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绿原酸生物活性、资源及其提取纯化   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:11  
绿原酸是一种重要的生物活性物质,是许多植物及中草药的主要有效成分之一.该文对绿原酸的生物活性、资源、提取、纯化及检测进行系统概述.  相似文献   

爱克发--吉华集团是世界著名的影像公司.爱克发开发、研制及提供全线产品的售前、售后及技术支持,是全球最大的影像科技产品供货商.产品包括印艺系统、办公室系统、电影胶片及医疗诊断影像系统等.  相似文献   

我国毛叶山桐子开发利用回顾和展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
毛叶山桐子是野生落叶乔木,油、材兼用树种.果实中的油脂组分属健康营养食用油,是医药、化工和植物油能源原料.果实产量、含油率都较高,其木材是制造家俱和木板房的良材,该树也是绿化环境的优良树种.回顾了我国开发利用毛叶山桐子的历程,展望它的发展,建议在大规模种植的同时加强繁殖、栽培、采摘、储存、油脂提取、油脂精炼及油脂产品深加工及副产品综合利用等科学研究工作.特别是创新有效地去除油脂不良气味工艺是开发利用毛叶山桐子是否成功的关键.  相似文献   

生猪屠宰是我国实行严格市场准入的行业之一.加强生猪屠宰检疫、检验能力建设.执行技术规范是猪肉产品卫生质量安全水平的重要保障性技术措施.笔者参照欧盟相关指令及官方控制措施MHS指导手册;宰前、宰后检验文件.依据我国及商务部、农业部等国家行政主管部门发布的有关法律、法规、标准要求,论述规范实施生猪屠宰检疫、检验技术要求.  相似文献   

染料木黄酮是苷元形式的大豆异黄酮,具有多种生物学活性.动物实验、临床研究及流行病学调查表明,染料木黄酮对白血病、病毒感染、肿瘤等具有防治作用,并具有防辐射及预防骨质疏松的功能.它的抑制细胞免疫和体液免疫以及调节细胞凋亡等作用也日益受到重视.本文简述了染料木黄酮的生物活性及抗白血病、抗病毒感染、抗肿瘤、抗辐射及预防骨质疏松的机理.  相似文献   

今年是SOPHNET十周年。旗下三个品牌RCRB、SOPHNET及uniform experiment的联名产品也特别多。前不久F.C.R.B×honeyee com×F.I.L.的运动夹克及UE×泰八郎谨制眼镜更是同时推出,是潮人们绝对不能错过的东西。而SOPHNET则适时地推出了皮夹克及羽绒背心,而当中皮夹克的swing top款式更是精工之选。  相似文献   

传统膳食的主体--谷物食品 国人的传统饮食习俗以植物性食品为主,其中谷类食品是中国传统膳食的主体.是人体能量的主要来源.也是最经济的能量食物,同时谷物还能提供人体蛋白质和半纤维素.纤维素.无机盐、维生素等聚合物及种皮、胚芽中的油脂及其它功能性成分.如高级醇碳水化合物.蛋白质,膳食纤维及B族维生素等等.  相似文献   

葡萄(Vitis vinifera)是世界上栽培面积最广的果树作物.葡萄果实可制成葡萄酒、葡萄汁和葡萄干等多种大众商品,是一种经济价值极高的作物.葡萄富含矿物质、维生素以及人体所需的氨基酸,其营养价值丰富.葡萄中含有的天然活性物质,如白藜芦醇、齐墩果酸、花色苷及原花青素等具有重要的医疗保健价值.综述了葡萄及葡萄属植物中多种天然活性物质及其生理活性、主要活性物质的提取方法等方面的研究和利用现状.  相似文献   

在卷材的生产加工过程中,要保持生产的品质、效率及可靠性,一套功能完备的张力控制系统是必备的条件.一般张力控制系统主要包括张力控制器、张力检测器、制动器及离合器等.而制动器及离合器作为整个系统中的终端执行机构,其性能的优劣、寿命的长短、安装维护的难易、直接影响着产品的质量及成本.  相似文献   

