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氢能是新型能源体系中电能大规模长周期存储和远距离输送的重要载体,将氢能融入电力系统为大规模可再生能源电力消纳利用提供了新的解决方案。当前电氢协同仍然存在电解水制氢成本高、资源与需求不匹配、基础设施不完善、体制机制不适应等问题。为此,本文重点从生产、储运两个环节分析了不同电氢协同典型模式的经济性,研究发现电氢协同系统在降低绿氢生产成本、可再生能源远距离输送,以及电力系统大规模储能等方面具有一定优势。基于上述研究结论,本文进一步探讨了近、中、远期电氢协同的发展前景,并从战略规划、关键技术、体制机制等层面,提出了推动电氢协同的政策建议。  相似文献   

本文结合我国目前可再生能源与氢能的发展趋势,对国内外当前地下盐穴储氢技术的发展现状进行了综述,指出江苏省拥有丰富的可再生能源与地下盐穴资源,其可再生资源与储能地址的重合性较好可作为发展该技术路线的理想选址。并对可再生能源与盐穴氢储能耦合发电技术的可行性与该技术路线全周期的发电成本进行了系统分析。这一技术路线通过可再生能源电解水制氢以化学能形式回收可再生能源,然后通过地下盐穴大规模储能,并在需要时利用燃料电池再发电将可再生能源重新利用。本文综合考虑和分析了制氢成本、储氢成本以及再发电成本,对该技术路线再发电的度电成本进行了初步分析。结果表明:当前该方式再发电的度电成本较高,为1.88元/kWh左右,其中电费成本和设备成本分别占总成本的61.1%和25.6%。若利用可再生能源发电的过盈电能进行电解水制氢且技术路线中的相关设备成本降低至当前的50%,则该技术路线的度电成本可降低至0.49元/kWh。想要进一步降低该技术路线的发电成本则还需要依赖于技术和制造水平的进步将燃料电池的发电效率进一步提高,若燃料电池效率提升至60%,则该技术路线的度电成本能够进一步降低至0.43元/kWh,基本与当前电价持平,具有实际应用价值。同时该技术路线的发展能够促进相关制造业的发展与技术进步,提高我国能源安全与在国际能源领域的竞争力,并助力我国尽快实现能源结构优化转型和“双碳”目标。随着未来电解槽和燃料电池等设备的技术水平与效率的提升,该技术路线将具有极高的应用前景。  相似文献   

随着国内以风电,太阳能为主的可再生能源快速增长,可再生能源消纳能力不足和并网困难等问题愈发突出,大规模储能系统被证实是解决该问题的有效方法.本文回顾了现有成熟储能系统的不足与限制,分析氢储能的优势特点,构建了电能链和氢产业链融合的氢储能系统,为可再生能源的进一步发展提供良策.随后对氢储能系统三个环节(制氢,储运氢,氢发电)关键技术进行了梳理,对电解槽技术,燃料电池技术和储氢材料中的关键性能进行了比较和评估.在氢储能领域,部分发达国家已经初步形成了从基础研究,应用研究到示范演示的全方位格局,本文对德国和法国的重点示范工程进行了调研,为我国未来发展氢储能的提供参考.  相似文献   

正储能是智能电网、可再生能源高占比能源系统、"互联网+"智慧能源的重要组成部分和关键支撑技术。储能能够为电网运行提供调峰、调频、备用、黑启动、需求响应支撑等多种服务,是提升传统电力系统灵活性、经济性和安全性的重要手段;储能能够显著提高风、光等可再生能源的消纳水平,支撑分布式电力及微网,是推动主体能源由化石能源向可再生能源更替的关键技术;储能能够促进能源生产消费开放共享和灵活交易、实现多能协同,是构建能源互联网,推动电力体制改革和促进能源新业态发展  相似文献   

