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郝晓京  崔春玲 《医学信息》2010,23(4):838-840
医学文献信息资源的采集工作是医院创新发展的一项重要服务保障工作,重点应建立快捷的情报网络,培养高素质的图书管理队伍,利用科学采编手段,及时捕捉世界前瞻性医学科学信息并不断挖掘、开发传统医药信息资源,为广大医务工作者提供不间断的、有价值的情报信息.  相似文献   

新世纪医学信息创新人才的培养   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
尚武 《医学信息》2001,14(8):451-452
新世纪是医学信息工作的重要发展时期,而人才是开展医学信息服务的主题,并决定着医学信息服务水平和质量,医学信息工作管理的滞后,创新人才资源不足是其根本原因,本文阐述了培养医学信息创新人才能力的重要意义,要加大人才资源开发力度,完善人才激励机制,优化人才吸引环境及目标,才能保证医学信息工作在新世纪发展“质”的飞跃。  相似文献   

郑春彩 《医学信息》2001,14(7):401-402
医学科研工作者在从事一项课题研究之前 ,首先要对国内外的文献作系统的检索、收集和阅读 ,以了解和分析相关研究的现状 ,在前人或他人已取得的成果或研究进展的基础上 ,寻求获得科学创新的先进起点。随着计算机、通讯技术的飞速发展 ,人们可通过因特网、联机检索等手段方便地获取信息 ,但对于大多数医学科研人员而言 ,特别是基层医务人员 ,由于某些条件的限制 ,查找医学文献信息的途径首选仍是利用图书馆的各种检索工具及图书馆提供的信息服务去获取 ,而笔者在实际工作中却发现不少读者缺乏查阅医学文献的知识及其检索技能 ,为此本文将介绍…  相似文献   

循证医学与医院图书馆网络环境下信息服务   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王为纲  尚武 《医学信息》2003,16(8):452-455
随着现代医学的发展和医学模式的转变 ,2 0世纪 90年代诞生了以注重证据为基础的临床医学 ,即“循证医学”。循证医学要求从医人员以理论为基础加个人经验的医学模式向以科学证据为基础的模式转变。循证医学模式要求医生在临床工作中不断提出问题并通过严格的检索、挑选和评价文献来回答这些问题 ,加强知识更新以及阐明医院图书馆网络环境下信息服务的途径和措施 ,优化服务资源 ,建立循证医学特色数据库 ,拓宽服务范围 ,改变服务模式 ,信息服务更加综合化、专业化和数字化以及提高信息服务人员素质要求。  相似文献   

论医学图书馆的读者需求与服务模式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
宋柳明 《医学信息》2002,15(8):499-500
信息资源网络化的发展 ,使得信息的传递与获取突破了时空的局限 ,给医疗、教学、科研带来了深刻的影响。医学图书馆必须加快自身的现代化建设步伐 ,实现医学文献资源建设由常规文献收藏向多媒体、多载体信息资源建设的转变 ,在读者服务上实现由文献整理与传递向信息获取的导航服务转变 ,并向读者传授利用图书馆、网络的知识与技术 ,保证他们能准确、及时找到所需信息。1 医学图书馆读者群的需求特点信息载体、数据库及图书馆服务方式的变化 ,使读者对图书馆的需求发生变化 ,认真研究不同读者需求的特点 ,使信息服务做到有的放矢 ,这种需求…  相似文献   

张兴  冯洁 《医学信息》2007,20(7):1126-1127
图书馆是高等院校科学文献信息管理和服务中心,为高等院校的教学、科研、生产等工作提供信息服务,也是学生的第二课堂和重要的素质教育基地。这业已作为高等院校图书馆在其所在高校中的定位深入人心。作为高等医学院图书馆,我馆也也作了如下定位:图书馆是我院科学文献信息管理和服务中心,为我院教学、科研、医疗、党建、行政工作提供信息服务,也是学生的第二课堂和重要的素质教育基地。  相似文献   

尚武  杨涌 《医学信息》2002,15(11):638-640
不少医院纷纷组建医疗集团。我们医学信息工作人员应该适应这种形势,更好地为医院、为集团服务。本文论述了组建医疗集团的意义、现代医学信息人才的培养、医学信息工作的创新和建设医院信息系统,在集团内部形成网络。  相似文献   

进入新世纪,发展以信息技术为中心的高新技术已成为了全球经济竞争的焦点,目前,电子信息技术,计算机信息技术,网络信息技术,多媒体信息技术等已广泛应用于医药卫生的图书文献,临床、科研,预防,教学,管理和科普宣传教育等方面,同时,信息技术也对我国医学信息情报工作提出了更新,更高的要求,要适应社会信息化发展的要求,医学信息情报工作必须做好信息情报思想观念,管理体制和运行机制,人才队伍建设,技术手段,服务内容和模式等方面的创新工作。  相似文献   

姚莉 《医学信息》2010,23(16):2550-2552
阐述现代医学科技创新的内涵及其特殊性,论述了医学情报调研与医学科技创新的关系及实施过程中的重要作用。阐述了医学情报调研应遵循的原则以及医学信息服务如何以创新的服务提升医学科技创新能力,促进医学科技创新目标的实现。  相似文献   

