to landscape composition or configuration.
  4. Our study highlights that the proportion of semi‐natural habitats increases both abundance and diversity of lacewings in vineyard landscapes but that this effect varies over time. This result indicates the need to assess the variability of landscape effects over time to maximize biological pest control services in agricultural landscapes.

Conservation biological control and enemy diversity on a landscape scale   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
Conservation biological control in agroecosystems requires a landscape management perspective, because most arthropod species experience their habitat at spatial scales beyond the plot level, and there is spillover of natural enemies across the crop–noncrop interface. The species pool in the surrounding landscape and the distance of crop from natural habitat are important for the conservation of enemy diversity and, in particular, the conservation of poorly-dispersing and specialized enemies. Hence, structurally complex landscapes with high habitat connectivity may enhance the probability of pest regulation. In contrast, generalist and highly vagile enemies may even profit from the high primary productivity of crops at a landscape scale and their abundance may partly compensate for losses in enemy diversity. Conservation biological control also needs a multitrophic perspective. For example, entomopathogenic fungi, plant pathogens and endophytes as well as below- and above-ground microorganisms are known to influence pest-enemy interactions in ways that vary across spatiotemporal scales. Enemy distribution in agricultural landscapes is determined by beta diversity among patches. The diversity needed for conservation biological control may occur where patch heterogeneity at larger spatial scales is high. However, enemy communities in managed systems are more similar across space and time than those in natural systems, emphasizing the importance of natural habitat for a spillover of diverse enemies. According to the insurance hypothesis, species richness can buffer against spatiotemporal disturbances, thereby insuring functioning in changing environments. Seemingly redundant enemy species may become important under global change. Complex landscapes characterized by highly connected crop–noncrop mosaics may be best for long-term conservation biological control and sustainable crop production, but experimental evidence for detailed recommendations to design the composition and configuration of agricultural landscapes that maintain a diversity of generalist and specialist natural enemies is still needed.  相似文献   

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