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目的探讨内镜辅助下行颧弓骨折复位内固定的相关技术及临床价值。方法选择18例患者,其中单侧颧弓骨折10例,单侧颧骨颧弓骨折8例,均在内镜辅助下经面部小切口暴露颧弓骨折断端,行断端解剖复位后,采用钛板在内镜辅助下进行颧弓骨折坚固内固定,恢复颧弓解剖形态。结果所有病例术后双侧颧部对称,无张口、咀嚼功能障碍及明显并发症发生。面部瘢痕隐蔽,无明显瘢痕畸形。术后CT检查显示颧弓颧骨基本解剖复位,钛板固定位置良好。结论 内镜辅助下经面部小切口行颧弓骨折复位内固定治疗,手术创伤小,骨折复位效果好,并发症少,可作为部分颧弓骨折病例治疗的选择术式。  相似文献   

目的 探讨3D打印技术在粉碎性颧骨颧弓骨折治疗中的应用价值。方法 选择2014年1月—2017年4月期间在西安交通大学口腔医院就诊的单侧粉碎性颧骨颧弓骨折21例。术前行薄层CT扫描,并将CT数据导入计算机辅助设计软件;进一步在计算机中将健侧颧骨颧弓镜像至患侧,最终打印出“复位”理想的患侧颧骨颧弓形态模型。在此模型上,进行内固定钛板预成型。术中利用预成型的内固定钛板引导骨段复位并最终完成内固定。术后行CT复查,三维测量颧骨颧弓位置并与术前设计位置进行比较,评估手术效果。采用SPSS 25.0软件包对测量数据进行配对t检验。结果 术后关键标志点间距同术前设计差异无统计学意义,手术效果满意。结论 3D打印技术有助于术前设计和植入物精确塑形,能有效提高单侧粉碎性颧骨颧弓骨折复位的精确性。  相似文献   

目的:探讨数字化及3D打印联合内镜辅助技术在颧骨颧弓骨折治疗中的应用效果。方法:选择2020年12月—2021年9月于蚌埠医学院第一附属医院行手术治疗的12例单侧颧骨颧弓骨折患者纳入研究。所有患者术前均行全头颅薄层CT检查,利用镜像反求原理对骨折部位进行模拟复位,并打印复位后的骨折模型,在模型上进行钛板预弯。术中在内镜辅助下采用前庭沟切口结合耳屏前切口对骨折断端进行解剖复位。术后所有患者均再次行全头颅薄层CT检查,将术后重建的三维模型数据与术前模拟复位的三维模型数据进行光谱融合色差对比分析,评价术后效果。结果:12例患者手术顺利,术后面部外形及功能恢复良好,无明显并发症,面部皮肤瘢痕隐蔽。术后CT与术前模拟设计光谱融合色差对比分析最大上偏差为2.998 7 mm,最大下偏差为-2.998 6 mm,平均上偏差为(0.243 0±0.025 0)mm,平均下偏差为(-0.310 0± 0.180 0)mm。结论:数字化及3D打印联合内镜辅助技术在直视下对骨折部位进行解剖复位,有助于提高骨折复位的精准度,减少术中组织损伤、术后并发症的发生,术后瘢痕隐蔽,具有良好的美观效果。  相似文献   

目的:探讨全面部骨折临床治疗的最佳手术方案。方法:对26例全面部骨折病例采用螺旋CT三维重建定位,设计术式,切开复位,钛板坚强内固定治疗,线型骨折处辅助内镜、90°侧壁螺丝刀从口内或口外隐蔽小切口进路复位固定,术后CT三维重建、牙颌模型复查与术前对比观察。结果:26例术后骨折复位良好,面部外形突度和对称性恢复良好、无明显疤痕。23例咬合关系恢复良好,张闭口运动、咀嚼功能恢复正常;3例咬合关系有后牙早接触,经颌间牵引和调牙合后基本恢复正常。结论:螺旋CT三维重建能显示全面部骨折的立体结构和骨折线的全貌,精确定位分析、设计手术方式,使术中有明确的路经和程序。辅助内镜、90°侧壁螺丝刀,可从口内或口外隐蔽小切口进路复位固定线型骨折,减少组织损伤及避免面部瘢痕,符合微创和美学手术原则,适用于下颌角、升支、颧骨颧弓的线型骨折。  相似文献   

