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西藏布氏杆菌病的流行及防制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西藏布氏杆菌病流行曾一度猖獗。多种动物及人均感染过此病。三地一市15县抽检的牛羊的105875头(只)的阳性13.19%。127头流产羊牛血检阳性率为29.92%。人群血检阳性率为23.76-38.76%。从746只流产的牛羊胎儿里分离出107株布氏杆菌,分菌率15.9%。于不同地区不同宿主先后分离鉴定出117株布氏杆菌。有牛,羊,猪三个种共8个生物型。各地以羊种菌流行为主。连续3,4年用最佳疫苗  相似文献   

为调查新疆某地区牛、羊布鲁氏菌感染情况,收集该地区3个牧场共3 223份样本,其中牛血液样本1 404份、羊血液样本1 590份、牛流产胎儿样本66份、羊流产胎儿样本75份、牛生鲜乳样本65份及羊生鲜乳样本23份。血液样本经血清分离后进行虎红平板凝集试验(RBPT),流产胎儿样本的部分脏器及生鲜乳样经DNA提取后进行聚合酶链反应(PCR),将PCR结果为阳性的样本进一步进行PCR扩增及系统进化树分析。RBPT结果显示,3个牧场RBPT平均阳性率为牛6.8%,羊9.5%;其中牧场A阳性率为牛7.1%,羊9.1%;牧场B阳性率为牛11.7%,羊10.8%;牧场C阳性率为牛4.2%,羊9.1%。经PCR共鉴定出54份布鲁氏菌阳性样本,其中包括牛流产胎儿22份、羊流产胎儿30份、羊生鲜乳1份及牛生鲜乳1份,其余均为阴性。从上述PCR阳性样本中共鉴定出38份为羊种布鲁氏菌,其中包括牛流产胎儿16份、羊流产胎儿20份、牛生鲜乳1份及羊生鲜乳1份。系统进化树分析表明,鉴定出的羊种布鲁氏菌与内蒙古地区、挪威及印度等国分离的羊种布鲁氏菌生物3型菌株亲缘关系非常接近。综上所述,羊种布鲁氏菌是引起该地区牛、羊布鲁氏菌病的主要病原菌。研究结果为新疆地区控制和预防布鲁氏菌的感染提供了流行病学依据。  相似文献   

为防治牛、羊、猪、兔等动物的多种体内外寄生虫痛,笔者等于2000年-2003年期间在全省部分县(市)推广应用了复方缓释剂。推广应用结果表明:复方缓释荆具有杀虫谱广,药效持久等特点。牛、羊、猪等动物的吸虫病(包括肝片吸虫、血吸虫、双腔吸虫、前后盘吸虫、闰盘吸虫、姜片吸虫)阳性率分剐从防治前的30.3%、52.0%、9.2%,分别下降至0.1%、0.2%、1.0%;线虫病(包括捻转血矛线虫、蛔虫、食道口线虫、奥氏奥斯特线虫、鞭虫、钩虫、猪肾虫、肺虫等)的阳性率从防治前的6.5%、63.8%、21.3%分别降至0.2%、0.1%、0.1%;绦虫病阳性率分别由防治前的3.2%、5.3%、2.5%均降至0.1%;牛原虫病(焦虫)的阳性率从治疗前的牛8.3%下降至0.1%;羊、猪、兔等动物的螨病分剐从防治前的13.5%、31.7%、73.6%,分别降至0.1%、0.2%、0.2%。与对照相比,每头牛、羊、猪、兔的平均增重分别为20kg、3kg、10kg、0.5kg;每头耕地增加耕作力3亩,每头奶牛年增乳600kg,牛增犊率为5%、羊增羔率6%、猪增加产仔数为4%,兔增加产仔数为12%,牛、羊、猪、兔增加成活率分别为10%、8%、3.9%、9.7%,牛、羊、猪、兔降低死亡率分别为5%、8.2%、5%、26%、并节省劳力和费用,取得了巨大的经济效益。  相似文献   

1病因引起胎衣不下原因很多,如产后子宫收缩无力。钙盐及矿物质和维生素缺乏。消瘦、过肥、运动不足、子宫驰缓。胎儿、胎水过多及胎儿过大,子宫阵缩无力。流产、难产、子宫捻转以及雌激素不足等。胎儿胎盘和母体胎盘愈合,子宫内膜与胎儿胎盘粘连,维生素A不足。胎盘组织构造不同,牛、羊胎盘属于上皮绒毛膜与结缔组织绒毛膜混合型,胎儿胎盘与母体胎盘结合紧密,是引起胎衣不下的主要原因,马、猪为单一上皮绒毛膜,故发生较少,主要在子宫内绒毛较发达的地方发生粘连。环境因素,分娩时外界环境干扰而引起的应激反应,抑制子宫肌的正常收缩。  相似文献   

