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目的总结手术治疗的208例新生儿坏死性小肠结肠炎病例的特。方法回顾近12年我院手术治疗的新生儿坏死性小肠结肠炎的病例,统计208例患儿的胎龄、体重、发病日龄等一般情况,并根据术中探查情况统计肠坏死部位及术式,对所统计的数据进行总结分析。结果 208例手术患儿中,早产儿占64.9%,低出生体重儿占66.3%。出现肠坏死194例(93.3%);未发生肠坏死14例(6.7%)。坏死肠管主要分布于回盲部周围,其中位于回肠及末端98例(47.1%);升结肠18例(8.7%);回肠末端及回盲部或升结肠17例(8.2%);术式选择上,肠造瘘146例(70.2%),肠吻合43例(20.7%),肠腔减压19例(9.1%),腹腔引流168例(80.8%)。结论新生儿坏死性小肠结肠炎多发于早产儿和低出生体重儿,肠坏死部位以回肠末端及升结肠近端最常见。坏死肠管切除及肠造瘘是主要的手术方式,对于一般状态良好、坏死肠管局限、腹腔感染轻度的患儿则可行坏死肠管切除及肠吻合术。  相似文献   

目的 总结回肠造瘘术在新生儿重症坏死性小肠结肠炎(NEC)并发肠穿孔治疗中的临床应用经验。方法 回顾性分析郑州大学第三附属医院2016年5月—2017年5月收治54例行回肠造瘘术的重症NEC患儿临床资料,统计治愈率、死亡率,记录住院时间和并发症发生情况。结果 本组54例患儿住院时间为(23.52±5.32)d。其中49例治愈(90.74%),5例死亡(9.26%)。死亡5例皆是腹腔感染严重患儿,其中2例患儿家属放弃治疗、3例在肠管暂时性造瘘后病情加重,均于术后1个月内死亡。49例患儿术后随访6个月,患儿体质量为5.7~13.1(7.01±1.36)kg,生长发育均正常。结论 回肠造瘘术治疗重症NEC效果良好,能够有效提高NEC患儿治愈率;但要重视术后并发症的处理,进而提高患儿生存率,帮助新生儿尽早恢复健康。  相似文献   

背景:尽管近年来肝移植治疗肝豆状核变性取得了较大的进展,并且少量研究也乐观地提示这种改善能够持续稳定存在。但由于患者、医生以及其他不可控等因素,移植后患者的恢复情况也有所不同。 目的:总结解放军南京军区福州总医院肝移植病例资料,并对患者移植前伴随的神经系统的损害进行了长期随访。 方法:回顾性分析2005年7月至2010年5月因肝豆状核变性在解放军南京军区福州总医院接受肝移植治疗的9例患者临床资料,其中4例男性,5例女性,年龄14-44岁,平均年龄24.5岁。移植前9例患者的血清铜蓝蛋白均低于正常值(200-600 mg/L),移植前5例患者存在神经病学症状。 结果与结论:8例行经典原位肝移植,1例行活体肝移植,其中1例原位肝移植患者于围手术期死亡,死因为多器官功能衰竭。其余8例患者肝功能均恢复顺利,移植后1个月总胆红素水平显著下降(P < 0.05),白蛋白、血清铜蓝蛋白水平及血小板计数均显著升高(P值均< 0.05);血铜水平有升高趋势,但差异无显著性意义(P > 0.05);合并的神经病学症状得到不同程度的改善甚至消失;5例患者角膜K-F环移植后1个月有不同程度变淡,其中2例患者分别于移植后7个月和11个月角膜K-F环消失。结果可见通过全肝移植或活体肝移植,不仅能改善肝豆状核变性患者铜代谢,还能有效缓解神经病学症状。  相似文献   

背景:既往文献主要针对肝移植后肺部感染进行研究,而肺外感染研究较少。 目的:探讨肝移植后肺外细菌感染的危险因素,提出预防移植后肺外细菌感染方案和治疗策略。 方法:回顾性分析52例肝移植后发生肺外细菌感染的肝移植患者病历资料,归纳可能的危险因素,总结其发病特点、常见病原菌及治疗方案。 结果与结论:356例肝移植患者共发生肺外细菌感染52例,其中切口感染36例,腹腔感染13例,胆道感染6例,同时发生两个部位感染3例。培养出病原菌37例,其中单一病原菌感染32例,混合细菌感染5例。未发生因肺外细菌感染死亡病例。病原菌主要包括:铜绿假单胞菌、大肠埃希菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、粪肠球菌、屎肠球菌等。其相关危险因素主要包括:移植过程中出血量超过10 000 mL、移植后胆道并发症、再移植、重度腹水、暴发性肝衰竭肝移植等。对于肝移植细菌感染的控制,预防重于治疗,感染发生后,需尽可能去除引起感染的病因,合理应用药物治疗。  相似文献   

