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随着“放管服”改革和政府职能的进一步转变,政府管理逐步由事前审批转变为事中事后监管。以水利建设市场事中事后监管为研究对象,在明确其内涵的基础上,通过梳理历史变革、政策背景和关键节点,明确了改革进程。通过分析监管目标、原则、体制和制度,遵循“构建标准体系的一般方法”,提出了水利建设市场监管框架与标准体系。研究结果可为优化水利建设市场营商环境、推动水利建设高质量发展提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

工程建设标准是经济建设和项目投资的重要制度和依据,而标准的实施效率取决于监管机制.文章剖析了我国工程建设标准化监管的现状,并指出存在的主要问题.在详细讨论政府监管机制、市场约束机制和自我监督机制后,提出了基于三者集成的工程建设标准化监管框架.分析了该框架有效运行的对策,为改善工程建设标准化监管绩效提供新的思路.  相似文献   

中国石油天然气行业的结构调整与监管改革   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
陈立 《国际石油经济》2001,9(2):10-12,18
随着近年来社会主义市场经济体制的逐步建立,政府对油气行业的管理已从主要依靠政策转向主要依靠法律,并且正在不断规范和完善。但面对石油供应安全、环境保护以及加入WTO后的压力,原先的政府监管模式越来越不适应我国油气工业发展的需要,必须逐步创竞争性的行业结构,构造现代化的监管框架,以规范政府对油气行业的监管,促使有序竞争的市场格局的形成。基本思路是在油气产业链的各环节中,区别自然垄断和非自然垄断领域,对非自然垄断领域采取逐步放松管制、鼓励竞争的政策,监管的重点是建立公平竞争的市场环境,以充分发挥市场的作用;在自然垄断领域以政府监管替代市场,通过价格管制、公平介入、普遍服务等手段,在保证行业的规模经济性的同时,防止企业滥用垄断优势,维护公众利益。对像我国这样处在“转轨经济”中的国家而言,完善政府监管的实质是监督整个行业的市场化进程以实现体制转轨的平稳过渡和政府职能的转变。建立现代监管框架宜采用渐进方式。  相似文献   

当今世界 ,不论是以公有制为基础还是以私有制为主体的国家 ,几乎都有国有企业 ,只不过在国民经济中的比重不同、地位有别。纵观其监管形式 ,主要有三种类型 :一是以美英等国为代表的自由市场经济国家 ,实行的是“政府规制型”的监管模式 ;二是以法德为代表的以计划调节为主体的市场经济国家 ,实行的是“政府引导型”的监管模式 ;三是以日本和东亚一些国家为代表的市场经济国家和地区 ,实行的是“政府主导型”的监管模式。1、“政府规制型”的美英监管模式美英政府在健全市场和监督市场方面功能强大 ;在引导市场、参与市场方面作用较小 ,一…  相似文献   

加拿大与美国的能源监管及其对我国的启示   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
加拿大与美国经过长期不断的调整和改革,形成了一整套完整、科学的能源管理体制框架。两国政府都分别设立了能源主管部门和能源监管机构,实行分级监管相互协调的监管方式,并建立了完整的监管法律体系。能源主管部门负责能源大政方针及相关的政策研究;监管机构负责监管政策的制定和执行,独立于政府并具有司法审判功能,有效地保证政府的能源政策的落实;按现代监管模式制定的法律法规大大减少了行政管理的不确定性、管理人员实话监管的随意性以及处于自然垄断领域的企业滥用市场优势地位的可能性,增加了投资者、经营者和消费者三方的信心。我国亟待加强能源管理,为此建议:恢复国家能源委员会;在国家能源委员会下设国家能源监管委员会,并通过立法法规定其具有在国家能源领域独立监管的权力;尽快启动监管法律法规的制定和完善工作;从天然气行业下游领域先行启动监管;在过渡期成立天然气下游领域的临时监管机构负责过渡期的监管工作。  相似文献   

