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目的分析脑电图在头痛型癫痫检查诊断中的临床应用。方法选取我院2011-01-2014-01收治的头痛型癫痫患者48例为研究对象,采用脑电仪对其进行扫描,对其脑电图的波形变化进行观察分析。结果所有患者中轻度异常18例(37.5%),异常30例(62.5%),其中11例脑电图表现为阵发高幅1~3c/s及4~7c/s慢波节律,且两侧对称同步出现,7例脑电图表现为局限在两额部或前头部的波幅;异常脑电图患者中8例为阵发高波幅慢节奏,且两侧对称性同步出现;15例为阵发尖波棘波、尖慢波或棘慢波综合波幅;5例为散发性棘波或棘2慢波;2例为局限性尖波或棘波。结论采用脑电图对头痛型癫痫进行临床诊断具有非常重要的应用价值。  相似文献   

目的探讨癫痫伴肌阵挛-失张力发作(epilepsy with myoclonic-atonic seizures,EMAS)的临床及视频脑电图特点,以提高对该病的认识。方法对2017年12月-2018年12月吉林大学白求恩第一医院小儿神经科收治的6例EMAS患儿临床及脑电特征进行回顾性分析。结果 6例EMAS患儿中,男5例,女1例;发病前智力运动发育正常,影像学正常。发病年龄2岁2个月~6岁,确诊时间2个月~1年6个月。6例患儿至少有肌阵挛、肌阵挛-失张力、失张力发作、不典型失神发作中两种发作形式。其中4例在上述发作前或后出现强直-阵挛发作,1例在病程晚期有强直发作。6例患儿中5例背景活动正常; 1例背景活动偏慢。6例患儿的脑电图在清醒期及睡眠期均出现广泛性2~4 Hz棘慢波、多棘慢波不规则或节律性发放,睡眠期放电有时类似高度失律,均无局灶性发作。所有患儿影像学检查均正常。6例患儿均给予正规抗癫痫药物治疗,其中2例治疗反应良好,4例治疗无效后给予甲基强的松龙治疗,其中3例有效缓解,1例虽然没有发作仍有大量放电。结论 EMAS好发于学龄前期儿童,癫痫发作类型主要包括肌阵挛、失张力或肌阵挛-失张力发作,但不典型失神等,脑电图主要为广泛性棘慢波、多棘慢波发放,治疗以抗癫痫药物和激素治疗为主,预后相对较好。  相似文献   

目的探讨儿童眼睑肌阵挛非惊厥性癫痫持续状态(Eyelid myoclonia-nonconvulsive status epilepticus,EM-NCSE)的临床和脑电图特点、治疗以及预后。方法收集2015年1月-2016年8月在山东大学齐鲁儿童医院神经科诊治的3例EM-NCSE患儿的临床和视频脑电图(VEEG)资料,以及对抗癫痫药物(AEDs)治疗反应进行观察分析。结果 3例患儿中女2例,男1例。发病年龄6~10岁,平均8.67岁。发作时临床表现为精神错乱、烦躁不安、挤眉弄眼、眼球频繁向上滚动等,VEEG示广泛性3~6 Hz棘慢综合波或多棘慢综合波,以前额、额、前颞为著,闪光刺激后可见患儿眼睑节律性眨动。结论 EM-NCSE由于其发作时症状复杂多样不易发现,常导致漏诊、误诊,详细询问病史并及时进行VEEG检查以及进行诊断性用药对确诊具有极其重要价值;地西泮能够有效改善发作时临床表现和VEEG特征,AEDs疗效较好。  相似文献   

儿童良性癫痫伴枕叶爆发是一种特发性、良性、与年龄和部位相关的癫痫综合征,主要表现为起源于枕叶的视觉症状、眼偏转发作和发作间期脑电图枕区反复阵发假节律性的高波幅棘波、棘慢综合波、尖波、尖慢综合波等癫痫波发放。临床分为早发型(Panayiotopoulos型)、晚发型(Gastaut型)及未定型。临床诊断和分型与其症状学特点有着密切的关系。  相似文献   

