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杭州市自2000年开始实施生活污水截污纳管工程,以《杭州市主城区截污纳管工程规划》为指导,按照源头截污、系统截污、流域截污的总方针,有序稳步推进主城区截污纳管工作,极大改善了运河及相关河道水质. 至2015年底,杭州市主城区共完成截污纳管项目803个,减少污水入河量约8万吨/日,河道基本实现晴天污水“零直排”的目标,绕城公路内城市河道基本消除黑臭现象. 在杭州市城市河道有设置监测的137个断面中,2013年底达到Ⅴ类(含)以上断面68个,2014年底83个,2015年底达到96个,70%水体主要指标达到或优于Ⅴ类,显示城市河道总体水质在不断改善.  相似文献   

九江市十里河是中心城区的一条重要内河,整治前水体污染较为严重,下游7.20 km河道被确定为黑臭水体。十里河水环境系统综合治理工程以控源截污、内源治理、生态修复、活水提质为主要措施,通过源头小区改造、二级管网及截污管新建及修复、调蓄池建设、污水处理厂建设、生态清淤、水生态系统构建、补水活水等工程措施的实施,十里河黑臭现象全面消除,氨氮、化学需氧量、溶解氧等主要水质指标已达到地表水Ⅳ类标准。此外,本工程实施后,小区污水系统出口COD浓度明显提升,污水处理能力大幅提高,生态效益充分显现,取得了良好的环境效益和社会效益。  相似文献   

九江市十里河是中心城区的一条重要内河,整治前水体污染较为严重,下游7.20 km河道被确定为黑臭水体。十里河水环境系统综合治理工程以控源截污、内源治理、生态修复、活水提质为主要措施,通过源头小区改造、二级管网及截污管新建及修复、调蓄池建设、污水处理厂建设、生态清淤、水生态系统构建、补水活水等工程措施的实施,十里河黑臭现象全面消除,氨氮、化学需氧量、溶解氧等主要水质指标已达到地表水Ⅳ类标准。此外,本工程实施后,小区污水系统出口COD浓度明显提升,污水处理能力大幅提高,生态效益充分显现,取得了良好的环境效益和社会效益。  相似文献   

以南京市江宁区杨家圩河道为例,通过对河道周边排口、水质等状况进行调查,探讨河道水环境综合整治的方案设计及工程应用,并取得了一定的成果。结果表明,通过对该河道采取控源截污、集成式生物强化系统、多功能综合生态湿地、水下曝气复氧、生态组合修复以及环保清淤等综合整治措施,河道水质指标均有极大改善,溶解氧浓度从均值0.48 mg/L上升到均值3.04 mg/L,提升了5.96倍,而氨氮、总磷和COD分别平均降低了66.94%、78.73%和57.84%,基本达到《地表水环境质量标准》(GB 3838—2002)Ⅴ类标准。  相似文献   

由于人口集中、生产生活活动强度大,汕尾市黄江河(西闸断面以上)流域存在突出的生活污水直排、畜禽养殖面源污染等问题,再加上河道自净能力不足,西闸国控断面水质在枯水期为地表Ⅳ类或Ⅴ类,主要污染指标为COD、NH3-N、TP。为实现断面水质达到地表Ⅲ类水目标,针对水质评价结果、污染源特征,系统性提出了流域综合治理技术路线,采取了消除镇区生活污水直排口、治理畜禽养殖污染、收集处理农村生活污水等控源截污工程措施,河道清淤、支流水质净化等内源治理工程措施,以及河滨带植被恢复、河道生态补水等生态修复工程措施。这些工程措施实施后,黄江河入河污染物大幅削减,水体自净能力显著提升,西闸国考断面水质稳定达到地表水Ⅲ类标准。  相似文献   

李娜 《中国市政工程》2021,(1):36-39,86
厦坊溪是典型的城郊结合脏乱差河道,水体污染情况严重。通过对河道水体的黑臭指标检测并结合民意调查及现场踏勘,对厦坊溪黑臭水体进行识别和原因分析。厦坊溪重度黑臭河段位于城中村及建成区,是点源污染、内源污染及面源污染等多种因素综合作用的结果。针对厦坊溪黑臭水体具体情况,结合河道周边用地情况、排水体制、排水系统现状条件及支流汇入情况,选择针对性较强的水体污染整治措施,通过控源截污、内源治理、生态修复、清水补给和岸带修复等多项措施,解决河道黑臭问题,实现水质改善目标。  相似文献   

