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35 Eclipsing binaries presenting unambiguous total eclipses were selected from a subsample of the list of Wyrzykowski et al. (2003). The photometric elements are given for the I curve in DiA photometry, as well as approximate teff and masses of the components. The interest of these systems is stressed in view of future spectroscopic observations.  相似文献   

The period changes of six eclipsing binaries have been studied with focus on the light-time effect. With the least squares method we also calculated parameters of such an effect and properties of the unresolved body in these systems. With these results we discussed the probability of presence of such bodies in the systems with respect to possible confirmation by another method. In two systems we also suggested the hypothesis of fourth body or magnetic activity for explanation of the "second-order variability" after subtraction of the light-time effect of the third body.  相似文献   

We carried out optical and Hα photometry of two contact binaries (V861 Herculis, EQ Tauri). The light curve modeling revealed stellar spots in both contact systems and strong Hα excess in the position of the observed stellar spots. A correlation was found between the VR and R−Hα colour indices of V861 Her.  相似文献   

BAT99-129 is a rare, short-period eclipsing Wolf-Rayet binary in the Large Magellanic Cloud. We present here medium-resolution NTT/EMMI spectra that allow us to disentangle the spectra of the two components and find the orbital parameters of the binary. We also present VLT/FORS1 spectra of this binary taken during the secondary eclipse, i.e. when the companion star passes in front of the Wolf-Rayet star. With these data we are able to extract, for the first time in absolute units for a WR + O binary, the sizes of the line emitting regions.Based on observations obtained at the La Silla and Paranal Observatories, European Southern Observatory (Chile).  相似文献   

A project is presented which aims at high-precision determination of absolute parameters of close early-type eclipsing binaries in the LMC. We will use multi-object spectrographs (MOS) to measure RV curves of a large number of program stars selected from the MACHO archive. Spectroscopic mass ratios will be used as input for our light curve analysis code MORO. Application of the Simplex-based algorithm FITSB2 will achieve spectrum disentangling and fitting of NLTE model (TLUSTY) atmospheres, yielding orbital and atmospheric parameters. The method was extensively tested by application to time series of synthetic binary spectra for the expected range of S/N and MOS instrumental resolution. log g and T eff were reestablished with a precision of better than 5%, radial velocity amplitudes with errors of <3%. An important by-product of our project will be the improvement of the distance modulus of the LMC, a topic which is still being intensely discussed.  相似文献   

Recent theoretical calculations of stellar evolutionary tracks for rotating high-mass stars suggests that the chemical composition of the surface layers changes even whilst the star is evolving on the Main Sequence. The abundance analysis of binary components with precisely known fundamental stellar quantities allows a powerful comparison with theory. The observed spectra of close binary stars can be separated into the individual spectra of the component stars using the method of spectral disentangling on a time-series of spectra taken over the orbital cycle. Recently, Pavlovski and Hensberge (2005, A&A, 439, 309) have shown that, even with moderately high line-broadening, metal abundances can be derived from disentangled spectra with a precision of 0.1 dex. In a continuation of this project we have undertaken a detailed abundance analysis of the components of another two high-mass binaries, V453 Cyg, and V380 Cyg. Both binaries are well-studied systems with modern solutions. The components are close to the TAMS and therefore very suitable for an observational test of early mixing in high-mass stars.  相似文献   

We present spectral variations of the binary X-ray pulsar LMC X-4 observed with the RXTE/PCA during different phases of its 30.5 day long third period. Only out-of-eclipse data were used for this study. The 3–25 keV spectrum, modeled with high energy cut-off power-law and iron line emission is found to show strong dependence on the intensity state. Correlations between the Fe line emission flux and different parameters of the continuum are presented here.  相似文献   

Results are presented of an analysis of eclipsing binaries in the Large Magellanic Cloud. The sample of close OB-type stars was taken from the MACHO microlensing survey. The present study was restricted to systems with orbital periods shorter than 2 days and V and R light curves with large eclipse amplitudes, high S/N and homogeneous and dense phase coverage. Problems encountered during the analysis are discussed, especially with respect to the degeneracy of photometric mass ratios and other parameter correlations.  相似文献   

To synthesise images of stellar photospheres with high spot filling factors, we model an extrapolated solar size distribution of spots on an immaculate SV Cam. These models of starspot coverage show that the primary star is peppered with a large number of subresolution spots. Using these model starspot distributions we generate a photometric lightcurve, which is then used as input to an maximum-entropy eclipse mapping code, that is based on chi-squared minimisation. I solve for the system parameters to show the effect of dense spot coverage on the derived system parameters, and show that surface brightness distributions reconstructed from these lightcurves have distinctive spots on the primary star at its quadrature points. It is concluded that two-spot modelling or chi-squared minimisation techniques are more susceptible to spurious structures being generated by systematic errors, arising from incorrect assumptions about photospheric surface brightness, than simple Fourier analysis of the light-curves.Marie Curie Intra-European Fellow  相似文献   

In this study complete BV light curves of the W Ursae Majoris binary V1073 Cygni obtained in 2005 are presented. We have used the spectroscopic data of V1073 Cyg obtained by Ahn et al. (1992) for analysis. The analysis of radial velocity and light curves was made with Wilson} program (1998) and the geometric and physical elements} of the system were derived. By searching the simultaneous} solutions of the system, we have determined the masses and radii of the components: 1.64M, 2.275R for the primary component and 0.55M, 1.397R for the secondary component respectively. The effective temperature of 6494 ± 53 K for the secondary component was also estimated.  相似文献   

