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会计弹性与真实活动操控的盈余管理关系研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以真实活动操控的盈余管理为研究视角,以我国A股市场的上市公司为研究对象,在考虑行业特征对会计弹性影响的基础上.通过对比分析在不同的会计弹性下真实活动操控程度的差异,验证了会计弹性与真实活动操控程度之间存在此消彼长的关系,得出了会计弹性大的公司较少利用真实活动操控盈余.会计弹性小的公司则更多利用真实活动操控盈余的结论,拓展和丰富了盈余管理的研究方向和内容。  相似文献   

本文采用应计项目操控与真实活动操控两种模型,研究了我国上市公司股权再融资过程中的盈余管理行为及其对公司业绩的影响。结果表明,在股权再融资过程中,上市公司会同时使用应计项目操控和真实活动操控两种盈余管理方式。二者的影响效果存在明显差异,应计项目盈余管理会导致融资后公司业绩的短期下滑,而真实盈余管理则会引起公司业绩的长期下滑。相对而言,真实盈余管理是上市公司股权再融资之后业绩滑坡的主要原因。上述结果修正了以往文献将股权再融资后的业绩滑坡完全归因于应计项目操控的研究结论。  相似文献   

本文建立了1个基于避税动因的盈余管理方式选择的模型,并结合实证会计3大假说提出了经验研究假设,以2007年所得税改革为背景研究了我国上市公司盈余管理方式的选择问题。结果显示:预期税率上升使公司更倾向于实施真实活动操控的盈余管理,预期税率下降会使公司更倾向于实施应计项目操控的盈余管理;国有控股、公司规模、债务对应计项目操控程度有显著负效应,对真实活动的盈余管理程度有显著正效应;管理层薪酬对负向的应计项目操控有负效应,对正向的应计项目操控和真实活动操控均具有显著的正效应。上述研究丰富了避税动因盈余管理的研究文献,从真实活动操控视角发展了实证会计的3大假说,也对审视我国上市公司的审计和监管具有一定的意义。  相似文献   

本文将应计项目操控和真实活动操控纳入分析框架,研究上市公司发生总经理变更后的盈余管理行为.理论分析表明,新任总经理在上任当年利用应计项目负向盈余管理可“一举多得”,利用真实活动进行盈余管理却可能会“损公不利己”;而在后续年度利用真实活动正向盈余管理虽会“损公”却可“利己”.以沪深A股上市公司2005-2010年数据为样本进行的实证检验结果显示,在总经理变更当年,上市公司存在利用应计项目调减利润的盈余管理行为,但不存在利用真实活动的盈余管理行为.在新任总经理上任后第一、二个完整会计年度,上市公司存在利用应计项目和真实活动调增利润的盈余管理行为.总经理变更当年,如果董事长也发生变更,则上市公司在变更当年利用应计项目调减利润的程度更大,在变更后第一、二个完整会计年度利用应计项目和真实活动调增利润的程度也显著更大.  相似文献   

笔者从可操控应计利润的角度,分析了实施保荐制度对IPO公司盈余质量的影响。分析结果发现,与实施保荐制度前相比,实施保荐制度后改变了公司选择会计政策的时机,在上市辅导期即IPO前两年,IPO公司更加偏好激进的会计政策,可操控应计利润显著提高;在上市持续督导期即IPO后两年,IPO公司的可操控应计的检验结果没有显著性差异,可操控应计利润出现明显下降。  相似文献   

陈沉  李哲  王磊 《管理科学》2016,29(4):29-44
两权分离导致管理层与股东的利益不一致,信息不对称阻碍了公司实际经营信息的流动,使信息使用者不能有效判断盈余信息的真实可靠性。基于理性经济人假说,管理层具有自利行为动机,管理层薪酬激励大多依赖于经营业绩指标,管理层控制权的增加使其对公司生产活动、销售活动及成本等的控制能力增加。随着外部监管环境和内部控制质量的改善,应计盈余管理的成本较大,被外部发现的概率较高,给管理层带来较大的私有成本。真实盈余管理是企业真实活动操控的盈余管理,这种盈余管理主要通过操控企业的经营活动、成本和酌量性费用等实现操控报告盈余的目的。 基于企业生命周期理论,从管理层自利行为视角,实证检验管理层控制权对处于不同生命周期企业真实盈余管理的影响。以2003年至2014年中国沪深上市公司A股数据为样本,使用ROYCHOWDHURY模型计量真实盈余管理,以经营活动、投资活动和筹资活动现金净流量不同符号组合衡量企业生命周期阶段,采用STATA 11.0软件及多元线性回归加以分析,检验管理层控制权对真实盈余管理的影响以及企业生命周期对管理层控制权与真实盈余管理关系发挥的调节作用。 研究结果表明,管理层控制权与真实盈余管理之间存在显著的正相关关系,管理层控制权的综合指标与真实盈余管理的综合指标及维度指标均存在显著的正相关关系;企业生命周期对管理层控制权与真实盈余管理的关系发挥显著的调节作用;管理层控制权与真实盈余管理的正相关关系在成长期企业和衰退期企业更强,显著高于成熟期企业管理层控制权与真实盈余管理的正相关关系。 研究结果验证了从企业生命周期视角探析管理层控制权与真实盈余管理关系的必要性,丰富了企业生命周期、管理层控制权和真实盈余管理相关实证研究,对于提高投资者保护、降低管理层控制权负面经济后果及完善会计信息质量等具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