针对红河州山羊妊娠期流产严重的现象,进行了流行病学调查、临床症状观察、病理学检查、实验室诊断、人工感染试验和治疗试验。结果发现,妊娠母山羊流产现象覆盖全州,且流产率以每年11.50%的速度递增,弓形虫抗体阳性率为30.82%(1210/3925),衣原体抗体阳性率为32.31%(1268/3925),其中弓形虫和衣原体双重感染阳性羊占9.35%(367/3925),未检出布鲁氏菌抗体阳性羊;自流产胎儿肺抹片中发现弓形虫滋养体包囊,7份流产胎儿中有6份分离到衣原体;用土霉素及复方新诺明治疗有明显效果;人工感染试验能复制出与自然病例相同的病例模型。调查结果表明,红河州广泛流行的山羊妊娠期流产的病原是弓形虫、衣原体,2种病原单一感染或混合感染是造成流产的主要原因。  相似文献   

据兴海县畜牧兽医站调查,1988年该县牛的流产率为10.85%,羊为4.30%;1989年牛的流产率为9.25%,羊为4.84%。以前,我们对牛、羊流产的主要原因归结为布氏杆菌病。1983—1984年,我们用试管凝集反应对绵羊进行布病血清学检疫,阳性率仅为0.92%,说明牛、羊流产的原因除营养、机械性因素和布病外,还有其他能引起流产  相似文献   

奶牛流产胎儿弯曲菌的分离鉴定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
牛生殖道弯曲菌病(Bovine Genital Campylobacteriosis)是由胎儿弯曲菌引起的一种以不育、胚胎早期死亡及流产为特征的传染病。胎儿弯曲菌是一种微需氧的革兰氏阴性菌,分为胎儿亚种(C.fetus subsp.fetus)和性病亚种(C.fetus subsp.venerealis)。胎儿亚种引起牛散发性流产和羊地方流行性流产,也可感染人,引起流产、早产、败血症以及类似布鲁氏菌病的症状。性病亚种是牛生殖道弯曲菌病的病原,主要引起不育、胚胎早期死亡及流产,给奶牛业造成严重的经济损失。  相似文献   

自1997年牛、羊布鲁氏菌病(简称布病)防制达到“控制区“标准后,玉树州在继续加强动物检疫,病畜淘汰和部分地区畜间检疫的基础上,重点开展了布病监测和防制效果考核。2004-2006年玉树州六县先后用试管凝集反应法抽检牛22752头,羊36171只,其中:玉树县抽检牛4349头,检出阳性牛7头,阳性率为0.16%。抽检羊6107只,检出阳性羊2只,阳性率为0.03%;称多县抽检牛4148头,检出阳性牛5头,阳性率为0.10%。抽检羊6865只,检出阳性羊6只,阳性率为0.08%.  相似文献   

正伪狂犬病毒对于犬、猫、兔、牛、羊、鼠均是致死性感染。猪最具耐受性,是自然界病毒唯一的贮存宿主。1发病特点猪伪狂犬病多发生于疫苗免疫猪群,母猪流产,仔猪和生长猪腹泻,出现神经症状,仔猪死亡率高。该病流行过后,伪狂犬阴性猪群变为阳性,gE抗体阳性率100%;从死亡胎儿和流产胎儿中可分离到伪狂犬病毒。病猪一般从2日龄左右开始发病,呕吐奶样物,继而出现头部颤抖、盲目运动、后躯麻  相似文献   

石首市长江故道地区血吸虫病流行情况调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
石首市长江故道地区血吸虫病流行情况调查,通过调查表明,人、牛、猪、羊血吸虫病感染率分别为8.08%、16.10%、11.72%、14.28%,在野粪单元抽样调查中,粪检发现麋鹿血吸虫病野粪粪样阳性率为29.23%。  相似文献   

为探讨猪、牛、羊、马、犬、鸡、鸭和野鸟等与人类关系密切的多种动物莱姆病的血清流行病学状况,从上海地区采集血清870份,应用酶联荧光测定技术(ELFA)检测莱姆病抗体。猪、牛、羊、鸡、鸭和野鸟中均未检测到莱姆病抗体,马血清中莱姆病抗体阳性率为18.5%,犬血清中莱姆病抗体阳性率为12.3%。结果表明,上海地区动物群中莱姆病的感染率相对较低,马和犬在莱姆病传播中的重要性应引起重视。  相似文献   

