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用杂交群体对亲本回交法估计桑蚕几项性状的狭义遗传力表明,遗传力的大小因性状而异,茧层率、茧丝量及茧丝长有较高的遗传力,而全茧量及茧层量的遗传力较低。 选择试验表明,桑蚕各性状之间有高度的相关性,对某一性状的直接选择亦等于对另一些性状的间接选择。选育夏秋用蚕品种,应将茧层率控制在一定的范围内,向经过短、全茧量偏小的方向选择比较妥当;春用蚕品种的选育应控制全茧量,在提高茧层率的同时,大力向经过短的方向选择为宜。  相似文献   

本文通过对不同品种、不同庄口与季节原料茧茧层丝胶性能研究,结果表明广西的桑蚕原料茧,春茧和秋茧5 min、10 min两个处理水平的茧层丝胶初期溶解速度与蚕茧解舒率之间都存在着良好的正相关关系,茧层丝胶初期溶解速度越大,蚕茧的解舒率越大.庄口和季节是影响广西桑蚕原料茧茧层丝胶初期溶解速度的重要因素.而茧层丝胶初期溶解速度与蚕茧解舒率在品种水平上则没有相关关系,也就说明茧层丝胶初期溶解速度在品种间虽然有差异,但蚕品种并不是主要制约或影响蚕茧茧层丝胶初期溶解速度的直接因素.  相似文献   

在家蚕新品种选育与母种繁育中,需要对留种用的茧子逐个秤出全茧重量和茧层重量,再算出茧层百分率((茧层量/全茧量)×100)。不但工作量大(一次要秤茧一万至数万粒),而且时间紧迫(必须在3—5天内秤选完毕,否则要出蛾),因此常要动员许多人员参加单茧秤量、计算,而且准确性还达不到要求。我们仿照丝厂用但尼尔秤的原理、试制成两种单茧天平、一种茧层率查对器,并创造了流水作业法。现在四人一组,每天可秤  相似文献   

新桑树品种——川826的育成   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
经多年观察比较,新桑品种“川826”表现出遗传性状稳定、优质、高产、抗性较好等优点,2000年正式列为“十五”省农作物育种攻关项目“优质、高产桑、蚕新品种选育”中桑主攻品种,并进一步进行区域性比较试验。经过2002年至2005年在四川省乐山、三台、蚕研所等三点的比较试验和在四川篷安生产示范点的示范繁殖,“川826”与对照品种“湖32”相比,其产叶量高13.95%,万头产茧量高8.88%,万头产茧层量高8.8%,五龄担桑产茧量高13.51%,667 m2(亩)桑产茧量高28.2%,桑产茧层量高27.6%。特别是用“川826”桑叶养蚕后产卵制种成绩尤为突出,单蛾产卵量比对照高6.87%以上,单蛾正常卵粒数比对照高5.63%以上。2006年4月被四川省农作物品种审定委员会审定为合格品种。  相似文献   

家蚕茧质性状的性别效应预测   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
研究采用混合线性模型,对家蚕全茧量、茧层量、茧层率和蛹体重等性状的性别效应进行理论估算:全茧量、茧层量、茧层率和蛹体重等4性状的性别随机效应的方差的概率和性别随机效应的预测值概率都达到极显著水平,证明全茧量、茧层量、茧层率和蛹体重等四性状的性别效应极显著,这完全符合实际情况。全茧量、茧层量、茧层率和蛹体重等4性状的性别效应预测值雌(雄)分别为0.248g(-0.247g)、2.423cg(-2.394)cg、-1.976%(1.992%)和0.224g(-0.223g)。性别效应调整后各性状均呈单峰正态分布,符合QTL分析对数量性状连续正态分布的要求。  相似文献   

采用完全随机设计法根据10头老熟幼虫体重、全茧重、茧层量、茧层率(%)、存活率、万蚕茧层量和茧丝长等指标,对两对二化性家蚕Bombyx mori L. 杂交品系(SH6×NB4D2和CSR2×CSR4)杂交一代的22个子代个体进行了遗传参数估算,以缩小优质蚕品种的候选范围,并且计算出直接筛选的参数,如遗传力和遗传进度等,使这些信息可用于以筛选高产新品种为目的的育种和选择过程中。杂交子代2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 14, 16, 19和20号个体在这几个指标中表现出显著的优越性。全茧重、万蚕茧层量和茧丝长的遗传力和遗传进度较大,可以简单地从表现型的差异对这些性状进行选择并取得遗传性状改良。其他几个指标(10头老熟幼虫体重、茧层量、茧层率(%)和存活率)的遗传力和遗传进度较低,对这些性状进行直接选择来改良品种的效果较差。  相似文献   

