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螨病也称疥癣或癞病,该病是由于痒螨或疥螨在皮肤上寄生引起的一种慢性寄生虫病。该病多发生在秋末、冬季及初春,此季节正是羊只光照不足,被毛厚密,皮肤湿度大,圈舍阴暗拥挤,利于螨的生长繁殖和传播蔓延。病、健羊之间通过直接接触或是通过畜舍墙壁、柱栏、垫草、用具及饲养人员手臂等间接接触而传播蔓延。1症状及危害患羊主要表现为剧痒、消瘦、皮肤增厚、龟裂和脱毛,影响羊只健康和毛的产量及质量。绵羊的螨病一般都为痒螨所侵害,病变首先在背及臀部毛厚的部位,以后很快蔓延到体侧,痒螨在皮肤表面移行和采食皮屑,吸吮淋巴液,患部皮肤剧痒…  相似文献   

藏羊螨病在藏羊养殖中较为常见,给养羊牧户也带来了一定的损失,螨病也称疥癣或癞病,该病是由于痒螨或疥螨在皮肤的寄生而引起的一种慢性寄生虫病,该病多发生在秋末、冬季及初春,此时正是藏羊被毛厚密,皮肤湿度大,圈舍阴暗拥挤,利于螨的生长繁殖。  相似文献   

羊螨病是由疥螨或痒螨寄生在羊体表或表皮内而引起的慢性消耗性、寄生性皮肤病,具有高度的传染性,患病羊只皮肤剧痒、脱毛,甚至衰竭死亡。目前防治羊螨病的措施和药物有很多,近年来,口服和注射剂型杀螨药物在防治羊螨病中得到广泛应用。  相似文献   

羊螨病是在现代化养羊过程中比较常见的一种羊的体外寄生虫病,该病主要会导致羊发生皮肤炎症并伴有剧痒等特征,传染性很强,严重者导致羊群出现大批死亡,造成的经济损失较大,需要加以注意.本文对此病的发病情况、诊断方法和防治措施等进行了分析,希望能够为相关从业人员提供一点参考.  相似文献   

羊螨虫病属于一种皮肤寄生虫病,是由螨虫寄生在羊皮肤表面引起的,也是一种慢性疾病,不易被及时发现。同时由于该病一般不会造成急性死亡,也不会形成大流行,所以在临床上易被忽视。已知的羊螨虫种类很多,包括疥螨和痒螨。感染上螨虫的病羊会出现脱毛和皮痒等症状,影响羊只的生长发育和繁殖机能,从而增加饲养成本。因此,本文主要从羊螨虫病的病征和防治方法等方面进行综述,以提高人们对羊螨虫病的警惕意识和防治水平。  相似文献   

羊螨病是由疥螨和痒螨寄生在体表而引起的慢性寄生性皮肤病。螨病又叫疥癣、疥疮等,具有高度传染性,往往在短期内可引起羊群严重感染,危害十分严重。该病主要发生于冬季和秋末、春初。发病时,疥螨病一般始于皮肤柔软且毛短的部位,如嘴唇、口角、鼻面、眼圈及耳根部,以后皮肤炎症逐渐向周围蔓延;痒螨病则起始于被毛稠密和温度、湿度比较恒定的皮肤部位,  相似文献   

绵羊痒螨(Psoroptes ovis)是绵羊螨病的重要病原,它的寄生引起绵羊皮肤巨痒、炎症、脱毛、结痂等,使羊骚动不安,采食量减少,体重减轻,羊毛和羊皮质量下降。该病长期流行于世界各养羊区,发病迅速,蔓延区域广,给养羊生产带来巨大的经济损失。  相似文献   

痒螨病主要是由痒螨科(psoroptidae)痒螨属(psoroptes)的痒螨(p sorop tes commun is)寄生于哺乳动物的皮肤表面,以刺吸宿主的体液、淋巴液和渗出液为营养,引起患病动物的一种慢性、顽固性、接触性、传染性皮肤病。该病以季节性发生和剧烈的皮肤瘙痒、炎症、脱毛、消瘦为特征,通过直接接触或间接接触传播。痒螨不仅可侵害马、牛、羊、兔等家畜,也可侵害鹿、骆驼、狐、貂、大熊猫等野生动物。痒螨病流行范围很广,呈世界性分布。该病严重危害着动物生产和人畜健康,可致动物个体或大群死亡,但更多的则是影响机体生产性能和动物产品质量,增加饲…  相似文献   

<正>家畜螨病主要是由疥螨科的疥螨和痒螨科的痒螨以及足螨寄生于家畜(牛、羊、猪、兔和马)皮肤的表皮内外所引起的,经接触感染与传播的常见外寄生虫病。该病严重危害家畜的健康,增加养殖成本,可给养殖业造成巨大的经济损失。1流行特征与临床症状家畜螨病呈世界性分布,在我国各地均有报道。疥螨、痒螨和足螨可危害的动物种类存在一些差异,疥螨主要危害牛(黄牛、牦牛和水牛)、羊(绵羊和山羊)、猪、兔和马;绵羊痒螨主要危害牛(黄牛、牦牛和水牛)、羊(绵羊和山羊)、兔和马,牛足螨和德州足螨主要危害牛(黄牛、奶牛、牦牛和水牛)、羊(绵羊和山羊)和马。  相似文献   