目的:分析自闭症儿童的脑电图特点及β频带功率.方法:选择2008~2012年在我院脑电图室检查的自闭症患儿并设对照组,分析其脑电图特点及β频带功率.结果:38例2岁零3个月至8岁的患儿中,脑电图正常范围15例,非药物性β活动增多11例,背景活动慢化及节律失调5例;伴尖波、棘波7例,其中6例为局灶性放电,主要在中央、中后颞区,1例为少量阵发广泛性棘慢波.睡眠期额区尖形θ波2例;枕区α节律较同龄儿快1例.自闭症组额区β功率为(5.22±2.35)μV2,中央区为(4.63±2.82)μV2,对照组额区β功率为(4.49±2.07)μV2,中央区为(3.29±2.07)μV2,P>0.05,差异无统计学意义.结论:自闭症患儿的脑电图常伴有不同类型的非特异性异常,明显高于正常儿童,主要表现为非药物性快波增多、局灶性(痫)样放电、背景节律慢化和节律失调等.自闭症患儿额、中央区β频带功率与对照组相比差异无统计学意义.  相似文献   

目的 探讨额叶癫痫的脑电模式特点。方法 回顾性分析2016年1月至2018年4月手术治疗的额叶有确切结构病灶或立体定向脑电图(SEEG)证实额叶起源的51例癫痫的临床资料,51例均行头皮视频脑电图(VEEG)监测,21例行SEEG监测。结果 ①VEEG表现:背景正常29例(56.86%),异常22例(43.14%);间歇期84.31%(43/51)以棘波/棘-慢波、尖波/尖-慢波、慢波、多棘-慢波形式放电,68.63%(35/51)主要位于单侧额区、双侧额叶或与周边脑区同步放电;发作期68.63%(35/51)以快节律、棘节律、尖样节律起始放电,86.27%(44/51)位于单侧额区、双侧额叶及周边脑叶或同步。②SEEG表现:间歇期21例均有异常放电,80.95%(17/21)以棘波/棘-慢波、多棘-慢波/慢棘-慢波形式放电,部位较VEEG广泛,仍以额叶为优势,但常累及相邻深部脑区;发作期76.19%(16/21)以快活动/高频振荡(HFO)起始,均位于额叶,85.71%(18/21)来自额叶底面、深部或内侧面。结论 额叶癫痫病人VEEG表现为背景多数正常,间歇期放电以棘、尖波/棘、尖-慢波形式发放明显,常累及对侧额叶或周边脑区;SEEG较VEEG放电更频繁且广泛,发放频率更快,含棘波甚至HFO成分更高,并易累及相邻脑深部区域。  相似文献   

目的探讨慢波睡眠期持续性棘慢波的癫痫(ECSWS)患儿的临床和脑电图(EEG)特征。方法总结13例ECSWS患儿的临床资料,并对患儿的临床表现、视频脑电图(VEEG)特征及治疗随访情况进行分析。结果本组13例患儿,平均年龄(6.4±1.7)岁。5例头颅MRI有结构性异常。13例患儿均有癫痫临床发作,癫痫发作类型多样,病后均出现神经心理和/或运动功能发育倒退。EEG具备特征性慢波睡眠期持续性棘慢波放电,棘慢波指数(SWI)超过85%。予以抗癫痫药物、部分患儿加用肾上腺皮质激素治疗6月后10例(77%)有效,随访3年,大部分患儿EEG及神经认知状况和运动功能改善。结论ECSWS系一种具有特征性EEG的癫痫综合征,早期诊断治疗可改善患儿神经心理和运动功能。  相似文献   

目的分析53例颞叶癫痫(TLE)患者视频脑电图(VEEG)表现,为TLE诊断、定位和治疗提供参考。方法系统分析昆明医科大学附属延安医院2011年10月至2016年12月收治的53例TLE患者VEEG资料,总结其背景活动异常、发作间期、发作期VEEG特点。结果 22例(41.5%)出现背景活动异常,且多见于内侧颞叶癫痫(MTLE);发作期与发作间期异常放电波形以尖波、棘波、尖慢波为主;MTLE异常放电部位主要分布于前颞区,外侧颞叶癫痫(LTLE)异常放电主要分布于中后颞区。结论VEEG中的背景活动异常、发作间期、发作期的异常放电波形、部位等特征性表现有助于TLE的诊断、定位和治疗。  相似文献   

目的探讨睡眠中失神发作的儿童失神癫痫(CAE)的临床特征。方法回顾性分析1例睡眠中失神发作的CAE患儿的临床资料。结果本例患儿以反复愣神为主要表现,同时伴有睡眠中突然睁眼、茫然无视及轻微眨眼等症状,同期视频EEG均为全导广泛性3 Hz棘慢波阵发。空腹CSF检查及头颅MRI正常。先后给予丙戊酸、拉莫三嗪及左乙拉西坦治疗,疗效均不佳。结论若CAE患儿在睡眠中出现同清醒期一致的临床发作,同期EEG示广泛性棘慢波持续发放>2 s,需考虑睡眠中失神发作,且提示预后不佳。  相似文献   