目的:探讨肠梗阻术后双造口患者的护理。方法术后一般护理造瘘护理并发症护理。结果患者得到有效护理康复出院。结论双造口的患者小肠造口每日会有大量的肠液排出,要注意保持能量平衡及电解质稳定,建议患者多食固体食物,以增加营养的吸收。  相似文献   

患者男,59岁,骨盆软骨肉瘤术后肠瘘行结肠造瘘术后2d。既往高血压病史20余年,糖尿病10余年。患者精神、饮食及睡眠差。术后第2天实验室检查结果见表1。术后给予抗炎、补液等对症治疗。患者血糖偏高,予胰岛素控制血糖。结肠造瘘术后第2天营养科会诊,  相似文献   

背景:慢性排异反应进展缓慢,往往呈隐匿性,移植肝功能逐渐减退或丧失。这种损伤是不可逆的,目前尚无有效的治疗办法。 目的:分析1例肝移植后慢性排异反应病例,以早期作出正确诊断。 方法:分析1例肝移植后3次入院诊断治疗的经过。B超显示:①肝实质回声增高,粗,不均匀。②胆囊切除术后。③脾大。④腹水。腹部CT显示:①肝移植术后。②脾大。住院期间积极给予护肝、支持、对症治疗,丙氨酸转氨酶、天门冬氨酸转氨酶无下降,总胆红素持续不降并有上升,反复腹腔感染。排除其他肝损害原因,经肝组织病理证实为肝移植术后慢性排异反应。 结果与结论:病例提示肝移植后不明原因肝脏损害,慢性排异反应应引起重视并应作为鉴别诊断之一,且肝组织病理检测将有助于诊断。对于肝移植后慢性排异反应除外其他肝损害病因并及时进行肝组织病理检测将有助于诊断。  相似文献   

背景:原位肝移植过程中常出现难控性出血,止血困难,手术失败率高,但对其有效的处理手段目前尚未报道。 目的:探讨一期血管吻合、纱布压迫止血术式处理在肝癌并门静脉血栓肝移植中发生难控制出血的有效性,以及行二期胆肠吻合分期完成肝移植的可行性。 方法:对1例肝癌并门静脉血栓肝移植过程中出现难控制出血患者,采用一期血管吻合、纱布压迫止血,二期胆肠吻合术式进行止血处理,并观察该患者手术止血有效性以及肝移植术后恢复情况。 结果与结论:该患者行一期血管吻合,纱布填塞压迫止血后2 d出血停止,肝功能,凝血功能明显改善;二期胆肠吻合后未出现明显急性排异反应,3 d时肝功能、凝血功能明显改善;门静脉彩超示门静脉主干及分支管腔通畅灌注良好;移植后1周左右出现少尿、肾功能损害、大量腹水等肝肾综合征的表现,给予特利加压素等治疗后逐渐恢复;移植后2周出现因应激性溃疡导致上消化道出血,经内科止血治疗后治愈,于移植后34 d痊愈出院。结果表明,肝癌并门静脉血栓肝移植难控制出血,采用一期血管吻合、纱布压迫止血进行止血是有效的,并行二期胆肠吻合分期完成肝移植是完全可行的。  相似文献   

背景:上消化道出血是肝移植后较为常见的并发症之一,国外报道发生率可达8.9%,国内报道为5%左右。 目的:总结原位肝移植后上消化道出血的原因及处理方法。 方法:回顾性分析412例肝移植后上消化道出血病例的临床资料,分析其可能的原因,处理及对肝移植预后的影响。 结果与结论:发生上消化道出血16例,均发生在移植后2个月内,其中胃、十二指肠溃疡、炎症出血8例,胃底、食道静脉曲张破裂出血4例,胆道出血4例,死亡4例。出血诱因为急性排斥反应应用大剂量皮质激素、严重感染、胆瘘,肝动脉假性动脉瘤形成,经皮肝穿胆管引流,肝穿活检等。8例经内科治疗后止血成功,3例介入治疗止血成功,1例开腹手术止血成功。说明消化性溃疡出血是肝移植后上消化道大出血的最常见原因,曲张静脉破裂出血和胆道出血次之;一经明确诊断应立即给予合理的治疗,并应根据患者移植前情况给予积极的预防措施。  相似文献   