发际内头皮冠状切口在颧骨颧弓骨折治疗中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的:观察头皮冠状切口在颧骨颧弓骨折中重建骨骼形态的效果。方法:应用发际内头皮冠状切口进路对21例颧骨颧弓骨折病例进行复位和固定,分析其治疗方法的优越性、效果、并发症及预防措施。结果:21例患者术后面型和功能恢复良好。结论:头皮冠状切口对颧骨颧弓三维结构的重建具有手术视野暴露好,操作方便,复位精确,面部不遗留疤痕等优点。  相似文献   

目的:探讨内镜和微型侧壁螺丝刀在下颌骨和颧骨骨折中的临床意义.方法:对32例下颌骨角部、升支、髁突颈和颧骨骨折患者,经口腔或发际内小切口,在内镜辅助下,采用微型侧壁电钻和螺丝刀,小型钛板微创内固定.结果:术后6月~3年复查曲面断层片或螺旋CT三维重建,骨折线对位良好.所有病例面部皮肤均无明显手术疤痕,无面瘫症状.颧骨颧弓骨折术后颧面部外形左右对称,1例颞部皮肤轻微凹陷.下颌骨骨折术后3例2处骨折患者术后前牙轻微开(牙合),经颌间牵引后好转;5例张口时颏部轻微偏患侧.结论:内镜在下颌骨和颧骨骨折中的应用,避免了颌面部皮肤疤痕,具有显著的微创和美容意义.  相似文献   

目的 颧骨、颧弓骨折通常需要冠状切口、下睑切口和口内切口进路,逐一进行裂开骨折段的复位固定。本文旨在探索一种简便而可靠的修复方法。方法 针对颧骨、颧弓骨折其内侧相邻的上颌骨结构稳定、颧骨的近中骨折端移位不明显的6例患者,采取半冠状切口,按顺序复位固定的方法,由后向前做颧弓骨折段的复位固定,核查眶外壁颧额缝和颧蝶缝的衔接无误,最后完成颧额缝处骨折的固定。不需做下眼睑、口内切口以及眶下缘颧上颌缝的固定和口内颧牙槽嵴的骨折固定。结果 本组6例病例均顺利完成骨折复位与固定。术后CT扫描显示各个骨折断端,包括上颌窦后外壁、眶外壁等,都获得精确的解剖复位和牢固固定。两侧面部宽度和颧骨突度基本对称,面形恢复满意。开、闭口功能正常。未发生颞下颌关节损伤、视力损害及面神经额支损伤。结论 应用近中骨折端稳定的颧骨骨折的简略复位固定技术,可恢复颧骨、颧弓的解剖位置。  相似文献   

目的探讨头皮半冠状切口结合钛板坚强内固定早期治疗颧骨骨折的方法和疗效。方法52例颧骨、颧弓骨折患者,采用头皮半冠状切口加眶下小切口下完成骨折复位及钛板坚强内固定。结果所有患者创口均Ⅰ期愈合,无术后并发症发生,面部外形及功能恢复满意。结论头皮半冠状切口结合钛板坚强内固定治疗颧骨颧弓骨折,具有切口隐蔽、安全及固定可靠的治疗效果。  相似文献   

目的:探讨自制不锈钢外固定支架在颧骨、颧弓骨折治疗中的可行性及临床效果.方法:选择30例单侧颧骨、颧弓骨折患者,均有开口受限,开口度≤1cm,单侧面部塌陷.经上颌第一磨牙前庭沟远中向后作一长1.5cm切口,颧复合体骨折盲探法复位至开口度达3~4cm,面部基本对称后,用6~8号胸骨缝合针经皮穿刺人颧弓骨折处,结扎固定在自制支架的"M"形凹上,3周后拆除同定支架.结果:30例患者手术固定支架拆除后,X线显示骨折断端对位良好,开口度≥3cm,面部基本对称,咬合关系与受伤前一致.结论:针对单侧颧骨、颧弓骨折,用自制外支架固定复位效果肯定,是一种比较简单的手术方法,患者所受创伤小,支架稳定性好.  相似文献   

目的观察半冠状切口结合小钛板内固定治疗颧骨、颧弓多发性骨折的临床疗效。方法选择12例颧骨、颧弓多发性骨折患者,采用半冠状切口暴露骨断端,精确复位后以小钛板内固定。结果所有病例术后创口均一期愈合,无术后并发证。随访3个月~1a,患者对面部外形及功能恢复满意。结论半冠状切口结合小钛板固定治疗颧骨、颧弓多发性骨折经临床实践,疗效满意,具有切口隐蔽、安全、固定可靠及早期功能锻炼等优点,值得推广应用。  相似文献   

