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最近,IAEA出版了一套3部关于对一般的职业辐射防护提供宝贵指导的报告:《职业辐射防护》、《放射性核素摄入所致职业照射的评价》和《外部辐射源职业照射的评价》。《职业辐射防护》是其中最重要的文献,它对建立有效的职业照射辐射防护计划提供一般指导,适用于工业、医疗部门、教育和研究机构、及核燃料循环设施。本报告还提供了为满足IAEA-115号安全丛书“国际电离辐射防护和辐射源安全的基本安全标准”的要求所必要的指南。《放射性核素摄入所致职业照射的评价》论述关于在工作场所摄入放射性核素所致照射的评价,反映了过去十年来内照…  相似文献   

国际原子能机构(IAEA)在国际放射防护委员会(ICRP)第103号建议书的基础上,完成了《国际电离辐射防护与辐射源安全基本标准》(IBSS)的修订并于2014年发布,原来的实践与干预体系改变为现在的计划照射、应急照射和现存照射三种照射情况。关于应急照射情况的要求主要有:根据与源有关的辐射危险的性质和规模制定应急计划、应急程序和应急安排;参考水平用于应急照射情况下的防护和安全最优化;政府须确保建立和维护一个综合并协调的应急管理体系;对于公众照射,政府须确保在规划阶段制定防护策略并使其正当化和最优化;政府须制定关于管理、控制和记录应急人员在紧急情况下所受剂量的计划。IAEA保护人类和环境安全标准GSR第七部分《核与辐射应急准备和响应安全标准》是基于原安全标准丛书GS-R-2(2002)和IBSS修订发布的,本文给出了在要求、术语、概念等方面的变化。我国现行标准《电离辐射防护与辐射源安全基本标准》等效采用了1996版IBSS,在参考水平、公众应急防护行动准则、应急工作人员的受照控制等方面都与新IBSS不同,应及时开展研究并修订我国标准。  相似文献   

概述了ICRP和IAEA关于辐射防护与安全中潜在照射及其防护的一些重要理念,潜在照射的评价方法,以及三种典型计划照射情况下潜在照射的接受准则和风险控制目标。其中,特别是对核电厂设计中潜在照射的风险控制,除了考虑个人的健康危险外,还应对其所致的社会风险予以考虑。  相似文献   

国际原子能机构(IAEA)《安全标准丛书》GSG-7《职业辐射防护》由IAEA和国际劳工组织(ILO)联合编写,为满足“国际基本安全标准”(IAEA《安全标准丛书》第GSR Part 3号)中关于职业照射的各项要求提供指导。它提供一般性导则,用于指导制定适合于有关工作场所可能遇到的辐射源的职业性辐射防护计划,以履行管理层促进防护和安全的职责。它还提供详细的导则,用于指导监测和评定工作人员因外部辐射源和摄入放射性核素而受到的照射。  相似文献   

本“安全导则”由国际原子能机构(IAEA)和国际劳工组织(ILO)联合编写,为满足“国际基本安全标准”(IAEA《安全标准丛书》第GSR Part 3号)中关于职业照射的各项要求提供指导。它提供一般性导则,用于指导制定适合于有关工作场所可能遇到的辐射源的职业性辐射防护计划,以履行管理层促进防护和安全的职责。它还提供详细的导则,用于指导监测和评定工作人员因外部辐射源和摄入放射性核素而受到的照射。  相似文献   

根据国际原子能机构(IAEA)关于核电厂应急照射情况下干预的相关导则的修订,从防护行动、干预水平、操作干预水平和场外应急区域4个方面对我国现行的相关标准进行讨论,找出我国核电厂应急照射情况下干预存在的不足,对我国核电厂应急照射情况下干预的相关工作提出建议。  相似文献   

2022年9月6日,联合国原子辐射影响科学委员会(UNSCEAR)启动了电离辐射职业照射的最新评估行动。委员会分析了2003—2014年期间的最新可用数据,并将结果与UNSCEAR以前的报告进行了比较。根据《UNSCEAR 2020/2021年报告》(附件D),医疗照射是人为辐射源的主要来源,而采矿是工人的主要天然辐射照射源。该报告已在2022年9月5日至9日在日内瓦举行的职业辐射防护——加强工人的辐射防护——二十年的进展和未来道路国际会议上提交。会议由国际原子能机构(IAEA)组织并与国际劳工组织(ILO)共同主办。  相似文献   

<正>国际原子能机构(IAEA)正在庆祝运行安全评审组成立40周年,其评审是IAEA向成员国提供的最重要安全同行评审服务之一。运行安全评审组计划旨在通过将实际做法与IAEA安全标准进行比较,帮助各国加强其核电厂在调试和运行期间的安全。自1983年8月对韩国古里核电厂进行首次工作组访问以来,IAEA已对37个国家进行了218次运行安全评审组工作访问,对这些国家的运行安全实绩进行了客观和独立的评定。  相似文献   