为实现碳中和目标,构建高比例清洁能源电力系统势在必行。绿氢可为难以直接用电的终端用能领域提供零碳解决方案,成为可再生能源和部分终端用能之间的纽带,实现间接电能替代。如何在高比例清洁能源系统中对电能与氢能进行优化配置,是未来电力、绿氢发展中需要面对的重要问题。通过构建的电氢协同系统模型(GTSEP),量化评估电氢耦合的系统性价值,分析输电、输氢之间的关系,以全系统综合用能成本最低为目标,实现全国范围内大规模、跨区域电力与氢能生产、储存和运输的协调优化。将全国划分为七个区域,预计2060年绿氢需求量为7500×104t,全社会用电量需求将达到17×1012kW·h,根据满足绿氢需求的不同方式,共设置4种模式进行对比分析。结果表明,采用电氢协同模式,各区域内利用可再生能源发电就地制氢并利用的总量为4000×104t,跨区输氢总量3500×104t,约占总需求的46%左右,其中直接管道输氢780×104t,输电代输氢1.1×1012k W·h,绿氢平准化成本为9.32元/kg。电氢协同的零碳能源系统可以充分发挥氢易于大规模存储的优点和电能易于传输的特点。  相似文献   

氢气被认为是一种很有前途的清洁能源载体和未来的替代燃料。可再生能源制氢是一种新兴的、有前途的制氢技术。该文对风光互补发电产氢及燃料电池储能系统设计进行了研究,对于该技术在合成氨领域的应用进行了展望。  相似文献   

作为清洁的可再生发电资源,光伏和风电的装机量在经历着快速发展的同时,也面临着弃风、弃光和可再生能源并网消纳困难等一系列问题。经过十多年的研发和示范应用,储能已经被认为是解决这些问题的关键技术。本文主要论述了储能在电力调峰调频领域的应用现状以及发展前景,并建议通过出台支持政策和建立合理的市场机制,使得储能在电力调峰调频领域大有可为。  相似文献   

为实现“双碳目标”,减少“限电”带来的不利影响,提出了风光-氢储能的微电网方案,介绍了系统容量配置原理,并建立数学模型。采用Homer Pro软件和改进BAS GA算法创建多目标风光-氢储能容量优化配置模型。在离网运行状态下,对风光-氢储能系统容量优化配置模型进行实例验证。结果表明:相较于风储、光储、风光储、风光柴储系统,风光-氢储能系统的净现值及度电成本分别降低为1 425.036 8万元和1.529 元/(kW〖DK〗•h);可再生能源利用率提升至98.7%,负荷缺失率降低至5.50%。  相似文献   

正储能是智能电网、可再生能源高占比能源系统的重要组成部分和关键支撑技术,在平抑可再生能源发电出力、促进清洁能源消纳、参与调峰调频、保障电网安全稳定运行、减少电网基础设施投资等方面具有重要作用。压缩空气储能向产业化迈进业内人士介绍,储能技术是通过装置或物理介质将能量储存起来以便以后需要时利用的技术。储能技术按照储存介质进行分类,可以分为机械  相似文献   

绿氢-绿氨工艺是指利用可再生能源发电、电解水制氢得到的氢气为原料合成氨的工艺流程,其具有受天气条件影响、负荷波动大、工段间耦合性强的特点。为研究绿氢-绿氨工艺流程中发输变电、电解水制氢、储氢、电化学储能、合成氨等工段之间的系统集成和协同调度方案,利用新一代流程模拟软件AVEVA Process Simulation建立了稳态-动态双模式通用型绿氢-绿氨全流程工艺模型,并通过多稳态模拟的手段分析了系统对天气变化的动态响应。结果表明,合理设计和调度储氢和储能单元不仅可以显著稳定化工生产、合理消纳可再生电力,还能稳定网电补充,提高整体经济效益。  相似文献   

Large-scale energy storage methods can be used to meet energy demand fluctuations and to integrate electricity generation from intermittent renewable wind and solar energy farms into power grids. Pumped hydropower energy storage method is significantly used for grid electricity storage requirements. Alternatives are underground storage of compressed air and hydrogen gas in suitable geological formations. Underground storage of natural gas is widely used to meet both base and peak load demands of gas grids. Salt caverns for natural gas storage can also be suitable for underground compressed hydrogen gas energy storage. In this paper, large quantities underground gas storage methods and design aspects of salt caverns are investigated. A pre-evaluation is made for a salt cavern gas storage field in Turkey. It is concluded that a system of solar-hydrogen and natural gas can be utilised to meet future large-scale energy storage requirements.  相似文献   