王连云  孙思琴 《医学信息》2001,14(9):536-537
利用《中刊库》的生物及医药卫生专业库检索医学文献,为用户提供信息检索服务、文献查新、文献信息咨询,定题信息服务等服务方式,进一步探讨了检查质量和检索效率的提高,显示了《中刊库》的检索功能、特点同时提出改进建议。  相似文献   

网络环境下医学信息工作的挑战和应对策略   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
随着Internet的飞速发展,医学信息工作面对着如下挑战:①为用户提供“信息精品”;②信息服务的多层次;③开发医学竞争情报;④服务手段现代化;⑤信息服务网络化。针对这些挑战,本文认为医学信息机构在网络环境下采取的信息服务策略主要有:①网络医药学信息资源集成建设;②面向最终用户,开展知识服务;③拓宽医学信息服务领域,为医药企业提供竞争情报;④面向社会,提供全面的医药学信息服务,如虚拟医学环境与远程医疗等,体现为全民服务的理念。  相似文献   

There has been much concern internationally in recent years on the direction and future of academic medicine. Furthermore, there is uncertainty for medical consultants over academic contracts in Ireland, given recent changes in the health service and the slow pace of negotiations on a new contract. Reports from North America indicate that academics often spend more time in training but do not necessarily have more protected time for academic activities than their non-academic counterparts. In the U.K., so-called reforms of postgraduate training together with the research assessment exercise have driven a wedge between medical academia and service delivery. In Ireland, the Fottrell and Buttimer Reports on medical education and training together with the Forfás Report on science, technology and innovation in the health service, provide a road map for the future in Ireland. While there have been some encouraging signs of progress recently, considerably more work needs to be done with significant investment in personnel, if the full potential of the Irish health service is to be realised, to the benefit of all, not least patients themselves.  相似文献   

电子病历(EMR)是医疗机构对门诊、住院患者(或保健对象)临床诊疗、指导干预的数字化医疗服务工作记录,是居民个人在医疗机构历次就诊过程中产生和被记录的完整、详细的临床信息资源。放射治疗EMR中包含文字、图像等信息,因此,比一般的EMR更加复杂。本文提出一种基于DICOM-RT标准的EMR信息系统,通过使用DICOM-RT的七个对象来实现放射治疗中不同系统、设备间的信息交换和共享,方便放射治疗患者治疗数据的管理,提高放射治疗的效率。  相似文献   

张善中  王德宝 《医学信息》2007,20(6):906-908
介绍上海市器官移植临床医学中心网站的开发和应用,该网站不仅是展示医学中心形象的窗口,而且率先在网络上提供器官移植随访服务,大大提高了术后随访工作的效率,保证了医疗信息的准确性和及时性,提升了医疗服务的质量,受到广大移植患者的欢迎。  相似文献   

Realistic medical simulation has expanded worldwide over the last decade. Such technology is playing an increasing role in medical education not merely because simulator sessions are enjoyable, but because they can provide an enhanced environment for experiential learning and reflective thought. High-fidelity patient simulators allow students of all levels to "practice" medicine without risk, providing a natural framework for the integration of basic and clinical science in a safe environment. Often described as "flight simulation for doctors," the rationale, utility, and range of medical simulations have been described elsewhere, yet the challenges of integrating this technology into the medical school curriculum have received little attention. The authors report how Harvard Medical School established an on-campus simulator program for students in 2001, building on the work of the Center for Medical Simulation in Boston. As an overarching structure for the process, faculty and residents developed a simulator-based "medical education service"-like any other medical teaching service, but designed exclusively to help students learn on the simulator alongside a clinician-mentor, on demand. Initial evaluations among both preclinical and clinical students suggest that simulation is highly accepted and increasingly demanded. For some learners, simulation may allow complex information to be understood and retained more efficiently than can occur with traditional methods. Moreover, the process outlined here suggests that simulation can be integrated into existing curricula of almost any medical school or teaching hospital in an efficient and cost-effective manner.  相似文献   

智能问答系统可以快速、准确地为用户提供信息服务,是自然语言处理领域的备受关注的研究方向。在医学知识服务领域,也具有很好的应用前景和发展空间。论文首先简述了医学领域智能问答系统的研究情况,其次就医学智能问答系统中的问题分析、信息检索、答案抽取三个组成部分及其关键技术进行了分别阐述;最后对其在中医方面的应用进行了阐述,并对医学智能问答系统的进一步发展提出了展望。  相似文献   

Medical documentation is getting more extensive, it is not standardised and can hardly be used to provide the exact and proper feedback. The crisis of data storage, processing and uninterrupted flow of information is becoming concial in the medical institutions as well. An example of informatic model of observation of postoperative complications following cataract surgery is presented in this work. The model has a very flexible pattern, and can, therefore, with minor changes, be used in observation of all postoperative complications in ophthalmology. It is based on the use of personal computer with professional software support (data base III programme was used for creation of data base, while statistical graphic analysis was carried out by following programmes: MICROSTAT, ABSTAT, STATGRAPHIC and FRAMEWORK). It has to be pointed out that any doctor, after only a short (optional) education, could prepare such models for his own purposes, and could thus assist in overcoming the information in medicine. In conclusion, the authors state computer is simple to work with, fast, economical and precise. Computerisation of health service shall include it in one of the aspects of practical realisation of the third technological revolution.  相似文献   

