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The paratabulate calcareous cyst of Calciodinellum operosum Deflandre was recorded in a sediment trap sample collected in the Bay of Naples (Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy). The germination of this resting stage produced a phototrophic vegetative cell that had the typical plate pattern of a Scrippsiella species. The cyst morphotypes, observed in a clonal culture of this species, ranged from cysts with well-developed paratabulation to cysts in which the paratabulation was barely visible, to cysts covered by irregularly shaped crystals. The analysis of thin sections of the calcareous cysts using the polarized light microscope equipped with crossed nicols and a gypsum plate showed that the optical orientation of the calcite crystals was tangential in all the morphotypes examined. We suggest that the crystallographic method we describe might provide insights for calcareous cyst taxonomy and phylogeny .  相似文献   

Investigations on calcareous dinoflagellates from surface sediments from the Mediterranean Sea revealed 14 species, including one new genus and four previously undescribed species: Calciodinellum levantinum sp. nov., Calciodinellum elongatum nov. comb., Lebessphaera urania gen. nov. et sp. nov., and Scripp‐ siella triquetracapitata sp. nov. Furthermore, Fuettererella cf. tesserula, so far only known from the fossil record, was found. The cyst–theca relationships of C. levantinum and C. elongatum are given, based on strains established from water samples of the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. This study gives an insight into the importance of the modern Mediterranean Sea as an unique region concerning calcareous cyst producing dinoflagellates.  相似文献   

The tiny jumping flagellate originally described as Pedinomonas mikron Throndsen was isolated into pure culture from Australian waters and its ultrastructure critically examined. Pedinomonas mikron differs in behavior and in features of the flagellar apparatus from P. minor, the type species from freshwater, and is referred to the new genus Resultor. The two genera are closely related and form the new class Pedinophyceae, which is characterized by features of the flagellar apparatus, mitosis, and cytokinesis. The flagella show the 11/5 orientation otherwise characteristic of Ulvophyceae and Pleurastrophyceae, but they are arranged end to end as in the Chlorophyceae. The flagellar root system is asymmetric and includes a rhizoplast that emerges from the base of one flagellum but subsequently associates with a microtubular root from the second basal body. Mitosis studied previously by Pickett-Heaps and Ott in Pedinomonas is closed, unlike in other green algae, and the spindle is persistent. No phycoplast or phragmoplast is formed during cytokinesis. The eyespot of the Pedinophyceae is located at the opposite end of the cell from the flagella and adjacent to the pyrenoid, as in the most primitive members of the Prasinophyceae. Members of the Pedinophyceae lack prasinoxanthin and Mg 2,4D, characteristic of certain other primitive green algae. The primitive green algae include the classes Prasinophyceae and Pedinophyceae. Micromonadophyceae Mattox et Stewart is considered a synonym of Prasinophyceae. Two new orders are established, Pedinomonadales, containing all known members of the Pedinophyceae, and Scourfieldiales, with the single family Scourfieldiaceae fam. nov. and the single genus Scourfieldia.  相似文献   

Sexual reproduction was induced in the dinoflagellate Peridinium gatunense Nygaard when exponentially growing cells were inoculated into nitrogen deficient medium. Small thecate cells produced by division of vegetative cells then acted as gametes. Thecae of fusing gametes broke in the girdle region and were lost. Zygotes thus formed remained motile 3–5 days during which time they enlarged slightly with the newly formed theca becoming warty. Three to 5 days following plasmogamy the zygote became nonmotile, the protoplast contracted, and the cell wall thickened. Hypnozygotes with 4 nuclei were observed ca. 10–12 h following formation. Meiosis was inferred. Hypnozygotes germinated within 12 h of formation producing 2 vegetative cells which divided within a 24 h period. Attempts to induce sexual reproduction by inoculation of cells into media deficient in a number of basic elements other than N were unsuccessful.  相似文献   

Sexual reproduction was induced in the dinoflagellate Peridinium willei Huitfeld-Kass when exponentially growing cells were inoculated into nitrogen deficient medium. Small, naked vegetative cells produced by division of thecate cells acted as gametes. The zygote remained motile 13–14 days, during which time it enlarged and the theca formed became warty. Fourteen to 15 days following plasmogamy the zygote was nonmotile with the protoplast contracted. A large red oil droplet appeared and the wall thickened, becoming chitinized. Hypnozygotes with 4 nuclei were observed 7–8 wk following formation. Meiosis was inferred. The hypnozygote germinated, within 8 wk producing one post-zygotic cell retaining the red oil droplet. This cell divided within 24 h into 2 daughter cells each with a prominent red oil droplet. These daughter cells divided after 2 to 3 days into ordinary vegetative cells. Attempts to induce sexual reproduction by inoculation of cells into media deficient in a number of basic elements were unsuccessful.  相似文献   

