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陈复彬局长在工作报告中指出 ,四川全省加碘盐工程进展顺利。一是年初省局成立了加碘盐工程领导小组及加碘盐工程技术小组 ,加强了全省加碘盐工程的领导、指导和协调 ;二是各项目单位完成了 9台加碘机、4台大包装机、14台小包装机的安装、调试 ,形成了 96万吨的加碘能力 ,84万吨大包装能力及 14万吨的小包装能力 ,使四川加碘盐包装技术上了一个新台阶 ;三是对加碘盐工程投资概算进行了调整 ,为今后加快加碘盐工程打下了良好基础四川加碘盐工程进展顺利  相似文献   

从包装材料与环境和谐的角度出发,分析了纸、塑料、金属、玻璃4大包装材料的环境性能.重点综述了4大包装材料的发展方向。指出了包装材料在满足包装质量和数量等日益提高的要求外,应向拓宽应用领域和提高环境协调性方向发展。  相似文献   

王玉杰  左彤 《盐业与化工》2012,41(11):14-17
通过对加碘盐小包装材料的全面筛选与试验,评选出既适合我国国情,又能满足加碘盐生产需要的小包装材料,解决了长期以来包装材料选择使用方面的盲目性问题,为选择和使用技术上可行、经济上合理的碘盐包材提供了科学依据.  相似文献   

l过去一年工作的回顾1997年,盐业行业在轻工总会的直接领导下,认真学习和贯彻党的十五大精神,胸怀全局,扎实工作.加强行业管理,全面落实食盐亏营,取得了可喜的成绩。食盐专营体制基本确立,各项措施逐步到位加碘盐工程进展顺利,已形成加碘盐能力6()5万t,大包装能力81万t,小包装能力62.2万t;普及碘盐供应取得突出成绩.全年加工供应碘盐600余万吨,碘盐统检合格率达到94OAs,碘盐质一tif稳定提高;收缴碘盐基金1()019万元,创历史最好水平;全年产盐2945万t,盐的销售2600万t,市场供应平稳,保证了市场对各类用盐的需求;…  相似文献   

在分析加碘盐加工工艺和碘的特性的基础上,详细分析了加碘盐包装材料的性能。根据加碘盐的特性和用途,提出了合理选择加碘盐包装材料及其基本要求。  相似文献   

浅谈加碘盐稳定性和变色现象的分析及对策自贡市张家坝制盐化工厂万应灿关键词加碘盐,稳定性为了搞好加碘盐的生产。对加碘盐生产中存在的一些问题.我们进行了一些摸索和探讨.供加碘盐生产厂家参考。1加碘盐的稳定性加碘盐生产一般采用湿法生产即碘酸钾溶于热水中,配...  相似文献   

在纸、塑料、金属、玻璃4大包装材料中,纸包装材料的价格最便宜,而且可回收再利用,有利于环保,因此发展最快。据专家预测,纸包装材料的发展方向是:  相似文献   

目前国内生产的加碘盐所添加的碘剂主要是碘酸钾和碘化钾,由于碘化钾的稳定性差,易受食盐中水份、杂质,外界温度、空气、阳光和气象条件的影响而分解,无法保证加碘盐的质量,因此碘酸钾被选为加碘盐指定碘剂。本文论述了碘酸钾的稳定性,讨论了以四川省蓬莱黄由为原料生产的加碘盐的稳定性。本文还论及了加碘盐变色的问题。  相似文献   

在美国戴维.马丁(1880———1976)被誉为加碘盐之父。这是因为他及其同伴于1924年在美国密执安州立医学院开始研究使用加碘盐防治甲状腺肿大,并取得一定成功,从而开始了加碘盐用于防治碘缺乏病的历史。并由此开始美国的制盐生产商对生产的加碘盐和普通食盐执行的是同样的价格。舆论界鼓励人们食用加碘盐以预防碘缺乏病。在美国密执安州的加碘盐推广行动取得了非常成功的效果,加碘盐的使用在美国全国迅速普及。其结果是加碘盐在家庭的使用直接降低了美国碘缺乏症的发病率。根据有关的统计报告早在1955年在美国大约就有…  相似文献   

