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近年来,随着我国经济的不断发展,人们对生活的舒适度要求也越来越高,在寒冷地区,冬季气温较低,加强寒冷地区农村住宅围护结构的节能优化研究具有非常重要的现实意义。对寒冷地区农村住宅围护结构的分析,首先对北方寒冷地区既有农村住宅的围护结构现状进行了详细的阐述,然后对现有围护结构存在的问题进行了一个归纳总结,最后针对现有围护结构的问题,提出了针对寒冷地区农村住宅围护结构的节能优化策略。  相似文献   

近年来,黑龙江省农村地区的新型农村社区建设起步较快。寒冷地区的新型农村社区规划建设对农村住区的建设经济性、生态低碳效率以及住宅节能保温策略等方面提出了更高的挑战。本研究在分析黑龙江省农村能源消费结构基础上,通过总结黑龙江省农村地区的能源消费特点以及寒冷气候条件下的新型农村社区建设中的问题,结合新能源的综合利用,提出了适应黑龙江省农村地区发展特征的生态规划和社区住宅与公共空间的规划策略,对黑龙江省农村地区的生态节能型新农村建设规划方法进行了探索。  相似文献   

以寒冷地区农村住宅为研究对象,分析其节能现状及存在的问题。在此基础上,结合"煤改清洁能源"政策提出适宜于寒冷地区农村住宅的节能优化策略,为建筑节能向农村地区的推进提供技术指导,实现能源结构的优化和农村地区的可持续发展。  相似文献   

寒冷地区农村住宅建筑具有体量大、分布散的特点,且节能处于较低水平。基于建筑能耗分析软件De ST建立了农村住宅建筑模型,从提升围护结构热工性能和改变其建筑结构方面对建筑模型进行优化,将模拟输出的房间自然室温和热负荷作为节能指标并进行数据分析,同时论证了建筑气密性和可再生能源应用对农村住宅建筑节能优化的重要性,并给出了相关建议。  相似文献   

东北地区冬季漫长寒冷,农村地区的人均能源消费较高,其中冬季取暖能源消费比重最大.通过分析东北农村地区的能源消费结构与消费特点以及农村规划建设中的主要问题,对东北农村地区的节能型新农村建设规划方法进行了探索.提出了在村镇规划中应适当集中规划、统一布局、功能分区、鼓励连排住宅、建设多重防风林带等规划方法,鼓励建设利用农村生...  相似文献   

为研究影响兰州地区住宅建筑供暖能耗的因素,在围护结构参数完全符合国家现行寒冷地区住宅建筑节能要求的前提下,以兰州市2栋住宅建筑为基准模型,运用De ST-h软件对供暖季的热负荷进行逐时模拟计算,分析窗墙比、体型系数、朝向三大因素对总供暖热负荷的影响,得到了兰州地区住宅建筑南偏西30°朝向与南偏东30°朝向、正南方向相比,总热负荷最小,但最大热负荷最大的结论,为南偏西建筑进行供热调节实现节能提供依据。南向墙面内凹的住宅建筑不宜通过面积热指标法来估算热负荷。  相似文献   

以寒冷地区山东省某农村住宅建筑为案例模型,利用Dest软件模拟南北向窗墙比的变化对建筑物供暖和空调能耗的影响。结果表明:对于寒冷地区来说,南北向窗墙比的增大,都会导致供暖和空调能耗的增加。根据模拟结果,并结合农村的生活习性,建议南向窗墙比在0.5以下,北向窗墙比在0.4以下。用户也可以根据自己的需要和建筑物的节能指标,选择合适的窗墙比。  相似文献   

对哈尔滨、北京、南京、上海、重庆、长沙和广州7个城市的住宅围护结构、住户的夏季生活方式等进行了问卷调查,对这7个城市能源消费的差异等进行了分析比较.调查研究分析结果表明:(1)严寒地区和寒冷地区的住宅建筑围护结构的保温性能更好,夏季较短而且室外气温相对较低,从而空调占有率以及使用时间都较低;(2)夏热冬冷地区的南京、上海、长沙和重庆,空调的占有率在80%以上,7月下旬到8月上旬冷气设备的使用率达到最大,特别是重庆夏季还要除湿,所以空调电耗特别高;(3)夏热冬暖气候区域的广州,住宅空调使用时间从5月到10月,在所调查城市中最长,所以电耗也较大.  相似文献   

针对我国半干旱地区太阳能资源丰富和农村生活用能紧缺的特点,基于生态学、环境学和建筑学等方法原理,集被动式太阳房、太阳能热水器、太阳暖圈一沼气池、高效预制组装架空炕连灶等多项技术为一体,提出了基于太阳能和生物质能综合利用的半干旱地区农村生态住宅设计理念,并对生态住宅的热量供需平衡进行分析。结果表明:此类基于太阳能和生物质能综合利用的农村生态住宅模式,年可提供热量68070.24MJ,完全可满足半干旱地区农户日常生活中炊事、采暖、热水、照明以及家电使用等各种能耗需求。  相似文献   