今年是SOPHNET十周年。旗下三个品牌RCRB、SOPHNET及uniform experiment的联名产品也特别多。前不久F.C.R.B×honeyee com×F.I.L.的运动夹克及UE×泰八郎谨制眼镜更是同时推出,是潮人们绝对不能错过的东西。而SOPHNET则适时地推出了皮夹克及羽绒背心,而当中皮夹克的swing top款式更是精工之选。  相似文献   

Some characteristics of wood cell morphology of three oak species (Quercus conferta, Q. ilex, Q. coccifera) and five Mediterranean shrubs (Arbutus andrachne, A. unedo, Erica arborea, Phillyrea media, Pistacia terebinthus) were investigated at height 30 cm above ground. The mean fiber length of oak species ranged between 1.10 and 1.35 mm and that of Mediterranean shrubs between 0.56 and 0.82 mm. The mean values of vessel dimensions ranged as follows: 0.22–0.31 mm (vessel length) and 0.080–0.087 mm (vessel diameter) for oaks and 0.19–0.40 mm (vessel length) and 0.033–0.043 mm (vessel diameter) for Mediterranean shrubs. The pith to bark variation of fiber length appeared to follow the general patterns of length variation but differences were observed between the species tested with regard to the rate of fiber length increase and to the number of years necessary to reach a typical length. The horizontal variation of vessel length and diameter was not consistent between the species; from pith to bark, vessel length and diameter increased in a few species and decreased or remained more or less unchanged in the others. For each species, a similar horizontal variation pattern of fiber length and, to a lesser extent, of vessel length was observed between the trees. The greatest pith to bark variation of three-ring mean values relative to the first three growth rings occurred in Quercus conferta for fiber and vessel length and in Quercus coccifera and Q. ilex for vessel diameter.  相似文献   

Four forages (alfalfa hay, barley straw, maize silage and beet pulp), four cereal grains (barley, maize, sorghum and wheat) and four shrubs (Calluna vulgaris, Erica australis, Cytisus cantabricus and Genista occidentalis) were incubated using rumen fluids from sheep and red deer, to examine differences in in vitro fermentation rates and ruminal parameters. For the forages and cereal grains, results suggest few differences between species in parameters related to gas production, rates of fermentation, organic matter disappearance and extent of degradation. Deer showed slightly better results for shrubs than sheep did. Disappearance of neutral detergent fibre was generally greater when the rumen fluid was derived from red deer (P < 0.05). On the other hand, ammonia‐N concentration and total volatile fatty acids (VFAs) were higher in sheep (P < 0.05). Molar proportions of the major VFAs showed significant differences (P < 0.05) associated with the species of the inoculum donor and suggest that fermentation pathways might have been more efficient in red deer. The estimated amount of methane was higher in sheep, regardless of the substrate incubated (P < 0.001). The results indicate that although the sheep could be valid as a model to assess the nutritive value of good quality feedstuffs for red deer, it would fail to offer reliable information on non‐conventional, low‐quality feeds such as shrubs. Copyright © 2005 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

食品安全工作是保障健康中国建设的重要技术支撑,其中食品污染和有害因素监测又是食品安全工作中最为重要的技术基础。该项监测在我国开展已超过20年,获得了2 400万条监测数据,在了解我国食品安全现状、掌握污染发展变化趋势、服务风险评估和标准制定/修订等食品安全风险管理,发现风险等方面发挥了巨大的作用。但在新冠疫情暴发后面临的新形势、新要求下,如何更好地对监测工作进行提升,并在国家食品安全风险管理中发挥出更大的作用是本文重点研究的内容,同时给出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

我国具有丰富的非木材纤维资源。竹子、麦(稻)草、芦苇、蔗渣、棉秆、红麻、龙须草、芨芨草、高粱秆等是我国用于造纸的非木材纤维原料。我国早在1000多年前就利用稻草、麦草及竹子等作为手工纸的原料;  相似文献   

