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目的∶通过对 2015 ~2018 年广州市海珠区大肠癌初筛和肠镜检查结果的分析,评价其筛查效果,为基于人群的大肠癌筛查工作提供依据。方法∶采用危险因素评估问卷和两次粪便隐血检测(FOBT)进行初筛,初筛阳性者转介至定点医疗机构参与全结肠镜检查,所有初筛和肠镜检查数据录入广州市大肠癌筛查信息系统。结果∶2015~ 2018 年共63 922 人参与大肠癌筛查,初筛阳性人数 13 459 人,初筛阳性率21.05% ,女性两次参与筛查的积极性均明显高于男性(P<0.001),但男性两次 FOBT 阳性率均高于女性(P<0.001),且整体初筛阳性率也是男性高于女性(P<0.001)。FOBT阳性率和整体初筛阳性率随着年龄增长而增加(P<0.001)。初筛阳性者中2 977 人参与肠镜检查,肠镜检查顺应性22.12%。检出进展期腺瘤250 例,大肠癌97例。男性大肠癌检出率是女性的2.24 倍。随着年龄增长,大肠癌检出率有所升高(P<0.001),70~74 岁组检出率是50~54 岁的5.74 倍。早诊率85.71%(300/ 350)。结论∶大肠癌筛查能有效提高癌前病变和早期癌检出率,降低大肠癌发病率和死亡率,对于大肠癌的早诊早治有重要意义。  相似文献   

王巧燕  彭慧  黄芳 《中国肿瘤》2018,27(9):647-651
摘 要:[目的] 分析评价上海市嘉定区大肠癌筛查项目的效果。[方法] 采用危险度评估问卷调查结合粪便隐血试验(FOBT)两步初筛模式,初筛阳性提示为大肠癌高危人群,建议肠镜检查。收集和整理2013~2017年上海市嘉定区大肠癌初筛及肠镜检查结果。[结果] 5年间共计完成大肠癌初筛151 824人次,男性占比低于女性,且50~54岁及70~74岁年龄组占比较低。初筛阳性率24.01%,其中肠镜检查顺应性仅为29.42%,男性肠镜检查顺应性显著高于女性,且高年龄组的肠镜检查顺应性较低。检出大肠癌218例,早期比例为38.06%,其中男性及高年龄组人群大肠癌及癌前病变的检出率较高。初筛FOBT阳性居民较危险度评估阳性居民的肠镜检查顺应性及大肠癌检出率高。[结论] 大肠癌筛查项目通过初筛及肠镜检查,显著提高了大肠癌早期及癌前病变的检出率,将对降低大肠癌的死亡率及延长生存时间具有重要意义。然而初筛阳性居民的肠镜检查顺应性较低的问题将是未来大肠癌筛查工作的重点。  相似文献   

罗卫平  张琳  唐怡菁 《中国肿瘤》2020,29(2):108-113
摘 要:[目的] 分析上海市奉贤区第二轮社区居民大肠癌筛查项目的效果。[方法] 对2014—2016年上海市奉贤区常住居民进行第二轮大肠癌筛查,采用危险度评估问卷调查结合大便隐血试验(FOBT)的筛查模式,初筛阳性者建议全结肠镜检查,并对结果进行分析。[结果] 3年内共计完成初筛63 156人,初筛阳性率31.58%,男性和女性 60~岁组和70~岁组人群初筛阳性率均为最高;肠镜检查依从率为45.25%,男性肠镜检查依从率显著高于女性(χ2=7.44,P<0.05),且80~岁年龄组的肠镜检查依从率最低;总病变检出率19.40%,总病变检出率随着年龄增长呈上升的趋势(χ2=32.86,P<0.05),且男性显著高于女性,差异有统计学意义(χ2=152.94,P<0.05);单一评估阳性组的肠镜检查依从率、总病变检出率、癌及癌前病变检出率分别为39.55%、16.58%和7.48%,均低于单一大便隐血试验(FOBT)阳性组(分别为46.26%、20.80%和10.46%),差异均有统计学意义(χ2分别为132.00、15.97和14.34,P均<0.05);9025例肠镜检查共检出大肠癌147例,早期比例为39.25%。[结论]大肠癌筛查项目通过初筛和全结肠镜检查,显著提高大肠癌早期及癌前病变的检出率,对于降低大肠癌的死亡率和延长生存时间具有重要意义。由于奉贤区组织发动工作到位,肠镜检查依从率高于其他城区。  相似文献   