盈余管理的内在制约——基于会计弹性的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以1998~2006年我国A股市场的上市公司为研究对象,以会计弹性来衡量公司应计项目的调整空间,在考虑行业特征对会计弹性影响的基础上,运用十分位法划分其大小,经过均值T检验发现会计弹性大的公司,其盈余管理程度的均值显著高于会计弹性小的盈余管理程度均值.通过构建模型并回归分析后发现会计弹性大的公司,其盈余管理程度显著高于会计弹性小的公司.研究结果表明,公司管理盈余的能力并不是一成不变的,以前年度盈余管理的程度制约着后期管理盈余的能力.  相似文献   

基于2010—2021年中国沪深A股上市公司为研究样本,考察审计费用对企业盈余管理的影响及作用机制。研究发现,审计费用越高,上市公司进行应计盈余管理和真实盈余管理的程度越低;与高管无政治关联的公司相比,高管具有政治关联的企业进行应计盈余管理和真实盈余管理的程度更高。异质性分析表明,高管政治关联削弱审计费用对企业真实盈余管理的抑制作用,但并未削弱其对应计盈余管理的抑制作用;与国有企业相比,民营企业提高审计费用可以更显著地抑制其进行应计盈余管理和真实盈余管理;此外,相对于非“四大”会计师事务所,国际“四大”会计师事务所通过收取较高的审计费用,对企业盈余管理行为的抑制作用更强。机制分析显示,审计费用主要通过提升审计质量来抑制企业盈余管理。文章探讨了中国资本市场外部审计与政治关联的博弈结果,为优化企业资本配置效率提供理论依据。  相似文献   

真实活动操控是企业管理层操控盈余信息、粉饰财务报告的重要手段。度量、识别企业的真实活动操控,对于合理地认识和评价企业的经营业绩至关重要。运用文献研究、统计检验和案例实证研究等方法,构建了全新的真实活动操控度量模型,估计出企业通过真实活动操控虚增的利润;运用四分位法识别出存在操控行为的嫌疑样本。统计检验和案例实证研究的结果表明,所构建的度量模型和识别方法能够较好地识别企业的真实活动操控行为,并能较为准确地估计企业通过真实活动操控虚增的利润。  相似文献   

以现金流操控的相关研究为基础,以规范研究的方法对相关文献进行梳理和总结。具体归纳和提炼现金流操控的特征、深层挖掘操控动机、对操控方式分类讨论、对计量方式和经济后果予以总结,研究结果可为会计行为相关研究揭示更多的启示和契机。  相似文献   

采用异常操控性项目的计算方法度量企业应计盈余管理和真实盈余管理程度,以2003年至2011年中国上市公司为研究样本,构建多元线性回归模型和联立方程模型,考察机构投资者持股对应计盈余管理和真实盈余管理行为选择的影响。研究结果表明,机构投资者持股比例与真实盈余管理程度显著负相关,与应计盈余管理程度显著正相关;对机构投资者明细类别的检验结果发现这种相关关系在投资基金、证券公司、QFII、保险公司和社保基金这5类机构投资者中均存在,但企业年金、信托公司、财务公司和银行持股对盈余管理行为的影响不显著;按照机构投资者持股规模、股权分置改革和终极控制人性质的分组检验结果表明,这种相关关系在不同的内外部环境中均存在,且相对于国有控股上市公司,非国有控股上市公司中机构投资者抑制真实盈余管理行为的作用更强;机构投资者持股与整体盈余管理程度显著负相关。  相似文献   

Agents' selective and acceptable reporting of economic events by different accounting systems, compounded by alternative accounting methods and estimates, make financial statements an approximation of economic reality. The tendency to delay accounting recognition of some transactions suggests that financial statements lag behind reality. The difference between reality and imaginary is often referred to as the agency problem. An essential characteristic of this problem is risk attitudes of principals (shareholders) and agents (management). Shareholders are considered risk neutral in their preferences for individual firms. They are in a position to diversify their shareholdings across multiple firms. Agents on the other hand have security and income that are inextricably linked to one firm. It would not be surprising to find agents exhibiting risk aversion in decisions regarding the firm. Immediately one's attention is drawn to the opportunity costs that arise for the risk-neutral shareholders who prefer that agents maximize their returns. The risk differential between agents and principals creates a problem in principal-agent relationship. It is within this framework that supervisory and incentive alignment mechanisms that alter the risk orientation of agents are set up. Powerful incentives act upon agents as they exercise their judgment, particularly when the judgment can trigger a stock market response that will, in turn, affect the firm in numerous ways. The responsibility of agents is to manage earnings. From a principal's perspective not all of the methods used to achieve this goal are equally desirable. Agents can either increase productivity or they can strategically manipulate accounting choices to affect earnings. The latter method need not come with any associated changes in productivity. Consequently, there is misstatement of the financial results and position. The calculus of earnings management is considered within the confines of agents' treatment of risk. Using an Agency Theory framework, this study examines the techniques used by agents to manage and manipulate earnings. The study initially tests the hypothesis whether earnings are really managed. For this purpose two manipulation indices were developed and based upon these indices the phenomenology earnings management was considered.  相似文献   

