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妇女地位与计划生育郝林娜妇女地位问题、人口发展问题是当今世界普遍关注的问题。妇女地位的提高不仅表现在妇女能够享有与男子平等地参与政治、经济、文化等各个领域社会活动的权利,还表现在妇女能够行使控制自己生育行为的基本权利,这是享有其各种权利的一个重要基础...  相似文献   

试论我国已婚妇女在两性生活中的地位崔凤垣妇女问题的核心是妇女地位问题。由于妇女是以"性别"划分的社会群体,因此,妇女地位是以男子的地位为参照物的。所谓平等发展,就是妇女与男子的平等发展;所谓妇女社会地位,就是妇女在政治、法律、经济、社会、教育、婚姻家...  相似文献   

胜利油田胜北社区管理中心通过组织发展社区经济,最大限度地调动广大妇女参与社区各行业经济发展的积极性,深入持久地开展全新婚育观的宣传教育,提高广大妇女的社会地位和社会竞争意识,逐步形成降低生育率、提高优生率的社区生育文化环境。1.提高妇女地位,积极组织...  相似文献   

新疆少数民族妇女社会地位探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
新疆少数民族妇女社会地位探讨林丽原新(新疆人民出版社830001新疆大学人口所830046)妇女地位包括妇女社会地位和妇女家庭地位。妇女社会地位是一个具有丰富内涵的多元化的综合性概念,是指妇女这一特殊社会群体在社会生产和社会关系中的权力、机会和从社会...  相似文献   

我们都不会忘记,1994年国际人口与发展大会上通过的《行动纲领》中一条重要原则就是促进人权与性别平等。《行动纲领》明确指出,妇女和女孩的权利是人权中不可分割的重要部分。使妇女能在国家、区域和国际各级充分、平等地参与公民、文化、经济、政治和社会生活,消除基于性别的一切形式的歧视,是国际社会的优先目标。在1995年召开的联合国第四次世界妇女大会上,联合国和各有关国家的政府不仅承诺在国家、区域及国际各级的社会性别主流化,并且强调指出,促进平等权利、平等责任和平等机会需要在国家和国际两级调集足够的资源,包括多边、双边和私人资源;促进性别平等和提高妇女地位应该成为援助的优先领域。上述观点和原则经历了十年实践的检验,在全球化的今天变得更加重要了。  相似文献   

根据2004年拉萨市"育龄妇女婚姻、生育及家庭调查研究"抽样调查数据,利用定量分析方法探讨了拉萨市妇女的意愿孩子数和意愿性别比,主要比较了藏族妇女和汉族妇女生育意愿的差别,以及家庭地位和社会地位对生育意愿的影响,发现出生性别比失调与妇女地位尤其是家庭地位的关系更大。  相似文献   

北京城市妇女地位调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
妇女地位问题,不仅是人口社会学研究的重要领域,也是当今中外政府机构、国际社会和国际组织关注的热点。妇女的实际地位如何,已经成为一个国家或地区测定社会进步程度和尊重人权状况的综合标尺。妇女地位,一般是指相对于男子而言,她们在社会生活和家庭生活的各个方面所扮演性别角色的平等程度。妇女地位通常包括妇女的政治地位、法律地位、经济地位、劳动地位、教育地位、社会参与、健康地位以及妇女在婚姻家庭生活中的地位等八个方面。在许多国家里,政府都要颁布和执行有关妇女地位的法律(或不成文法)、法规和条例,明文规  相似文献   

妇女地位在本文中,是指妇女在家庭和社会(或让区)中拥有和控制物质资源(包括食物、收入、土地、房屋和其他形式的物质财富),与社会资源(包括知识、职务、地位和其他形式的社会权力和威望)的能力和程度。因为两大资源是人类赖以生存和发展的基础,是人与大自然交换能量,创造财富的前提。而资源占有的多少,在排除非常态影响因素和非理性的强制规范外,必然反映某一社会集团(包括性别集团)的实际地位。妇女地位又可以从宏观和微观的角度划分为妇女的社会地位和家庭地位,后者是相对干前者而言的一个微观层次的概念,但二者相互制约…  相似文献   

世界妇女运动自上世纪末到本世纪初掀起第一次高潮后,60年代末以来又掀起第二次高潮①②,使妇女与发展这一主题在世界范围内受到越来越广泛的关注。因为妇女占世界总人口的51%,完成世界工作时间的67③,但几乎在世界各地,妇女的社会经济及家庭地位都低于男子。在当代中国,法律保障妇女以平等的权利和地位与男子一样广泛参与社会经济生活。40多年的实践,中国妇女的社会经济状况有了极大改善,妇女地位有了显著提高。但是由于我国目前社会整体的发展水平还不高,地区之间、城乡之间、甚至大城市内中心区与郊区之间在经济发展水平、经济…  相似文献   

