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The term "Turkistan" appeared in Arabic geographical works in the Middle Ages. It meant "the region of the Turks" and referred to the areas north of the Sir River in Central Asia and the adjoining areas to the east of the river. With the evolution of history, the modern ethnic groups in Central Asia were established one after another. By the 18th  相似文献   

IF the term had been coined here, the "cat walk" of the West would have been a "dog walk" in the Middle Kingdom. The Chinese are "putting on the dog," but the old expression for dressing up in one’s  相似文献   

The pipa is a traditional Chinese musical instrument belonging to the category of plucked in-struments. The name "pipa" is made up of two Chinese syllables, "pi" (琵) and "pa" (琶), which refer to the two major hand postures when the instrument is played: "Pi" is to strike the strings outward with the right hand, and "pa" is to pluck the strings inward toward the palm of thehand.  相似文献   

正Raphael Lemkin, the Polish-Jewish lawyer who coined the word "genocide" and initiated the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, the first human rights treaty adopted by the UN to prevent the recurrence of the atrocities of World War II, would turn in his grave to see "genocide" being bandied around so crassly to drum up Sinophobia.  相似文献   

<正>"Five-color Wind"and the"Dance Academy of the Central University for Nationalities"Music is a vehicle of the heart,while dance is the form of the emotions.US university students were enchanted by the beautiful melodies of Chinese music and the graceful dances of China's diverse peoples,as performed by the Five-color Wind Orchestra from the Central Ensemble  相似文献   

Aplateau railway, the Qinghai-Tibet Railway, will run across the "roof of the world" with an average elevation of more than 4,000 meters. The railway, the highest in altitude in the world, will terminate in Lhasa, capital of Tibet Autonomous Region. This steel artery is likened to a "golden bridge" on the great plateau. For the Tibetan people, the "golden bridge" leads to Beijing and to a better life.  相似文献   

The Chinese character "立"li (stand) represents a person standing with two feet on the ground. It took its current shape after evolving from "(?)" to "(?)" to "(?)" to "(?)" and finally "(?)", "(?)" and "一" signify the sky and earth respectively, while the "八" between the two is the pictographic for person. The construction of "立"gives rise to the phrase "顶天立地" dingtianlidi (hold up the sky and stand one's ground, which indicates an indomitable spirit).  相似文献   

FROM"rule of man"to"building a legal system,"to"rule of law"and finally,to the"rule of the Constitution,"the development of China’s legal structure epitomizes its learning curve of state governance.From Rule of Man to Building a Legal System The fi rst building block of the PRC’s legal construction was the establishment of the socialist legal system.In September 1949,the Common Program of the  相似文献   

Pumping Iron     
The revitalization plan for the iron and steel industry tackles the heart of the sector's problems The State Council's revitalization plan for the iron and steel industry calls for a speedup in the sector's overall upgrade and the transformation of its "big" players into "strong" international competitors. Li Xinchuang, Vice President of the China Metallurgical Industrial Planning and Research Institute, believes the aim of the  相似文献   

Netizens have collected several ar-ticles about the flood-control capacity of the Three Gorges Dam. In these articles, its capacity was differently described as tackling flooding "once-in-10,000-years" "once-in- l,O00-years" or "once-in-a-century" Can you give the specifics of the flood control capacity of the dam?  相似文献   

经济人与道德人的整合   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
社会主义理想化模式试图通过否定传统市场经济条件下的“经济人” ,塑造理想的道德人 ,其结果造成对社会主义本质认识的误区和对人的自主性的束缚。发展社会主义市场经济激发了“经济人”的主体活力 ,却又在许多方面造成道德价值观的失落与困惑。经济人与道德人的整合是这一发展过程的否定之否定阶段 ,其目标在于实现马克思所说的“全面发展的人”。  相似文献   

1993年10月我国颁布了《消费者权益保护法》,其中第四十九条规定:"经营者提供商品或者服务有欺诈行为的,应当按照消费者的要求增加赔偿其受到的损失,增加赔偿的金额为消费者购买商品的价款或者接受服务的费用的一倍。"随着该项条例的颁布,从1995年起在社会上逐渐产生了一批以"知假买假"而获利的"专业打假者"。由于"职业打假者"队伍的不断扩大直接影响到商家的利益,但却得到广大消费者的一致支持,所以,"买假索赔"的消费行为到底能否适用《消费者权益保护法》第49条的问题就引起了广泛的争议。本文就将运用民法解释学原理对这个问题进行初浅的探讨  相似文献   