目的探讨为非惊厥性癫痫持续状态(NCSE)的边缘叶脑炎(LE)的临床及EEG特征。方法回顾性分析9例表现有NCSE的LE患者的临床资料。结果 4例患者为急性起病,5例为亚急性起病。首发症状为复杂部分性癫痫持续状态(CPSE)7例,轻微发作癫痫持续状态(SSE)1例,简单部分性癫痫持续状态(SPSE)1例。9例患者均有精神症状、记忆障碍及自主神经功能紊乱,肺癌1例。头颅MRI显示脑实质急性炎症,主要集中于边缘系统,呈双侧对称或不对称信号异常改变,T_1WI为略低信号,T_2WI及Flair呈高信号。EEG表现为θ波背景6例,均可见δ波,其中棘慢波或尖慢波4例;α波背景2例,均可见δ波,表现为δ波背景1例。视频脑电图(VEEG)示1例SSE患者呈持续的痫性放电,在病侧蝶骨电极更显著,但无运动性癫痫发作。1例SPSE患者在皮质和颞近中央区有不同频率的局灶性棘波或棘慢综合波持续发放。7例CPSE患者呈颞区为主的各种形式癫痫性电活动广泛持续发放或反复阵发性出现,如节律性的棘波、尖波、δ或/和θ节律,可向邻近区域或对侧半球扩散,或左右交替;在无凝视反应或刻板自动症时呈现扩散至双侧半球的高波幅棘慢综合波或δ节律爆发。结论表现有NCSE的LE的临床和EEG有特征性改变,EEG和VEEG是LE是否存在NCSE的主要诊断依据。左右半球边缘叶病变出现的精神症状并不相同。各型LE对治疗反应不一,非副肿瘤性LE疗效较满意。  相似文献   

目的探讨长程视频脑电监测在下丘脑错构瘤诊断治疗中的应用意义。方法回顾性分析5例下丘脑错构瘤长程视频脑电(VEEG)特征,VEEG结合磁共振成像(MRI)、发作间期正电子发射计算机断层扫描(PET)检查诊断定位。结果发作间期清醒平静状态脑电图表现:双侧波形均呈不对称表现,双侧存在广泛单发性棘慢波或者双侧广泛不规则θ或δ波,一侧波幅优势,主要为一侧额叶优势,2例左侧优势,3例右侧优势,优势侧别同MRI显示的错构瘤侧别一致;睡眠期脑电图表现:存在基本睡眠标志波形与睡眠周期,间有较多量棘慢波或多棘慢波,存在形式同间期清醒平静状态;5例均捕获临床发作过程,共计13次,其中痴笑发作8次、痴笑发作继发全身强直阵挛5次,发作期脑电图表现:3例为去同步化低电压数秒后EEG混合肌电干扰,2例以肌电伪差为主。MRI结果:下丘脑脚间池处部位可见占位性改变,位于左侧半球2例、右侧半球3例。PET结果:MRI所提示的占位性改变区域均显示低代谢。5例均手术彻底去除错构瘤,随访5例患者术后均无痴笑发作或继发全身强直阵挛。结论长程视频脑电监测结合MRI及PET检查对下丘脑错构瘤诊断定位准确性高,手术治疗下丘脑错构瘤是最佳选择。  相似文献   

24小时动态脑电图监测对不典型癫痫的诊断价值   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
目的 探讨24小时动态脑电图(AEEG)监测对不典型癫痫的诊断价值。方法 对21例临床上疑似癫痫,但发作不典型的患者作24小时AEEG检测,并结合临床进行观察。结果 21例常规脑电图(REEG)均未见痫样放电,而AEEG可检测到多次阵发棘波,尖波,棘慢波综合,尖慢波综合等痫样放电,并经抗癫痫药均获得控制,故可诊断为癫痫。结论 24小时AEEG监测能帮助临床上诊断不典型的癫痫患者。  相似文献   