结合湖南地区的农村住宅节能特点,简述了湖南省目前农村住宅的现状并对现有农村住宅节能中存在的问题进行阐述。详细介绍了该省农村住宅在墙体、窗户、屋面等部位的建筑节能保温的一些适用技术和各种技术的优缺点。提出从规划设计开始,应充分考虑建筑楼地面、屋面,墙体、门窗、遮阳等方面的节能构造措施,从而提高农村住宅的节能效果,以较经济的方式改善农民居住环境。  相似文献   

隽军  杨妩姗 《节能》2012,31(2):51-54
结合工作实践,发现西安市居住建筑类项目存在不同评估单位计算的年综合能耗量数值差异很大的现象,经比较分析发现差异的主要原因是建筑物采暖耗能量评估计算依据的标准规范不一致。通过对比两种计算方法的内容与指标,认为《城镇供热管网设计规范》采暖热负荷推荐值与项目具体建筑物体形系数、热工性能参数等数值无关,对单体建筑物而言不具有针对性,不是唯一的。因此,建议以《严寒和寒冷地区居住建筑节能设计标准》为节能评估计算依据,方符合国家推行固定资产投资项目节能评估与审查的目的。  相似文献   

住宅能源消费结构模型的预测研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对吉林省城市和农村住宅能源消费情况的调查,用重回归分析的方法分析了吉林省家庭用不同种类能源消费的影响因素及特点,建立了吉林省将来城市和农村住宅能源消费的预测模型。应用建立的模型分析吉林省1996~2002年城市和农村住宅能源消费情况,与实际数据基本相符,本研究为促进地区能源经济可持续发展,提供了重要的理论依据。  相似文献   

中国农村生活用能及其碳排放分析(2001-2010)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了2001~2008年中国农村生活用能的变化以及2001~2010年中国农村生活用能对气候变化的影响。研究发现,农村生活用能呈现了从非商品能源向商品能源转变的趋势,其中,传统生物质能源的消费比例从81.5%下降至70.9%,而商品能源则从17.1%上升至25.1%。此外,除传统生物质能源外的其它可再生能源的消费增长迅速,年均增长率为19.8%。与此相应,农村生活用能消费所导致的碳排放呈现出显著的增加趋势,由152.2百万t上升至366.89百万t,且农村人均CO2排放的增长速度是同期城镇人口的1.87倍。分析认为,影响商品能源消费的主要因素是农村居民收入的增加,强有力的政策支持则促进了农村除传统生物质能源外其他可再生能源的发展。  相似文献   

The residential energy consumption has been studied in many countries as it usually accounts for a large percentage of the total energy consumption. Energy end-uses have also been a matter of concern as they can assist energy system planning. The objective of this paper is to assess the actual scenario of electricity consumption and estimate electricity end-uses in the residential sector of Brazil for different bioclimatic zones. The analysis is based on a survey performed by 17 energy utilities enclosing a total of 17,643 houses or flats over 12 states in Brazil. The survey was performed to obtain electricity consumption data for all household appliances found in houses and flats. The electricity end-uses were estimated by performing weighted averages according to the location of the dwellings in each bioclimatic zone. Results indicate that the largest end-uses are for refrigerator and freezer together, which account for about 38–49% of the electricity consumption in dwellings in Brazil. Air-conditioning and electric shower are the end-uses that are more dependent on the climatic conditions. The main conclusion that can be made from the analysis is that air-conditioning should be a major concern in the residential sector of Brazil in the near future as its ownership is still low, but its electricity consumption is already significant mainly over summer.  相似文献   

严寒地区多数农村住宅建筑围护结构热损失严重,造成其采暖能耗增加,强化建筑围护结构的保温性是提高建筑采暖效率的方式之一。以位于严寒地区的安达市某传统农宅为研究对象,采用EnergyPlus对该住宅围护结构的保温性能进行研究,并分析了建筑能耗情况,获得了建筑墙体、玻璃、屋顶等围护结构部位采用保温后的节能效率。研究结果表明:安达地区节能效率较好的墙体和屋顶保温材料为XPS保温板、玻璃窗结构形式为6mm+12mm+6mmLow-E低辐射玻璃;传统农宅采用建筑保温材料后,其节能率可达72.0%,从而降低了农村住宅采暖能耗,并可维持室内良好的热环境。  相似文献   