Increasingly, confidential medical records are being stored in data centers hosted by hospitals or large companies. As sophisticated algorithms for predictive analysis on medical data continue to be developed, it is likely that, in the future, more and more computation will be done on private patient data. While encryption provides a tool for assuring the privacy of medical information, it limits the functionality for operating on such data. Conventional encryption methods used today provide only very restricted possibilities or none at all to operate on encrypted data without decrypting it first. Homomorphic encryption provides a tool for handling such computations on encrypted data, without decrypting the data, and without even needing the decryption key.In this paper, we discuss possible application scenarios for homomorphic encryption in order to ensure privacy of sensitive medical data. We describe how to privately conduct predictive analysis tasks on encrypted data using homomorphic encryption. As a proof of concept, we present a working implementation of a prediction service running in the cloud (hosted on Microsoft’s Windows Azure), which takes as input private encrypted health data, and returns the probability for suffering cardiovascular disease in encrypted form. Since the cloud service uses homomorphic encryption, it makes this prediction while handling only encrypted data, learning nothing about the submitted confidential medical data.  相似文献   

基于DICOM的医学影像设备接口设计与实现   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
医学影像存档与通讯系统(Picture Archiving and Communication Systems,PACS)是目前医院信息化建设的热点,医学数字成像和通信标准(Digital Imaging and Communication in Medicine,DICOM)是有关医学图像及其相关信息的数据编码及通讯的国际标准,支持DICOM标准是医学影像设备并入PACS网络的必要条件。为使目前尚不符合DICOM标准的影像设备有效并入PACS系统,必须为其添加DICOM接口。我们介绍了DICOM信息模型并实现了接口的软件系统,重点介绍了应用VisualC 编程实现DICOM服务中的C-STORE和DCM文件的读写功能。  相似文献   

The possibilities of creating a health care resources registry and its operating in Croatia as well as the importance of information in health system are described. At the Croatian Institute of Public Health, monitoring of human resources is performed through the national Health Workers Registry. It also covers basic data on all health units, bed capacities of health facilities included. The initiated health care computerization has urged the idea of forming one more database on physical resources, i.e. on registered medical devices and equipment, more complete. Linking these databases on health resources would produce a single Health Care Resources Registry. The concept views Health Care Resources Registry as part of the overall health information system with centralized information on the health system. The planned development of segments of a single health information system is based on the implementation of the accepted international standards and common network services. Network services that are based on verified Internet technologies are used within a safe, reliable and closed health computer network, which makes up the health intranet (WAN--Wide Area Network). The resource registry is a software solution based on the relational database that monitors history, thus permitting the data collected over a longer period to be analyzed. Such a solution assumes the existence of a directory service, which would replace the current independent software for the Health Workers Registry. In the Health Care Resources Registry, the basic data set encompasses data objects and attributes from the directory service. The directory service is compatible with the LDAP protocol (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol), providing services uniformly to the current records on human and physical resources. Through the storage of attributes defined according to the HL7 (Health Level Seven) standard, directory service is accessible to all applications of the health information system. Directory service does not follow the history of attribute changes, and is optimized for a large number of authorizing inquiries. With it, one follows the following objects and attributes: persons, groups of people (patients, physicians, other personnel), roles (right of access and administrator permissions), organizational units, unit locations, devices and services (according to the list of services and procedures). One can add to the Health Care Resource Registry such attributes as are nonessential for inclusion in the directory service, but are of public health value. Authentication, authorization and digital signature are done by means of Smart Cards, which are used as protective elements against access to system functions, and simultaneously as a physical medium for the storage of the official certificate with which documents are signed digitally. As FINA (state financial control agency) has completed a system for certificate issuance and verification, the option of official digital signature is also available as a computer network service. Any changes taking place in the directory service are transferred by XML messages to a separate part of the Registry that reads them and automatically modifies records in the relational database. Because data input and data changes are made in health units, this makes the data updated and directly connected with health working operations. This avoids all one-time data collection campaigns using form filling about the devices and equipment in the future. As it is very difficult to monitor from a central standpoint how accurate and update the information is, it is necessary to delegate the permissions and duties associated with making changes to the directory service. By this organizational setup, the time needed to ensure data quality control is reduced. In the case described, the Health Care Resource Registry becomes an indicator of change, acquiring certain characteristics of an analytical system. An analysis of topical data renders possible proactive action and makes more effective the planning and utilization of available resources. Providing answers on the current data quickly could also be important to solution-seeking in emergencies. The present proposal to establish the Registry is intended to facilitate the future process of planning and striking a balance between investments in human and physical resources. For health expenditure control, having reliable information related to the use and purchase of new medical technology is particularly important. World Health Organization and European Union have also emphasized the need to develop new indicators in this area.  相似文献   

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