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废弃矿山生态恢复工程地质灾害危险性评估方法探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
废弃矿山一般地处地质环境较复杂的山区,人类工程活动强烈,加之废弃矿山植被恢复工程的特殊性,与常规建设工程的地质灾害危险性评估相比,其工作方法和内容等都具有明显的区别。本文以北京市房山区霞云岭乡废弃矿山地质灾害危险性评估为实例,着重探讨了此项评估技术的基本思路、方法和技术手段等内容,以期为类似工程地质灾害危险性评估工作提供参考。  相似文献   

A practical issue is present in sustaining and rehabilitating the ecologically vulnerable post-mining area in which the environmental condition varies spatially and therefore influenced by multiple factors. This paper attempts to integrate the ecological vulnerability assessment and rehabilitation treatment to assist land managers in revealing vulnerable features along with developing treatments of vulnerability mitigation. Using a post-mining site in a mountainous area in western China as study area, an indicator system and framework for assessing and reducing vulnerability were developed based on a vulnerability analysis. Geo-informatics, such as satellite image processing and spatial analysis, were employed to perform the assessment and planning. It was found that higher exposure and sensitivity are the main causes of increased vulnerability in a seriously disturbed post-mining area. Rehabilitation treatments were arranged spatially and structurally based on the framework of vulnerability mitigation. A pre-evaluation of the effectiveness shows this type of rehabilitation has a convergence effect that clusters and lowers the ecological vulnerability index (EVI). The average value of EVI will be reduced by 15.02% if the minimum standards of rehabilitation can be completed. Altogether, an integration of rehabilitation treatments and the quantification of vulnerability in a spatially explicit manner are critical for planners to gain more insight into ecological vulnerability in post-mining area, which provides guidance to simplify rehabilitation planning with respect to vulnerability mitigation.  相似文献   

More than ever, there is a need to integrate restoration ecology, as practiced by the scientific community, and ecological restoration, a province that is largely, but not entirely the purview of practitioners. Success in some coastal restoration projects is increasingly measured in the context of practioner skills and cultural goals rather than by the manifestation of underlying ecological principles and mechanisms in the restoration process. Especially in human-dominated landscapes, restoration practices should attempt to balance human needs with those of extant biota in a consensus based combination of restoration ecology and ecological restoration criteria. The goal is to devise plans at the appropriate scale that allow humans and other biota to share space and resources in an increasingly complex landscape. No matter where restoration takes place, both ecological fidelity (in ecocentric terms) and human dimensions (in anthropocentric terms) must comprise the restoration design, but ultimately in proportion to human density in the landscape. Without this integration, compromise, and balance, restoration will not likely prosper in the mainstream of society.  相似文献   

内蒙古科尔沁沙地历史上曾是科尔沁大草原,现在是农牧交错区,该区的土地利用关系到生态安全、国家粮食安全和农民生计。该区域“坨甸相间”地貌特点造成不同地形部位土壤含水量存在差异,降水量年际变化大。通过卫星影像数据解译出土地利用/覆被类型图与土壤图进行叠加,获得了显性沙地和隐性沙地数量与分布信息。首先保留耕地以外的其他地类,再利用卫星影像数据反映不同降水年型耕地的归一化植被指数(NDVI),将偏欠水年NDVI低于平均值的耕地退耕还草,消除这些耕地的冬春沙化风险,以进行土地利用布局调整。这种直接利用遥感数据获取土地利用/覆被类型和耕地的NDVI进行土地利用空间布局调整的方法,十分简单实用。本文还根据地貌和沙地降水入渗快的特点,提出了与高标准农田建设模式不同但与区域地理环境相吻合的农田整治模式,即利用自然沙丘作为区域风沙防护工程,土地开发不做大平整,不修建灌溉系统,发展雨养农业。以上根据区域地理环境条件进行土地利用布局和确定农田开发建设模式,可将农业生产与荒漠化防治和谐结合在一起,实现土地可持续利用。  相似文献   

The Etang de Berre, located near Marseille, is the largest French Mediterranean lagoon. Studies before and after commencement of operation of a hydroelectric plant have followed changes in marine benthic communities in response to erratic freshwater inflows diverted from the Durance River. After several unstable years, the marine benthic communities were replaced by a euryhaline and eurythermal assemblage and large areas of the lagoon were devoid of macrobenthos due to oxygen depletion. Analysis of the dynamics of mollusc populations shows the importance of fluctuations in freshwater discharges and resulting salinity variation, sedimentation, dissolved oxygen depletion and sediment pollutants.  相似文献   

