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从产业发展、数据科学的学科特征、大数据专业与其他相关专业的不同等3个方面,阐述增设大数据本科专业的合理性和必要性;以对外经济贸易大学专业建设为例,指出大数据专业人才应该能够围绕互联网平台上经济金融数据的商业价值进行挖掘并揭示数据间关系。  相似文献   

随着信息技术的发展,以资源库建设为依托的信息化教学方式成为高校教学的发展方向。本文充分调查并分析出了当前大数据专业培养的具体实际应用需要,通过大量地对各个行业、企业所在地及部分办学发展水平普遍较高区域的各类应用型高校开展的广泛调研,从行业背景、区域背景、企业人才需求中分析与总结归纳现阶段大数据类专业实际人才培养工作的三个重点方向,从而进一步为本专业教学课程目标设置,以及相关专业课程教学的资源库平台建设方面提供科学指导。最后以《Hadoop分布式基础架构》为例,进行大数据专业资源库建设实践。介绍资源库建设的目标、资源库建设的计划及教学资源结构,最终形成以工程项目整合教学资源,改进教学形式,多维度的教学质量评价体系的资源库建设特色。  相似文献   

环境设计专业技术科学类课程涉及建筑学、艺术学、环境学等学科的内容。实际教学表明:安排不当的不同学科间的交叉内容及相同知识点在不同课程中的多次重复、教学实践不足等,影响了环境设计专业教学和人才培养质量。针对此现状,文章总结了环境设计专业技术科学类课程教学实践过程中出现的问题,并提出了应对的策略,以提高本专业的教学质量。  相似文献   

针对目前我国大数据技术的快速发展,紧跟时代步伐,适时调整职业教育规划以适应新时代产业的发展。通过深入走访粤港澳大湾区大数据企业、环保企业和高等职业院校,研究梳理面向环保大数据的人才需求、工作任务、工作岗位和知识技能,并构建与之相适应的课程体系,为我院申报环保特色的大数据应用与技术专业及制定相关的人才培养方案提供参考和建议。  相似文献   

大数据相关专业的人才培养正在广泛受到国内外高校的重视。针对不同的专业发展方向和学科定位,需探索适合大数据类专业建设的模式和配套的课程体系。以大数据管理与应用专业为切入点,重点分析了该专业的发展定位与人才培养目标。基于成果导向的教育模式,以围绕项目的学习实践,注重数据全生命周期管理的能力培养,构建大数据管理与应用专业的培养模式并优化设置该专业的课程体系。相关研究工作可为高校大数据管理与应用专业建设提供基本思路和借鉴参考。  相似文献   

随着我国信息技术的不断发展,大数据技术在各个行业中得到了较好的应用,对于提升行业竞争力具有重要作用。高校作为我国人才培养的最高学府,担任着重要的人才培养任务。在高校学科教学中应用智能算法的交互式教学策略,能够为学生专业核心素养的提升提供支撑,也能为培养智能化、信息化思维人才奠定基础。基于此,本文从大数据的角度出发,以高职院校工科专业学科为基础,探讨在工科专业人才培养中智能算法的交互式教学策略,以帮助工科专业学生能够高效应用智能算法,更好地解决各类实际数据问题。  相似文献   

信息技术课堂分层教学的实践与思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新课程背景下的教学理念是“以学生发展为本”,在以机房环境为主的信息科技学科教学过程中如何关注每一位学生的有效学习,使他们的信息素养得到充份的发展对教师提出了相当高的要求。在教学各环节实施分层教学能体现教师对每一位学生的关爱,也能切实提高教学有效性。该文从关注每一位孩子的成长角度,简述了分层教学在初中信息科技学科教学中的实施策略及相关思考。  相似文献   

结合大数据应用的时代背景,高校教学科研的重心也随之发生变化。机器学习课程作为数据科学与大数据技术专业的专业核心课,依托于现阶段计算机技术的更新迭代,涉及多学科的交叉学科课程,兼顾理论与实践应用。正因为学科的复杂性和时效性,本科生学习该课程面临较大难度和挑战,基于这一现状,教师更应从理论出发,不断探索大数据环境下机器学习课程教学的新模式。  相似文献   