Three new benthic, sand-dwelling dinqflagellate species, Prorocentrum sabulosum, Prorocentrum scuptile, and Prorocentrum arenarium, from coral rubble are described from scanning electron micrographs. Species were identified based on shape, size, surface micromorphology, ornamentation of thecal plates, and architecture of the periflagellar area and intercalary band. Cells of P. sabulosum are oval with a cell size of 48–50 μm long and 41–48 μm wide. The areolae are round to oval and numerous (332–450 per valve) and range from 1 to 1.6 μm in size. The periflagellar area of P. sabulosum bears a wide V-shaped depression with a flat ridge and lacks ornamentation; it accommodates six pores: one large flagellar pore, an adjacent smaller auxiliary pore, and four pores of unknown function. The flagellar and auxiliary pores are surrounded by a narrow apical collar. The intercalary band of P. sabulosum is smooth. Prorocentrum sculptile cells are broadly oval, 32–37 nm long, and 30–32 μm wide in valve view with a deep-sculptured apical area. The valves are smooth and are marked with shallow depressions (856–975 per valve). Some of these depressions have a small round opening (0.13 μm in diameter). The periflagellar area is V-shaped with a deeply indented depression; it accommodates the two flagella and a thin angled apical plate. The intercalary band is smooth. Prorocentrum arenarium cells are nearly round in valve view 30–32 μm in diameter. Thecal surface is smooth with scattered kidney-shaped valve poroids (65–73 per valve) and marginal poroids (50–57 per valve). Length and width of poroids are 0.62 μm and 0.36 μm, respectively. The periflagellar area is an unornamented, broad triangle into which a large flagellar pore and a smaller auxiliary pore are fitted. Both flagella, longitudinal and transverse, protrude from the flagellar pore. The intercalary band is smooth. The presence of a peduncle-like structure (2–3 μm long) in P. arenarium was observed situated in the flagellar pore.  相似文献   

We describe a new organic-walled resting cyst from surface sediments of Imari Bay in western Japan. The cysts are spherical, 23–29 pm in diameter, and their surface is covered with spinous to membranous ornaments that are 5–7 μm long and 1.5–2.2 μm wide. The ornaments vary from slender and bifurcate to membranous and multifurcate distal extremities. No archeopyle was observed. The cyst shape is variable in both natural samples and clonal cultures. Vegetative cells are small and ovoid, 17–25 μm long and 14–21 μm wide, and are yellow-brown in color. The epitheca is conical with a conspicuous apical horn, and the hypotheca is hemispherical. The cingular transitional plate has a needle-like spine at its anterior right corner. The plate formula is Po, X, 4″3a, 7″, 5c, 5s 5″and 2″. Although vegetative cells of the present species correspond to Ensiculifera, it is distinct from other species in producing no calcareous cysts. No species of Ensiculifera has been reported to produce cysts composed of only an organic wall. The present species is provisionally placed in the genus Ensiculifera as E. imariense sp. nov.  相似文献   

A new species of the dinoflagellate genus Alexandrium, A. tamutum sp. nov., is described based on the results of morphological and phylogenetic studies carried out on strains isolated from two sites in the Mediterranean Sea: the Gulf of Trieste (northern Adriatic Sea) and the Gulf of Naples (central Tyrrhenian Sea). Vegetative cells were examined in LM and SEM, and resting cysts were obtained by crossing strains of opposite mating type. Alexandrium tamutum is a small‐sized species, resembling A. minutum in its small size, the rounded‐elliptical shape and the morphology of its cyst. The main diagnostic character of the new species is a relatively wide and large sixth precingular plate (6″), whereas that of A. minutum is much narrower and smaller. Contrary to A. minutum, A. tamutum strains did not produce paralytic shellfish poisoning toxins. Phylogenies inferred from the nuclear small subunit rDNA and the D1/D2 domains of the large subunit nuclear rDNA of five strains of A. tamutum and numerous strains of other Alexandrium species showed that A. tamutum strains clustered in a well‐supported clade, distinct from A. minutum.  相似文献   

The gonyaulacoid dinofiagellate Alexandrium satoanum Yuki et Fukuyo sp. nov. is described from Matoya Bay, Pacific coast of central Japan. The species is distinctive in its conical epitheca with almost straight sides and dorsal concavity of the hypotheca. The plate formula is Po, pc, 4′, 6″, 6c, 10s, 5″″, and 2″″, including two accessory plates inside the sulcus. The apical pore plate is triangular and possesses an anterior attachment pore at the right margin. The first apical plate does not make contact with the apical pore plate and lacks a ventral pore. A posterior attachment pore lies at the center of the posterior sulcal plate. In Matoya Bay, vegetative cells occur as solitary cells or sometimes in pairs during late spring and early summer in low concentrations. In connection with this study, the following new combination is proposed: Alexandrium pseudogonyaulax (Biecheler) Horiguchi ex Yuki et Fukuyo comb. nov.  相似文献   

