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我国幅员辽阔,生物类型多种多样,是世界上拥有鸟类种类最多的国家之一。截至1999年底,已知有鸟类1253种948亚种,隶属于21目83科,其中有多种为我国特有或珍稀濒危的鸟类。近年来由于环境污染、植被破坏及非法捕猎等种种原因,许多鸟类尤其是珍稀鸟类正逐步濒临灭绝。为了加紧保护野生鸟类种群,我们对珍稀鸟类采用了人工饲养、交配等手段以提高繁殖率,并已经在部分鸟类中获得成功。但是,在全世界的鸟类中有50%是单态性鸟。他们的性别不论是在幼鸟还是在成鸟时期,都很难  相似文献   

“物以稀为贵”.珍稀鸟类,大都分布区非常窄小,而且种群数量有限,濒临灭绝.有些鸟,在局部地区数量不少,是该地区的常见种,但就全局来看,其种群数量越来越少,并仅仅分布十分狭小地区;有些鸟分布狭窄,数量亦稀少,这些鸟类都是珍稀濒危种.珍稀濒危鸟类是人类的伙伴,是自然界历史的遗产.任何一种鸟类的消失,对于人类及其后代子孙都是有害无利的,而且,一种鸟一旦绝灭,就再也无法恢复. 世界上许多珍稀濒危鸟类主要分布在我国境内,或者分布仅限于我国.例如:雉科的珍稀种类,全世界共有三十种,我国就有十六种;鹤类共有十五种,我国占有九种. 朱鹮(Nipponia nippon)是举世嘱目的珍稀濒危鸟类.属于鹳形目Ciconiiformes鹮科Threskiornithidae.历史分布很广,最北到东北兴凯湖,最东到福建、台湾,西到甘肃,南到海南岛.但截止到1984年6月所知,日本还有3只,我国野外成活有12只,分布在陕西省洋县姚家沟、三岔河等地.  相似文献   

1982—1987年对本溪地区鸟类进行了调查共发现有鸟类15个目,39科,183种,占辽宁省东部地区210种的87.6%,占辽宁省鸟类392种的46.9%。 本溪地区鸟类的优势种类中,分布较广的有两种鸟:一为大山雀,另一种是普通(币鸟),珍稀鸟类有丹顶鹤,白枕鹤,中华秋沙鸭。我国特产种类有中华秋沙鸭,棕头鸦雀,黑头(币鸟)。  相似文献   

蔡明章 《生物学通报》1997,32(11):20-21
(续1997年第9期第23页)武夷山的珍稀鸟类福建武夷山自然保护区的鸟类已知有195种(包括亚种),约占全省鸟类种数(495)的40%。其中属于国家重点保护的有22种;模式标本产于武夷山的有35种;武夷山特产的(国内其他地方和国外均无分布)有6种。下面介绍几种珍稀鸟类:(1)黄腹角雉国家一级保护动物,我国特产。别名角鸡。隶于鸡形目、雉科、角雉属。黄腹角雉是古尔德(G。Uld)于1857年根据采自福建省武夷山挂墩的标本计名的。全长460~615mm,体形似家鸡,雌雄异色。雄马体重可达Zkg,上体粟红色夹杂黄色卵圆斑,腹部羽毛黄色,头顶…  相似文献   

珍禽一般是指世界范围内的珍稀和濒危鸟类.据统计,全世界共有鸟类9021种,我国产1186种,占世界鸟类的13%以上,其中有不少是属于珍稀濒危种类.例如朱鹮、黑颈鹤、白鹤、丹顶鹤、褐马鸡、藏马鸡、黄腹角雉、绿尾角雉、黑长尾雉、蓝鹇等. 拯救濒危灭绝的鸟类和繁衍珍稀种群的工作已日益受到人们的重视.除了积极开展深入调查,发现新的资源,建立野生鸟类的自然保护区之外,还要在人工饲养条件下进行驯养和繁殖,争取繁殖出一定的数量,再把它们放回到野生的环境中去.本文就有关珍禽的驯养和人工繁殖方面的工作作一概述:  相似文献   

朱鹮人工育雏和雏鸟的生长发育刘斌,史森明,王振荣,李福来(北京动物园100044)朱绍(Nipponianippon)是世界瞩目的濒危、珍稀鸟类。属国际保护鸟类,我国国家一级重点保护动物,日本指定为特别天然纪念物。在日本、朝鲜半岛和前苏联远东沿海南部...  相似文献   

蔡益 《生物学通报》1998,33(3):37-38
环志是了解鸟类迁徙规律最有效的方法,通过环志活动可掌握鸟类迁徙时间、路线、范围及迁徙鸟的性比、种群数量、年龄等方面的情况,环志工作对保护珍稀鸟类,科学地利用鸟类资源,监测环境,降低鸟害等方面都有重要的科研意义。鸟类环志于本世纪20年代初始于丹麦,目前...  相似文献   