在1990-2005年最高人民法院工作报告中,我国法院工作主题经历了由“稳定”到“公正与效率”的变化。分析引起我国法院工作主题变化的经济原因,有助于我们正确把握中国司法体制改革的走向。  相似文献   

为先进生产力服务是巩固和发展新时期统一战线的物质基础 ;为先进文化的发展服务是巩固和发展新时期统一战线的思想基础 ;为中国最广大人民的根本利益服务是巩固和发展新时期统一战线的群众基础。新时期统一战线只有以“三个代表”为旗帜 ,把人心、智慧和力量凝聚在这面旗帜下 ,才能有“位”有“为”。  相似文献   

事象、关系、过程--兼论"物"、"心"和"人"   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
赵仲牧 《思想战线》2001,27(5):1-12
"事象"包括各种实物、现象和事件,"事象"是有形象、可观察感知的.事象世界有众多关系网络,事象和关系网络均处在动态过程中.事象、关系、过程是三个基础性的哲学范畴,事象理论、关系理论和过程理论是研究哲学问题的三个重要的理论前提和审视方位.由此出发,重新考察"物"、"心"和"人"三个古老的观念,分析传统哲学对三者作出的实体主义解释和本体论预设.进而指出,所谓物、心、人不过是事象中的三个"相",关系网络中的三个"极",动态过程中的三个"态".  相似文献   

康敏 《思想战线》2005,31(1):88-91
当前民族志文体的创新不断涌现,刘新的<自我的他性>一书可归为实验民族志一换类.其不仅成功地将转型时期中国人的存在状态概括为"自我的他性",而且对人类学民族志方法在新时期的发展提出了极具启发性的见解对人物的分析应当发展成为人类学理解社会和历史的特殊方式;经典民族志所呈现的"真实"的概念需要重新加以审视;反对在民族志中将主体性当作一种类似实体或本质的东西,而应采取历史主义的立场.  相似文献   

北宋建立了较为完备的财政收支统计与监管体系,帐籍作为每年地方向中央上交的财政运行状况的总结,一方面反映地方财政收支及完成中央上供状况,为中央制定下一步的财政政策提供依据;另一方面作为地方官员的述职记录,成为衡量政绩的参考。会计录为中央财政主管部门编订,在特定情况下反映一定时期全国财政状况,以此为主政者制定或修改政策提供借鉴。从宋代帐籍与会计录的相互关系人手,在厘清二者差别、明确二者联系的基础上,反映宋代帐籍与会计录编制的意义与作用。  相似文献   

何林 《思想战线》2006,32(6):71-75
以二元论、二元对立思维定式为基础的研究视角存在着很大的局限性,甚至会遮蔽和阻碍理解“和谐共存”等文化事象。有别于“二元对立”的“多元统一”思维结构和观念模式不仅是一些民族解释世界、处理内部关系的核心结构,而且是民族、文化的多样性及“和谐共存”的根源。  相似文献   

一个多世纪以来,传统法("礼")在中国被当成法治的绊脚石遭受唾弃.本文试图说明"母以子为贵"是中国传统社会"礼"的表现形式."礼"要求每个人遵守符合其身份地位的行为规范,从而维系稳定的社会秩序.当代中国农村社会在一定程度上仍然保持着传统农业社会的结构,农村人口的"男孩偏好"具有一定的必然性.无论我们是否承认,传统法的"礼"在中国改革开放二十多年后依然普遍存在.然而,在传统法文化的继承和发展问题上,我们又有必要分清良莠,并根据时代的要求和价值取向重新解释中华传统法文化的精神.  相似文献   

“战略行政学”引论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会的内在需要和需求呼唤学术界必须对"行政战略"进行思考。"行政战略"是一个自古有之的行政现象,且具有丰富的哲学内涵,但不同历史阶段有不同的表现形式。"行政战略"概念的提出开启了一个崭新的行政管理学研究领域。专门研究"行政战略"的学问就是"战略行政学"。  相似文献   

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