为了根本转变群众的生育观念,真正将计划生育变成广大农民群众的自觉行为,黑龙江省虎林县富荣村自1994年起开展以提高妇女地位,降低生育率为中心的社区发展活动。该试点通过两条路径使群众的生育需求下降。一是使妇女的时间出现竞争性使用;二是拓宽妇女实现自我价值的空间。富荣试点有三个特点:1以人为本的发展,将群众的生育观的转变放在人的现代化的整个框架中进行;2.群众参与是社区发展的原动力,在活动中群众被真正发动起来,形成自我组织和自我运行的机制,干部致力于调动群众的积极性并提供相应的服务;3因地制宜,不贪大求全,试点针对当地计划生育的主要障碍开展工作,通过办好一件件小事、实事,使社区发展走上良性循环。  相似文献   

20世纪80年代以来,出生性别比失衡问题越来越严重。男尊女卑、重男轻女等传统思想是出生性别比失衡的内在根源,妇女较低的家庭地位是出生性别比失衡的外在根源,妇女自身较低的素质是出生性别比失衡的外在表现。要根除这些根源,就要营造平等的社会性别文化,消除性别歧视;加强立法和政策宣传力度,建立起完善的社会保障制度,提高妇女社会地位;加强男女平等教育,提高国民素质,以及提高妇女的文化素质。  相似文献   

从社会性别视角探析农村妇女向非农产业转移   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在农村剩余劳动力向非农产业转移过程中,农村妇女处于明显的不利地位,无论是转移规模还是外出务工的工资水平都低于男性。以社会性别理论为基础,从社会性别视角关注农村妇女的就业状况,分析不平等及性别歧视是农村妇女向非农产业转移的重要障碍,建议政府发挥更加积极的作用,提高农村妇女的社会地位、促进男女两性平等,从而促进农村妇女向非农产业的顺利转移。  相似文献   

Attitudes toward the civil and social citizenship rights of individuals in diverse family forms are underresearched. We use cross-national data from a pilot study among students in Denmark, Spain, Croatia, Italy, and the Netherlands to explore cross-country differences in beliefs about partnership, parenthood, and social rights of same-sex couples vs. heterosexual couples or married vs. cohabiting couples. The results suggest a polarization in students’ attitudes between countries that appear more traditional (i.e., Italy and Croatia) and less traditional (Spain and the Netherlands), where the rights of married heterosexual couples are privileged over other family forms more so than in nontraditional countries. Moreover, equality in social rights is generally more widely accepted than equality in civil rights, particularly in relationship to parenthood rights and in more traditional countries. We discuss the implications of these findings and the implications for further research in this underexplored area of attitudinal research.  相似文献   

F Lin 《人口研究》1983,(4):24-27
In 1981, total number of childbearing women in the world reached 9.8 hundred million. Their socioeconomic status and fertility level are very important data for the study of women's liberation and population control. Facing limited natural resources and a constant growing demand, many nations are studying how to control the population growth and achieve a "zero population growth." In nations with a high GNP, such as Switzerland, West Germany, and France, fertility is low. On the contrary, countries in central and south Asia and most parts of Africa are the poorest economically, and their fertility rate has remained very high. Another factor which is related to the fertility level is the degree of women's participation in the labor market. In Europe and North America, the percentage of women's participation in economic activities is high, and fertility is low. In Latin America and Africa, fertility is high, and the percentage of women's participation in economic labor is low. From the above, we may conclude that promotion of women's participation in the labor market and better employment conditions will reduce fertility. Another 2 factors related to fertility are marriage age and birth control rate. Late marriage and the extensive use of birth control measures are effective methods for reducing fertility. All the above mentioned factors are closely related to the woman's educational background. If women receive a better education and find better employment opportunities, delay their marriage age, and take birth control measures, fertility will be reduced and the population growth will be under control.  相似文献   

I analyze three case studies of marriage equality activism and marriage equality–based groups after the passage of Proposition 8 in California. Evaluating the JoinTheImpact protests of 2008, the LGBTQ rights group GetEQUAL, and the group One Struggle One Fight, I argue that these groups revise queer theoretical arguments about marriage equality activism as by definition assimilationist, homonormative, and single-issue. In contrast to such claims, the cases studied here provide a snapshot of heterogeneous, intersectional, and coalition-based social justice work in which creative methods of protest, including direct action and flash mobs, are deployed in militant ways for marriage rights and beyond.  相似文献   

As a consequence of the 1994 adoption of a justiciable Bill of Rights in South Africa, with an equality provision prohibiting discrimination on the ground of sexual orientation, a coalition of gay and lesbian organisations set about implementing a progressive agenda of gay and lesbian rights litigation. In striking down the offence of sodomy, the Constitutional Court established a jurisprudence of gay and lesbian rights to equality, dignity and privacy that proved to be the foundation for significant litigation around family law issues. Subsequent to the sodomy judgement, the Court has ruled that same-sex couples who are in permanent life partnerships should be entitled to the same rights as married couples to immigration, employment benefits, custody and adoption of children. Despite the extensive equality jurisprudence of the Court, it is still uncertain whether it will rule in the future in favour of same-sex marriage or in favour of a civil union/domestic partnership model.  相似文献   