目的:评价耳颞切口联合可吸收板治疗颧弓粉碎性骨折的疗效。方法:采用耳颞切口,显露复位颧弓骨折段后应用可吸收接骨板对8例单纯颧弓粉碎性骨折病例进行坚强内固定,通过面形、张口度、伤口愈合情况及X线片评价手术效果。结果:8例患者除1例术后有轻度张口受限,1例出现暂时性面瘫外,其余均开口度正常,面形对称,切口甲级愈合,手术效果良好。结论:以耳颞切口入路,可吸收接骨板行颧弓骨折坚强内固定,操作简便,损伤小,并发症少,效果良好,是一种较好的颧弓粉碎性骨折治疗方法。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This retrospective study presents the type of osteosynthesis used for the fixation of condylar fractures and the postoperative results and complications observed. METHOD AND MATERIALS: Forty-five patients with fractures of the mandibular condyle underwent open reduction and osteosynthesis with plates and screws. The surgical approach was, in most cases, via a submandibular incision. Stabilization was achieved in the majority of the cases with a 2.0-mm single or double miniplate, but 2.0-mm mini dynamic compression plates were also used. RESULTS: The complications were mainly inadequate reduction, screw loosening, and limitation of mouth opening. No plate fractures or infections were observed. CONCLUSION: The use of a single plate (miniplate or dynamic compression plate) often produces inadequate stability and reduction postoperatively. The placement of two 2.0-mm zygomatic dynamic compression plates demands great tissue dissection and detachment and can lead to limitation of mouth opening. The use of two 2.0-mm miniplates seems to produce better stability and fewer complications.  相似文献   

Closed reduction is applied in most cases of isolated zygomatic arch fracture. Open reduction and internal rigid fixation through a coronal incision have to be performed in other comminuted arch fractures. The authors introduced an endoscopic-assisted approach via a small preauricular incision to achieve reposition and osteosynthesis of isolated zygomatic arch fractures. The endoscopic-assisted surgical technique was performed in 7 patients with unilateral isolated zygomatic arch fractures. Endoscopically controlled management of the isolated zygomatic arch fracture was feasible in all 7 patients. The follow-up period was 1 year. All preauricular scar and facial lateral contour were aesthetically satisfactory. The endoscope-assisted approach via a small preauricular incision can achieve in situ reduction and fixation in zygomatic arch fracture and it should become an integral part of isolated zygomatic fracture repair, assuming the development of specialized training programs and improvements in endoscopes.  相似文献   