Space heating energy consumption in urban residential areas of the hot summer and cold winter zones (HSCW) in China has increased dramatically during the last decade. Large-scale surveys and in-depth measurements of residential heating consumption is important to monitor trends. More importantly, a macro energy model that reflects the current status and that can be used to analyze future scenarios is needed. In this paper, a bottom-up model was established, and the results show the total energy consumption in the HSCW and the influences of building envelops, heating equipment efficiency, and especially occupant behavior on energy use. Related technical and policy suggestions were analyzed in different scenarios. Presently, energy consumption for heating in urban residential areas of the HSCW is relatively low, but is increasing rapidly, so the establishment of superior national building energy efficient designs requires attention. The findings suggest that the district heating network would not be feasible for the HSCW and decentralized heating should be the major heating method employed. Besides building efficiency, appliance efficiency should also be improved. Lastly, residents' behaviors in regards to the opening of windows can significantly influence energy use and should be carefully considered by policy makers and engineers.  相似文献   

The process of urbanization and the raise of living standards in China have led an increasing trend in the patterns of residential consumption. Projections for the population growth rate in urban areas do not paint a very optimistic picture for energy conservation policies. In addition, the concentration of economic activities around coastal areas calls for new prospects to be formulated for energy policy. In this context, the objective of this paper is twofold. First, we analyse the effect of the urbanization process of the Chinese economy in terms of the long-run patterns of residential energy consumption at national level. By using the concept of club convergence, we examine whether electricity and coal consumption in rural and urban areas converge to the same long-run equilibrium or whether in fact they diverge. Second, the impact of the regional concentration of the economic activity on energy consumption patterns is also assessed by source of energy across Chinese regions from 1995 to 2011. Our results suggest that the process of urbanization has led to coal being replaced by electricity in urban residential energy consumption. In rural areas, the evidence is mixed. The club convergence analysis confirms that rural and urban residential energy consumption converge to different steady-states. At the regional level, we also confirm the effect of the regional concentration of economic activity on residential energy consumption. The existence of these regional clusters converging to different equilibrium levels is indicative of the need of regional-tailored set of energy policies in China.  相似文献   

There exist many differences between urban and rural China among which residential CO2 emissions arising from energy consumption is a major one. In this paper, we estimate and compare the energy related CO2 emissions from urban and rural residential energy consumption from 1991 to 2004. The logarithmic mean Divisia index decomposition analysis is then applied to investigate the factors that may affect the changes of the CO2 emissions. It is found that energy intensity and the income effects, respectively, contributed most to the decline and the increase of residential CO2 emissions for both urban and rural China. In urban China, the population effect was found to contribute to the increase of residential CO2 emissions with a rising tendency. However, in rural China, the population effect for residential CO2 emissions kept decreasing since 1998.  相似文献   

The purposes of this study are to look into the actuality of rural residential energy consumption in Hunan province, China, to improve rural residential energy utilization structures, and to protect the environment. An investigation on rural residential energy consumption was carried out in the villages of Xintian and Jiangwan in the spring and summer of 2005. Biomass energy is used in Xintian while biogas is popularized in Jiangwan. A questionnaire survey covered basic information of residences in the two villages, and energy consumption data of each family in the spring and summer were also recorded continuously. The characteristics of energy utilization structures of the two villages, the one with biomass energy utilization structure and the other with the ecotype energy utilization structure, are contrasted, and seasonal variance characteristics of energy consumption in spring and summer are analyzed. Sequentially, influence factors of rural residential energy consumption are further discussed qualitatively and quantificationally. Environmental benefit is assessed finally when biogas substitutes biomass energy. Conclusions are summarized as follows: In Xintian, a complicated energy structure is still dominant, where biomass energy accounts for a significant proportion and manifold energy resources exist simultaneously; the energy consumption is high; categories of energy resources used by households vary between spring and summer. The energy structure is definitely better in Jiangwan, where the ratios of commercial energy and ecotype energy used are both higher than those in Xintian and the ratio of biomass energy is smaller. Categories of used energy resources are also more constant in spring and summer. The total energy use amount of each season in Xintian is larger than that in Jiangwan respectively, while there is little difference in the efficiency energy use amount of each season between the two villages. Qualitative and quantitative analyses show that the accessibility of local energy resources, the domestic economical level, governmental energy policies, and consumption conceptions of farmers affect energy utilization structures definitely, while the efficiency of cookers, the number of family members, and annual income have effect on energy consumption amounts. Environmental analysis shows that the usage of biogas makes a great contribution in optimizing the energy consumption structure, reducing energy consumption, discharging less harmful gases and keeping the ecosystem in balance. The comparison between biomass energy and ecotype energy provides instructions for future development of rural residential energy consumption in China.  相似文献   

我国居民生活用能特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文揭示了我国居民生活能源消费的主要特征:(1)居民生活能源消费量总体呈上升趋势,其在全社会能源消费总量中所占比重却持续下降。(2)城镇和农村居民生活用能特征有很大不同,城镇居民人均生活能源消费量增长极快,农村居民能源消费结构却仍以煤炭为主,引导居民部门能源消费应该对城乡居民有所侧重。(3)各区域居民生活能源利用效率存在明显差异,东部沿海地区能源利用效率最高、中部地区最低,要提高各区域生活能源利用效率,需根据各区域不同用能特征规划能源政策。  相似文献   

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