1临床症状 患羊主要表现为剧痒、消瘦、皮肤增厚、龟裂和脱毛,影响羊的健康和毛的产量及品质。绵羊的螨病通常都为痒螨所损害,病变首先在背及臀部毛厚的部位,以后很快蔓延到体侧。痒螨在皮肤外表移行和采食皮屑,吸吮淋巴液,患部皮肤剧痒。患部皮肤可见针头大至粟粒大结节,  相似文献   

Sheep pox: experimental studies with a west african isolate   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Under conditions of a maximum security laboratory, four cross-bred sheep were inoculated intradermally only or intradermally and intratracheally with a West African isolate of sheep pox virus. All sheep had increased temperature and depression by the fourth or fifth day after infection. Nasal and lacrimal discharge and coughing occurred in all sheep but were more severe in sheep receiving the virus via the tracheal route. From the fifth day after infection, numerous papular erythematous skin lesions developed at the inoculation sites. These were 3-7 mm in diameter and gradually became nodular. Some of these lesions healed and others coalesced to form tumorlike masses. In one sheep, euthanized 14 days after intradermal and intratracheal inoculation, nodular lesions were found in the skin around the eyes, nostrils, oral and perianal regions, the mucosa of the rumen and throughout the lungs. Histologically, skin nodules were characterized by ischemic necrosis, vasculitis, microvesicualtion, eosinophilic cytoplasmic inclusions in the dermal epithelial cells and vacuolar nuclear degeneration. The pulmonary lesion was that of proliferative alveolitis with occasional cytoplasmic inclusions in the alveolar cells and macrophages. Ultrastructurally, large cuboidal virus particles were found both in the skin lesion and inoculated tissue cultures. The sheep pox virus structure was easily distinguished from contagious ecthyma virus, a parapoxvirus which causes sporadic disease in Canada. Serum neutralizing antibodies developed in all the sheep by 14 days postinfection.

The clinical and pathological characteristics of experimental sheep pox produced with this West African isolate were similar to those caused by Neethling virus of lumpy skin disease in cattle.


绵羊痘是由绵羊痘病毒引起绵羊的疾病,其特征为发热、全身皮肤痘疹,内脏(特别是肺脏)黏膜结节,是危害养羊业最为严重的传染病之一。该病经常引起绵羊的大批感染或死亡,病死率可达50%以上,羔羊可达100%,不仅给养羊业带来巨大的经济损失,还严重阻碍了养羊业的发展。文章针对2011年1月份新疆某地区部分养羊户饲养的卡拉库尔羊发生的羊痘疫情进行了流行病学调查、临床症状、病理变化观察和实验室诊断,结果确诊为绵羊痘。  相似文献   

羊痘的研究进展   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
羊痘病毒能引起山羊痘、绵羊痘和牛的结节性疹块病。羊痘是以发热、全身性的皮肤损伤、痘疹和淋巴结病变为特征。羊痘病毒是所有动物痘病毒中最为重要的一种,严重影响养羊业和国际贸易的发展。本文从病原学、流行病学、诊断和预防控制等方面对羊痘做一综述。虽然此病从临床症状和宿主特异性上很容易做出诊断,但进一步的实验室确诊还是必要的,现已有多种检测方法和诊断试剂。控制该病最有效的方法还是使用疫苗对易感动物进行免疫接种。  相似文献   

腐蹄病又称蹄间腐烂或趾间腐烂,是一类引起反刍动物蹄部感染的传染病,以跛行、指(趾)间皮肤肿胀和炎症为主要特征。随着集约化养殖业的快速发展,羊腐蹄病发病率日益增加,给养羊业带来巨大的经济损失,严重制约着养羊业的健康快速发展。但到目前为止,国内学者对羊腐蹄病的诊断与防治方面总结性的报道较少。因此,根据实际情况制定出快速诊断和防治方法显得非常重要。论文以近年来国内外最新的研究资料为基础,从羊腐蹄病病原、临床症状、诊断和防治方法等方面进行综述,以期为羊腐蹄病诊断和防治提供参考。  相似文献   