背景:虽然肝移植技术已经成熟,但肝动脉血栓形成仍是造成肝移植后移植物丢失的重要原因之一,肝动脉血栓形成如果不能及早发现处理,只有再次肝移植才能挽救患者生命。 目的:总结原位肝移植后并发肝动脉血栓形成的治疗体会。 方法:中山大学附属第一医院器官移植中心从2004-01/2009-12共实施726例成人尸肝移植,共14例患者经造影证实在肝移植后出现肝动脉血栓形成,回顾性分析以上14例患者的临床资料。 结果与结论:肝动脉血栓形成的发生率为1.9%(14/726),发生的平均时间为移植后10 d(1~41 d)。14例肝动脉血栓形成患者中,6例表现为急性的肝功能恶化,4例表现为胆漏,1例表现为肝脓肿,3例无明显临床症状。3例行急诊肝动脉再血管化,2例行肝动脉溶栓治疗,3例行肝动脉再血管化联合肝动脉局溶栓治疗,6例行再次肝移植。本组肝动脉血栓形成相关的死亡率为42.9%(6/14),其中2例行肝动脉再血管化后因胆道坏死、肝功能衰竭死亡;1例溶栓后再次血栓形成并发多器官功能衰竭死亡;1例肝动脉再血管化联合肝动脉溶栓后因肾功能衰竭、严重感染死亡;2例再次移植后早期因严重感染死亡。8例患者康复出院,并常规随访18~66个月,其中2例患者分别于肝移植后18,29个月因肝癌复发死亡,以上患者随访过程中移植肝功能正常,肝动脉畅通。提示肝动脉血栓形成是肝移植后的严重并发症,在造成不可逆的胆道和肝实质损伤前,尽早恢复肝动脉血流可以避免再次肝移植。  相似文献   

With the success of pediatric live donor liver transplantation (LDLT) and the continued shortage of cadaveric donors, adult-to-adult LDLT has been performed at some centers, including ours. We performed a detailed histologic review of all liver specimens obtained from 9 adult recipients at and after LDLT and correlated these findings with the patients' course and outcome. Five patients had histologic evidence of biliary tract pathology; 3 of 5 required surgical or radiologic intervention. The other 2 had clinically insignificant biliary disease. Diffuse hepatocytic hemorrhagic necrosis secondary to massive portal blood flow after portal venous revascularization resulted in graft failure and retransplantation in a single patient with severe preoperative portal hypertension. Two perioperative deaths were caused by sepsis and multiorgan failure (day 25) and generalized thrombosis related to factor V Leiden (day 6). The preoperative diagnosis, presence of portal vein thrombosis in the native liver, postoperative cholangiopathy, and subcapsular hemorrhagic necrosis in donor liver wedge biopsies did not affect the short-term outcome. In conclusion, biliary tract pathology is common after adult-to-adult LDLT but does not negatively affect graft or patient survival. Infrequent but catastrophic vascular complications related to portal hemodynamics or thrombosis can result in graft loss and/or patient death.  相似文献   

背景:细胞移植对肝脏疾病具有一定的疗效,与肝脏移植相比有其自身的优点,但有诸多问题尚待解决。 目的:探讨不同途径移植的人羊膜上皮细胞在肝脏内定居情况。 方法:从剖腹产后的人胎盘羊膜中分离人羊膜上皮细胞,PKH26荧光标记后计数1×107细胞通过大鼠腹腔、门静脉、尾静脉及肝脏内直接注入方式移植入大鼠体内。 结果与结论:门静脉、尾静脉及肝脏直接注入途径移植的细胞均在肝脏内定居,但移植细胞数过量时造成局部肝组织的缺血坏死等不良反应。腹腔途径移植入体内的细胞未转移肝脏内。通过门静脉移植入体内的人羊膜上皮细胞在大鼠肝脏内维持存活至少16 d。移植细胞过量时,导致肝脏血管堵塞及坏死。证明人羊膜上皮细胞至少在大鼠肝脏中存活2周,提示低免疫原性的羊膜来源细胞可成为肝脏病治疗的候选细胞之一。  相似文献   