国外电力工业管制模式扫描   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
政府管制作为一种特殊的行政管理制度框架和手段,越来越为世界各国所关注。所谓管制系指国家行政机构针对市场经济运营中的有关问题依法制订相应的规章、规则,依法直接干预市场配置机制或间接改变企业和消费者供需决策的特定行为。是政府对付市场失灵的行政干预手段,是对企业无节制的市场权力的一种限制。  管制作为政府调控市场失灵和干预市场垄断一种新的社会经济制度,产生、发展和完善于西方市场经济发达的私有制国家。从某种意义上讲,私有制为管制提供了社会基础。管制的对象主要为垄断行业、基础产业的自然垄断环节和市场交易中…  相似文献   

促进竞争已成为包括OECD(经济合作与发展组织)国家在内的世界各国政府对天然气行业改革的一个明确的政策取向。OECD国家采取了供应改革,需求改革,市场结构调整和竞争法规应用四大政策支柱来构建天然气市场,促进天然气行业的竞争。近20年来,OECD国家开始了从政府干预主义向现代监管转变的探索,大部分OECD国家已在企业自我监管,政府部门直接监管和监管机构独立监管这三种不同类型的监管制度中不约而同地选择了独立监管的模式。建立独立监管机构,必须在职能界定和划分,组织结构设计,人员配备,经费获取以及内外工作程序制定等方面精心安排。OECD国家在促进天然气行业竞争及监管改革方面的经验说明:天然气行业的市场化是大势所趋;独立监管是较为成功的监管模式,不存在普遍适用的最佳模式;独立监管机构的建立和独立监管的实施必须以监管的法律体系建设为前提,依法建立监管机构,依法行使监管权力是监管得以顺利实施的重要保证。  相似文献   

树立全新的思想观念,是适应市场实现持续发展的前提和保证积极构建管理技术型公司框架,形成综合性总承包公司加强项目部建设,推进规范化管理,优化项目管理模式创新以资金管理为核心的财务管理,提高经营调控能力建立符合市场要求的组织结构,降低公司运行成本  相似文献   

全球石油市场中的政府与石油企业   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
作为世界上最大的贸易市场和最大的全球性产业,石油工业对现代社会经济发展的影响有增无减。各个国家由于制度不同、经济发展和产业发展阶段不同、资源条件不同和政策取向不同,对石油工业采取了不同的管理体制和监管体系。政府对石油行业的正确监管十分重要,但并非越多越好,要正确认识监管必须认清监管的独立性、社会性、经济性、阶段性以及特殊性。基于全球石油工业的所有制安排和政府监管的特点,借鉴国外成熟市场的经验并结合国内油气市场发展现状与存在的问题,对中国未来的油气工业市场化改革提出以下政策建议:1)油气工业的改革要法治先行和建立监管机构先行;2)转变政府管理观念和管理体制,实行有效、公开和透明的监管;3)区分市场和政府的不同定位,例如,保障石油安全是政府的天职,但是安全并不等同于政府控制。  相似文献   

新型城镇化首先要突出"新"意:"新"在体制上,"新"在政府职能转变上,"新"在市场化运行上。强化新型城镇化政府职能定位研究。按照党的十八大要求,理清政府与市场的边界。政府的职能应侧重营造有利于城镇化推进的法律和政策环境,提供公共产品服务和社会管理服务。政府着重"做引领,做规划,做服务"。政府在城镇化建设中应变管理型政府为服务型政府,变主导为引领和监管服务。对于那些企  相似文献   

Managing operations in both manufacturing and service organizations have evolved tremendously over the years with the change in market requirements. The market has become global, thereby compelling enterprise operations to keep up. The application of information technology/information systems (IT/IS) and outsourcing in managing operations have significantly altered the landscape of operations management (OM) strategies, techniques, and technologies. Consciousness towards environmental and safety also urges companies to examine their OM approach and manufacturing from various perspectives. Recently, energy cost and protection against terrorism have changed the portfolio of enterprise operations and therefore the approach to OM. Now, it is time to revisit the OM principles, curriculum, and training at the institution of higher learning and industries. Moreover, manufacturing has become more of a service activity, indicating significant service OM, including project management. The profile of service industries has also changed in view of the emergence of globalization, outsourcing, and IT, coupled with the rapid economic growth of emerging economies such as Brazil, Russia, India, and China (BRIC). In fact, services account for approximately 80% of the US gross domestic product (GDP); this is also a growing figure of the GDPs of other countries over the world. Again, service OM needs to be revisited in the context of the abovementioned paradigm shifts. In considering the significance of the above-mentioned changes in the market and society as a whole, an attempt is made to study the evolution of OM and subsequently to develop a framework for new OM strategies and tactics that will support the competitiveness of organizations within the next 10-20 years.  相似文献   