针对北京某小型河道黑臭现状,采用控源截污、内源治理、活水循环、造流增氧、生态修复等组合措施治理。治理2月余,实现了臭味完全消除,水体透明度由8 cm提高至50 cm;治理1年余,除TN外的指标均达到地表Ⅴ类水标准;治理2年余,各水质指标达到地表Ⅳ类水标准。实践证明,该组合技术可安全、高效地消除水体黑臭。  相似文献   

上海曹扬环浜污染水体的生态修复   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
曹扬环浜是一条环形封闭水道,水质低于地表水V类标准,水体处于严重超富营养化水平,全浜暴发蓝藻水华现象。在采用截污、造流、生态恢复等生态工程措施综合治理后,随着健康水生态系统的建立,河浜水质逐步变好(由劣V类改善为接近Ⅲ类标准),水体透明见底,沉水植物覆盖率达70%~90%,水体一直维持“清水草型稳态”。重点介绍了河道治理中采用的生态修复措施及其作用,并从截污、营养盐、水生生物等方面分析了各项工程措施对抑制藻类生长、水质改善的影响,对我国城市小型河道的综合治理有很好的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

纯氧纳米气泡水生态修复技术为黑臭水体治理提供了一项新的实用技术手段,通过向水体中通入高浓度纯氧纳米气—水混合液,快速提升水体中溶解氧,激活土著微生物,消除水体黑臭,提升水体水质。在未完全截污的情况下可保持水体不黑不臭;若完成截污可实现水体向地表Ⅴ、Ⅳ类水质的提升。  相似文献   

山东省胶州市水污染现状分析与控制对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对山东省胶州市地表水的水质现状,分析了水体中污染物质的主要成分和来源;估算了各种污染源的污染负荷,认为农村地区生产、生活产生的面源污染是水体污染的主要原因.利用水体自净、工程截污、生态减污的市政工程与生态工程措施,可防治水环境污染,实现水资源可持续利用.  相似文献   

通过对小清河(济南段)流域内干、支流水量及水质的实地排查和检测,分析了小清河(济南段)水质污染规律,并采用MIKE11软件对小清河(济南段)进行了河道水动力和水质模拟,构建了小清河流域的降雨径流模型(NAM)、一维水动力模型(HD)和对流扩散模型(AD)。通过模型运算分析了小清河各类污染源的污染权重值,结果如下:小清河现状水源(污染源)中,污染贡献程度排序为污水厂(站)尾水(34.0%)>雨水径流(33.0%)>直排污水(29.1%);水量贡献程度排序为污水厂(站)尾水(58.8%)>雨水径流(26.1%)>直排污水(5.5%);削减难易程度排序为直排污水>污水厂(站)尾水>雨水径流。  相似文献   

阳澄湖水环境综合整治对策研究与分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
阳澄湖湖体水质高锰酸盐指数维持在Ⅲ类、总氮指标长期为劣Ⅴ类、总磷指标为Ⅳ~Ⅴ类,湖体水质呈现富营养化,饮用水源地水质存在安全隐患。分析表明,该流域水质恶化、水污染日益严重的原因主要是:人口增加、经济增长给流域带来的巨大压力;面源污染严重,农业面源作为主要的氮、磷排放源未引起足够重视;已有的研究多按政府职能分别立项,以流域为对象的一体化系统研究不足,流域水环境综合整治协调不够等。针对阳澄湖水环境整治的紧迫性,提出了饮用水源地的保护措施、面源污染的治理对策,此外在水环境综合整治的基础上强调了同步实施生态修复的必要性。  相似文献   

重庆市跳磴河流域水污染综合治理工程规划   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用流域分析方法,系统分析了重庆市跳磴河流域内影响生态环境质量的城镇污水、垃圾、工业排污、农业生产、水土流失、畜禽养殖、河流内源污染等问题,以环境容量和污染物总量控制为主线,提出了实现规划水质目标和生态环境质量目标的污染控制措施和生态建设内容,为类似流域的水污染综合治理工程的规划和设计提供参考。  相似文献   

目前上海中小河道基本未设雨、污水分流系统,不仅河道自身污染严重,而且当水量较大或汛期时,给苏州河带来极大污染。为此必须加快实施中小河道的截污纳管工程。介绍了沿河边敷设截污管道和河道内敷设截污管道的两种主要方式,以及溢流设施和玻璃钢接头的形式和具体施工。最后介绍了长宁区中小河道截污纳管工程的实例。  相似文献   