The morphogenesis of hepatocytes after massive hepatic necrosis to recovery through liver cell regeneration has not been fully understood. Sequential biopsies were performed on the native liver of a 22-year-old man who underwent auxiliary partial orthotopic liver transplantation 1 month after fulminant hepatitis. Auxiliary partial orthotopic liver transplantation was successful, and the biopsy samples permitted us to examine the regenerating process of hepatocytes after massive necrosis. At the time of auxiliary partial orthotopic liver transplantation (postoperative day 0), 95% of hepatocytes were lost and a few ductules were found in the portal areas. The ductules stained with cytokeratin 19. At postoperative day 7, the ductules began to increase in size and number and became dilated over a period of 1 month, when individual hepatocytes with clear cytoplasm appeared from the ductules. As the differentiation of hepatocytes increased, the expression of cytokeratin 19 was found to decrease. From 2 to 3 months, all of the ductules were transformed into hepatocytes, and they began to form round cell clusters. From 3 to 6 months, the round cell clusters became organized into trabecula with fibrosis. From 6 to 12 months, a lobular architecture was established, and by 14 months, the necrotic liver was fully recovered to normal. This study by examination of sequential biopsies demonstrates the progression of the regenerating process from total hepatic necrosis to complete recovery.  相似文献   

Intestinal transplantation may become necessary in patients with short bowel syndrome (SBS) who fail intestinal rehabilitation. Most children requiring intestinal transplantation (68%) have SBS due to anatomic loss. Intestinal transplantation can occur in isolation or in combination with other organs. Many children will have advanced liver disease at the time of referral and will undergo combined liver-small bowel transplantation. Considerable progress in immunosuppression has led to decreased rates of acute rejection after transplantation and to improved early allograft survival while minimizing toxicity.Survival with small bowel transplantations has greatly improved over the last 20 years with chronic rejection being the major contributing cause to late graft loss.  相似文献   

Summary Of 501 patients with chronic myeloproliferative diseases (c-MPD) 18 developed thrombosis of major abdominal vessels including 6 with hepatic vein thrombosis (Budd-Chiari syndrome). The complication was seen in 14 of 140 (10%) patients with polycythemia vera (PV), 3 of 23 (13%) patients with essential thrombocythemia (ET), 1 of 106 (1%) patients with idiopathic myelofibrosis (IMF), and none of 232 patients with chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML). Leading symptoms and signs were abdominal pain, progressive splenomegaly, widening abdominal girth, ascites, venous collaterals, and nausea and vomiting. The diagnostic modalities with highest specificity were angiography and explorative laparotomy. A causal relationship between the thrombotic event and hematocrit, thrombocyte count, or hemostatic abnormalities at the time of diagnosis could not be established. Detailed laboratory tests of platelet function and coagulation and fibrinolytic parameters of 5 surviving patients did not show any specific defect. Despite medical and surgical intervention, 39% of the patients died within 2 months after diagnosis of the thrombosis. The majority of the survivors developed further complications like liver cirrhosis with portal hypertension and esophageal varices or the short bowel syndrome after extensive bowel resection for mesenterial infarction.Abbreviations CML Chronic myelocytic leukemia - c-MPD Chronic myeloproliferative diseases - ET Essential thrombocythemia - IMF Idiopathic myelofibrosis - PV Polycythemia vera  相似文献   

CONTEXT: As rejection in renal transplantation has become better controlled, gastrointestinal complications have become increasingly important. Ischemic colitis and colonic perforation are the most common of these lesions, contributing to morbidity and mortality in the early postoperative period. OBJECTIVE: We undertook this study to identify factors contributing to the risk of intestinal ischemia in patients undergoing renal transplantation and to define circumstances that may affect that risk. METHODS: We studied 356 patients undergoing renal transplantation during a 40-month period. We reviewed medical records, surgical pathology reports, autopsy reports, and pathology slides. RESULTS: Eleven (3.1%) of the patients developed ischemia of the small or large bowel or both within 20 days after transplantation, and 6 (54.5%) died as a result. Ten of these patients had received cadaveric kidneys and were older than 40 years. There was no sex predilection. The most common segment involved was the terminal ileum and ascending colon. We discuss possible reasons underlying these observations in this article. CONCLUSION: The mechanism behind posttransplantation intestinal ischemia is multifactorial, but regardless of etiology, it is important to emphasize the risk of intestinal ischemia in patients who develop abdominal symptoms during the early posttransplantation period, particularly in patients older than 40 years who have received cadaveric kidneys.  相似文献   