基于交易成本理论的分析框架难以对信息技术作用下的经济组织变革趋势作出很好的解释.本文融合了资源基础观的相关观点,建立了一个新的分析框架,比较全面地分析了企业、中间组织和市场这三种经济组织形式。进一步的,通过考察信息技术应用的相关影响,我们得出了信息时代经济组织形式趋于“中间化”的结论。  相似文献   

在监督职能发生转变的新形势下,应准确把握质量监督的定位,行使对工程进行质量监督的权利,对工程质量实施有效的监督和管理,使政府行为的监督职能得到更好的体现,更具有强制性。分析了工程质量监督机构在监督职能转变下,如何开展质量监督工作及监督工作的主要内容,提出了加强质量监督的具体方法。  相似文献   

This article revisits earlier work in this journal by Paul Herbig (1991) that proposed a catastrophe model of industrial product adoption under certain conditions. Catastrophe models are useful for modeling situations where organizations can exhibit both smooth and abrupt adoption behavior. It extends Herbig's work by focusing on organizations' adoption of new products when network externalities are an important part of the decision process, and it presents an empirical estimation of the model. Network externalities occur when firms do not want to adopt a new innovation or product unless other firms do. The reason is that they do not want to end up with an innovation that ends up not being a standard of some sort. Mistakes of this nature can be costly as the firm must invest twice and loses time relative to competitors who have not made such a mistake. However, when such externalities exist, for example with regard to technological adoptions, then normal diffusion gives way to sudden discontinuous shifts as all firms seemingly act together an move to a new technology. Since, technology is an area where the authors expect network externalities to exist, that is the focus of this article. The specific application is developed from two sets of panel data on the organizational adoptions of Microsoft's (MS) Word for Windows software by organizations that previously were using either Word for DOS or Word for Macintosh (Mac). The theoretical framework for the analysis is based on work in the economics literature on network externalities. However, the organization and new product development catastrophe model comes primarily from Herbig (1991) . The article focuses on an area of organizational adoption where relatively little empirical research has been done, namely organizational adoption “for use.” Longitudinal data provided by Techtel Corporation is used to develop the estimations. Results of the empirical analysis are consistent with the theoretical framework suggested in Herbig's article and in those found in economics and catastrophe theory literatures. This lends clear support to the idea that organizations will adopt a bandwagon‐type behavior when network externalities are present. It further suggests that in such markets, the standard S‐shaped diffusion curve is not an appropriate model for examining organizational behavior. From a managerial perspective, it means that buyers and sellers may face nonstandard diffusion curves. Instead of S‐shaped curves, the actual curves have a break or rift where sales end, and there is a sudden shift to a new product that is relatively high very early on. Clearly, for new product development (NPD), it suggest that organizations' “for‐use” purchases may be similar to regular consumers and may change rapidly from one product to another almost instantly, as in the case of the switch from vinyl records to compact discs (CDs). From an old product seller's viewpoint, the market is here today and gone tomorrow, while for the new seller it is a sudden deluge of sales requests. To put it in more everyday terms, sudden changes in adoption behavior are a September 11‐type experience for the market. It is the day the world changes.  相似文献   