周琴  梁颖茹  李燕 《中国肿瘤》2019,28(4):257-263
摘 要:[目的] 对广州市首轮大肠癌筛查项目(2015~2017年)进行成本分析。[方法] 在广州市和12个区项目办进行筛查项目支出信息调查,收集组织管理及筛查直接成本。另选取1243名参与初筛和602名接受肠镜检查的人群分别进行大肠癌筛查非医疗费用调查,收集本轮筛查的间接成本。并分析不同筛查策略下检出成本的差异,并对初筛参与率和肠镜检查参与率进行敏感性分析。 [结果] 2015~2017年广州市大肠癌筛查项目成本为3124.7万元,其中直接成本为1422.1万元,占45.5%,间接成本为1702.6万元,占54.5%。本项目癌前病变和癌症单例检出成本分别为27 077元和78 708元。筛查策略不变,如果将初筛参与率和肠镜检查率分别提高到50%和75%,则估算得到单例大肠癌前病变和癌症的检出成本分别降低27.1%、32.0%和 40.9%、53.1%。如果改变筛查策略,1次免疫法粪便隐血检查(以下简称iFOBT)+肠镜检查的筛查策略高危人群、大肠腺瘤和癌前病变的单例检出成本最低; 2次iFOBT+肠镜检查的癌症和早期癌的单例检出成本最低。[结论] 本轮广州市大肠癌筛查成本较高,按癌前病变和癌症检出数计算,成本最低的是2次iFOBT+肠镜筛查方案;如果提高初筛参与率和肠镜检查参与率,则成本可以明显降低,尤其是提高肠镜检查参与率对降低成本效果明显。  相似文献   

目的 了解大肠癌初筛阳性居民肠镜检查顺应性的影响因素,为改善居民肠镜顺应性提出针对性的建议。方法 结合上海市重大公共卫生项目大肠癌筛查,对2015-2016年参加大肠癌筛查且初筛判定为阳性的居民采用大肠癌筛查知信行问卷、健康素养量表、健康信念量表以及社会支持量表等进行综合评估,并追踪其肠镜检查情况。结果 2015-2016年大肠癌筛查初筛阳性居民的肠镜检查率为47.01%,22.04%的居民选择了无痛肠镜,75.24%的居民在区定点医院进行肠镜检查。初筛阳性居民不进行肠镜的原因为觉得自己身体好没必要进行肠镜检查,所占比例为37.93%,其次分别为肠镜检查有痛苦、医院就医很繁琐不愿意去、没时间和觉得肠镜检查意义不大,所占比例分别为17.25%、10.57%、10.41%和10.41%。肠镜检查居民与未进行肠镜检查居民在大肠癌知信行得分、健康素养量表得分以及健康信念量表得分的差异均有统计学意义,在社会支持量表得分差异没有统计学意义。肠镜检查顺应性影响因素分析结果显示,初筛阳性居民的性别、年龄、家庭人均月收入、个人对健康关注度、健康素养认知水平和大肠癌的认知水平是影响居民选择肠镜检查的可能因素。结论 对初筛阳性居民开展大肠癌及筛查相关认知的宣传教育,提高其对自身健康的关注度和认知度,将有利于提高肠镜检查的顺应性。  相似文献   

