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身体自我(physical self)是指个人对自己身体的认知评价,诸如对身体外表的知觉、身体想象、身体完美感知觉等等。大学生对自己身体状况满意程度与社会支持水平和大学生的心理健康成长有比较大的相关,本文希望通过对大学生身体自我满意度与社会支持的探讨,了解大学生心理健康成长的相关因素,以进一步应用于教学实践。  相似文献   

随着商业文化、大众传媒的迅猛发展,一直隐匿于私人领域深处的身体,开始了几乎无需遮掩的向公共话语空间展示的过程,成为当代审美文化场景中最为突出的主题意象之一。这一风潮成功地穿越了大学的围墙,影响了当代大学生的身体审美,形成了他们特定的趋向和特点。深入地分析当代大学生身体审美的生成背景、发展趋向和特点,从思想和实践层面对大学生加强引导,不断地提升大学生对时尚文化甄别能力和欣赏品位,这是当前高校大学生文化建设的当务之急。  相似文献   

劳动教育作为全面发展教育的重要组成部分,对学生的身心发展起着至关重要的作用。法国现象学家梅洛·庞蒂在胡塞尔的意识现象学的基础上提出身体现象学,将传统的意识体验为主的现象学思想转变为以身体的知觉体验为主的身体现象学思想,提倡具身的教育,教育与教学强调身心统一。劳动教育的基本内涵与梅洛·庞蒂身体现象学的思想内核不谋而合。从身体现象学视角思考劳动教育,有助于为劳动教育的开展提供新的理论视角。  相似文献   

运用文献资料等方法,探讨健身走结合体操锻炼对大学生身体形态的影响,为大学生追求身体美提供重要的理论和实践路径。结果表明:身体形态是当代大学生追求美的外部表现特征,但通过非体育锻炼的形式来达到理想的身体形态导致了严重异化现象,健身走结合体操从生理、解剖视角能够阻止身体形态异化现象的发生,但是,目前针对该研究领域尚未涉及。  相似文献   

李盼 《现代妇女》2014,(12):I0097-I0097
为了了解体育院校大学生择偶偏好特点,及其与父母婚姻质量之间的关系。采用《80、90后择偶偏好的问卷》和《儿童知觉父母婚姻冲突问卷》对400名某体育院校在校大学生进行了测试。父母婚姻质量影响子女的择偶偏好。  相似文献   

文人园林的审美是古典园林研究的重要问题。在传统文化的熏陶下,我们强调对文人园林的诗性感悟和外形模仿,缺乏对园林审美本质的追问。本文运用格式塔心理学整体论和同型论的观点,从园林主题、造园手法和园林题咏方面分析文人园林网师园的审美特点,认为园的主题的确立与消隐是审美心物场逐渐转变的外在表现;造园手法是知觉组织原则的综合应用;园林题咏唤起了"心"与"物"的同型,营造了丰富的景观意象,促使着审美经验的完形。研究认为,格式塔心理学原理有助于理解文人园林意境的生成,但在分析个人和群体的审美知觉差异方面较为不足。  相似文献   

尹伊 《现代交际》2015,(3):133+132
本文通过体育运动在大学生的身体、心理健康方面的影响,从运动系统、心肺功能、神经系统、智力因素以及非智力因素等分析研究,探索体育锻炼对大学生的重要性,为大学生参加体育锻炼提供一定的理论支撑。  相似文献   

马克思主义是大学校园中的重要课程之一,它对于大学生的健康成长具有重要的作用和影响,因此,本文将就马克思主义对当代大学生的影响和对当代大学生提出的要求进行阐述,以其能够提高当代大学生对于马克思主义的重视,有助于当代大学生更好的实现人生价值。  相似文献   

宿舍作为大学生群体生活的一种特殊形式,其群体心理必然会对大学生心理健康产生很大的影响。了解大学生宿舍群体的特点、功能和心理状况,有利于高校有效地开展教育管理工作,有助于大学生身心健康发展。  相似文献   