Lackner C  Offner F  Nizze H 《Der Pathologe》2011,32(2):135-143
The past decade has seen substantial improvements in patient and graft survival after intestinal transplantation. This improvement has been achieved by advances in donor and recipient selection, patient management, immunosuppression and surgical techniques. Intestinal transplantation is therefore considered a therapeutic option in the treatment of short bowel syndrome. Mile stones include the development of the calcineurin inhibitor Tacrolimus for immunosuppression as well as induction therapy using immune modulating substances like interleukin-2 receptor antagonists and antilymphocyte preparations. In addition to improvements in immunosuppression, antimicrobial prophylaxis and diagnosis of rejection, advances in surgical techniques have been crucial to achieving increased graft survival. Pancreas transplantation, generally with simultaneous kidney transplantation, is now available as a treatment option for patients with labile diabetes mellitus (usually type 1). Allogeneic islet transplantation was developed in the 1990s as a minimally invasive alternative to pancreas transplantation. Pancreatic islets are isolated enzymatically from the donor pancreas, in most cases infused into the portal vein and thus engrafted into the liver. Currently, technical and medical problems as well as high costs prevent the application of islet transplantation as a therapeutic option for a larger number of patients with diabetes mellitus.  相似文献   

Major bacterial infections and the predictors of early (within 100 days of transplantation) versus late onset (after 100 days post-transplant) bacterial infections were prospectively assessed in 130 consecutive liver transplant recipients receiving tacrolimus (FK506) as primary immunosuppression. The median follow-up period was 38 months. Overall, 35% (45/130) of the patients developed 67 episodes of major bacterial infections (0.52 episodes/patient). Sixty-three percent of the major bacterial infections occurred early, and 37% occurred in the late post-transplant period. Eighty-four percent of the abdominal infections occurred early, whereas 38% of the cases of pneumonia, 60% of the cases of primary bacteremia, and 50% of the biliary infections occurred late. By logistic regression analysis, portal vein thrombosis was the most significant independent risk factor for early-onset major bacterial infection (odds ratio 4.1;95% Cl 1.4–12.2), and recurrent hepatitis C was the most significant independent predictor of late-onset major bacterial infections (odds ratio 6.21;95% Cl 1.9–20.2). Thus, sources and risk factors differ for early versus late-onset bacterial infections after liver transplantation. Knowledge of the differences in the potential sources, the pathogens, and the predictors of early versus late-onset bacterial infections can be valuable in the evaluation and empiric treatment of liver transplant recipients with bacterial infections.  相似文献   

A rare autopsy case of primary liver carcinoma complicating a pre-existing, incomplete membranous obstruction of the inferior vena cava (MOVC) is reported. The patient, a 67-year-old Japanese male, was admitted to hospital following a 2 year illness of a left chest wall tumor and a 3 month illness with progressive abdominal pain. Computed tomography scans of the abdomen displayed space-occupying lesions in the third and seventh hepatic segments, respectively. One month later, the patient developed edema of the lower extremities and marked venous dilatation of the abdominal trunk. At that time, Doppler examination revealed the presence of intrahepatic large venovenous collaterals. The patient subsequently succumbed 82 days after hospitalization. At subsequent autopsy, the inferior vena cava was completely obstructed by tumor thrombus, which was formed caudally and cranially to a thin membrane and mimicked the valve, with calcification and elastic lamina, at the phrenic portion. Intrahepatic large collateral pathways were found between submembranous and supramembranous hepatic veins. Anomalous absence of the ostia of the middle hepatic vein was found. In addition, the portal venous trunk was occluded by tumor thrombus. Histology of hepatic tumors revealed a combined hepatocellular and cholangiocellular carcinoma in the non-cirrhotic liver with severe acute centrilobular congestion. In MOVC patients such as the case presented, malignancy-induced thrombosis was deemed to be an important factor in prognosis.  相似文献   

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