吴毅凌  杨鹏  李志媛 《中国肿瘤》2020,29(3):172-176
摘 要:[目的] 了解重复开展结直肠癌筛查的成效。[方法] 以2015—2017年上海市松江区参加结直肠癌筛查的居民为研究对象,比较不同筛查服务次数发现癌前病变和结直肠癌的情况。[结果] 2015—2017年上海市松江区共完成结直肠癌筛查199 456人次,涉及居民137 715人,发现癌前期病变4147人,结直肠癌201人。34.16%的调查对象3年中参与了多次筛查。一次筛查完成初筛137 715人次,实施肠镜检查10 022人次,癌前病变初筛检出率为2070.94/10万,肠镜检出率为28.46%,结直肠癌初筛检出率为94.40/10万,肠镜检出率为1.30%;二次筛查完成初筛47 045人次,实施肠镜检查4142人次,癌前病变初筛检出率为2442.34/10万,肠镜检出率为27.74%,结直肠癌初筛检出率为108.41/10万,肠镜检出率为1.23%;三次筛查完成初筛14 696人次,实施肠镜检查2141人次,癌前病变初筛检出率为4191.62/10万,肠镜检出率为28.77%,结直肠癌初筛检出率为149.70/10万,肠镜检出率为1.03%。二次、三次筛查的癌前病变初筛检出率高于一次筛查,癌前病变及结直肠癌的肠镜检出率差异无统计学意义。 [结论] 3年内多次实施结直肠癌筛查的效率与一次筛查相近,应提高居民肠镜检查依从性,可对60岁以上男性居民提供多次筛查服务从而提高筛查效益。  相似文献   

李燕  刘华章  林国桢 《中国肿瘤》2016,25(6):422-425
[目的]对2015年广州市大肠癌筛查结果进行分析和总结,为项目策略调整提供依据和思路.[方法]收集、整理2015年广州市大肠癌筛查数据,计算和比较不同性别人群参与性、粪便隐血检测(FOBT)阳性率、初筛阳性率和肠镜顺应性,分析不同区域居民肠镜顺应性以及影响肠镜检查顺应性的因素.[结果] 2015年广州市105 939人参与筛查,超过60%为女性.全市总体问卷阳性率为11.97%、两次FOBT阳性率分别为7.90%和6.63%、初筛阳性率为19.73%.男性、女性肠镜顺应性分别为18.50%和17.03%,男性高于女性(x2=7.557,P<0.01).肠镜免费区域肠镜顺应性为20.27%,明显高于其他肠镜不免费地区的10.70% (x2=205.511,P<0.001).多因素Logistic回归分析结果显示,初筛结果阳性后参加肠镜检查的影响因素,男性高于女性(OR=1.128,95%CI:1.024~1.242),已婚人群高于未婚/离婚/丧偶人群(OR=1.331,95%CI:1.143~1.550),肠镜免费区域高于不免费(OR=2.263,95%CI:2.015~2.254),城区居民低于郊区居民(OR=0.803,95%CI:0.717~0.899).[结论]大肠癌筛查过程中,应考虑性别差异,促进男性参与性;重点提高初筛阳性者的肠镜顺应性,尤其城区人口和女性;要充分考虑费用减免和家庭支持对肠镜检查顺应性的促进作用.  相似文献   

朱佳  刘长浩  赵莹 《中国肿瘤》2014,23(9):748-751
[目的]通过大肠癌早诊早治项目,分析沈阳市苏家屯地区居民大肠癌发病情况。[方法]对苏家屯地区40~74岁人群采用问卷调查和粪便潜血实验免疫金标法(FIT)相结合筛出高危人群,对高危人群进行全大肠镜检查。[结果]目标人群40 157人中接受初筛人数为16 893人,顺应率为42.07%。初筛出高危人群3139人,占筛查人数18.58%。进行肠镜检查1655人,顺应率为52.72%。检出进展期腺瘤、大肠癌及类癌共83例。早诊率为95.18%,治疗率为100%。苏家屯地区居民大肠癌检出率为37.35/10万。[结论]苏家屯地区大肠癌检出率略高于我国农村地区平均水平。大肠癌筛查方案适用于城郊地区开展,可提高大肠癌的早诊率,对提高治愈率及延长生存期有重要意义。  相似文献   