就业是每个大学生面临的重大抉择。据最新调查资料统计表明,就业问题始终是大学生最关心和最忧心的问题。“前途意识”实际上主宰着大学生学习和生活的全过程。大学生作为一群高智商、高文化、高自我价值的群体,其理想与追求有明确的目的性,面临着更多的机遇与挑战,因而也往往面临着更大的心理压力与冲突。从当代大学生就业反映的心理问题来看,其根源在于理想与现实、希望与失望、目标与挫折发生冲突而导致的巨大心理落差。这种落差使大学生处于一种心理失衡状态,常常伴有自卑、自负和自我否定等特征。如不及时加以调适和指导,极有可能诱发诸多心理疾病。  相似文献   


Objective: To examine associations between two body image constructs (body appreciation and body satisfaction) and five health behaviors (diet, physical activity, weight management, tobacco exposure, and alcohol intake) associated with risk for chronic disease, controlling for self-esteem. Participants: Three hundred and forty-four college students enrolled at a large, public university in the southeastern US. Methods: Students completed an online survey composed of measures of body appreciation, body satisfaction, self-esteem, and frequency of engagement in preventive health behaviors. Hierarchical linear regression models were used to assess relationships between constructs. Results: Body appreciation, but not body satisfaction or self-esteem, significantly and positively predicted engagement in diet-, physical activity-, and weight-related health behaviors. No associations were found for substance use outcomes. Conclusions: Results illuminate health risks among college students and provide additional evidence to support the development of holistic preventive interventions that simultaneously address aspects of mental and physical health among college students.  相似文献   


Proponents of social norms approaches maintain that correcting misperceptions of alcohol use among college students may reduce drinking and its consequences. The author used aggregate campus-level data from the Nationwide Campuses Study to test this hypothesis. He defined the misperceptions ratio as the ratio of the frequency of the “average student's” perceived alcohol use to the frequency of self-use at each campus. Each of the 57 colleges reported misperceptions ratios greater than unity. At campuses where students had more accurate perceptions of alcohol use, students were more likely to desire alcohol availability at campus events and to drink on more days throughout the year than at campuses where students had greater misperceptions of alcohol use. The author found no data to support the preferential use of social norms programming on campuses with high levels of self-reported alcohol use or binge drinking. These findings raise questions about potentially unexpected and unintended effects of social norms approaches.  相似文献   

Proponents of social norms approaches maintain that correcting misperceptions of alcohol use among college students may reduce drinking and its consequences. The author used aggregate campus-level data from the Nationwide Campuses Study to test this hypothesis. He defined the misperceptions ratio as the ratio of the frequency of the "average student's" perceived alcohol use to the frequency of self-use at each campus. Each of the 57 colleges reported misperceptions ratios greater than unity. At campuses where students had more accurate perceptions of alcohol use, students were more likely to desire alcohol availability at campus events and to drink on more days throughout the year than at campuses where students had greater misperceptions of alcohol use. The author found no data to support the preferential use of social norms programming on campuses with high levels of self-reported alcohol use or binge drinking. These findings raise questions about potentially unexpected and unintended effects of social norms approaches.  相似文献   

黄燕萍  杨兴 《职业时空》2013,(6):132-134
大学生课余生活是学校生活的主要组成部分,研究大学生学校生活质量和大学生课余生活满意度,有利于掌握大学生的学校生活质量现状,进一步提高大学生课余生活满意度,从而促进大学生的身心健康发展。  相似文献   

Downward Spiral is a board game developed by the authors to illustrate the dangers of continued substance abuse. Previous work has found that college students and probationers find the game interesting, enjoyable, useful, and realistic [1]. In the current study, college students either played Downward Spiral, watched educational videos on substance abuse, or completed a set of questionnaires unrelated to alcohol and drug abuse. Those students who either played the game or watched the videos rated both as beneficial. However, students who watched videos had somewhat higher levels of consumer satisfaction. Students who played the game rated it as smoother, and they felt more positive following the session than students who watched videos. Both videos and the game increased students' intentions to limit alcohol consumption compared to students who served as controls. Individuals in the game group also indicated significantly greater intentions to change their alcohol behavior than those in the other groups.  相似文献   