Electron microscope investigations of the siliceous frustule show that the diatom described by Hustedt as Stephanodiscus subsalsus (A. Cleve) Hust. is not Skeletonema subsalsum (A. Cleve) Bethge (Melosira subsalsa A. Cleve) but is Microsiphona potamos Weber. This species is so similar to Skeletonema costatum (Grev.) Cleve and Skeletonema subsalsum that the combination Skeletonema potamos (Weber) Hasle is suggested. Present records classify Skeletonema potamos as a freshwater species of lakes and rivers. In Sandusky Bay, Lake Erie (U.S.A.) and in River Wümme, a tributary of the River Weser (Germany) it grows with Skeletonema subsalsum. In nature, and when grown in cultures at a salinity of 0%, the processes are extremely short; when grown at salinities of 2% or more, the processes are much longer.  相似文献   

Chrysolepidomonas gen. nov. is described for single-celled monads with two flagella, a single chloroplast, and distinctive canistrate and dendritic scales. The type species, Chrysolepidomonas dendrolepidota sp. nov., is described for the first time. The canistrate scales bear eight “bumps” on the top surface, and the dendriticscales have a tapered base with a quatrifid tip. These organic scales are formed in the Golgi apparatus and storred in a scale reservoir. The scale reservoir is bounded on two sides by the R1 and R2 in microtubular roots of the basal apparatus. The cyst (=stomatocyst, statospore) forms endogenously by means of a silica deposition vesicle. The outer cyst surface is smooth, and the pore region is unornamented. Two other organisms bearing canistrate and dendritic scales, previously assigned to the genus Sphaleromants, are transferred to the genus Chrysolepidomonas. They are C.angalica sp. nov. and C. marine(Pienaar) comb. nov. The distinguishing features of Chrysolepidomonas and Sphaleromantis are discussed. A new family, Chrysolepidomonadceae fam. noc., is described for flagellates covered with organic scales.  相似文献   

A new species of the dinoflagellate genus Cachonina, C. illdefina sp. nov., was isolated from a red tide off El Capitan State Park, Santa Barbara County, California, in October 1973. The organism is light yellowgreen in color with deeply incised girdle and sulcal grooves. Electron microscopy of the organism, revealed a typical dinokaryotic nucleus. The chloroplasts of the organism are connected, and often contain microtubule-like elements, 25 nm diam. The pyrenoids are characterized as excluding chloroplast thylakoids and ribosomes, although containing an amorphous matrix and numerous tubular invaginations from the cytoplasm. The pyrenoids become detached from the chloroplasts and degenerate into small vesicles. C. illdefina is not bioluminescent.  相似文献   

Resting cyst formation of Eutreptiella gymnastica Throndsen was observed during a mesocosm experiment, where nutrient enrichment had induced almost a unialgal bloom. Cells and resting cysts of E. gymnastica were examined in scanning (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and light microscopy. Mature cysts were spherical, with a smooth thick mucilaginous cover that appeared layered when observed with the TEM. Intermediate forms were spherical and lacking flagella and a mucilaginous cover; the euglenoid pellicular striation and canal opening were easily visible. The volume of these intermediate spherical cells and mature cysts was estimated to have increased threefold compared to flagellated cells and contained many paramylon grains. When the cells were grazed by zooplankton, the paramylon grains passed the gut intact and were packed into fecal pellets. Intact undigested paramylon grains were observed in SEM after the breaking up of the pellets.  相似文献   

Cyst formation in Ceratium hirundinella (O. F. Müll.) Bergh was studied by light and electron microscopy, using material from several lakes and reservoirs and also laboratory cultures. Cells preparing to encyst build up large quantities of starch and lipid and at the same time reduce their other cell components. The cyst is released from the theca as a naked cell bounded by a double membrane. The most commonly found cyst deposits a layer of electron-dense granules containing silicon on the outer membrane and lays down a cellulose-like material between the two membranes. Cysts without the electron-dense granules are commonly formed in cultures but rarely found in lakes. These cysts appear less resistant to decay and do not show the reorganization of cell contents for dormancy. It is suggested that C. hirundinella has both a resting cyst, forming part of the life cycle, and a temporary cyst stage.  相似文献   