利用黑色斑蚕作亲本、选育日系普斑限性品系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据家蚕Bombyx moli斑纹互作原理,利用2032限性品种的雌,与自然突变体雄杂交。F2代出现分离,于是淘汰所有黑色斑蚕,只留下普斑蚕和素斑蚕,即得到新限性普斑系。新限性品系得到后,做连续3代的系统选育,其中F3代为蛾区混合育,F4~F5代采用单蛾育。蛾区混合育着重个体选择,单蛾育以蛾区选择为主,个体选择为辅。性状基本稳定后,即初步对其作主要经济性状的测定。结果显示:新限性品系在5龄经过、全龄经过上比两亲本略短。在全茧量、茧层量、茧层率几项指标上较两亲本为优,分别比两亲本平均值提高31%、38%、5%。  相似文献   

家蚕茧质性状的QTL定位研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用QTLMapper 2.0 QTL作图软件,对F2群体的家蚕全茧量、茧层量、茧层率和蛹体重等性状进行了QTL定位分析,分别检测出7个、6个、2个、8个有显著效应分量的QTLs,分布于7个、5个、2个、7个不同的连锁群。控制全茧量、茧层量的QTLs一般存在复杂的上位性效应。对全茧量性状,有3对QTLs存在显著的加加上位性效应,其中1对还存在加显、显显互作;共有3个QTLs存在显著的显性效应,1个存在显著的加性效应。对茧层量QTLs,发现1对QTLs存在极显著的各项遗传效应,包括上位性效应;1对QTLs被检测到显著的显显互作,1个QTL具有显著的显性效应,并与另一个QTL存在显著的加加互作。茧层率、蛹体重主要受加性或显性的QTLs作用,没有发现茧层率QTLs的上位性效应,蛹体重的有效QTL大都呈现显著的负向显性效应,只有一对QTLs存在显著的加加上位性效应。第2、3、4、11、13、24、34、37、40连锁群是两个或多个性状QTLs分布的共同连锁群。全茧量和茧层量存在共同的QTL或染色体区域,育种上可通过适当选配,利用基因的互作效应,同步改良这两个性状。  相似文献   

家蚕对马尾松毛虫质型多角体病毒的敏感性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用虫体克隆技术,对马尾松毛虫质型多角体病毒湖南株(DpCPV-HN)进行了分离纯化,鉴定为质型多角体病毒1型。以家蚕春蕾×镇珠杂种F1代及自交的F2代4或5日龄幼虫进行毒力测定,以纯化的家蚕质型多角体病毒对F1代幼虫的毒力测定为对照。结果表明:家蚕品种春蕾×镇珠对家蚕质型多角体病毒敏感,马尾松毛虫质型多角体病毒湖南株能引起其感染发病;马尾松毛虫质型多角体病毒湖南株感染家蚕品种春蕾×镇珠F1代幼虫和F2代幼虫28天后的半致死剂量(LD50)分别为885个和18个CPB(质多角体),前者为后者的49倍。马尾松毛虫质型多角体病毒湖南株感染后的家蚕,其结茧率、化蛹率、羽化率、全茧量、茧层量和单蛾产卵数均有所下降,全茧量、茧层量、茧层率和单蛾产卵数与病毒感染剂量之间无显著关联。  相似文献   