China is a major cereal‐producing country and almost one third of the annual cereal yield is maize. The maize plant and kernel are prone to infection by fungal attack and are most likely to be contaminated with mycotoxins under suitable temperature and humidity conditions, during both the growing and storage period. A number of investigations conducted in China have demonstrated that maize had been infected by fungi and contaminated with mycotoxins to varying degrees. Although most of the maize produced in China is used as feed and raw materials for the chemistry industry, a small amount of maize is consumed directly by humans and the hazards of mycotoxin to humans cannot be ignored. The state of mycotoxin contamination of maize in China is analyzed in this review. Due to unfavorable weather and poor storage conditions, the high incidences of mycotoxin contamination of maize are of great concern to the Chinese. It is imperative for the national and local governments to increase investments on building large‐scale modern warehouses and instructing farmers to grow, harvest, and store maize safely. Meanwhile, due to accumulative toxic effects of mycotoxins, quality control should be enforced to guarantee that animal products are safe for human consumption.  相似文献   

急需破茧而出,期待完美化蝶 造纸行业深度分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
朱嘉 《中华纸业》2010,(9):16-28
我国造纸行业正处于高速发展期中,产量及需求均保持较快的增长;但行业目前最大的问题在于原材料自给率不高及控制力较弱。短期内,部分纸种因为新增产能集中释放而导致市场供给压力较大,但从长期来看,行业未来发展空间依然广阔。  相似文献   

杨佳艺  李洪军 《食品科学》2010,31(17):429-432
我国作为兔肉生产和出口大国,兔肉产量和加工产品种类逐年增加。然而我国兔肉加工业起步较晚,从事兔肉加工的企业也大都缺乏规范化管理,造成产品质量良莠不齐,深加工制品少。通过对我国兔肉加工现状的总结分析,提出兔肉加工业的发展需要重视产业基础设施建设,依靠工业化规范生产和科学技术创新,走长期可持续发展道路。  相似文献   

英国对食品安全责任主体法律责任立法的借鉴研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国食品安全事故之所以屡禁不止,一个重要原因就是对食品生产经营者处罚力度过轻甚至对有些行为没有规定相应和相当的处罚。《中华人民共和国食品安全法》从颁布实施4 年多的效果来看,法律中仍存在不少问题。食品安全问题并不是我国独有的社会现象,英国在第一次工业革命时期也经历了食品安全从混乱到有秩的过程,这与其食品安全立法的逐渐完备有着密切关系,值得我国借鉴。本文通过对英国食品安全立法的演变历史研究,探讨了我国相关立法的借鉴之处,并提出3 项立法修订建议,达到强化我国食品安全责任主体法律责任,改善我国食品安全现状的目的。  相似文献   

Frangula rupestris and Frangula alnus are deciduous shrubs distributed in Balkan Peninsula. While the bark of F. alnus is medicinally widely used, little is known about chemical and biological properties of F. rupestris. In the present study, F. rupestris and F. alnus bark were evaluated for their reducing power, DPPH radical scavenging and chelating activity, as well as antioxidant activity in β-carotene-linoleic acid assay. In addition, phenolic content, anthraquinone profile and antimicrobial activity of F. rupestris and F. alnus bark were determined. The most represented anthraquinone derivatives in F. rupestris and F. alnus bark were physcion (0.11 mg/g) and emodin (2.03 mg/g), respectively. Both species demonstrated excellent antioxidant and antimicrobial activities with MIC values equal or lower than 2.5 mg/mL. The presented research indicates that both species may have health benefits as natural antioxidants and antimicrobial agents for use in functional foods or medicine.  相似文献   

<正> 在我国,能够在超市见到的玉米食品少之又少,建国几十年所有出现过的玉米食品总计也不过130种。 但在欧美发达国家可以在超市内买到的玉米食品达1800多种,它带给人们健康、方便的早主食食品和休闲食品。 这首先要解决玉米粉深加工问题,目前国内市场上都是玉米的去皮去胚后的粉碎物,没有解决口感和营养问题。 在国外,通过超微细加工技术的特种玉米粉,其颗粒细度超过市场上常见的小麦粉,可以超过200目,且强度理化  相似文献   

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