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河南小麦产业链各环节成本收益研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文通过对河南省小麦产业链各环节的深入、细致调研,利用调研的第一手数据全面剖析了小麦生产、收购、加工、销售各环节的成本收益情况.研究发现,粮食涨价是由于成本推动的,小麦制品的价格上涨主要是农业之外的因素引起的.控制粮食价格上涨的重点不在于小麦生产、收购环节,而是要限制投入品价格的不合理上涨、降低流通环节的费用、适当压缩销售环节小麦制品过大的利润空间.最后针对调研中发现的问题提出了相应政策建议.  相似文献   

不同价格背景下肉鸡产业链主体利益优化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]为全面分析肉鸡产业链各主体利益分配情况。[方法]文章以肉鸡主产区山东、河南、河北等省为例,对肉鸡出栏价格处于不同变化趋势下的产业链环节主体成本收益情况进行对比分析,并利用Shapley值测算产业链各主体最佳利益分配值。[结果](1)价格高峰与低谷期肉鸡产业链各环节主体利益分配格局差别较大,研究农产品产业链利益分配时需将农产品价格周期纳入研究范围。(2)各主体合作加强合作可实现利益分配的合理化及增加链条总收益。价格低谷期产业链环节主体种鸡场、养殖户、屠宰加工企业、零售商利益分配值与最佳利益分配比例为10.49:(-0.45):44.42:45.54调整为13.96:18.51:31.33:36.20,合作后肉鸡产业链增值比合作前高1.68元/只。现实利益分配情况与夏普利值测算的最佳分配方案存在一定差距。(3)一体化模式、公司+农户模式下肉鸡产业链各环节由于合同或契约的存在,各主体之间在生产管理、要素供应等方面协作更加紧密,抗市场风险能力相对较强,利益分配格局相对合理。[结论]提出加强肉鸡产业链各环节主体间相互合作、建立公司与农户更加紧密的利益联结机制、做强做大肉鸡行业协会促进肉鸡产业健康发展等建议。  相似文献   

最近一段时间,社会上出现了农产品轮番涨价的现象,引起了人们对农产品价格全面上涨的担心。 关于农产品价格轮涨的原因,社会上有两种比较普遍的看法,一是“成本拉动说”,该观点认为,由于年初以来包括劳动力价格和生产资料价格出现上涨,直接推动了商品的成本上升,  相似文献   

农产品价格对通货膨胀影响的新判断及政策建议韩志荣一1994年是我国通货膨胀比较严重的一年:全国商品零售价格总指数比上年上涨21.7%;居民消费价格指数比上年上涨24.1%,其中:粮食上涨50.7%,肉禽及其制品上涨41.6%,食用植物油上涨64.1%...  相似文献   

<正>粮价上涨、肉价上涨、菜价上涨,农产品价格如今变得异常敏感,社会舆论对于农产品涨价总是忧心忡忡。在物价普遍上涨的大背景下,一味将矛头指向农产品价格的上涨容易转移焦点,让人忽视了涨价背后真正要解决的问题。  相似文献   

农产品涨价的原因有很多,首先还是一个成本推动,这些年生产资料价格在上涨,土地流转本身价格也是上涨的,劳动力成本也是上涨的,因此成本上升推动农产品价格上涨,这可能是主要因素。第二个因素是价格传导,国际上农产品的价格涨幅非常大,都要程度不同地传导到国内,推动国内农产品价格上涨。第三个因素,流动性比较充裕,同时我们国家为了保持农民种粮的积极性,保持我们种粮农民的合理收益,这些年也在政策上提高粮食的最低收购价格。  相似文献   

一、农产品价格的构成农产品成本是价格的最低界限,如果按照这个数额销售农产品,那么农民出售农产品所获得的收入仅能补偿农产品成本消耗,并不能获得农业经营利润。农产品的成本是由固定成本和变动成本构成的。1.固定成本固定成本不随产量或销量的变化而发生明显变化,通常称为农产品一般管理费用,具体包括机器、厂房、折旧、取暖、照明、保险费和管理人员工资等费用。要注意的  相似文献   

物价牵人心。日前,农业部组织调研组,赴北京、山东、河北、黑龙江、吉林、河南、湖南、广东、海南等省市,选择粮食、畜产品、蔬菜三大类9个品种的农产品,对生产→收购→加工→运输→批发→零售等环节全程跟踪调查。结果显示,这次农产品涨价主要来自成本推动和产后各环节加价。  相似文献   

燃油价格持续上涨引发了出租车是否应当涨价以及涨价承担者为谁的种种讨论。北京市为此专门举行了一次听证会。在会内会外诸多反对涨价的呼声下,出租车价格还是说涨就涨了,那么,伴随涨价而来的收益给了谁、损失又谁承担呢?贾西津副教授的细致分析表明,“提升租价、取消油补、租价油联动”的做法会继续加重司机的负担和风险,大幅度向乘客转嫁成本,企业的收益却实际增加了。  相似文献   

近几年来,农村肉鸡饲养业发展很快,已成为农民致富的一个重要门路,对于发展农村经济和调整畜牧业结构也起了重要作用。但是,在发展中也遇到了不少困难。农民素质低、饲料涨价、疫病死亡、加工薄弱、市场竞争激烈等一系列问题,都在制约着农村肉鸡饲养业的进一步发展。特别是饲料价格不断上涨,向农村肉鸡饲养业提出了严峻的挑战。1988年,  相似文献   