The formation of iron sulphide minerals exerts significant control on the behaviour of trace elements in sediments. In this study, three short sediment cores, retrieved from the remote Antinioti lagoon (N. Kerkyra Island, NW Greece), are investigated concerning the solid phase composition, distribution, and partitioning of major (Al, Fe) and trace elements (Cd, Cu, Mn, Pb, and Zn). According to 210Pb, the sediments sampled correspond to depositions of the last 120 years. The high amounts of organic carbon (4.1–27.5%) result in the formation of Fe sulphides, predominantly pyrite, already at the surface sediment layers. Pyrite morphologies include monocrystals, polyframboids, and complex FeS–FeS2 aggregates. According to synchrotron-generated micro X-ray fluorescence and X-ray absorption near-edge structure spectra, authigenically formed, Mn-containing, Fe(III) oxyhydroxides (goethite type) co-exist with pyrite in the sediments studied. Microscopic techniques evidence the formation of galena, sphalerite and CuS, whereas sequential extractions show that carbonates are important hosts for Mn, Cd, and Zn. However, significant percentages of non-lattice held elements are bound to Fe/Mn oxyhydroxides that resist reductive dissolution (on average 60% of Pb, 46% of Cd, 43% of Zn and 9% of Cu). The partitioning pattern changes drastically in the deeper part of the core that is influenced by freshwater inputs. In these sediments, the post-depositional pyritization mechanism, illustrated by overgrowths of Fe monosulphides on pre-existing pyrite grains, results in relatively high degree of pyritization that reaches 49% for Cd, 66% for Cu, 32% for Zn and 7% for Pb.  相似文献   

矿山开采活动对生态环境破坏巨大,随着近些年生态环境保护力度的加大,陆续关停了部分矿山并进行生态修复。使用无人机获取广州市内某矿山的航测数据,经处理后生成正射影像图、数字表面模型及三维模型,这三类成果互补展现精细全面的矿山环境,包含丰富的矿山地理信息和真实地物纹理,最后进行坡度、坡向处理分类,为矿山修复工程设计、工程挖填方估算、复绿物种选择和修复方式等提供基础资料。研究结果表明,采用航测技术可快速有效地获取矿山生态修复的基础性数据,提供生态修复规划的参考依据,也可运用于山体滑坡、崩塌、泥石流等相关地质灾害的防治与监测工作。  相似文献   

以地域分异特征、主导生态功能、典型生态问题为基础依据,探讨江西省国土空间生态修复分区,为江西省编制和实施生态修复规划、实现国土空间管控提供科技支撑。在研究方法上,以“生命共同体理论”“三生协调理论”“适宜性管理”等理论为指导,基于主体功能区划和生态功能区划,综合“三生”空间实际生态问题及综合整治需求,采用多因素综合空间分析法,“自上而下”和“自下而上”相结合,实现国土空间生态修复三级分区。研究结果表明,可将江西省国土空间生态修复区域划为赣北平原湖泊生态修复区、赣中丘陵盆地生态修复区、赣西山地丘陵生态修复区、赣南山地丘陵生态修复区、赣东丘陵山地生态修复区5个大区及24个亚区和42个修复小区。通过江西省国土空间生态修复三级分区,摸清国土空间地域特征,明确生态主导功能,确定生态修复重点区域,承上启下,为实施生态修复工程和国土空间管治提供决策依据,为实现国土空间整体保护、系统修复、综合治理提供科技途径。  相似文献   

This paper examines the coastal regional trends in urbanization processes using remotely sensed images around the Kucukcekmece Lagoon as a case study, located in the western part of Istanbul, Turkey. Throughout the examination process, the coastline changes are determined for a long-term period. To achieve this goal, post-classification comparison method is applied to the CORONA and LANDSAT TM satellite images of 1963, 1987 and 2005. In order to identify the land use changes, common landscape structures in the region were distinguished as water, green and open land, urban and industrial areas. Due to the mix up of land-cover types between urban and industrial areas, the classified images are integrated with geographic information system data obtained from visual interpretation of the enhanced images and auxiliary data sets. The results of the change analyses in coastal region showed that important alterations are taking place in the area due to the unplanned urban and industrial expansions that has irreversibly changed the physical features of the Kucukcekmece Lagoon. According to image classification results, the urban land use area increased from 2 % oftotal area in 1963 to 38 % in 1987 and 46 % in 2005, most of which converted from agricultural and greenlands. At the same time, the ecological impact of the loss of specific land covers is highlighted based on the results of the land use changes and the previous scientific applications. Furthermore, some recommendations are given to planners, decision makers and politicians to maintain the sustainable coastal ecosystem management.  相似文献   