Lesbians are underrepresented in women's health research. Research exploring lesbians in rural environments is virtually nonexistent. The current study adds to the knowledge base of lesbian health and explores the perceptions of body image, fitness, and health for both lesbians and heterosexual women in rural communities. Findings from exploratory analyses indicated that both groups of women are significantly overweight. However, lesbians exercised more times per week than heterosexual women. Results demonstrated that lesbians with college educations had more positive body image and fitness self-perceptions, whereas heterosexual women with college educations had less positive body image and fitness self-perceptions. Findings have implications for direct practice with lesbians in physical and mental health service settings.  相似文献   

To work as an educator in Italy has required a specific university degree for only a few years now. This change has institutionalized the educational path regarding some factual knowledge and skills. However, the profession of educator also relates to an experiential culture and to personal motivations affecting and sustaining each individual's choice of the profession. This paper examines the ideas of professional identity held by a group of Italian students at the beginning of their college career. The sample includes two groups at the University of Padua, one group learning to work in social work, one group learning to work in health care. During the first three years of the new academic requirement, first-year students in both groups were qualitatively and quantitatively surveyed. In particular the study explores the reasons students orient towards these curricula, and the distinctive elements, competences, experiences and values they include in their image of an educator. Statistical multi-dimensional methods of data analysis are used.  相似文献   

A total of 172 Black students completed a survey of biographical, educational, and vocational information about themselves and their immediate relatives. The results indicated that educational realism tended to increase across the college years. There was no difference in satisfaction with school or intent to leave school as a function of educational realism or salary realism. Vocationally realistic male and female students did not differ in age.  相似文献   

Studies in the field of body image have primarily addressed its negative aspects, such as body dissatisfaction. The present study focused instead on women who are satisfied with their bodies and on how body satisfaction relates to sexual health. A sample of 319 Dutch female university students completed an online survey that included items about body image evaluation, body image investment, overweight preoccupation, body image affect during sexual activity, sexual frequency, sexual functioning, and sexual self-esteem. We found that the level of body dissatisfaction was minimal in our sample. The majority reported neutral or mildly positive body evaluations, and in 30% of the sample these evaluations were clearly positive. Comparisons between women who reported positive versus neutral body evaluations showed that the body-satisfied women had lower body mass indexes (BMIs) and reported less body image investment, less overweight preoccupation, and less body self-consciousness during sexual activity. With regard to sexual health, they reported higher sexual self-esteem and better sexual functioning. Furthermore, we found that body image self-consciousness was negatively associated with sexual functioning, sexual self-esteem, and frequency of sexual activity with a partner. Body satisfaction did not account for a portion of the relationship of body self-consciousness during sexual activity with sexual health.  相似文献   

传统影像建构出大学生的消费者、服务者、普通人形象,却在悠远的宏大叙事向日常生活实践的转向、新媒介、城市空间等面向中被当代大学生解构和重构。这三个面向统合在青年亚文化中。并为大学生进行自身形象的视觉建构提供了技术和思想准备。政治话语与娱乐诉求的分离、日常生活审美化的趋势与商品利益的幕后操纵所形成的合力,询唤着当代大学生的时尚表现者和身体抵抗者形象的视觉建构:时尚的区分与整合功能使大学生实现自我认同和社会归属,同时内生抵抗主流意识形态的力量而建构身体抵抗者形象。抵抗的实质其实是大学生与媒介和商品合谋,当代大学生的视觉建构与大众媒介的商业利益相互邀约、彼此验证,携手建构出媒介暗自得意、大学生自觉另类、社会秩序和谐稳定的"整体的生活方式"。  相似文献   

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