[目的]通过大肠癌早诊早示范基地建设项目实施,使大肠癌能够早期发现、早期诊断、早期治疗,提高大肠癌生存率,降低大肠癌发病率和死亡率。[方法]根据卫生部专家组制定的《中国癌症筛查及早诊早治指南》,采用病史问卷调查、大便隐血试验(FOBT)进行初筛,在此基础上,对初筛出来的高危人群用电子肠镜作进一步检查。[结果]2007、2008年分别对海昌街道、袁花镇进行了筛查,两地40~74岁应检对象为25792人,实际接受筛查了22486人,顺应率为87.18%,初筛出高危人群3484例,占筛查人数的15.49%;进行肠镜检查2656例,顺应率为76.23%;检出大肠病变525例,检出率19.77%;接受治疗392例,占应治疗数的78.71%,经病理切片证实,其中:大肠癌18例(4.59%)、高级别瘤变12例(3.06%)、腺瘤153例(39.03%)、非腺瘤性息肉209例(53.32%)。[结论]开展大肠癌早诊早治筛查,对降低大肠癌死亡率和发病率、提高患者生存率和生活质量具有重要意义。  相似文献   

黄铖  蔡滨欣  朱美英 《中国肿瘤》2019,28(7):487-493
摘 要:[目的] 描述上海市50~74岁社区大肠癌筛查阳性对象复筛时危险度评估问卷阳性条目前后两年应答的一致性,评价大肠癌危险度评估问卷的有效性。[方法] 分析2015~2016年上海市松江佘山与新桥社区大肠癌筛查人群信息,描述初筛阳性居民次年再次筛查时大肠癌危险度评估问卷各条目阳性率变化情况,并利用Logistic回归分析危险度评估条目两年阳性应答一致性的影响因素。[结果] 2015年,两社区共计18 051人参与大肠癌筛查项目,6205人(34.4%)初筛阳性,其中4093人(66.0%)再次参与次年筛查。首年报告阳性,次年报告阴性的情况在生活负性事件史(84.4%)及黏液血便史(81.3%)条目中发生率最高;个人癌症史(36.5%)、个人息肉史(44.3%)与一级亲属肠癌史(47.2%)阳性对象亦有次年报告不一致情况。2015年经肠镜检出的肠癌患者中,2/6次年未报告个人癌症史;息肉或腺瘤检出者中,35.8%(58/162)次年未报告肠息肉史。多因素Logistic回归提示,婚姻状况、是否吸烟、首年粪便隐血试验(FOBT)结果、蔬菜水果摄入量与运动情况是阳性条目两年报告不一致的主要影响因素。[结论] 大肠癌筛查项目初筛阳性居民次年危险度再评估时,问卷原阳性条目存在误报,可探索建立大肠癌筛查数据信息平台,充分利用历年筛查信息,提高问卷评估的有效性。  相似文献   

AIMS AND BACKGROUND: The study evaluated the results of an experimental screening protocol for colorectal cancer by fecal occult blood testing in a municipality of the Province of Florence. METHODS: A total of 15,235 subjects aged 50-70 years were invited to perform a 1-day immunochemical fecal occult blood testing without any dietary restrictions. All eligible subjects were sent a personal invitation letter, followed by a postal reminder to non-responders. Subjects with a negative stool test were advised to repeat screening after 2 years. Subjects with a positive screening test were invited to undergo full colonoscopy or a combination of left colonoscopy and a double contrast barium enema. RESULTS: A total of 6,418 subjects performed the screening test, with an overall compliance of 42.1%. A total of 268 compliers had positive test results. The positivity rate was 4.2%. Detection rate for cancer and for adenomas was 5.1% and 11.6%, respectively. The positive predictive value was 14.3% for cancer and 32.5% for adenoma. A higher compliance was recorded in subjects born in the province of Florence or living in the centre of the town, in married subjects, and in women. The best results in compliance were associated with the direct distribution of fecal occult blood testing kits by general practitioners to their outpatients. CONCLUSIONS: The study provides useful information about the efficiency and feasibility of a screening program for colorectal cancer using fecal occult blood testing. Compliance results confirm the importance of GP involvement in oncological screening.  相似文献   