目的探讨长程视频脑电(VEEG)在额叶癫痫诊断及手术定位中应用的意义。方法回顾性分析47例诊断为额叶性癫痫并进行手术治疗患者的长程视频脑电特征及临床资料。结果癫痫临床发作有以下特点:①持续时间短;②睡眠中较多见;③继发难治全身性发作多见;④强直性或运动性姿势症状突出;⑤常伴发声。癫痫发作间期VEEG存在以下形式:①脑电无异常;②一侧额部或一侧前头部异常波形波幅优势;③额部或前头部异常波形波幅优势且双侧对称;发作期VEEG存在以下形式:①多见去同步化低电压;②一侧或双侧额叶低幅快活动;③一侧或双侧额叶的高幅优势放电;④全导联同步对称异常放电。38例患者的癫痫灶术前被精确定位,9例患者癫痫灶术前不能确定侧别。结论应用长程视频脑电监测能够较全面了解额叶癫痫临床发作表现及脑电图特点,有助于准确诊断及术前定位。  相似文献   

A survey of adolescents with epilepsy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Thirty-four adolescents with epilepsy, controls matched for age and sex (A) and controls matched for age, sex and general ability (B), were studied. The adolescents with epilepsy were more likely to arrive at school by car or taxi and to have more difficult behaviour in class. Competitive sports were less popular with them and significantly fewer anticipated ever driving a car. Illness and parental marital problems were not a feature of their families. Their comprehension of reading material was significantly poorer than that of control group A. Within the group, the lowest over-all reading scores were found in children with myoclonic seizures, partial seizures with secondary generalisation, or generalised tonic-clonic seizures; and in those whose EEG findings included two-per-second spike and wave, photosensitivity, generalised slow waves, or generalised spike and wave of non-specific frequency. Right focal slow waves, sharp waves and spikes on EEG were associated with problems of comprehension, even when the over-all reading score was acceptable.  相似文献   

Children with Focal Sharp Waves: Clinical and Genetic Aspects   总被引:11,自引:9,他引:2  
Summary: Purpose: To investigate the spectrum of clinical manifestations in children with benign focal sharp waves in the EEG to gain further insight into the genetic background of clinical and EEG symptomatology in a family study. Methods: All 147 children (134 with seizures, 13 without) met the following inclusion criteria: (a) at least one EEG with focal sharp waves characteristic of benign partial epilepsies, and (b) at least 1 sibling investigated by EEG. The families were questioned orally or in writing regarding the occurrence of seizures. Patients’ records were evaluated by a standardized scheme. Results: The following types of seizures occurred: febrile convulsions (FC), afebrile generalized tonic-clonic seizures (GTCS), simple and (rarely) complex partial seizures; and rolandic seizures in the strict sense. Neonatal seizures were overrepresented (6%); there were no indications of lesional causes. FC occurred in 38 children (26%). As compared with unselected cases of FC, complex symptoms were overrepresented. Family data suggested a maternal preponderance in the transmission of FC liability. Affected relatives of FC probands manifested FC more often than did relatives of probands without FC. Families of 32 patients with typical rolandic seizures (24% of the 134 probands with seizures) showed no aggregation of rolandic epilepsy, but did show variable seizure types. In the entire sample, EEG investigations showed focal sharp waves in 11% of siblings aged 2–10 years. No relation existed between clinical symptomatology and sharp wave findings in siblings. In 66% of probands, the EEG disclosed generalized genetic patterns. Siblings with generalized spike-waves (sw) and/or theta rhythm had focal sharp waves more often than those without sw andor theta rhythm. Conclusions: The phenotypic expression of the genetic anomaly underlying focal sharp waves shows considerable variability. The clinical and EEG findings are in agreement with a multifactorial pathogenesis of epilepsies with “benign” focal epileptiform sharp waves.  相似文献   

EEG and clinical predictors of medically intractable childhood epilepsy.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
OBJECTIVES: To identify electroencephalographic and clinical factors associated with both seizure control and medical intractability in children with epilepsy. METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed EEGs and medical records from children with well-controlled epilepsy or medically intractable epilepsy. SUBJECTS: Features of the initial EEG and clinical findings were compared in 39 children with well controlled seizures and 144 with intractable epilepsy using both univariate and multivariate analyses. RESULTS: Strong univariate associates were noted between intractability and several EEG factors: abnormal EEG background including diffuse slowing, asymmetry, abnormal amplitude, a high frequency of spikes or sharp waves, and focal spike and wave activity. With multiple logistic regression, independent predictors of intractability were diffuse slowing and focal spike and wave activity. Strong univariate associates of clinical factors with intractability included: an early age of onset, simple partial, tonic, and myoclonic seizures, a history of status epilepticus, a symptomatic etiology of the seizures, and abnormal magnetic resonance imaging of the head. Multivariate analysis detected 4 independent clinical features associated with intractable epilepsy: symptomatic etiology, tonic seizures, simple partial seizures, and an early age of onset. CONCLUSIONS: There are a number of EEG and clinical features that can be identified early in the course of childhood epilepsy that are predictive of outcome. These findings will need to be verified in a prospective study.  相似文献   