The development of two red algal parasites was examined in laboratory culture. The red algal parasite Bostrychiocolax australis gen. et sp. nov., from Australia, originally misidentified as Dawsoniocolax bostrychiae (Joly et Yamaguishi-Tomita) Joly et Yamaguishi-Tomita, completes its life history in 6 weeks on its host Bostrychia radicans (Montagne) Montagne. Initially the spores divide to form a small lenticular cell, and then a germ tube grows from the opposite pole. Upon contact with the host cuticle, the germ tube penetrates the host cell wall. The tip of the germ tube expands, and the spore cytoplasm moves into this expanded tip. The expanded germ tube tip becomes the first endophytic cell from which a parasite cell is cut off that fuses with a host tier cell. The nuclei of this infected host cell enlarge. As parasite development continues, other host-parasite cell fusions are formed, transferring more parasite nuclei into host cells. The erumpent colorless multicellular parasite develops externally on the host, and reproductive structures are visible within 2 weeks. Tetrasporangia are superficial and cruciately or tetra-hedrally divided. Spermatia are formed in clusters. The carpogonial branches are four-celled, and the carpogonium fuses directly with the auxiliary (support) cell. The mature carposporophyte has a large central fusion cell and sympodially branched gonimoblast filaments. Early stages of development differ markedly in Dawsoniocolax bostrychiae from Brazil. Upon contact with the host, the spore undergoes a nearly equal division, and a germ tube elongates from the more basal of the two spore cells, penetrates the host cell wall, and fuses with a host tier cell. Subsequent development involves enlargement of the original spore body and division to form a multicellular cushion, from which descending rhizoidal filaments form that fuse with underlying host cells. This radically different development is in marked contrast to the final reproductive morphology, which is similar to B. australis and has lead to taxonomic confusion between these two entities. The different spore germination patterns and early germ-ling development of B. australis and D. bostrychiae warrant the formation of a new genus for the Australian parasite.  相似文献   

The small green flagellate symbiotic in the Noctiluca miliaris Suriray from Southeast Asia has been examined by light and electron microscopy. The flagellate is very similar to Pedinomonas minor Korschikoff. The deeper flagellar depression and the habitat distinguish this species of Pedinomonas from P. minor. It is not a euglenoid as originally proposed, since it contains starch. Characters distinguishing it from Micromonas are described. The new combination Pedinomonas noctilucae (Subrahmanyan) comb, nov. is proposed for this flagellate.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of heterotrophic dinoflagellate, Cryptoperidiniopsis brodyi gen. et sp. nov., are described. This new species commonly occurs in estuaries from Florida to Maryland, and is often associated with Pfiesteria piscicida Steidinger et Burkholder, Pseudopfiesteria shumwayae (Glasgow et Burkholder) Litaker et al., and Karlodinium veneficum (Ballantine) J. Larsen, as well as other small (<20 μm) heterotrophic and mixotrophic dinoflagellates. C. brodyi gen. et sp. nov. feeds myzocytotically on pigmented microalgae and other microorganisms. The genus and species have the enhanced Kofoidian plate formula of Po, cp, X, 5′, 0a, 6″, 6c, PC, 5+s, 5″′, 0p, and 2″″ and are assigned to the order Peridiniales and the family Pfiesteriaceae. Because the Pfiesteriaceae comprise small species and are difficult to differentiate by light microscopy, C. brodyi gen. et sp. nov. can be easily misidentified.  相似文献   

The new genus Pycnococcus Guillard is based on several clones from the western North Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico. The type and only described species, Pycnococcus provasolii Guillard, sp. nov., is typified by clone Ω48-23 from the North Atlantic. Cells of Pycnococcus provasolii are solitary, spherical, 1.5–4.0 μm in diameter, have a resistant cell wall lacking sporopollenin, and have the ultrastructural characteristics of green algae. With the light microscope they are scarcely distinguishable from cells of other coccoid planktonic organisms. In pigmentation P. provasolii resembles Micromonas pusilla, Mantoniella squamata, and Mamiella gilva in having chl a, much chl b, Mg 2,4-divinylphaeoporphyrin a5 monomethyl ester (presumably), and prasinoxanthin as a major xanthophyll. The pyrenoid of P. provasolii has a cytoplasmic channel, which is unique among species closely related to it. Flagellates, occurring rarely in culture, are similar to but distinguishable from known Pedinomonas species by size and shape. Pycnococcus provasolii is referred to the new family Pycnococcaceae Guillard, in the order Mamiellales of the class Micromonadophyceae (Chlorophyta). Clones of Pycnococcus provasolii are oceanic in nutritional characteristics, require only vitamin B12 in culture, and are well adapted to growth under blue or blue-violet light of low intensity.  相似文献   

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