Our study analyzes financial reporting data on earnings management from a rapidly changing economy—the PRC. Some Chinese regulatory reforms allow for an easy identification of incentives to engage in both accounting and real earnings management activities. In addition, straightforward economic reasoning suggests that firms incur different costs for pursuing these strategies, which leads to the possibility of a hierarchy or ranking of different earnings management practices. Our results show that accounting and real earnings management activities were significantly higher for firms in danger of missing a regulation imposed performance threshold. After controlling for the availability of the different instruments, our results provide weak evidence for a ranking of different earnings management activities.
A. SzczesnyEmail:

本文研究了我国上市公司利用非经常性损益进行盈余管理的行为,发现无论是亏损公司还是盈利公司的盈余管理相当倚重于非经常性损益。利用非经常性损益进行盈余管理动机各异:亏损公司主要是为了实现扭亏和避免亏损等,高盈利公司则是为了平滑利润和避免利润下降。实证结果还表明,非经常性损益确实对上市公司扭亏乃至后续年度是否继续亏损起到了重要作用,且其作用远大于扣除非经常性损益后的操控性应计利润。基于上述研究结果,建议将非经常性损益作为会计核算的一项独立内容纳入利润表,并进行具体、透明的表外披露;同时,也建议在监管政策实施中全面考虑非经常性损益的影响。  相似文献   

承销增发新股中承销商是否存在交易操纵行为是涉及到市场信息效率的关键问题.从国内发行核准制度和无市商的电子交易机制出发,流通市场承销商与策略交易者的博弈行为研究表明,纯操作均衡是唯一的均衡,即承销商始终选择流通市场交易操纵行为,此时流通市场净指令流的信息失效,增发公告后流通市场信息缺乏效率.同时,本文也通过首日流通市场中收盘价和交易量回归,以考察承销商是否存在增发实施前的交易操纵行为.实证表明,增发首日交易量与承销商信誉无关,且难以用公开信息预测,预示承销商交易操纵行为;另外,收盘价与交易量无关,交易量没有信号效应,这与纯操纵均衡相符.本文从实证角度验证了模型结论.结论表明现行发行核准制驱使承销商操纵增发前流通市场交易价格,这要求监管当局修正或者重新设计股票发行制度.  相似文献   

This study aims at answering the question whether currently adopted approaches of accrual accounting and product-based budgeting are appropriate for strategic management in local government. A comparative case study is undertaken in Nordrhein-Westfalen as one of the leading federal states in Germany to reform its municipalities?? financial management. Generated insights allow deriving determinants of a successful change to accrual accounting and product-based budgeting thus contributing to a research framework for strategic management in local government. Furthermore, implications on how to deal with this paradigm shift are generated for public managers.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the influence of accounting standards on systematic earnings understatement. To isolate the effect of reporting regulations from those of other institutional drivers of earnings management, Holthausen (2003) proposes analyzing reporting practices in a country undergoing a transition in accounting standards. We respond to this call by analyzing earnings management practices of large German-listed companies before and after their transitions from German GAAP to IFRS. Specifically, we focus on Big Bath behavior following Chief Financial Officer turnovers between 1999 and 2006. Our findings provide evidence of the effect of accounting standards on the existence of this particular earnings understatement pattern. However, while we detect Big Bath behavior for our sample of German GAAP firms, we find no such indication for those firms reporting under IFRS. Controlling for alternative explanations such as self-selection bias does not change our findings. We conclude that accounting standards seem to have a considerable influence on earnings management behavior, independent of managers’ and auditors’ incentives.  相似文献   

An important task in after sales service is the provision of spare parts for durables. Due to its nature and dependence on earlier sales, the demand for spare parts is inherently dynamic and uncertain requiring for high procurement flexibility. During the product life cycle, inventory management of spare parts is performed efficiently under use of flexibility provided by existing production facilities. This situation completely changes once the OEM ceases production of the parent product. A prime option of procuring spare parts for the End-of-production period is to place a final order for parts when regular production ends. Besides low unit production costs, this option does not contain any flexibility, yielding a high risk of obsolescence of stored parts, and at the same time a high risk of not being able to satisfy all demand during the service period. In order to increase flexibility further options like extra production at higher unit cost or remanufacturing of components taken from used products could be used. After introducing the problem and a basic quantitative model, we evaluate flexibility properties of strategies using different combinations of the above options. In doing so we distinguish between quantity, time, and stock related flexibility. In a comprehensive numerical study it is investigated to which extent flexibility properties of the different strategies can contribute to their economic profitability.  相似文献   

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