Longitudinal study of epileptiform EEG patterns in normal children   总被引:22,自引:13,他引:9  
EEG were recorded in 3,726 children, from 6 to 13 years of age who were neurologically normal and had no history of epileptic seizures. The records were taken during wakefulness, at rest, and during hyperventilation. In 131 cases (3.54%) epileptiform patterns were found. They consisted of 3 count/sec spike and slow waves discharges (4 cases), multiple spike and slow wave complexes (37 cases), midtemporal spikes (50 cases), rolandic or parietal spikes (27 cases), occipital spikes (2 cases), and multifocal spikes (11 cases). Half of the subjects with EEG abnormalities had behavior problems and/or slight psychomotor ability disturbances. Follow-up studies over an 8 to 9 year period were performed. These demonstrated the spontaneous disappearance of the EEG abnormalities, usually within school age or, at the latest, during adolesence. Only seven individuals developed epileptic seizures of the primary generalized type which responded well to anticonvulsant drug treatment. From this study we can deduce that the epileptiform EEG patterns that often are found in children during school age have no clinical relationship to epilepsy in the great majority of cases. The relationship with epilepsy exists probably on a genetic level for the generalized discharges. The spike foci are non-epileptic in nature in all probability, especially if they emerge from a fairly normal background activity and their duration is very similar to that of the constituents of the background activity, as found in the majority of these subjects. On the contrary, it is probable that these alterations express difficulties in affective or motor adaptation during childhood.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To distinguish various types of childhood severe cryptogenic/idiopathic generalised epilepsy on the basis of reproducible diagnostic criteria, using multiple correspondence analysis (MCA). METHODS: We applied MCA to a series of 72 children with no evidence of brain damage, starting epilepsy between 1 and 10 years, with two or more types of generalised seizures. We excluded patients with infantile spasms or typical absences. MCA was performed on all clinical and EEG parameters, first throughout follow-up, then restricted to the first year of the disease. RESULTS: When including all follow-up variables, there were three groups: (1) Thirty-seven children with male predominance, familial history of epilepsy, simple febrile convulsions, massive myoclonus, tonic-clonic fits. Outcome was favourable, with no seizures and mildly affected cognitive functions. Interictal EEG showed short sequences of irregular 3-Hz spike-waves. (2) In 18 children, clinical characteristics were similar to those of the first group at the early stage, but 95% exhibited myoclonic status and vibratory tonic seizures, with persisting seizures on follow-up. EEG showed long sequences of generalised irregular spike and slow waves. Those two groups meet the characteristics of childhood onset myoclonic-astatic epilepsy (MAE) with respectively, favourable and unfavourable outcome. (3) Eleven children had later onset, atypical absences, tonic and partial seizures, and no myoclonus, or vibratory tonic seizures. All had mental retardation and persisting seizures. EEG showed long sequences of slow spike-wave activity and half the patients had spike and slow wave foci. These patients met the major characteristics of Lennox-Gastaut syndrome. Initial parameters failed to distinguish the first two groups, but Lennox-Gastaut syndrome (the third group) was distinct from both groups of myoclonic astatic epilepsy from the onset. Within MAE groups combined, clinical and EEG risk factors for mental retardation could be identified. CONCLUSION: It is possible to validate statistically the distinction between discrete epileptic syndromes. Myoclonic astatic epilepsy is therefore distinct from Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, and the distinction appears from the first year of the disorder.  相似文献   

The ring chromosome 20 syndrome is characterized by treatment resistant non-convulsive status epilepticus, and slow waves intercalated by spikes/spike waves predominantly in the front-temporal regions. Here, we describe the case of an 18 year old patient, whose seizures began at the age of 10, these being resistant to treatment. Neurologic examination and cranial MRI were normal. Interictal EEG showed normal background activity with burst of 2-20 seconds with bilateral spike wave. Ictal EEG showed continuous paroxysmal activity with generalized spike waves discharges and slow delta waves, coinciding with nonconvulsive status epilepticus. After 1 mg of intravenous clonazepam, both clinical semiology and EEG abnormalities disappeared. A cytogenetic study showed ring chromosome 20 in 35 % of metaphases. The epilepsy associated with ring chromosome 20 constitutes a syndrome with its distinctive electroclinical characteristics.  相似文献   

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