广西桑蚕茧丝质量与性能指标的测定分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究对广西桑蚕茧的茧丝质量与性能指标进行了测定分析.结果表明,广西桑蚕茧外形略小,茧层丝胶含量、茧层易溶丝胶含量、丝胶溶解性以及茧丝纤度等主要指标均与江浙夏秋用桑蚕茧有明显差异.桑蚕茧的茧层丝胶含量、易溶丝胶含量随庄口、季节不同而有显著差异;春季桂南地区的蚕茧茧层丝胶含量高于桂西北地区,秋季刚好相反.茧层易溶丝胶含量在11.6%~14.4%之间,约占丝胶总含量的41%~45%,茧层易溶丝胶含量和解舒率呈显著的正相关关系,即茧层易溶丝胶含量越多,蚕茧解舒越好.庄口和季节是影响桑蚕茧层易溶丝胶含量高低与蚕茧解舒优劣的重要因素.广西桑蚕茧层丝胶对煮茧温度更敏感,茧丝纤度粗细变化开差大.因此,我们认为目前困扰广西桑蚕茧加工技术突破的原因之一是缫丝工艺技术,采用传统缫丝工艺技术难以正常发挥广西桑蚕茧的茧丝优势与特性.  相似文献   

石刁柏已形成细胞的幼嫩胚乳,接种在附加有不同浓度的生长素(NAA)和细胞分裂素(BA)的 MS 培养基上,获得了愈伤组织。愈伤组织的诱导频率随生长素的浓度不同而异,可达65.9—83.1%。将胚乳愈伤组织转移到降低了生长素浓度或只含有低浓度生长素的分化培养基上,可陆续分化芽、根、芽丛和少量胚状体,个别的芽和胚状体能发育成小植株。切取1.5—5cm 长的芽,接种在诱导根的培养基上,或在 IBA50ppm 溶液中浸泡2小时,转移到 MS 基本培养基上,部分芽能生根形成完整植株。  相似文献   

The endosperm callus has been induced from the young endosperm of Asparagus officinalis L. on the MS supplemented with auxin. The induction frequency of callus amounts to 65.9%–83.1%. When the callus was transferred to the medium supplemented with lower concentration of NAA 0.1 ppm or containing BA 1 ppm and NAA 0.5 ppm, the differentiation of shoots, roots and a few embryoids began to occur. A few calluses and embryoids can develop into plantlets. The chromosome number in the cells from the same root tip and shoot apex of endosperm plantlet is very unstable. They can be euploids (n=10, 2n=20, 3n=30, 4n=40). or aneupl0ids (n=6, 7, 17, 25, 53).  相似文献   

Genes active in developing wheat endosperm   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper describes the construction and characterisation of a cDNA library from wheat endosperm tissue during the early stages of grain filling. Developing wheat endosperm tissue was characterised with respect to standard measures including dry weight, cytological appearance and timing of expression of major sources of mRNA such as the seed storage protein genes. In addition, the full complement of proteins present at mid-endosperm development was examined using 2D-electrophoretic techniques. Based on this characterisation, endosperm from the developing grain 8–12 days post-anthesis was chosen for isolating mRNA and preparing cDNA. At this stage in development the mRNA population is not yet dominated by the accumulation of mRNA from seed storage protein genes. A cDNA library, not normalised, containing a high percentage of full length cDNA clones was constructed and 4,319 clones sequenced ("single-pass"). Partitioning of the cDNA sequences into gene families and singletons provided the basis for quantifying the accumulation of sequence classes relative to the total number of sequences determined. The accumulation of gene families/singletons was not linear. However, mathematical modeling of the data suggested that the maximum number of different genes expressed is within the range of 4,500–8,000 (detailed in the Appendix). If an average is taken of these extremes, approximately 27% of the gene products were visible as proteins in the 2D-electrophoretic analysis. Analysis of a functional class of genes relevant to wheat grain end-use, namely the glutenin/gliadin seed storage protein class of genes, revealed a new category of gene characterised by a distinctive N-terminal domain and a reduced central repetitive domain. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