Evaluation of reverse passive hemagglutination (RPHA) fecal occult blood (FOB) test in screening for colorectal cancer was carried out in a group of subjects (3034 persons) with history of rectal polyp and ulcer. All subjects were examined by 60 cm fiberoptic colonoscopy, RPHA and benzidine (BT) FOB tests. Among this high risk population, 10 cases of colorectal cancer and 1 case of rectal carcinoid were detected by colonoscopy and pathology. Regarding the findings under fiberoptic colonoscopy as a reference standard, the sensitivity of RPHA and BT in screening for colorectal cancer was 63.6% and 72.7%; the specificity was 81.9% and 61.7%; the general indicator--Youden index was 0.46 and 0.34, respectively. In 7 cases of colorectal cancer with both FOB tests positive, 5 (71%) had lesions in early stages (Dukes A and B). The results indicate that comparing with BT, RPHA has slightly lower sensitivity but higher specificity. RPHA fecal occult blood test could be used as preliminary screening for colorectal cancer.  相似文献   

Colorectal cancer screening   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Colorectal cancer occurs throughout the world. Little is known about the etiology of this disease, however, adequate data exist to recommend secondary prevention with mass screening of average risk asymptomatic people age 50 or over. Three randomized controlled trials of a guaiac test for fecal occult blood involving over 250,000 participants found significant reductions in colorectal cancer mortality from both annual and biennial screening. Results from observational studies are consistent with the results from the randomized trials. Therefore, a screening recommendation for a fecal occult blood testing can be justified based on the overwhelming scientific evidence. A compelling argument can be made to use an immunochemical rather than guaiac test, since data suggests that immunochemical tests may be more sensitive and more specific than guaiac tests. Colorectal cancer mortality reductions of at least 33% can be attained with annual fecal occult blood testing. Biennial screening will result in reductions of at least 15 to 20%. There is insufficient evidence to justify either flexible sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy for mass screening of an average-risk asymptotic population. However, there is justification for colonoscopic evaluation of high-risk members of the population.  相似文献   

目的通过分析厦门市海沧区结直肠癌的筛查结果,探索筛查的结直肠癌最佳方案,以期达到对结直肠肿瘤的早发现、早诊断和早治疗。方法 自2008年12月—2010年10月,采用中国癌症基金会推荐的结直肠癌筛查方案,对海沧区4个行政村40~74岁常住居民结合问卷调查和连续粪便隐血试验(Fecal occult blood test,FOBT)进行初筛,共8179人,实际接受筛查6380人。高危人群接受全结肠镜检查。结果 经问卷调查和FOBT检测,获得结直肠癌高危人群1035例。81.06%的高危者接受全结肠镜检查,结直肠癌和腺瘤息肉及其他病变检出率分别为1.67%和23.96%。问卷调查及FOBT均阳性者结直肠癌检出率显著高于单纯问卷调查阳性者或单纯FOBT阳性者(P<0.05);FOBT两次阳性者结直肠癌检出率显著高于FOBT阴性和FOBT单次阳性检出率(P<0.05)。FOBT检测阳性次数与结直肠癌检出率和腺瘤息肉及其他病变检出率呈线性关系(P<0.05)。结论 调查问卷和连续粪便隐血试验筛查可明显缩小高危人群,大大降低筛查的工作量。  相似文献   