"计算机应用基础"是大学生入学后的第一门计算机课程,对于提高信息时代大学生的计算机应用能力具有十分重要的启蒙和奠基作用.财经类专业的计算机基础教育有其自身的特点,与计算机专业及其他专业相比,在培养目标、学生基础、专业性质和学时数量等方面都有较大的差别,因此,计算机基础教学的教材要结合本专业特色,凸现学科特点,努力打造精品力作,为计算机基础教育做出创造性的贡献.  相似文献   

本文以“人工智能”大单元教学为例,基于学科大概念的整体性重构信息科技教学内容,将碎片化知识进行系统化整合,并从大单元教学的视角出发,通过设计大单元教学情境、明确大单元教学目标、组织大单元教学活动、实施大单元教学评价等过程,将教师的教和学生的学进行有效结合,以实际生活的真实情境,激发学生的学习兴趣,引导学生进行深入思考,培养学生信息科技学科核心素养。  相似文献   

智能科学技术课程教学纵横谈   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
对智能科学技术课程及其教学问题进行比较全面的探讨:首先回顾智能科学技术,特别是人工智能等课程发展过程中一些鲜为人知的历史;接着讨论智能科学技术课程群在人才培养和学科建设中的作用,涉及培养新型人才、发展信息科学和认知学科、服务国民经济建设和社会发展等需要;然后分析智能科学技术课程教学的现状,包括广义智能科学技术课程群和试办智能科学与技术专业课程群的基本情况;最后就智能科学技术课程群建设问题提出笔者的观点。  相似文献   

New technology and the search for competitive advantage form the new logic transforming systems planning and information technology management. Traditional planning approaches have been undermined, and business planners are discovering that they must reformulate their discipline to realize the competitive potential of the information age.  相似文献   

Fighting terrorists involves taking action against a highly adaptive and cunning adversary. In this competitive situation, however, those involved may have dissimilar objectives. Given this difference of purpose, selecting an optimal strategy to achieve one's objectives can be a complex task. Techniques from decision theory, and specifically value focused thinking (VFT), are proven approaches for developing creative strategies to yield better decisions. However, these methods are focused on one decision maker choosing an optimal decision without reference to the affect the decision has on other decision makers and without reference to the affect the decisions of others have on them. On-the-other-hand, techniques especially suited for analyzing competitive situations, such as game theory, assume strategies exist without guidance on how to develop the strategies. This paper presents a methodology to bridge this gap by providing a means to develop strategies in competitive situations where the objectives of those involved are not necessarily the same.  相似文献   

“机器智能”课程建设初探   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
"智能科学与技术"本科专业是一个在2004年以后才在国内出现的新专业,应该怎样办?大家都在摸索中。其中,"机器智能"已被2008年全国智能科学技术教育学术研讨会确立为智能科学与技术本科专业的第一批三门核心课程之一。针对其课程建设问题,本文提出了"机器智能"课程的初步建设构想。首先调研、分析了国内外相关课程的建设情况,在此基础上提出了本课程的命名、定位和建设目标,介绍了本课程教学的基本要求,接着详细说明了本课程的教学内容及学时分配,并结合北京邮电大学智能科学与技术本科专业实例阐述了在实际教学中的教学重点和难点,最后给出了关于教材选择和编写的建议。  相似文献   

A View of Software Development Environments Based on Activity Theory   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We view software development as a collaborative activity that is typically supported by a software development environment. Since these environments can significantly influence the collaborative nature of a software development project, it is important to analyze and evaluate their capabilities with respect to collaboration. In this paper, we present an analysis and evaluation of the collaborative capabilities of software development environments using an activity theory perspective.The discipline of software engineering (SE) emerged to study and develop artifacts to mediate the collective development of large software systems. While many advances have been made in the past three decades of SE's existence, the historical origins of the discipline are present in that techniques and tools to support the collaborative aspects of large-scale software development are still lacking. One factor is a common ``production-oriented' philosophy that emphasizes the mechanistic and individualistic aspects of software development over the collaborative aspects thereby ignoring the rich set of human-human interactions that are possible over the course of a software development project.We believe that the issues and ideas surrounding activity theory may be useful in improving support for collaboration in software engineering techniques and tools. As such, we make use of the activity theory to analyze and evaluate process-centered software development environments (PCSDEs).  相似文献   