海南虎斑[开鸟]隶属于鹳形目鹭科虎斑[开鸟]属,别名水骆驼、夜鹤,是我国特有的珍稀鸟类,只分布于中国南方少数地区。  相似文献   

正2020年第3期文章《四川省鸟类名录的修订与更新》第333页右栏"2四川省珍稀濒危鸟类"中的"四川省有分布记录的鸟类中,共有115种被列为国家重点保护野生动物"应为"116种"。本刊向广大读者致歉!  相似文献   

黑脸琵鹭是一种全球性濒危珍稀鸟类.该物种已被收录于国际自然保护联盟(IUCN)“红皮书”,亚洲鸟类红皮书和中国濒危动物红皮书《鸟类》,等级为“濒危”,并建议列为国家Ⅰ级重点保护动物。  相似文献   

In birds, there are two main models for the determination of sex: the ‘Z Dosage’ model in which the number, or dose, of Z chromosomes determines sex, and the ‘Dominant W’ model which argues that a specific gene in the W chromosome may influence Z gene expression and determine sex. The best evidence for W determination of sex comes from birds with 2 copies of the Z chromosome paired with a single W (e.g. ZZW) which are nonetheless females. Here, we expand the species where such a mechanism may operate by reporting a case of a triploid Neotropical passerine bird with sexually dimorphic plumage, the São Paulo marsh antwren Formicivora paludicola. Evidence from 17 autosomal unlinked microsatellite loci, and CHD1 sex‐linked locus, indicate that this individual is a 3n ZZW triploid with intermediate plumage pattern. This example expands our knowledge of sex determination mechanisms in birds by demonstrating that both the W and the two Z chromosomes affect the expression of morphological secondary sexual traits in a non‐galliform bird.  相似文献   

The ability to rapidly and reliably determine the sex of birds is very important for successful captive‐bird breeding programs, as well as for field research. Visual inspection of adult birds is sufficient for sexually dimorphic species, but nestlings and monomorphic species are difficult, if not impossible, to sex by sight only. A method for rapid extraction of gDNA from blood, shell‐membrane blood vessels, and fully grown feathers, using Chelex, and the PCR conditions for determination of sex‐specific bands in 47 species (39 genera, 21 families, and 10 orders) are described. The PCR primers used amplify a length of DNA spanning an intron in the CHD‐1 gene, which is present on both the W and Z chromosomes. The intron differs in size between the two sex chromosomes, resulting in PCR products that separate into two bands for females and a single band for males in most avian species (except ratites). Because this simple technique uses Chelex, a rapid gDNA isolation protocol, and sets of PCR primers independent of restriction enzyme digestion, birds can be accurately sexed within 5 hr of sample collection. Zoo Biol 22:561–571, 2003. © 2003 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Traditional methods for sex identification are not applicable to sexually monomorphic species, leading to difficulties in the management of their breeding programs. To identify sex in sexually monomorphic birds, molecular methods have been established. Two established primer pairs (2550F/2718R and p8/p2) amplify the CHD1 gene region from both the Z and W chromosomes. Here, we evaluated the use of these primers for sex identification in four sexually monomorphic penguin species: king penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus), rockhopper penguins (Eudyptes chrysocome), gentoo penguins (Pygoscelis papua), and Magellanic penguins (Spheniscus magellanicus). For all species except rockhopper penguins, primer pair 2550F/2718R resulted in two distinct CHD1Z and CHD1W PCR bands, allowing for sex identification. For rockhopper penguins, only primer pair p8/p2 yielded different CHD1Z and CHD1W bands, which were faint and similar in size making them difficult to distinguish. As a result, we designed a new primer pair (PL/PR) that efficiently determined the gender of individuals from all four penguin species. Sequencing of the PCR products confirmed that they were from the CHD1 gene region. Primer pair PL/PR can be evaluated for use in sexing other penguin species, which will be crucial for the management of new penguin breeding programs. Zoo Biol 32:257–261, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The vast majority of extant birds possess highly differentiated Z and W sex chromosomes. Nucleotide sequence data from gametologs (homologs on opposite sex chromosomes) suggest that this divergence occurred throughout early bird evolution via stepwise cessation of recombination between identical sex chromosomal regions. Here, we investigated avian sex chromosome differentiation from a novel perspective, using retroposon insertions and random insertions/deletions for the reconstruction of gametologous gene trees. Our data confirm that the CHD1Z/CHD1W genes differentiated in the ancestor of the neognaths, whereas the NIPBLZ/NIPBLW genes diverged in the neoavian ancestor and independently within Galloanserae. The divergence of the ATP5A1Z/ATP5A1W genes in galloanserans occurred independently in the chicken, the screamer, and the ancestor of duck-related birds. In Neoaves, this gene pair differentiated in each of the six sampled representatives, respectively. Additionally, three of our investigated loci can be utilized as universal, easy-to-use independent tools for molecular sexing of Neoaves or Neognathae.  相似文献   

Molecular sexing of monomorphic endangered Ara birds   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Survival of most endangered birds may depend on breeding programs where sex identification plays an important role. Molecular sexing has shown to be a rapid and safe procedure. In this work we established sex identification of monomorphic endangered Ara birds using a chromosome W-linked DNA marker, the Chromo-helicase-DNA-Binding 1 (CHD) gene. Most birds have two CHD sex-linked genes, one W-linked (CHD-W) and one Z-linked (CHD-Z). These markers were characterized from Ara militaris and gender sex was determined by PCR and restriction analyzes. The procedure here reported was successfully applied to five different species of the genus Ara and confirmed the validity of the technique. To our knowledge, this is the first report of molecular sexing of the Ara species. This molecular sexing is currently been used in breeding programs of Ara birds.  相似文献   