This paper considers the technical and economic feasibility of using renewable energy with hydrogen as the energy storage medium for two remote communities in Bhutan, selected to illustrate two common scenarios presenting different challenges. The Royal Government of Bhutan has published plans to provide electricity to all households in the next 20 years, but the practical problems of extending the grid over long distances and mountainous terrain will make that target difficult and expensive to achieve. Consequently, the possibility of using natural energy and diversified generation is attractive. This paper examines the use of hydro power in one community and photovoltaics with wind power in another. Hydrogen is the proposed energy storage medium in both cases. Analysis suggests that it is technically possible to use renewable energy and hydrogen for diversified power supplies and that where, as here, the costs of grid extension are high, it may also be financially viable. Thus we argue that there is a good case for establishing a test and demonstration system near the capital Thimphu for further investigation prior to use in remote locations.  相似文献   

In order to make full use of renewable energy and improve the utilization of wind power, a new joint optimization scheme of the wind-hydrogen system coupled with transmission project is proposed in this paper, in which wind power is reasonably allocated for grid integration and for hydrogen production. Aiming at maximize the annul wind-hydrogen system benefit, the optimal sizes of wind power transmission project and hydrogen system are obtained under different hydrogen production modes, hydrogen trading modes and hydrogen demand levels. In addition, the penalty cost of wind curtailment and hydrogen supply shortage and the system environmental benefits are taken into account. Results show: during the long-term of insufficient of wind power, it is better to produce hydrogen using wind power and grid-assisted power to avoid hydrogen supply shortage; considering the future increase of hydrogen demand, the optimal supply number of hydrogen refueling stations in the wind-hydrogen system is two. Also, the low utilization of fuel cells means that the benefit from regeneration cannot offset the high cost, which leads to the abnegation of fuel cells in the wind-hydrogen system.  相似文献   

Decarbonization of the power sector is a key step towards greenhouse gas emissions reduction. Due to the intermittent nature of major renewable sources like wind and solar, storage technologies will be critical in the future power grid to accommodate fluctuating generation. The storage systems will need to decouple supply and demand by shifting electrical energy on many different time scales (hourly, daily, and seasonally). Power-to-Gas can contribute on all of these time scales by producing hydrogen via electrolysis during times of excess electrical generation, and generating power with high-efficiency systems like fuel cells when wind and solar are not sufficiently available. Despite lower immediate round-trip efficiency compared to most battery storage systems, the combination of devices used in Power-to-Gas allows independent scaling of power and energy capacities to enable massive and long duration storage. This study develops and applies a model to simulate the power system balance at very high penetration of renewables. Novelty of the study is the assessment of hydrogen as the primary storage means for balancing energy supply and demand on a large scale: the California power system is analyzed to estimate the needs for electrolyzer and fuel cell systems in 100% renewable scenarios driven by large additions of wind and solar capacities. Results show that the transition requires a massive increase in both generation and storage installations, e.g., a combination of 94 GW of solar PV, 40 GW of wind, and 77 GW of electrolysis systems. A mix of generation technologies appears to reduce the total required capacities with respect to wind-dominated or solar-dominated cases. Hydrogen storage capacity needs are also evaluated and possible alternatives are discussed, including a comparison with battery storage systems.  相似文献   

This study investigates the overall feasibility of large energy storages with hydrogen as energy carrier onsite with a pre-combustion carbon capture and storage coal gasification plant and assesses the general impacts of such a backup installation on an electricity generation system with high wind power portion. The developed system plant configuration consists of four main units namely the gasification unit, main power unit, backup power unit including hydrogen storage and ancillary power unit. Findings show that integrating a backup storage in solid or gaseous hydrogen storage configuration allows to store excessive energy under high renewable power output or low demand and to make use of the stored energy to compensate low renewable output or high power demand. The study concludes that the developed system configuration reaches much higher load factors and efficiency levels than a plant configuration without backup storage, which simply increases its power unit capacity to meet the electricity demand. Also from an economical point of view, the suggested system configurations are capable to achieve lower electricity generation costs.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the optimal planning of microgrids including the hydrogen energy system through mixed-integer linear programming model. A real case study is analyzed by extending the only microgrid lab facility in Austria. The case study considers the hydrogen production via electrolysis, seasonal storage and fueling station for meeting the hydrogen fuel demand of fuel cell vehicles, busses and trucks. The optimization is performed relative to two different reference cases which satisfy the mobility demand by diesel fuel and utility electricity based hydrogen fuel production respectively. The key results indicate that the low emission hydrogen mobility framework is achieved by high share of renewable energy sources and seasonal hydrogen storage in the microgrid. The investment optimization scenarios provide at least 66% and at most 99% carbon emission savings at increased costs of 30% and 100% respectively relative to the costs of the diesel reference case (current situation).  相似文献   