Studies of practices in new product and service development have focused predominantly on for‐profit organizations, whereas attention to the nonprofit sector has been minimal. Such attention is needed given that nonprofit organizations are unique in their structures and are growing with regards to impact on the world economy and society in general. Moreover, such disparate attention suggests a void in this discipline's understanding of new product development (NPD) practices of nonprofit organizations. Two particular research questions are posed: (1) To what extent are the practices of for‐profit organizations employed in nonprofit organizations? (2) How do the practices of nonprofits compare to those of for‐profit organizations? In the course of answering these questions, the present study reviewed literature and the Product Development and Management Association (PDMA) certification work. The study subsequently identified six dimensions of successful NPD efforts: strategy, portfolio management, process, market research, people, and metrics and performance measurement. These dimensions were applied via an in‐depth case‐study methodology to six large, U.S. nonprofit organizations: American Association of Retired Persons (AARP), American Cancer Society, American Heart Association, American Red Cross, Boys and Girls Club of America, and Goodwill Industries. The dimensions assisted in categorizing and analyzing the responses of 40 respondents across the six organizations. Results show that some NPD practices of large nonprofit organizations are similar to for‐profit organizations, but other practices are more distinctive and related to the nature of nonprofit organizations. Large nonprofit organizations tend to be very good at articulating their mission, embedding it throughout, and using it to drive programs and activities. These organizations tend to view product development as a tactical endeavor versus a strategic one and do not engage in portfolio management practices for their new programs. Instead, broad criteria such as fit with mission, funding availability, and presence of a champion are used for evaluating programs. The NPD process tends to be informal with little structure, and individual departments and local chapters tend to undertake their own NPD initiatives and have their own process for doing so. Nonprofits place a heavy emphasis on ideation and less emphasis on other activities such as concept development and testing, project evaluation, and business analysis. Pilot testing is the most used type of market research. These results suggest that NPD processes within large nonprofit organizations share some of the same weaknesses as those of for‐profit organizations, with NPD metrics being a particularly weak area. The NPD practices of nonprofits also have some unique characteristics that include the following: a heavy emphasis on the mission, a desire for flexibility, strong influence of external sponsors, and difficulty in assessing long‐term program success. Management of nonprofit NPD and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Rise of strategic nets — New modes of value creation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper focuses on the type and management of intentionally created business networks called nets. Nets are extensively being used to achieve a variety of benefits over those of a single firm or market transaction. We propose that the effective management of different types of business net is dependent on their underlying value creation logic. Based on this notion a value creation framework of three generic net types - ‘current business nets’, ‘business renewal nets’, and ‘emerging new business nets’ - is suggested. We argue that they pose widely different conditions and requirements for net management. The management mechanisms of these basic net types are then identified and discussed. We contend that the proposed contingency framework captures the complexity and variety of the expanding strategic business nets in a more valid way than the extant classifications of network organizations. The paper contributes to the emerging theory of network management.  相似文献   

Salespeople play a pivotal role in promoting new products. Therefore, managers need to know what control mechanism (i.e., output-based control, behavior-based control, or knowledge-based control) can improve their salespeople's new product sales performance. Furthermore, managers may be able to assist salespeople in performing better by having a strong market orientation. The literature has been inconsistent regarding the effects of sales management control mechanisms and has not yet incorporated market orientation into a sales management control framework. The current study surveyed 315 Taiwanese salespeople from publicly traded electronics companies with the aim of contributing to the sales management literature. The results show that sales management controls can directly affect salespeople's innovativeness, which, in turn, affects new product sales performance. However, sales management controls cannot affect performance directly. Furthermore, market orientation can positively moderate the relationship between salespeople's innovativeness and new product sales performance.  相似文献   

Salespeople play a pivotal role in promoting new products. Therefore, managers need to know what control mechanism (i.e., output-based control, behavior-based control, or knowledge-based control) can improve their salespeople’s new product sales performance. Furthermore, managers may be able to assist salespeople in performing better by having a strong market orientation. The literature has been inconsistent regarding the effects of sales management control mechanisms and has not yet incorporated market orientation into a sales management control framework. The current study surveyed 315 Taiwanese salespeople from publicly traded electronics companies with the aim of contributing to the sales management literature. The results show that sales management controls can directly affect salespeople’s innovativeness, which, in turn, affects new product sales performance. However, sales management controls cannot affect performance directly. Furthermore, market orientation can positively moderate the relationship between salespeople’s innovativeness and new product sales performance.  相似文献   

论国有资产管理体系的建立与完善   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15  
国有资产管理体系的建立,是中国经济体制改革贯彻渐变稳定逐步转轨的方法论、完善市场经济体制的创举。其目的是寻找新型的公有制形态与市场经济相对接的桥梁。如何从战略高度上对国有资产管理体系的建立有一个全新的认识,作者提出必须走出四个误区。如何建立在公有制为主体的市场经济条件下政府管理经济的新模式,作者提出必须从简单的政企分离转变到政资分离和资企合一。最后,作者提出了在实践中贯彻好这一战略构思要处理好的八个问题。  相似文献   

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