A significant number of close binaries are known to be members of physically bound triple or multiple star systems. The OC analysis technique which is based on the minima times of an eclipsing binary can reveal the light-time effect due to the presence of gravitationally bound and generally unseen close component(s) in the system. In this study we present shortly the OC analysis results based on the light-time effect possibilities for two of the eclipsing binaries observationally followed by our group; TZ Boo and CF Tau.  相似文献   

用美国McDonald天文台2.1米反射镜的折轴Reticon观测HeI 5875谱线,由标准星的观测轮廓与Gray的转致轮廓卷积后同被测星的观测轮廓进行拟合,测得了18颗双星的Vsini,并结合以前测得的20个双星系统的结果,同Slettebak老系统进行了比较,得到了它们的近似关系:在Vsini<100 kms~(-1)时,两者的值比较一致;当Vsini>100kms~(-1)时,本方法得出的值明显偏低。这一关系间接说明,我们的结果与Slettebak新系统的趋势是一致的。  相似文献   

Eclipsing binaries with M-type components are still rare objects. Strong observational biases have made that today only a few eclipsing binaries with component masses below 0.6 M and well-determined fundamental properties are known. However, even in these small numbers the detailed comparison of the observed masses and radii with theoretical predictions has revealed large disagreements. Current models seem to predict radii of stars in the 0.4--0.8 M range to be some 5--15% smaller than observed. Given the high accuracy of the empirical measurements (a few percent in both mass and radius), these differences are highly significant. I review all the observational evidence on the properties of M-type stars and discuss a possible scenario based on stellar activity to explain the observed discrepancies.  相似文献   

本文首次测定了WX Cnc的分光轨道解。轨道根数是:V_0=+9.8公里/秒;K_1=110.2公里/秒;K_2=149.0公里/秒;T_0=HJD 2,446,480.0309。结合文献中测光结果,得到了WX Cnc的绝对参量:A=6.32R_⊙;R_1=1.53R_⊙;R_2=1.18R_⊙ M_1=1.29M_⊙;M_2=0.96M_⊙。分光质比q=0.74。  相似文献   

We present results from detailed analyses of new data combined with previously published light curves of ε Cra and ψ Ori. Based on the shape of the secondary minimum of ε CrA we found that the discrepancy between the photometric and spectroscopic mass ratio, although marginal, is statistically significant. We propose a third light as a possible solution and derive the absolute parameters of components. The physical parameters of components of the early-type binary system ψ Ori were also obtained from the light curve modelling. Our solution indicate that ψ Ori is a detached, grazing-eclipse system.  相似文献   

Detached eclipsing binaries (EBs) provide a unique opportunity to carry out stringent tests on stellar evolution models. The value of EBs is enhanced by their membership in open clusters, but the number of known systems is still very scarce. We have started a systematic search for late-type EBs in the nearest open clusters with the fully robotic ROTSE3b telescope at McDonald Observatory in West Texas. On our first campaigns on the Hyades and Collinder 359, we have identified a number of previously unknown eclipsing binary candidates. Some of these stars have been selected for spectroscopic and photometric follow-up. Here we present details of the observing and reduction strategy as well as the first results of this ongoing survey.  相似文献   

We present photometric analysis of 8 short-period eclipsing binaries discovered and observed at Astronomical Observatory at Kolonica Saddle between 2007 and 2010 with different instruments. We determined their orbital periods and performed photometric analysis of their light curves. We found that 3 systems are detached binaries, 4 systems are over-contact binaries of W UMa type and one system is semi-detached with the secondary component filling its Roche lobe. Light curves of 2 systems exhibit asymmetries, explained by spot(s) on the surface of the components.  相似文献   

In the first paper of this series, we presented EBAS – Eclipsing Binary Automated Solver, a new fully automated algorithm to analyse the light curves of eclipsing binaries, based on the ebop code. Here, we apply the new algorithm to the whole sample of 2580 binaries found in the Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment (OGLE) Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) photometric survey and derive the orbital elements for 1931 systems. To obtain the statistical properties of the short-period binaries of the LMC, we construct a well-defined subsample of 938 eclipsing binaries with main-sequence B-type primaries. Correcting for observational selection effects, we derive the distributions of the fractional radii of the two components and their sum, the brightness ratios and the periods of the short-period binaries. Somewhat surprisingly, the results are consistent with a flat distribution in log P between 2 and 10 d. We also estimate the total number of binaries in the LMC with the same characteristics, and not only the eclipsing binaries, to be about 5000. This figure leads us to suggest that  (0.7 ± 0.4)  per cent of the main-sequence B-type stars in the LMC are found in binaries with periods shorter than 10 d. This frequency is substantially smaller than the fraction of binaries found by small Galactic radial-velocity surveys of B stars. On the other hand, the binary frequency found by Hubble Space Telescope ( HST ) photometric searches within the late main-sequence stars of 47 Tuc is only slightly higher and still consistent with the frequency we deduced for the B stars in the LMC.  相似文献   

UBVRI photometry and spectroscopic observations around the Hα line of the cataclysmic star UX UMa are presented. The analysis of the 9-year photometry shows that the out-of-eclipse brightness of the system and the depth of the eclipse changes in different time scales while the width of the eclipse remains constant. The observed features of the light curves as well as the features of the two-peaked Hα profiles were attributed to an inhomogeneity of the accretion disk. “Spiral arm” model for a fitting of the light curves of UX UMa is proposed. It reproduces well the observational data. The obtained azimuthal extent of the spiral arms is of ∼90° and their light contribution is about 17–30of the total V flux of the disk. The obtained two dense structures at the outer disk covering partially the inner hot disk and the white dwarf at orbital phases ∼0.7 and ∼0.2 is in agreement with the predictions of the theoretical computations.  相似文献   

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