Untreated wastewater discharges may have significant short term and long term effects on the quality of a river system. Present study was undertaken to assess the present status of the water quality of the River Kabul near Peshawar in Pakistan. Seven sites were sampled upstream and downstream in the River Kabul in 2009. Samples were also taken from waste water channel (Budni Drain) that carries waste-water of Peshawar Industrial Estate as well as the domestic sewers to assess the pollution contribution of these sources to the River Kabul. Physico-chemical and microbiological parameters of the samples were analyzed during the study, as well as possible sources of contamination were investigated. The study showed that the pollution level in river is rising from upstream (at city entrance) to downstream (at city exit) due to discharge of domestic waste water effluents, agricultural activities, and solid waste dumping directly into the river.  相似文献   

灰关联分析在南湖水库水质评价中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用灰关联分析方法,根据南湖水库水质功能,选取高锰酸盐指数、COD、TN、TP、DO、BOD5、NH3-N、石油类和粪大肠菌群9个指标,进行南湖水库水质综合评价。引入劣V类标准限值,按6类分级进行评价,以关联度最大者所对应的分级数为水质的最终等级。比较分析了幂函数法、极差法和线性法建立的关联离散函数对水质的评价结果,表明线性法更能反映水体水质实际情况,极差法常因存在个别较好或较差的指标而导致对水质的误判。灰关联分析表明:南湖水库春季和冬季水质较好,达到或高于III类水质标准,4-8月水质较差,以IV类为主;南湖水库主要污染物为TN、TP和粪大肠菌群,污染源为农田面源和库区周边居民点源。  相似文献   

To evaluate the success of almost 20 years of pollution abatement in the Bilbao estuary watershed in northern Spain, we analyzed temporal trends in pollution discharges and water quality from 1993 to 2003. Over that period a great portion of the raw wastewater discharge was intercepted and treated, leading to a significant reduction in the pollution load to the estuary (51.8% in biochemical oxygen demand, 70.9% in ammonia nitrogen and 81.9% in faecal coliforms). Temporal trends of mean annual levels of water quality variables showed statistically significant increases in dissolved oxygen saturation (between 2.04 and 4.11%/year) and decreases in ammonia nitrogen (between -4.15 and -175.75 microM NH3/year) and faecal coliforms concentrations (from 2.55 x 10(5) to 2.13 x 10(4) CFU/100ml). The improvement of the Bilbao estuary water quality reported in this paper is primarily attributed to the pollution abatement measures accomplished by the local water authority. Finally, as a result of these pollution control efforts, European bathing water quality standards were met at local beaches.  相似文献   

Understanding the spatial distribution and apportioning the sources of water pollution are important in the study and efficient management of water resources. In this work, we considered data for 13 water quality variables collected during the year 2004 at 46 monitoring sites along the Qiantang River (China). Fuzzy comprehensive analysis categorized the data into three major pollution zones (low, moderate, and high) based on national quality standards for surface waters, China. Most sites classified as “low pollution zones” (LP) occurred in the main river channel, whereas those classified as “moderate and high pollution zones” (MP and HP, respectively) occurred in the tributaries. Factor analysis identified two potential pollution sources that explained 67% of the total variance in LP, two potential pollution sources that explained 73% of the total variance in MP, and three potential pollution sources that explained 80% of the total variance in HP. UNMIX was used to estimate contributions from identified pollution sources to each water quality variable and each monitoring site. Most water quality variables were influenced primarily by pollution due to industrial wastewater, agricultural activities and urban runoff. In LP, non-point source pollution such as agricultural runoff and urban runoff dominated; in MP and HP, mixed source pollution dominated. The pollution in the small tributaries was more serious than that in the main channel. These results provide information for developing better pollution control strategies for the Qiantang River.  相似文献   

The River Danube is with 2780 km the second longest river in Europe. Its catchment area covers 801 500 km2, with approximately 81 million inhabitants in 19 countries. River water for anthropogenic use, transportation and recreation is of major importance in all of these countries. Microbiological contamination from faecal pollution by anthropogenic sources is considered to be a crucial problem throughout the Danube River basin. Thus, detailed knowledge on the extent and the origin of microbial pollution is essential for watershed management. The determination of faecal indicator concentrations along the Danube and its major tributaries during two whole-river surveys and 16 permanent stations allowed for the first time to draw a clear picture of the faecal pollution patterns along the whole longitudinal profile of this important international river. By including a variety of environmental variables in statistical analysis, an integrative picture of faecal pollution in the Danube River basin could be evolved. Four hot spots and six stretches of differing faecal pollution were identified, mainly linked with input from large municipalities. Significant decline of microbiological pollution was observed in the upper and lower Danube stretches over the investigation period. In contrast, a significant increase in the middle part was evident. The planned implementation of new wastewater treatment plants and advanced wastewater treatment measures according to the European Union urban wastewater directive will have a great potential to reduce microbial faecal pollution in the Danube and thus improving water quality.  相似文献   

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