河岸带潜流层动态过程与生态修复   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
河岸带潜流层是河岸带内地表水与地下水相互作用的生态交错带,在水文地理学、生态学、环境学上含义不尽相同。河岸带潜流层具有复杂的垂向、横向、纵向结构特征,其边缘效应显著,表现为泥沙、水流、生物、环境化学因子之间的复杂动态过程,主要包括水动力动态过程、生态学过程、溶质循环与化学过程等。水动力动态过程是驱动条件,氧气浓度是生态过程、溶质循环和化学过程的决定性因素。在各动态过程的驱动下,河岸带潜流层具有调蓄洪水、削减污染、净化缓冲环境和提供适宜栖息地等功能。针对河岸带潜流层功能退化的问题,需开展健康诊断,明确致病机理,实施适宜的生态修复。未来中国在开展河岸带潜流层研究时,应根据中国河岸带特点,采用示踪试验、数值模拟等方法,集成GIS等现代技术手段,研究多尺度下,水文条件、地形变化、土壤渗透系数、河岸带建设方式、植被分布等对河岸带潜流层水文、热传导、生化、生态等的影响机制,准确界定河岸带潜流层区域范围,制定适宜的生态修复策略。  相似文献   

美国流域保护修复的研究与实践开始较早,并在密西西比河的修复与治理上取得了良好成效,对我国流域生态保护修复工作具有一定借鉴意义。介绍了密西西比河的管理模式,并对美国在密西西比河开展的具有代表性的长期生态监测及修复管理工作进行了总结,总结了对我国流域生态保护修复工作的7点启示: ①建立和完善流域生态系统监测与评价指标体系; ②建立流域综合监测网络,进行全流域持续监测; ③建设流域生态信息平台,加强数据共享; ④以流域为单元开展生态状况调查和评估; ⑤建立和完善监测、评估、规划、实施循环体系; ⑥提升对流域生态系统的科学认知; ⑦加强流域协调治理,创新我国流域生态保护修复管理体系。旨在为我国广泛开展流域保护修复工作提供一个覆盖河源头至河口的流域监测与修复管理案例。  相似文献   

生态敏感区、脆弱区、贫困区、地质灾害频发区往往呈现区域空间叠加分布的特点。以贵州某乡村生态修复规划为例,在构建对象要素的定量化、差异化评价标准体系基础上,开展乡村空间本底评价,全面发掘人文、工矿遗存、地质灾害等资源属性,结合当地特色植入生态产业,通过植物种植匹配环境色彩满足人们对美丽乡村的感官需求。基于自然恢复过程规律,以最经济的方式修复区域生态系统功能,推进美丽乡村建设,满足当地脱贫致富的愿景。所开展的"重自然、聚人文、兴产业、少干预"的可持续、近自然的生态规划设计解析,对中国乡村走出一条生态路、旅游路、产业路、经济路具有借鉴意义,同时,为新时期地质调查工作转型提供新的思路。  相似文献   

祁连山生态保护与修复的现状问题与建议   总被引:14,自引:5,他引:14  
祁连山生态保护与治理一直是国家、地方政府和当地居民高度关注的重点,如何确保该区域水源安全、生态稳定理所当然成为当前工作的重中之重。通过对目前祁连山生态环境现状及保护与修复状况的深入分析,指出了祁连山生态环境保护与修复中存在的问题和面临的挑战,从强化管理体制机制创新、建立综合生态监测系统、开展生态红线划定研究、加快完善生态补偿机制、加强生态修复技术应用示范等方面,为甘肃省推进祁连山生态保护与修复提出了对策建议。  相似文献   

A simplified regression model is here calibrated on the basis of rainfall data records of Sicily (southern Italy), in order to show the model reliability in assessing the R-factor of the Universal Soil Loss Equation and its revised version (RUSLE) and to provide an estimate of long-term rainfall erosivity at medium-regional scale. The proposed model is a rearrangement of a former simplified model, formulated for the Italian environment, grouping three easily available rainfall variables on various time scales, which has been shown to be more successful than others in reproducing the rainfall erosive power over different locations of Italy. A geostatistical interpolation procedure is then applied for generating the regional long-term erosivity map with associated standard error. Areas with severe erosive rainfalls (from 2,000 up to more than 6,000 MJ mm ha−1 h−1) are pointed out which will correspond to areas suffering from severe soil erosion. Solving the problem of calculating the R-factor value in the RUSLE equation by means of such a simplified model here formulated will allow to predict the related soil loss. Moreover, given the availability of long time-series of concerned rainfall data, it will be possible to analyse the variability of rainfall erosivity within the last 50 years, and to investigate the application of RUSLE or similar soil erosion models with forecasting purposes of soil erosion risk.  相似文献   