This article explores supply response models in a rational expectations framework with endogenous risk by using a multivariate generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity model with Cholesky decomposition. This approach allows the incorporation of price volatility as a risk factor into the supply response of a primary commodity sector that is composed of several markets of homogenous products. The model is applied to the Greek meat sector, which is composed of four major meat categories, that is, beef, lamb, pork, and broiler, and thus the model for the entire market includes supply and demand equations for all the four meat markets, which are estimated simultaneously. The empirical results confirm that price volatility is a significant risk factor in Greek meat production and also provide useful implications about the cost factors of production. Furthermore, the empirical findings show that the last reform of the Common Agricultural Policy seems to have had a negative effect on beef and lamb production in Greece.  相似文献   

The cost and demand structures of meat products industries in the US and Australia from 1970 to 1991 are examined. Scale economies, technical change and trade impacts and output pricing behaviour are evaluated, using short- and long-run input cost and input and output demand elasticities. The greatest technological impacts stem from large-scale economies, which are similar across countries. Unit cost savings from output expansion involve capital investment and materials saving in the long run, although input-specific patterns vary by country. Import competition appears to motivate capital expansion further. Finally, large mark-ups of price over marginal cost are found, which are consistent with low profits as a result of the underlying scale economies.  相似文献   

The New Zealand export meat industry has been through a considerable number of changes in the 1980s. The deregulation of export slaughter facilities, Supplementary Minimum Prices, Producer Board intervention, declining livestock numbers and domestic cost pressures have all affected the performance of the domestically based processing sector. Major changes in market access and demand have influenced off-shore marketing operations, particularly for sheepmeats. Additionally, there has been a change in the type of meat exported with a greater proportion of further processed product shipped in recent years. As an example of the impact of these developments on livestock producers, the producer share of the United Kingdom wholesale market return for a representative prime lamb carcase has fallen from 40 per cent in 1978 to 25 per cent in 1988. In this article the pattern of intervention in the New Zealand pastoral meat industries from the mid-1960s is detailed, emphasising the different environments of the beef and sheepmeat enterprises. Then the principal factors influencing domestic processing margins for these products are empirically examined. Alternative model specifications and alternative estimation techniques are compared and contrasted. The results of these analyses are discussed in terms of the historical patterns of assistance and structural change, and in terms of current rationalisation pressures on the meat processing sector.  相似文献   

肉制品是人们生活中经常食用的产品之一,富含人类生存所需的多种营养物质,但同时也是各种疾病传播的媒介。想要保证肉制品的质量,需要对肉制品生产加工环节的质量安全进行严格把控。本文简单分析了肉制品生产加工中的质量安全问题,提出了肉制品质量问题的解决办法,从温度控制、质量检测、加工管理和销售监测等环节进行细致剖析,指导肉制品生产加工,保障消费者的食品安全。  相似文献   

This paper tests the hypothesis that meat and poultry wholesalers choose their inventory levels together with wholesale price so as to maximize profit made over the sales time of their stock. The behavioral assumption predicts that markup over average cost will match the inverse of the price elasticity of the sales time of inventory. Price elasticity of inventory sales time is estimated for beef, pork and poultry accounting for the simultaneity between these pricing decisions by adopting a systems approach. The estimated range for the inverse of these elasticities includes all the markups applied over the sample range of the time series.  相似文献   

本文着重介绍了当前常用的西式火腿类肉制品加工技术,并以蒸煮火腿和带骨火腿为例,介绍了西式火腿类肉制品加工技术,以期促进西式肉制品加工技术的应用,为我国肉制品加工技术的研究和发展提供有效参考。  相似文献   

We apply dynamic data envelopment analysis (DEA) to estimate dynamic cost inefficiency for a sample of European Union (EU) large meat processing firms over the period 2005–2012 and decompose this into the contributions of technical and allocative inefficiency. The estimation of dynamic inefficiencies controls for adjustment costs associated with firms’ investments. We further contribute by measuring dynamic cost inefficiencies and their components with regard to own region group (managerial inefficiencies) and the gap between the pooled frontier and the region-specific frontier (programme inefficiencies). Results show that technical inefficiency tends to be the largest component of cost inefficiency when both conducting the analysis for the EU as a whole and estimating a region-specific frontier. Results suggest significant differences in cost, technical, and allocative inefficiencies between meat processing firms in eastern, western and southern EU countries. We also find that the gaps between the pooled and region-specific frontiers tend to be small to negligible, which suggests that the main source of pooled inefficiencies are shortcomings in managerial practices rather than differences in region-specific conditions.  相似文献   

We propose to use the emerging method of directed graphs to study price/quantity endogeneity issues in empirical demand analysis. The approach is illustrated through the examination of U.S. meat consumption. We find that for two major meat products (beef and poultry), retail prices contemporaneously caused quantities consumed, thus were predetermined. In contrast, the quantity consumed of pork appeared to be predetermined relative to its price.  相似文献   

针对发展县域农村经济问题,从农民素质,社会服务,产业规模,产品加工,产品成本及价格等方面出发,分析了障碍因素,并结合玉田且,出县域农村经济持续发展对策。  相似文献   

The aim of the paper is to explain to what extent meat consumption patterns in Spain are different in rural and urban areas and which are the factors explaining differences and similarities. A demand system using cross-section data from the latest Spanish National Survey has been estimated. Unit values have been used instead of market prices and price and quality effects have been obtained. The main conclusion is that meat consumption patterns in urban and rural areas are not really different as regards economic factors. Some small income and price effect differences have been found, specially for fresh pork and fish, Responses to changes in income and price are higher for fresh pork consumption in rural areas and for fish in urban areas.  相似文献   

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