[目的]比较胶体金法和免疫比浊法大便隐血检测在人群结直肠癌筛查中的阳性预测值(positive predictive value,PPV)。[方法]在嘉善县惠民街道大肠癌筛查现场采用整群抽样方法抽取40~74岁人群共7584人,同时使用胶体金法和免疫比浊法进行粪便隐血检测,阳性者行结肠镜检查。比较两种方法检测阳性率及结直肠癌、进展期腺瘤和非进展期腺瘤的阳性预测值差异。[结果]共6446(84.99%)人按要求同时送检了两份便样,胶体金法和免疫比浊法阳性人数分别为288(4.47%)人和197(3.06%)人。胶体金法和免疫比浊法隐血阳性者中分别有236人和157人完成结肠镜检查及后续诊断,最终分别检出结直肠癌7例和13例,进展期腺瘤各27例,非进展期腺瘤39例和30例。免疫比浊法对结直肠癌的阳性预测值明显高于胶体金法(χ2=5.51,P〈0.05),两种方法对进展期腺瘤、非进展期腺瘤的阳性预测值无统计学差异(P〉0.05))。[结论]免疫比浊法用于人群筛查结直肠癌明显优于胶体金法,但对进展期腺瘤优势不明显,进一步证明需更大样本的多中心试验。  相似文献   

An observational prospective study was carried out in Uruguay to evaluate the feasibility of colorectal cancer screening using immunochemical faecal occult blood tests with no dietary restrictions in an average-risk population. An automated system was used for processing the samples with a cut-off haemoglobin level of 100 ng/ml. Of the 11,734 study participants who received an immunochemical test kit (OC-Hemodia), 10,573 (90.1%) returned samples for screening. The results of 1170 (11.1%) of the responders were positive. Subsequently, colonoscopy was performed on 879 (75.1%) of the participants with a positive test result and showed neoplasia in 330 participants. Fifty four had advanced cancer, 47 had early cancer, 131 had high-risk adenoma and 98 had low-risk adenoma. The detection rates and the positive predictive values were 0.95 and 8.6% for cancer, and 1.24 and 11.2% for high-risk adenoma, respectively. The high compliance and high detection rates for cancer and high-risk adenoma achieved in the colorectal cancer screening programme verifies the feasibility of an immunochemical faecal occult blood test in screening an average-risk population in Uruguay, a country with a small population, but with high morbidity and mortality rates for this disease.  相似文献   

Background: A colorectal cancer screening program was piloted in two districts of Kedah in 2013. There is scarcity of information on colorectal cancer screening in Malaysia. Objective: Thus, this research was conducted to evaluate the colorectal cancer screening program in the districts to provide insights intop its efficacy. Materials and Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted using data on the colorectal cancer screening program in 2013 involving Kota Setar and Kuala Muda districts in Malaysia. We determined the response rate of immunochemical fecal occult blood test (iFOBT), colonoscopy compliance, and detection rates of neoplasia and carcinoma. We also compared the response of FOBT by demographic background. Results: The response rate of FOBT for first iFOBT screening was 94.7% while the second iFOBT screening was 90.7%. Participants from Kuala Muda district were 27 times more likely to default while Indians had a 3 times higher risk of default compared to Malays. The colonoscopy compliance was suboptimal among those with positive iFOBT. The most common finding from colonoscopy was hemorrhoids, followed by tubular adenoma. Detection rate of carcinoma and neoplasia for our program was 1.2%. Conclusions: In summary, the response rate of iFOBT was encouraging but the colonoscopy compliance was suboptimal which led to a considerably low detection rate.  相似文献   