 It is generally accepted that most angiosperms require an accurate balance between maternal and paternal genome contribution for endosperm development. The endosperm balance number (EBN) hypothesis postulates that each species has an effective number which must be in a 2:1 maternal to paternal ratio for normal endosperm development and seed formation. The aim of this work was to investigate the effect of different sources and ploidy levels of pollen donors on endosperm formation and seed production of aposporous tetraploid (2n=4×=40) Paspalum notatum. Hand-emasculated spikelets of an apomictic 4× plant were dusted with pollen of 2×, 4×, 5×, 6× and 8× races of the same species; 3× and 4× races of a phylogenetically closely related species, P. cromyorrhizon; and 2× and 4× races of P. simplex, a species of a different subgenus. Experiments including self-pollination as well as emasculation without pollination were conducted for controls. Results indicated that apomictic 4×P. notatum is a pseudogamous species with effective fertilization of the two unreduced (2n) polar nuclei by a reduced (n) sperm. Endosperm development and seed production occurred independently of the species or the ploidy level of the pollen donor. However, seed germination rates were significantly lower than in the self-pollinated control when the pollen donor was 3×P. cromyorrhizon or 2× and 4×P. simplex. Aposporous embryo sacs in Paspalum contribute to endosperm formation with two unreduced (2n) polar nuclei, while the male contribution is the same as in sexual plants (n). Since sexual Paspalum plants fit the EBN hypothesis, the EBN insensitivity observed in apomictic plants might be a prerequisite for the spread of pseudogamous apomixis. The EBN insensitivity could have arisen as an imprinting consequence of a high maternal genome contribution. Received: 20 February 1998 / Revision accepted: 21 October 1998  相似文献   

谷类作物胚乳性状遗传控制的鉴别   总被引:37,自引:7,他引:30  
莫惠栋 《遗传学报》1995,22(2):126-132
谷类作物种子胚乳生状的遗传表达,可能受三倍体的胚乳基因型和/或二倍体的母体基因型控制,还可能存在细胞质效应。Foolad等和Pooni等提出的分析模型,由于遗传参数的系数间存在线性相关,不能有效地区分上述遗传控制系统。本文的交配设计和相应统计方法,可对一胚乳生状是否存在胚乳基因型,母体基因型蔌细腻质效应分别作出测验,从而可确定合适遗传模型和估计有关遗传参数。这些方法也可方便地推广于鉴别非谷作物种子  相似文献   

A barley cDNA macroarray comprising 1,440 unique genes was used to analyze the spatial and temporal patterns of gene expression in embryo, scutellum and endosperm tissue during different stages of germination. Among the set of expressed genes, 69 displayed the highest mRNA level in endosperm tissue, 58 were up-regulated in both embryo and scutellum, 11 were specifically expressed in the embryo and 16 in scutellum tissue. Based on Blast X analyses, 70% of the differentially expressed genes could be assigned a putative function. One set of genes, expressed in both embryo and scutellum tissue, included functions in cell division, protein translation, nucleotide metabolism, carbohydrate metabolism and some transporters. The other set of genes expressed in endosperm encodes several metabolic pathways including carbohydrate and amino acid metabolism as well as protease inhibitors and storage proteins. As shown for a storage protein and a trypsin inhibitor, the endosperm of the germinating barley grain contains a considerable amount of residual mRNA which was produced during seed development and which is degraded during early stages of germination. Based on similar expression patterns in the endosperm tissue, we identified 29 genes which may undergo the same degradation process. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

中华猕猴桃胚乳植株后代的观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对438株定植的中华猕猴桃胚乳培.养的试管苗,经四年的田间观察,并进行连续二年结果分析。与对照的母株相比,胚乳植株在株形、叶片大小、果实形态及果实的主要营养成分含量上都有较大的变化。同时还发现,由同一块愈伤组织诱导的胚乳试管苗后代中也有雌、雄性别的分化。胚乳植株后代的多样性,可为中华猕猴桃的选种及品种繁育提供丰富的材料。  相似文献   

槐种子发育中胚乳细胞半乳甘露聚糖积累的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
槐 ( Sophora japonica L.)开花约 60 d至种子成熟 ,为胚乳半乳甘露聚糖积累期。用组织化学方法 ,对储藏于胚乳细胞壁上的半乳甘露聚糖的形成积累进行了观察 ,结果表明 ,半乳甘露聚糖最先在邻近胚的胚乳细胞的粗面内质网的囊泡腔内形成 ,并通过细胞质膜分泌至细胞壁周围。此后 ,半乳甘露聚糖的积累逐渐向种皮方向扩展 ,及至种子成熟时 ,除糊粉层外 ,所有胚乳细胞几乎全由多糖所填充。此外 ,对半乳甘露聚糖发生部位及其积累过程的消长变化进行了讨论  相似文献   

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