Fractures of the coronoid process are uncommon and can easily be missed. The purpose of this study was to classify the fracture patterns and explore the treatment options. This retrospective study included 39 patients with fractures of the mandibular coronoid process. Treatment protocols were developed based on the time of fracture, degree of mouth opening, location of the coronoid fracture, types of fracture, and other concomitant fractures. All patients were followed up for 12–60 months. Sixteen patients underwent conservative management and four of these patients developed progressive trismus, which improved significantly after removal of the coronoid process. Twenty-three patients underwent open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) via the modified retromandibular approach. Follow-up data showed significant improvement in maximum mouth opening and symptoms (diet and pain) compared to their preoperative status. In summary, conservative management is first recommended for fractures of the coronoid process with minimal displacement or restriction of mouth opening. For patients with significant fracture displacement and limited mouth opening, or with concomitant fractures of the zygoma, zygomatic arch, or mandibular ramus, ORIF via the modified retromandibular approach through the anterior border of the parotid gland is an alternative treatment method.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the natural history of zygomatic fractures in 469 cases over 14 years. The medical records of patients seeking treatment for zygomatic fractures were reviewed. The zygomatic fractures were classified as monopod, dipod, or tripod fractures for most patients. The monopod fractures included (1) zygomaticofrontal, (2) zygomaticomaxillary, and (3) zygomatic arch fractures. The dipod fractures were subclassified into 3 types according to combination of the previously mentioned 3 sites, which were 1 and 2, 1 and 3, and 2 and 3. Tripod fracture included all 1, 2, and 3. Among 469 cases of zygomatic fractures, tripod fractures (n = 238, 50.7%), zygomaticomaxillary fracture (n = 121, 25.8%), and isolated fracture of the zygomatic arch (n = 98 20.9%) formed most of the cases (n = 457, 97.4%). About one-half cases were tripod fractures (n = 238, 50.7%), and another half cases were monopod fractures (n = 220, 46.9%). Only 11 cases (2.4%) were dipod fractures. Most of the monopod fractures were zygomaticomaxillary (n = 121, 25.8%) and zygomatic arch fractures (n = 98, 20.9%). Among the dipod fractures, no cases of zygomaticofrontal and zygomatic arch fractures were reported. An open reduction was performed in 73.8% (346 cases), closed reduction in 24.5% (115 cases), and conservative treatment in only 1.7%. In tripod fracture (n = 238), an open reduction and internal fixation was performed for most of the cases (n = 225, 94.5%), and closed reduction was performed in only 11 cases (4.6%). In monopod zygomaticomaxillary fracture (n = 121), internal fixation was performed for most of the cases (n = 108, 89.3%), and closed reduction was performed in only 9 cases (7.7%). However, in monopod fracture of the zygomatic arch (n = 98), most of the cases (n = 95, 96.9%) were treated with closed reduction; open reduction was performed in only 1 case (1.0%). At zygomaticofrontal area (n = 241), internal fixation was performed in most of the cases (n = 198, 82.2%). At the infraorbital rim (n = 364), internal fixation was carried out in most cases (n = 257, 70.6%). At the zygomaticomaxillary buttress (n = 279), internal fixation was performed in about one third of the cases (n = 91, 32.6%). At the zygomatic arch (n = 339), only 1 case (0.3%) was fixed internally. The postoperative complication rate occurred in 88 cases (19.1%) among 461 cases operated. The most common complication was hypesthesia (50 cases, 56.8%), followed by diplopia (15 cases, 17.0%), limitation of mouth opening or closure (11 cases, 12.5%), infection (6.8%), and hematoma (4.5%). Most patients with hypesthesia improved at 2 months. About 90% of the patients with diplopia improved within 2 months. Limitation of mouth opening was improved immediately after operation in most of the cases. Our findings demonstrate significant differences in the demographics and clinical presentation that will enable a more accurate diagnosis and prediction of concomitant injuries and sequelae.  相似文献   

颧弓根部骨折的分型和治疗探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的:探讨颧弓根部骨折的类型和治疗方法。方法:49例颧弓根部骨折患者按骨折线走向分为A、B、C3型。A型:单纯颧弓根部横断形骨折,即关节结节骨折:B型:颧弓根部骨折线呈矢状,颧弓与颞骨体完全分离.又称关节窝骨折;C型:颧弓根部骨折线呈矢状,并延伸至颅底。根据不同类型骨折,选用合适的手术方法,采用微型钛板、克氏针、内同定专用钛钉等材料进行固定。结果:分类结果为A型3例(6.1%),B型41例(83.7%),C型5例(10.2%);颧骨复合体骨折治疗优良率达93.9%;颧弓根部骨折处愈合及位置全部良好;开口度从平均2.2cm提高到3.9cm。结论:将颧弓根部骨折进行分型治疗是必要的;采用单枚克氏针或内固定专用钛钉对B型颧弓根部骨折进行固定方便可行,并可取得良好效果。  相似文献   

目的: 探讨混合现实(MR) 及3D 打印技术在陈旧性颧眶复合体骨折手术中的应用效果。方法: 8例陈旧性颧骨骨折患者应用MR及3D打印技术实施手术,术前将CT数据导入计算机医学图像处理软件行骨折块分割、虚拟复位,3D打印骨折复位后模型,术中行钛板坚固内固定、MR精准验证定位,术后对比观察健、患侧面部外形及对称性。采用SPSS 22.0软件包中的配对t检验比较手术前、后双侧颧骨的突度和高度差值。结果: 患者术后开口度及咀嚼功能恢复正常,手术创面均一期愈合,无出血及感染等并发症。双侧面型对称,双侧颧骨突度及高度一致,手术前、后颧骨的突度差值分别为(9.82±1.11)和(1.12±0.48)mm;高度差值分别为(10.19±1.01)和(1.13±0.42)mm;与术前相比,差异均有统计学意义(t=24.77,P<0.05;t=24.68,P<0.05)。结论: 应用混合现实及3D打印技术修复陈旧性颧眶复合体骨折,有效恢复了面中部外形和咀嚼功能,实现了精确、个性化治疗目的: ,为临床诊疗提供了新的手段。  相似文献   

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