Iranian strong motion records as well as detailed conditions of their instrument sites and the characteristics of their causative seismic sources are compiled and processed. The dataset consists of 2286 three-component records from 461 Iranian earthquakes with at least two high-quality records having moment magnitude from 3.9 to 7.3. These records are about 20% of the Iranian database and are suitable for seismic hazard analysis and engineering applications. Perhaps for the first time in the literature, the distance to the surface projection of the fault is reported for a great number of records corresponding to earthquakes with M > 6.0. The raw accelerations are processed using the wavelet de-noising method. Having corrected and filtered these raw data, the pseudospectral accelerations are calculated for each of the three components of time series, separately. In addition to the ground motion parameters, a large and comprehensive list of metadata characterizing the recording conditions of each record is also developed. Moreover, careful revision of the characteristics of the earthquakes such as location, magnitude, style of faulting and fault rupture plane geometry, if available, is carried out using the best available information in a scientifically sound manner. Finally, we also focus on special ground motion records including records with peak ground acceleration (PGA) >300 cm/s2 and distances less than 30 km. These are “exceptional” records in the Iranian dataset and include less than 2% of the selected dataset.  相似文献   

刘亚柳  金照光 《吉林地质》2010,29(2):127-129,136
七里海潟湖湿地位于河北昌黎黄金海岸国家级自然保护区内,是国内外仅存的现代潟湖之一,在沿海湿地类型中具有较强的典型性和代表性,具有重要的生态功益和保护价值。但是在其演变过程中,由于受到自然环境条件和人类违背自然规律活动的影响,七里海出现了严重的退化现象。如何恢复治理和保护七里海资源是一个亟待解决的问题。本文根据七里海退化状况,系统分析了退化原因,并提出有针对性的修复对策。  相似文献   

为掌握黄石市城市边缘区农用土壤环境质量现状,在高密度表、深层土壤采样的基础上,重点分析了土壤重金属元素的分布规律和特征,对其进行了生态环境风险评价,并对重金属元素成因进行了溯源分析。结果表明:研究区土壤中的重金属元素As、Pb、Hg、Cd、Zn、Ni、Cu和Cr含量范围分别为(5.2~155.9)×10-6 、(19.2~426.1)×10-6 、(0.012~1.823)×10-6 、(0.03~4.59)×10-6 、(34.8~529.6)×10-6 、(8.5~86.2)×10-6 、(16.52~104.39)×10-6 和(51.2~145.5)×10-6,平均含量均超过区域土壤环境背景值,且Cd超过农用地土壤风险筛选值。重金属污染物主要集中在表层40 cm以上土壤中,土地类型中以水田和旱地污染为主,污染物中以Cd、As和Pb为主要特征。水田中As、Pb、Cu和Zn为轻度污染,Cd和Hg为中度污染,而Cr和Ni无污染;旱地和林地中As、Pb和Hg为轻度污染,Cd为中度污染,而Cr、Cu、Ni和Zn无污染。多元统计分析表明,研究区土壤中Cr和Ni为自然源成因,与成土母质相关;Cd和Pb、As和Hg主要为人为源污染,与黄石市高强度工矿业生产和硫化物矿物酸化释放有关;而Cu和Zn为混合源成因,部分来源于土壤环境背景,部分来源于人类活动和工业生产排放。  相似文献   

This paper presents the environmental impacts caused by surface mining and the ecological rehabilitation of Haikou phosphate deposits, Kunming, China. Surface mining entails the removal of the overburden to expose bare rock surfaces, not only causing destruction of pre-existing vegetation, but also occupying large areas of land for dumping the spoil. Severe environmental impacts are caused, e.g. rock desertification, poor forest stand structure, loss of biodiversity, aesthetic depreciation of the landscape, and the potential hazard of landslide and ground erosion. Ecological restoration has been conducted in a demonstration area since 1989 by means of control of geological hazards and revegetation of the disturbed areas. On-site dumping of waste rock for restoration of the abandoned mine area was adopted, providing a new mode of mining reclamation with high economic, environmental, and social value. Countermeasures for prevention and control of landslides included cut and fill technology, drainage, safety netting protection, retaining wall construction, and vegetation cover. By recruiting native plant species to the mine site and planting a forest imitating a natural mixed forest, the mine area was successfully revegetated.  相似文献   

矿山生态修复需要资金,历史遗留的矿山生态修复责任由政府承担,政府要投入财政资金用于历史上损毁的失去责任主体的矿山的生态修复治理。正在建设和正在生产矿山的生态修复治理责任主体是矿业权人,矿山企业要投入资金对正在损毁的矿山生态环境进行修复治理,要准备资金用于未来破坏的矿山生态环境的修复治理。除此之外,社会投资者都可以投资矿山生态环境修复治理。单纯履行责任的矿山生态修复治理资金渠道单一,开发式的矿山生态修复治理有利于多元投融资模式的形成。  相似文献   

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