Guaiac‐based fecal occult blood tests (gFOBTs) are the most commonly applied tests for colorectal cancer screening globally but have relatively poor sensitivity to detect colorectal neoplasms. Men have higher prevalences of colorectal neoplasms than women. In case of a positive gFOBT result, participants are referred to colonoscopy, independent of sex. To assess performance of gFOBT in routine screening practice, we assessed age and sex specific prevalences (age groups: 55–59, 60–64, 65–69 and 70–74) of colorectal neoplasms in 182,956 women and men undergoing colonoscopy for primary screening and in 20,884 women and men undergoing colonoscopy to follow‐up a positive gFOBT in Bavaria, Germany, in 2007–2009. We conducted model calculations to estimate prevalences among gFOBT negative individuals. Analogous model calculations were performed for women and men tested positive or negative with fecal immunochemical tests. In all age groups (55–59, 60–64, 65–69 and 70–74 years), men undergoing colonoscopy for primary screening had substantially higher prevalences of any colorectal neoplasms and essentially the same prevalences of advanced colorectal neoplasms compared to women undergoing colonoscopy to follow‐up a positive gFOBT. Model calculations suggest that men with negative gFOBT likewise have substantially higher prevalences of colorectal neoplasms than gFOBT positive women in each age group. Model calculations further indicate that no such sex paradoxon occurs, and a much clearer risk stratification can be achieved with fecal immunochemical tests. Our findings underline need to move forward from and overcome shortcomings of gFOBT‐based colorectal cancer screening.  相似文献   

Ciatto S  Castiglione G 《Tumori》2002,88(2):95-98
AIMS AND BACKGROUND: Screening for colorectal cancer by fecal occult-blood testing has been shown to be effective in reducing colorectal cancer mortality. Total colonoscopy is the test of choice for the assessment of fecal occult blood-positive subjects. Double-contrast barium enema is commonly employed to study the rest of the colon when colonoscopy is incomplete. The present study evaluated the contribution of double-contrast barium enema in detecting neoplastic lesions of the colon in fecal occult-blood-positive subjects with incomplete colonoscopy. METHODS: In the frame of a screening program for colorectal cancer in the Florence District, a new immunochemical fecal occult-blood test replaced the classic guaiac fecal occult-blood test in 1993. Subjects with a positive fecal occult-blood test were invited to undergo total colonoscopy. Incomplete colonoscopy prompted double-contrast barium enema. Type and rate of neoplastic lesions detected by endoscopy or double-contrast barium enema as single methods or combined were evaluated. RESULTS: A total of 38,829 subjects underwent fecal occult-blood testing in the period 1993-2000. Overall, 1,542 were positive. Assessment was refused by 235 subjects. Out of 1,307 subjects accepting assessment, total colonoscopy was attempted in 1,294: of these, it was not possible in 343 cases, and double-contrast barium enema was advised and performed in 261 subjects. Colorectal cancer was detected in 115 subjects, single or multiple adenomas in 323, hyperplastic polyps in 58, inflammatory, hamartomatous or not histologically confirmed polyps in 38, and other benign non-polypoid findings or no abnormality in 773. There were significant differences between the rates of detected colorectal cancers or adenomas of total and incomplete colonoscopy. There were also significant differences between incomplete colonoscopy and the combination of incomplete colonoscopy and double-contrast barium enema as regards rates of detected colorectal cancer, and between total colonoscopy and the combination of incomplete colonoscopy with double-contrast barium enema as regards rates of detected adenomas. Double-contrast barium enema associated to incomplete colonoscopy was responsible for an increase in detection rates of cancer or adenoma of 2.3/1000 or 3.8/1000, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Double-contrast barium enema was useful in detecting colorectal cancer beyond the range reached by incomplete colonoscopy, whereas our data confirmed a lower sensitivity of double-contrast barium enema for polyps. The diagnostic contribution observed in the present survey confirms the opportunity of performing double-contrast barium enema as a routine adjunct to incomplete colonoscopy. Nevertheless, in order to maximize the detection rate of adenomas, the rate of total colonoscopy should be kept as high as possible.  相似文献   

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