The complement fixation and the microimmunofluorescence tests were used to determine the prevalence of antibodies to Coxiella burnetii, the etiological agent of Q fever, among veterinarians and slaughterhouse workers in Nova Scotia. Seventeen percent of the 65 veterinarians and 12.5% of the 96 slaughterhouse workers tested had complement fixing antibodies to phase II C. burnetii antigen. Forty-nine percent of the veterinarians and 35% of the slaughterhouse workers had an antibody titer of ≥ 1:8 to phase II C. burnetii antigen using the microimmunofluorescence test while 30% of the veterinarians and 14.5% of the slaughterhouse workers had antibodies detected to phase I antigen. Male veterinarians had a significantly higher rate of antibodies to C. burnetii phase II antigen compared with female veterinarians (p < 0.0087). An univariate analysis revealed that positive antibody titers (microimmunofluorescence test) to phase II antigen among veterinarians were significantly associated with exposure to cow, sheep and goat placentas; to stillborn calves, newborn foals, lambs and kids. By multivariate analysis the risk was highest for male veterinarians exposed to sheep placentas.  相似文献   

A serological study of intermediate hosts (cattle, sheep, goats and swine) of Echinococcus granulosus was carried out by means of the indirect haemaglutination (IHA) and flocculation with latex (LA) tests, relating them with the organs invaded, and the fertility and viability of the cysts.In cattle a sensitivity of 75% and 21.05% of non-specific reactions was given by IHA, while the LA gave 66.7 and 17.54%, respectively. In the sheep, the IHA gave 79.16 and 20%, and the LA, 75 and 15%. In the goat, the IHA gave 76 and 22%, and the LA 71.43 and 16%. Finally, in the pig, the IHA gave 75 and 22%, and the LA, 66.6 and 14.16%.The IHA was more sensitive in detecting hepatic cysts in the cow, and pulmonary cysts in the goat, while in the sheep and the pig there were no significant differences. The LA was more sensitive in detecting hepatic cysts in the cow, goat and pig, while there were no significant differences in sheep.The differences in serum titers by the IHA and the LA tests with respect to the viability and the fertility of the cysts in the hosts, were not significant.  相似文献   

对牦牛心脏脂肪酸结合蛋白(H-FABP)基因进行了克隆测序,并与GenBank中9个物种相应基因编码区核苷酸序列进行了比对分析,在此基础上采用邻接法、最大简约法和最小进化法构建了牦牛与其它物种间分子系统进化树。结果表明,牦牛H-FABP基因由4个外显子和3个内含子组成,外显子1、外显子2、外显子3和外显子4大小分别为73、173、102和54bp,内含子1、内含子2和内含子3大小分别为3460、1892和1495bp。CDS序列全长为402bp,前体氨基酸数为133个。不同物种间在该基因核苷酸序列上有较高的保守性。牦牛与普通牛、绵羊、山羊、猪、人、大鼠、小鼠、鸡、斑马鱼各物种在H-FABP基因编码区核苷酸序列上同源性大小分别为99.8%、97.8%、97.0%、92.8%、88.8%、83.3%、83.1%、76.4%、68.7%。通过邻接法、最大简约法和最小进化法用H-FABP基因编码区核苷酸序列构建的物种间分子系统进化树,结果表明,3种方法构建的物种间分子系统进化树基本一致。系统树总体分为两支,斑马鱼为独立的一支,而牦牛与其它物种为另一大分支。牦牛与普通牛、绵羊与山羊先分别聚在一起,然后再聚为一类;后与猪、人依次聚为一类。小鼠和大鼠先聚为一类,再与人和其它物种聚类,然后再与鸡聚为一类。该系统聚类结果与动物学分类一致,表明H-FABP基因适合于构建不同物种间的系统进化树。  相似文献   

Nine commercially available monoclonal antibodies and two monoclonal antibodies from The American Type Culture Collection, raised against various human leucocyte surface antigens, were tested on lymphocytes from cow, sheep, goat, swine, horse, cat, dog, mink, and rabbit as well as man. Four antibodies bound to lymphocytes from some of the animals. These were the antibodies against CD8 and CD4 antigen, the antibody to C3b-receptor, and the antibody to the HLA-DR antigen. The CD8 antigen-reactive antibody reacted with lymphocytes from mink, cat, dog, and sheep, while the CD4 antigen-reactive antibody reacted with lymphocytes from mink. The anti-C3b-R antibody reacted with lymphocytes from horse, swine, dog, and cat, and the anti-HLA-DR reacted with lymphocytes from cow, goat, sheep, horse, dog, cat, and mink.  相似文献   