A number of avian species are difficult to sex morphologically, especially as nestlings. Like other avian species, many species of Falconiformes are sexually monomorphic. Therefore, it is desirable that new methods based on DNA analysis are established in Falconiformes and other sexual monomorphic species. We identified sex in Falconiformes by two alternative methods. First, we used a sexing method based on the intronic length variation between CHD1W and CHD1Z using primers flanking the intron. In this method, two species of Falconidae could be identified for sexing. However, six species of Accipitridae could not, because they have few length variations. The second method used was based on differences in sequences between CHD1W and CHD1Z. From sequence analysis, a 3'-terminal mismatch primer on point mutation conserved among Falconiformes was designed, and identification of sex with the amplification refractory mutation system (ARMS) was performed. This method could identify sex in all species tested. In addition, because the 3'-terminal mismatch primer was designed on a point mutation conserved among Falconiformes, ARMS with these primers may identify sex in all Falconiformes. These are simple and rapid sexing methods, since only polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and agarose electrophoresis are required. In conclusion, sex identification by an alternative PCR approach based on intronic length variation and on differences in sequences between CHD1W and CHD1Z proved applicable to and useful for Falconiformes.  相似文献   

Whether the mutation rate differs between sexes has been a matter of discussion for years. Molecular analyses of mammals have indicated that males mutate more often than females, as manifested by the faster rate of neutral sequence evolution on the Y chromosome than on the X chromosome. However, these observations can as well be interpreted as specific reduction of the X chromosome mutation rate, which would be adaptive because of reducing the number of slightly deleterious recessive mutations exposed in hemizygote males. Recently, data from birds have suggested that vertebrate mutation rates may indeed be male-biased. In birds, females are the heterogametic sex (ZW), and analyses of the Z-linked CHD1Z gene have shown that it evolves faster than its W-linked and thus female-specific homologue, CHD1W. We have now studied the second avian gene known to exist in a copy on the nonrecombining regions of both the Z and the W chromosome, viz., the ATP synthase α-subunit (ATP5A1). In independent comparisons of three pairs of bird species from divergent lineages, intron sequences of the Z-linked copy (ATP5A1Z) were consistently found to evolve faster than the W-linked copy (ATP5A1W). From these data we calculated male-to-female mutation rate ratios (α) of 1.8, 2.3, and 5.0 in Galliform, Anseriform, and Ciconiiform lineages, respectively. Therefore, this study provides independent support for a male-biased mutation rate in birds. Received: 15 July 1999 / Accepted: 5 January 2000  相似文献   

Unlike mammals, birds have a ZZ male/ZW female sex-determining system. In most birds, the Z is large and gene rich, whereas the W is small and heterochromatic, but the ancient group of ratite birds are characterized by sex chromosomes that are virtually homomorphic. Any gene differentially present on the ratite Z and W is therefore a strong candidate for a sex-determining role. We have cloned part of the candidate bird sex-determining gene DMRT1 from the emu, a ratite bird, and have shown that it is expressed during the stages of development corresponding to gonadal differentiation in the chicken. The gene maps to the distal region of the Z short arm and is absent from the large W chromosome. Because most sequences on the emu W chromosome are shared with the Z, the Z-specific location constitutes strong evidence that differential dosage of DMRT1 is involved in sex determination in all birds. The sequence of emu DMRT1 has 88% homology with chicken DMRT1 and 65% with human DMRT1. Unexpectedly, an unexpressed 270-bp region in intron 3 of emu DMRT1 showed 90% homology with a sequence in the corresponding intron of human DMRT1. This extraordinarily high conservation across 300 million years of evolution suggests an important function, perhaps involved in control of DMRT1 expression and vertebrate sex determination.  相似文献   

7种鹤形目鸟类性别的分子鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生境破碎化和非法狩猎已经使很多鸟类陷入了濒危境地,笼养繁殖进行迁地保护及再引入的保护措施已经具有举足轻重的作用,鸟类性别鉴定对于有效的繁殖至关重要。然而对珍稀濒危鸟类进行安全、方便和准确的性别鉴定一直是个难题。本文运用CHD基因的一对引物2550F/2718R,对7种鹤形目鸟类:大鸨(Otis tarda)、丹顶鹤(Grus japonensis)、蓑羽鹤(Anthropoides virgo)、灰鹤(G.grus)、白鹤(G.leucogeranus)、白头鹤(G.monacha)和灰冠鹤(Balearica regulorum)共48只鸟,进行了有效的性别鉴定。研究结果不但对7种鹤形目鸟类的笼养繁殖和个体交换起到了指导作用,而且为今后的再引入提供了有利条件。本研究的性别分子鉴定方法适用于7种鹤形目鸟类,具有安全、方便、准确等特点,并且可以推广使用。  相似文献   

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