Severe persistent orf in young goats.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Orf (contagious ecthyma) is a viral disease of small and wild ruminants, humans, and less frequently other species. In sheep and goats, the disease is characterized by the formation of vesiculo-proliferative lesions in the skin of lips and nostril. Here, a form of generalized orf in 16 goat kids from 2 different locations in west Texas is described. The disease was characterized by multifocal, severe, proliferative dermatitis that persisted from about 2 months of age until the goat kids were euthanized 3 months later. All affected goats were Boer or Boer crosses under 1 year of age. The mean immunoglobulin concentration in sera of affected goats was elevated compared with healthy control goats. Severe to moderate lymphadenomegaly of the nodes draining the areas of the skin affected with orf lesions was present in all 16 goat kids. Suppurative arthritis, chronic fibrinous pneumonia, and premature thymic involution were found in 3, 5, and 7 of the goat kids, respectively. The skin lesions of 3 goat kids were infested with larvae of the opportunistic black garbage fly (Ophira sp.). The orf virus was identified in skin lesions by isolation in Marbin-Darby ovine kidney cells, electron microscopy, and amplification of viral DNA by polymerase chain reaction. The orf virus was not detected in peripheral blood or lymph node mononuclear cells of any of the goats. Cross-neutralization experiments showed that an ovine orf virus antiserum raised in sheep was more effective in neutralizing a sheep orf virus isolate than a caprine orf virus isolate. The clinical and epidemiological characteristics of these orf cases may be the result of susceptibility factors within some individuals of the Boer breed of goats.  相似文献   

The current status of sheep pox disease   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Sheep are the moving banks of shepherds and their economic contribution in terms of meat, wool and skin/hide is immense. Various infectious diseases jeopardize the optimum productivity; among which sheep pox is more important as the disease restricts the export of sheep and their products besides other economic losses. Although, clinical signs are indicative of the disease but a laboratory confirmation is necessary for unequivocal diagnosis and studying epidemiology. The causative agent, sheep pox virus (SPV), is antigenically and genetically closely related to goat pox virus (GPV) and lumpy skin disease virus (LSDV), the other members of the genus capripox virus. In some countries, SPV and GPV are cross infective to small ruminants posing problem in diagnosis and epidemiology. However, recent studies have showed that the viruses are phylogenetically distinct and can be differentiated by molecular tools. Prophylaxis using attenuated vaccines is the choice of control measure as the immunity is long lasting. Detailed information on isolation, identification, pathology, epidemiology, diagnosis and prophylaxis would not only help in updating the knowledge of scientific fraternity but will be useful to the policy makers in order to formulate appropriate measures for control and eradication of the disease. This synthesis is to present an up-to-date review of the disease and its control to provide the reader with an overview of the problem.  相似文献   

Comparison of the external dimensions of capripoxvirus isolates   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
No significant difference was found between the external dimensions of the M forms of isolates of sheep pox virus from Nigeria, sheep and goat pox virus from Kenya and lumpy skin disease virus from South Africa. Earlier reports that isolates of capripoxvirus can be distinguished by their relative sizes could not be substantiated.  相似文献   

绵羊刚果嗜皮菌的分离鉴定及某些生物学特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从疑似嗜皮菌感染绵羊的皮肤疙瘩病料中分离到1株细菌,通过对其形态、培养特性、生长特征、生理生化特性、16S rRNA基因序列测定与同源性分析等研究,证明分离株为刚果嗜皮菌。人工感染羔羊表现出与自然发病绵羊相同的症状并死亡,从人工感染死亡绵羊皮肤中再次获得同种细菌。药敏试验结果表明:该菌对林可霉素、卡那霉素、氧氟沙星、复方磺胺、土霉素、氟苯尼考高度敏感。  相似文献   

Ectoparasites of sheep in Britain include the tick Ixodes ricinus, the blowfly, Lucilia sericata, the ked, Melophagus ovinus and the lice, Damalinia ovis and Linognathus ovillus. The most important ectoparasite, however, is the mite Psoroptes communis ovis which causes sheep scab. This notifiable disease was eradicated from Britain in 1952 but was reported again in 1973. The control of ectoparasites depends largely on the efficient application of insecticide to the fleece and skin. Plunge dipping in a bath is generally regarded as the most efficient method and is compulsory for the control of sheep scab but it is not always the most convenient. After the eradication of sheep scab in 1952 plunge dipping was no longer compulsory and jetting, spraying and showering techniques were then employed for the other ectoparasites.  相似文献   

Small ruminant lentiviruses (SRLVs) cause different clinical forms of disease in sheep and goats. So far in Spain, Maedi visna virus-like (MVV-like) sequences have been found in both species, and the arthritic SRLV disease has never been found in sheep until a recent outbreak. Knowing that arthritis is common in goats, it was of interest to determine if the genetic type of the virus involved in the sheep arthritis outbreak was caprine arthritis encephalitis virus-like (CAEV-like) rather than MVV-like. Alignment and phylogenetic analyses on nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequences from SRLV of this outbreak, allowed a B2 genetic subgroup assignment of these SRLV, compatible with a correspondence between the virus genetic type and the disease form. Furthermore, an isolate was obtained from the arthritic outbreak, its full genome was CAEV-like but the pol integrase region was MVV-like. Although its LTR lacked a U3 repeat sequence and had a deletion in the R region, which has been proposed to reduce viral replication rate, its phenotype in sheep skin fibroblast cultures was rapid/high, thus it appeared to have adapted to sheep cells. This outbreak study represents the first report on CAEV-like genetic findings and complete genome analysis among Spanish small ruminants.  相似文献   

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