While the energy supply of most islands depends mainly on expensive oil derivatives’ importation, the others are linked by usually a weak electricity grid connection to the mainland. Due to high energy costs the islands are proving to be excellent test beds for the introduction of new technologies, and some islands are trying to become so-called renewable islands, to satisfy their energy demand mainly or entirely from indigenous and renewable sources, thus increasing the security of supply, and employment opportunities, without necessarily increasing the costs. Islands that have energy sources, such as hydro or geothermal energy, can easily integrate them into the power system, but those with mainly intermittent renewable energy sources are confronted with the necessity of energy storage. The most promising technologies are reversible hydro where geography allows, and storing hydrogen where it does not. The stored hydrogen can later be used for electricity production, and also for transport. This paper describes the H2RES model for optimisation of integration of hydrogen usage with intermittent renewable energy sources on the example of an isolated island in the Madeira archipelago, Porto Santo. It shows that it is possible to significantly increase the penetration of renewable energy sources, albeit at a relatively high cost, with hydrogen storage technology. The H2RES model, which includes reversible hydro and batteries as storage technologies, can serve as a valuable tool for island energy planning.  相似文献   

Over the past years, hydrogen has been identified as the most promising carrier of clean energy. In a world that aims to replace fossil fuels to mitigate greenhouse emissions and address other environmental concerns, hydrogen generation technologies have become a main player in the energy mix. Since hydrogen is the main working medium in fuel cells and hydrogen-based energy storage systems, integrating these systems with other renewable energy systems is becoming very feasible. For example, the coupling of wind or solar systems hydrogen fuel cells as secondary energy sources is proven to enhance grid stability and secure the reliable energy supply for all times. The current demand for clean energy is unprecedented, and it seems that hydrogen can meet such demand only when produced and stored in large quantities. This paper presents an overview of the main hydrogen production and storage technologies, along with their challenges. They are presented to help identify technologies that have sufficient potential for large-scale energy applications that rely on hydrogen. Producing hydrogen from water and fossil fuels and storing it in underground formations are the best large-scale production and storage technologies. However, the local conditions of a specific region play a key role in determining the most suited production and storage methods, and there might be a need to combine multiple strategies together to allow a significant large-scale production and storage of hydrogen.  相似文献   

Hybrid renewable energy systems (HRES) should be designed appropriately with an adequate combination of different renewable sources and various energy storage methods to overcome the problem of intermittency of renewable energy resources. Focusing on the inevitable impact on the grid caused by strong randomicity and apparent intermittency of photovoltaic (PV) generation system, modeling and control strategy of pure green and grid-friendly hybrid power generation system based on hydrogen energy storage and supercapacitor (SC) is proposed in this paper. Aiming at smoothing grid-connected power fluctuations of PV and meeting load demand, the alkaline electrolyzer (AE) and proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) and SC are connected to DC bus of photovoltaic grid-connected generation system. Through coordinated control and power management of PV, AE, PEMFC and SC, hybrid power generation system friendliness and active grid-connection are realized. The validity and correctness of modeling and control strategies referred in this paper are verified through simulation results based on PSCAD/EMTDC software platform.  相似文献   

The need for flexible power plants could increase in the future as variable renewable energy (VRE) share will increase in the power grid. These power plants could balance the increasing strain on electricity grids by renewables. The proposed plant in this paper can adapt to these ramps in electricity demand of the power grid by maintaining a constant feed and producing also high purity hydrogen. Dry methane reforming (DMR) is incorporated into a flexible power plant model and the key performance indicators are calculated from a techno-economic perspective. The net output of the plant is 450 MW with the possibility to lower power production and produce hydrogen, maintaining a high CO2 capture rate (72%). Two cases are compared to the base case to quantify: (i) energy and cost penalties for CO2 capture and (ii) advantages of flexible power plant operation. The levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) for the base case is 67 Euro/MWh, the addition of a carbon capture unit increases it to 82 Euro/MWh. In the case of flexible operation, both the LCOE and levelized cost of hydrogen (LCOH) are calculated and the two depend on the cost allocation factor. The LCOE ranges from 65 to 85 Euro/MWh while the LCOH from 0.15 to 0.073 Euro/Nm3. The DMR power plant presented in Cases 1 and 2 present little advantages in today's market conditions however, the flexible plant (Case 3) can be viable option in balancing VRE.  相似文献   

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