本文介绍了一种可作为防护级照射量实验室标准的塑料薄壁球形电离室的设计和主要性能。该电离室容积为100cm~3;本底电流不大于1×10~(15)A;在33keV—1.25MeV 能区内的能量响应(以~(60)Coγ射线的响应归1)<±5%;在上述能区内,当照射量率为10mR/h时,校准因子的总不确定度(一倍标准差)估计为±0.9%,在近一年内的长期稳定性<±1.2%。该电离室于1987年 IAEA 关于次级标准实验室校准程序亚太地区比对研讨会期间与 IAEA 剂量实验室比对,在上述能区内与本实验室校准结果在1.2%内相符。  相似文献   

【《日本原子》1993年5月号第28页报道】日本放射性同位素协会所属食品照射研究委员会在最近进行的一系列有关食品照射调研中得出的结论是,至今尚未发现否认辐照食物卫生适宜性和有效性的资料。有关食品照射的研究与发展工作早已进  相似文献   

本文简要介绍了国际原子能机构等国际组织于1994年联合颁布的“国际电离辐射防护和辐射源安全基本安全标准”的主要方面,介绍了欧洲联盟委员会1996年初通过的关于制定保护公众和工作人员健康免受电离辐射照射危险的基本标准的指令的主要内容。该指令包括57个条款,分属10个部分和3个附件,分别涉及:ICRP和ICRU的新建议及一些辐射防护术语定义的改进;指令的适用范围;申报和审批相关实践的体系;辐射防护体系的一般原则;有效剂量的估算;工作人员的运行防护;导致过高剂量天然辐射照射的职业性活动;正常情况下公众辐射防护的实施;干预;达到该指令要求的时间期限。该指令中采用的剂量限值为ICRP60号出版物中所建议的  相似文献   


The activity limits for Type A packages are determined by a set of criteria and hypothetical exposure scenarios known as the Q system. This system was first used to calculate activity limits for Type A packages for inclusion in the 19.85 IAEA regulations and the methodology has been described in the explanatory material for the regulations, IAEA Safety Series No 7. The new IAEA Basic Safety Standards incorporate revised dose coefficients for intakes of radionuclides. For the latest IAEA Transport Regulations, the Q system has been updated to take into account these more recent dosimetric data, and more comprehensive nuclear data. The updated Q system is described and some of the consequent changes in activity limits for Type A packages are illustrated. Member States of the European Union are subject to a Basic Safety Standards Directive, which contains radionuclide specific Exemption Values. The derivation of these values together With their application to transport is discussed.  相似文献   

为了满足《电离辐射防护与辐射源安全基本标准》(GB 18871—2002)的要求,对湖南某核技术利用项目进行了辐射防护屏蔽设计并在设计的基础上进行了辐射环境监测验证。监测结果表明,该项目辐射防护设计符合相关标准或规范要求。  相似文献   


The Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) has extensive capabilities to test full-scale and model packages that have been designed to the testing requirements of the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Part 71.73. These are the same teststhat are specified in the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) ‘Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material’, Safety Series No.6, 1985 edition as amended in 1990. This report provides information about the facilities, personnel qualifications, prior test experience, and quality assurance capabilities which are available to support package testing.  相似文献   


Chicago Bridge & Iron, Research and Development Center located in Plainfield, Illinois offers the total capabilities required to perform design verification testing of hazardous waste shipping containers. The tests, defined in the US Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Part 71 (10CFR71), include vertical drop tests, puncture tests, crush tests, immersion tests, thermal tests, and container leak rate tests. Container structural design analysis, container manufacturing analysis, materials development testing plus dimensional analysis of individual components is also available. The test facilities meet or exceed the requirements given in the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Safety Guide, Safety Series No. 37, 1987. Additional capabilities for the design and fabrication of scale models and components for the test programme are also presented.  相似文献   


The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is responsible for developing safety requirements for the transport of radioactive material. These requirements were first published in 1961 as ‘Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material’, Safety Series No. 6 (the Regulations), and have been revised at regular intervals, in consultation with Member States, and with input from other relevant organisations, as appropriate. The current regular review and revision of the Regulations has been driven by problems, challenges and the demand for improvements, as well as the need to take into account experiences in transport, newly identified issues, new technologies, best practices, the demand for sustainable transport and harmonisation. After 50 years, 15 editions of the Regulations have been published. With the passage of time, the scientific and technical heritage of several decades of development in transport safety has begun to fade. The need to capture valuable knowledge, which needs to be preserved for future reference, has become clear. In general, every requirement in the regulations was developed on the basis of deliberations among international experts and an appropriate technical basis. The knowledge bases for these often exist in a decentralised manner in many Member States with mature nuclear programmes. Easier access to the existing technical bases for the Regulations could lead to a more comprehensive understanding of the Regulations. Knowledge capture and transfer can contribute to the development of and innovations in transport safety. This paper provides an overview of international level efforts that began in 2010 to develop a comprehensive and detailed technical basis document (TecBasDoc) to support the current and future revisions of the Regulations. The draft TecBasDoc has so far resulted from efforts by IAEA staff and a large number of international transport experts. It exceeds 150 pages in length using, to the greatest extent possible, historical documents dating as far back as the 1950s as reference material. The intent of this effort is to record, for those Member States new to transport and for future generations, the scientific and technical heritage of several decades of development that has occurred in transport safety and to capture valuable knowledge so it can be preserved for future reference. The latest effort has involved consultants to the IAEA adapting the draft to reflect guidance from the IAEA’s Transport Safety Standards Committee (TRANSSC) and delving into the IAEA’s archives and other sources of historical documents, searching out many long sought, older supporting documents. The draft is currently structured into 12 chapters, embodying multiple supporting appendixes. This paper elaborates on the first chapters of the document, which include General History, Fundamental Safety Principles, Safety Objectives and Principles for Transport, General Safety Requirements, Radiation Protection and Controls for Transport. Two companion papers at PATRAM 2013 address the status of the TecBasDoc in the topical areas of package testing and criticality control. In all cases, the chapters of the TecBasDoc address how early decisions were made citing well known historical experts and discussing how these initial decisions have been adapted to meet the emerging international safety guidelines.  相似文献   