Organizations have predominantly utilized reuse in Engineering Departments for the purposes of reducing the cost and improving the quality of the software they develop. While these strategies have been successful, we believe that the full potential of reuse can only be tapped when reuse is brought to the Executive Boardroom as well. We propose that organizations tap reuse not only for cutting costs, but also for strategic and wide-;ranging business initiatives such as entering new markets, increasing agility in response to a dynamic marketplace, and competitive positioning and advantage. In order to do so effectively, organizations must harness the potential of reuse by migrating reuse into the company's business and product-;line planning processes. We present a framework for analyzing and changing reuse business practices. Such practices include cost-;reduction reuse, when the organization utilizes reuse for cost savings purposes; reuse-;enabled business, when the organization uses reuse to create new business opportunities; and strategy-;driven reuse, when the organization incorporates reuse in the formulation of its business and product-;line strategy for the purposes of obtaining competitive positioning and advantage. To determine whether or not reuse is the proper software development strategy to pursue, we utilize concepts in competitive software engineering, an integrated approach to software development that is attuned to the competitive demands of the marketplace. First, a framework is established by identifying and analyzing the organization's goals, strengths, and limitations, its market and its competitive environment. Based on these analyses, possible business or product strategies are formulated and one or more are chosen that help achieve the organization's goals. Finally, a development strategy is chosen. Following this choice, each step of the decision cycle should be re-;evaluated to ensure that it is consistent with the chosen development strategy.  相似文献   

Teaching disciplined software development   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Discipline is an essential prerequisite for the development of large and complex software-intensive systems. However, discipline is also important on the level of individual development activities. A major challenge for teaching disciplined software development is to enable students to experience the benefits of discipline and to overcome the gap between real professional scenarios and scenarios used in software engineering university courses. Students often do not have the chance to internalize what disciplined software development means at both the individual and collaborative level. Therefore, students often feel overwhelmed by the complexity of disciplined development and later on tend to avoid applying the underlying principles. The Personal Software Process (PSP) and the Team Software Process (TSP) are tools designed to help software engineers control, manage, and improve the way they work at both the individual and collaborative level. Both tools have been considered effective means for introducing discipline into the conscience of professional developers. In this paper, we address the meaning of disciplined software development, its benefits, and the challenges of teaching it. We present a quantitative study that demonstrates the benefits of disciplined software development on the individual level and provides further experience and recommendations with PSP and TSP as teaching tools.  相似文献   

S. al-Binali 《Algorithmica》1999,25(1):99-115
Competitive analysis is concerned with minimizing a relative measure of performance. When applied to financial trading strategies, competitive analysis leads to the development of strategies with minimum relative performance risk. This approach is too inflexible. Many investors are interested in managing their risk: they may be willing to increase their risk for some form of reward. They may also have some forecast of the future. In this paper we extend competitive analysis to provide a framework in which investors can develop optimal trading strategies based on their risk tolerance and forecast. We first define notions of risk and reward that are natural extensions of classical competitive analysis and then illustrate our ideas using the ski-rental problem. Finally, we analyze a financial game using the risk—reward framework, and, in particular, derive an optimal risk-tolerant algorithm. Received October 8, 1997; revised March 9, 1998.  相似文献   

数字信息技术的高速发展促使了新媒体艺术的诞生与蓬勃发展。国内各大高校也纷纷于2000年后开设与此有关的专业,主要从数字产品、网络媒体、视频影像等教学内容入手,引导学生创作利用各种数字、信息技术制作新形式的艺术与设计作品。目前,我国的新媒体艺术学科建设仍处于起步阶段,在专业特色发展和课程设置上都存在着一些问题,需要从理论和实践中去进一步地研究与完善。  相似文献   

In the current competitive business world, viable companies are those that have flexible strategies and long-term plans, by which they can appropriately respond to a dynamic environment. These strategies are used to find the optimum allocation of company income to the main sources of development, for the expansion of company activities and for service expansions.  相似文献   

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