The results from studies to measure lytic complement (C') in sera of different animal species were reviewed. The traditional system, using sheep red blood cells (RBC) and rabbit antibody, was confirmed as the most sensitive to measure C' levels in man, monkey, dog, guinea pig, and rat serums. Sera C' from horse, cow, and sheep were found to be best assayed using rabbit RBC, whereas C' from goat, cat, and rabbit were best assayed with human RBC. Antibodies and C' from the same species usually mediated lysis of foreign RBC, but this lysis occurred more readily with some RBC targets than with others and may be associated with the presence of natural antibodies in the test sera. The effects of the species origin of a C' source in immunologic reactions in vitro and in vivo are discussed.  相似文献   

为评价口蹄疫病毒A型竞争ELISA(cELISA)抗体检测试剂盒在流行病学调查中的应用前景,对2017年从福建省三明市采集的336份黄牛、奶牛、羊和猪血清样品,用A型cELISA抗体检测试剂盒进行抗体检测。结果显示,92份黄牛血清、92份羊血清、92份猪血清、60份奶牛血清的A型抗体阳性率分别为13.04%、11.96%、20.65%、86.67%。从上述4种血清中,各挑选10份血清(阴性、阳性各5份)共40份,采用口蹄疫病毒液相阻断ELISA(LPB-ELISA)抗体检测试剂盒进行验证。结果显示:cELISA检测为阳性的20份血清中,用LPB-ELISA检出阳性19份;cELISA检测为阴性的20份血清中,用LPB-ELISA检出阴性17份;两种方法的κ值为0.8,总符合率为90.00%。结果表明,A型cELISA试剂盒与LPB-ELISA试剂盒的符合率和一致性均较高,可用于口蹄疫流行病学调查和血清学监测。  相似文献   

Serums from 103 sheep and 24 cattle experimentally infected with one of 3 serotypes of bluetongue virus isolated in Australia were tested for antibody to bluetongue virus in the serum neutralisation test and the agar gel diffusion precipitin test. Antibody to bluetongue virus was first detected by these tests 8 to 10 days after intravenous infection in 4 sheep that were bled daily for serum analysis. The agar gel diffusion test failed to detect antibody in 28% (29/103) of sheep which had seroconverted in the serum neutralisation test. A further 7% (7/103) of sheep serums were negative in both tests 14 to 22 d after infection. Both tests detected antibody to bluetongue virus in all cattle serums by 10 days after detection of viraemia. In comparison with the intravenous route of infection, extended prepatent periods for the commencement of viraemia resulting from intradermal, subcutaneous and intrauterine routes of infection in the cattle caused corresponding delays in the detection of antibody. For example, one cow that was infected by intrauterine inoculation did not become viraemic until 22 d after inoculation and antibody was not detected until 32 d after inoculation.  相似文献   

羊肉产品中若干动物源性成分的七重PCR检测技术应用研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
试验建立了猪、牛、绵羊、山羊、鸡、马和牦牛种属鉴别的七重PCR体系,分析了牛、牦牛、山羊源性成分七重PCR检测的灵敏度,检测了10种市售羊肉产品中的动物源性成分。结果表明,采用常规的琼脂糖凝胶电泳可以区分157~517 bp的片段及相互差异在41 bp以上的多重PCR扩增产物,从而实现对这7个物种的快速及准确鉴别,其中对3个物种(牛、牦牛、山羊)DNA的检测灵敏度在2.5 ng左右;所检测的10种羊肉产品中有2种并不是包装上所宣称的羊肉,而是混杂有牛肉或完全用牛肉替代。  相似文献   

July 2004, a cow with clinical signs of ovine herpesvirus type-2 infection which is known as sheep associated malignant catarrhal fever (SA-MCF) was reported in Samsun Province in Turkey. Blood samples were collected from the suspected cow, 10 sheep housed with it, and from 150 healthy sheep and 29 healthy cattle randomly selected from different places in Samsun Province. Nested polymerase chain reaction (n-PCR) was used to detect ovine herpesvirus type-2 (OvHV-2) DNA in the suspected cow and competitive- ELISA (c-ELISA) kits were used to detect antibodies against OvHV-2. The suspected cow was found to be n-PCR positive and c-ELISA negative. The serological results were as follows: All 10 (100%) of sheep housed with the suspected cow and 18 of 29 (62%) of the randomly selected cattle were found seropositive. All 150 randomly selected healthy sheep were seronegative. The overall percentage of seropositivity was 14.7% (28/190). OvHV-2 DNA was detected in the peripheral blood leucocyte (PBL) samples of the cow and of the 10 sheep housed with the suspected cow.  相似文献   

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