In its seventh meeting in 1989 the Standing Advisory Group on the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material (SAGSTRAM) recommended that all Member States adopt the 1985 Edition of the IAEA Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material, Safety Series No 6, by I January 1991. In order to determine the extent to which that recommendation was fulfilled, a questionnaire on the implementation of Radioactive Material Transport Regulations was developed by the IAEA and sent to all Member States. The main results are that 59 of the 64 responding Member States have regulations for both domestic and international shipments of radioactive material, and that all regulations are based primarily on Safety Series No 6. For domestic and international shipments of radioactive material, 51 (86%) and 54 (92%) of the Member States with regulations, respectively, use the 1985 Edition of Safety Series No 6 (original, as supplemented or amended) as the primary basis for national regulations. These results show that Safety Series No 6 is widely used by the Member States as the basis of their national regulations and the 1985 Edition has been quickly implemented into their regulations.  相似文献   


The first successful worldwide free fall drop test with a 40 ft ISO freight container took place in Bremen (Germany) at the dry dock of the former Vulkan shipyard on 25 September 1998. This drop test had to be performed to qualify the ISO Boxcontainer as a Type IP-2, IP-3 package in accordance with the new IAEA Safety Standards Series No ST-1 (1996 Edition). Dynamic impact requirements will become mandatory for freight containers to be qualified as Type IP-2,3 packages in compliance with IAEA ST-1 paragraph §627 ‘Alternative Requirements for IP-2,3 Packages’ (comes into force in January 2001). STM has fulfilled the dynamic impact requirements in performing a full scale drop test. The 40 ft ISO freight container prototype (L × W × H = 12192mm × 2438 mm × 2491 mm) was fully loaded with 28 t of steel plates together with shock absorbing material to simulate the load and load securing system. The total drop test weight was 35.6 t. In accordance with the new IAEA Safety Standards Series No ST-1 requirements, the so-called LONGFORCE® container was dropped onto an unyielding foundation in a position which produced the maximum damage in respect of the package safety features. The package was dropped on its comer, door side down on the roof, with the centre of gravity over the impact area (slap-down drop). The container was lifted 12.6 m high (highest point) and 0.3 m (lowest point) under a drop angle of 70°. The combined mass of the concrete block and the steel plate was more than 100 times that of the container test specimen. The first impact resulted in an acceleration of about loog where the maximum was just before the impact. The second impact, however, turned out to be decisive showing maximum acceleration readings in the range of 250g. The container has been inspected after the drop test and deformations of the container rear comer castings (area of second impact) and a small weld crack in one of the comer casting welds was found. On the container floor one third of transverse profiles showed S-form distortion. The LONGFORCE container was leak tested prior to and after the drop test in compliance with the STM leak test procedure. The leak tests consisted of filling the container with pressurised air up to 5 kPa and recording a possible pressure drop over a determined test period. The container was considered leak tight prior to and after the drop test based on the permissible limits set in the leak lest procedure. The free fall drop test is considered a full success qualifying the 40 ft LONGFORCE container as Type IP-2, Ip-3 package in compliance with the new IAEA Safety Standards Series No ST-1 requirements.  相似文献   

冯定华  张增  付引弟  莫亚哄  程祺钧 《核技术》2001,24(11):941-945
应用热释光剂量和头部CT剂量监测模体,在日立W-1000型机器上测定了模体中心和距体表1cm处,单层和多层扫描时的剂量分布。给出了单层扫描时,散射线所致剂量与扫描中心距离的拟合方程,分析了用不同积分区间计算CT剂量指数(CTDI)时对结果的影响。为今后进行广泛的CT受检者的剂量监测,推广使用国际电离辐射防护和辐射源安全基本标准(IBSS)推荐的CT受检者剂量指导水平提供统一标准。并对CT剂量监测中一些值得关注的问题进行探讨。  相似文献   

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