Analysis of future population trends reveals a regional pattern of continued growth, dependent upon basic assumptions about demographic factors and the priority given to human rights, socioeconomic development, and global interdependence. Developing countries will account for 85-87% of world population growth, and the most rapid increase will occur in Africa. The optimum size of population remains debatable. Ecologist argue for a reduction to 1-2 billion people in order to be in balance with nature and maintain a high quality of life. A rapid, but plausible, fertility decline would result in a population of 10 billion by 2070. The lowest feasible UN projection is 8 billion. A 1-2 billion world population would not be feasible without drastic mortality increases and fertility declines. Population control is a highly charged and complex issue; feminists are not about to place responsibility for environmental degradation on women's excess fertility. The spirit of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights is that women have the right to determine family size with personal integrity and freedom rather than suffer coercion for the rights of society. Family planning is a necessary ingredient for achieving the goal of desired family size. The quality of life may be undermined by upholding human rights, without recognition of the context of socioeconomic development and global interdependencies. Global economic conditions, political crises, and environmental degradation can undermine even the best national development efforts. The most difficult task ahead is addressing priorities and forming a consensus. Human rights, socioeconomic conditions, and global interdependencies must be satisfied in a mutually beneficial way. When national and global goals conflict, a compromise must be reached. There are many unknowns. The challenge is to "identify a set of policies that will stabilize world climatic conditions, promote economic development, enhance the quality of life, and respect human rights." Investment in human capital, such as education and health, will help women to avoid unwanted pregnancies. Improving the status of women is key to socioeconomic development, human rights, and global interdependencies.  相似文献   

As early as 1985, Rosenfield and Maine began to look at what is called the maternal child field (MCH). More than two decades later, maternal and infant mortality is still among the worst performing health indicator in resource-poor countries and regions, and it has barely changed since 1990. Although three of the eight United Nations Millennium Development Goals aim at reducing child mortality, maternal mortality, and promoting gender equality, most literature in the field is either clinical or exclusively deals with women’s health problems. In this study, I proposed an empirical model that tests the impact of gender equality, women’s human rights, and maternity care on MCH with economic and political development as background factors. The proposed model was tested by using structural equation analysis. Data were obtained from 137 developing countries. The proposed model is partially supported by the data. Empirical findings demonstrate that gender equality has a pivotal role to play in the promotion of MCH. The relationship between MCH and maternity care is found to be strong and statistically significant. This finding may permit a probable verification given the current social conditions in some developing countries, particularly the neglect of many of women’s health needs and the assignment of their primary responsibilities in childrearing. The women’s human rights hypothesis is not supported by the data. It is perhaps that human rights instruments provide a legal discourse for political functions and social welfare issues, but that the legal approach alone does not necessarily provide a moral and social foundation to ensure the implementation of social welfare and human well-being, particularly maternal and child health in developing countries. The findings also indicate the importance of economic development in predicting maternity care. Finally, a positive and statistically significant relationship is found between economic development and gender equality. Implications and limitations of the study are discussed.  相似文献   

翁仁木 《西北人口》2010,31(6):54-58
随着经济全球化不断深入,劳动力跨国流动将越来越频繁,反过来它将有助于全球经济合作和一体化。对跨国劳动力进行社会保护的重要性由此也更加突出,其中解决好养老保险权益可携性问题将可以实现劳动力输出国、输入国和劳动者之间的三赢。全球不同国家已经对跨国劳动力的养老保险问题做出规定,并在多边或双边层次上展开合作,已经取得了一些较好的经验。我国作为一个劳动力资源大国和经济大国,劳动力跨国流动的规模将不断扩大,也需要高度重视跨国养老权益的保护。  相似文献   

Measuring welfare state generosity in developing and transitional welfare states is often challenged not only by lack of comparative quantitative data, but also by issues of conceptual stretching. This paper demonstrates and discusses the use of one of the key measures of welfare entitlement generosity developed in the comparative welfare state research in the context of post-communist countries of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). With the new time series data provided by the Comparative Welfare Entitlements Dataset CWED2, comparative approaches including the CEE countries have become feasible. This paper first discusses quantitative measures of welfare entitlement generosity in the tradition of the social rights of citizenship approach and how they can be applied for cross-country comparisons. It then demonstrates empirically how the emerging CEE welfare states’ generosity compares to mature “old” OECD welfare states. Finally, the paper shows the potential and the pitfalls of quantitative measures of welfare state generosity by discussing, to what extent do indicators of social security scheme generosity measure the same in established and emerging welfare states, which functional equivalents may be relevant in the context of emerging welfare states and how far can we stretch our theoretical concepts.  相似文献   

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