对具有代表性的东方腌制食品如酱黄瓜、榨菜、罐装雪菜、酱油、火腿肠以及金华火腿进行了加碘盐的应用试验,定性和定量地研究了加碘盐对上述腌制品的感官品质、色泽、组织及其它理化性质的影响和碘的保留率。试验结果表明,加碘盐对上述产品的感官质量无显著影响。在色泽、组织以及其它理化特性方面,加碘盐除对某些产品稍有影响外,对大部分产品无明显影响,在加碘盐腌制的产品中都有较好的碘保留率。  相似文献   

为了确保在生产非碘盐时,也能生产合格的小包装碘盐,设计了一套投资少,生产成本低的单独的全自动加碘装置。  相似文献   

Shi H 《Food and nutrition bulletin》2004,25(2):137-41; discussion 141-2
It has been shown that moisture plays a critical role in the stability of iodine and that reducing agents in iodized salt reduce the stability of iodine. We question whether this is valid in all cases, and have found that the reducing agent may play a more important role than moisture in decreasing the stability of iodine. We reviewed current methods to enhance iodine retention in iodized salt, and propose methods to produce stable iodized salt and to analyze its stability. Our experiments showed that when reducing impurities are removed, iodine remains stable in iodized salt, even when the salt is "wet." We suggest that the stability of iodine in iodized salt can be improved by oxidizing iodized salt with sodium hypochloride, and that the iodine content of iodized salt, after heating at 120 degrees C for one hour, can be used to reflect the quality of iodized salt. We have demonstrated that reducing agents play a critical role in the stability of iodine in iodized salt. We have shown a method of purifying salt by removing reducing materials, which can be used to produce iodized salt with sufficient stability at lower cost. We also propose an analytical method to determine the stability of iodine in iodized salt. These methods could be further developed to achieve better accuracy, precision, and reliability and be applied to a greater variety of iodized salts.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The salt iodization law of the Philippines required that iodized salt sold at retail not be exposed to direct sunlight, high temperature and relative humidity, and contamination with moisture and dust from the environment. However, because the majority of local consumers buy salt displayed in open heaps, it was suggested that iodized salt should be sold in the same manner for greater accessibility and availability. Objective. We aimed to provide evidence on the stability of iodine in local aged and fresh salt iodized at 100 ppm iodine and exposed to various market and storage conditions. METHODS: Samples of salt in open heaps and repacked salt were exposed for 4 weeks, and salt packed in woven polypropylene bags was stored for 6 months. The iodine content of the salt was determined by the iodometric titration method, and the moisture content was determined by the oven-drying method. RESULTS: For all types of exposed salt, iodine levels were above 60 ppm after the end of the study (4 weeks). Within each salt type, losses were greater for open-heap salt than for repacked salt. The greatest drop in moisture content occurred in the first week for most types of salt and exposure combinations. Moisture content was linearly correlated with iodine content. Iodine levels in stored salt remained above 60 ppm even after 6 months. CONCLUSIONS: Iodized salt is able to retain iodine above the recommended levels despite exposure to an open environment and use of ordinary packaging materials while being sold at retail and kept in storage.  相似文献   

为了分析碘盐供应率低的成因,依据公共经济学原理,对碘盐的经济学属性进行了分析,认为碘盐是一种外部性较小的准公共产品,应实行“市场供应为主,政府供应为辅”的原则,然后对市场供应的可能性、效率与公平等问题进行了较深入地剖析,最后对碘盐的供应问题提出了几点思考。  相似文献   

我国缺碘区域广泛 ,并大面积流行碘缺乏症。在食盐中加碘是防治碘缺乏症的有效措施 ,为此 ,世界各国先后都将在食盐中加碘列为法规。在我国 ,虽然在民用盐中成功地应用了加碘盐 ,然而对于加工食品 ,特别是腌制食品仍然未应用加碘盐。我国腌制食品种类多 ,生产量大 ,其用盐量占有很大比例。为了在我国全面推广加碘盐 ,彻底防治碘缺乏症 ,有助于碘盐法规在我国的实施 ,为此我们进行了碘盐在食品工业中应用的研究。本研究结果表明 ,加碘盐适合于食品工业使用 ,对腌制食品不会产生任何不良影响。  相似文献   

浅谈提高加碘精度的生产工艺方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文简述了我国目前碘盐生产工艺设备现状,进行分析对比;结合国家卫生部即将出台的新的碘含量标准,从实际出发提出了适应新形势生产高精度碘盐的工艺方法建议。希望对碘盐生产企业能有所借鉴。  相似文献   

In Mongolia many households use iodized salt only occasionally. We investigated whether the occasional use of iodized salt had an impact on the reduction of goiter size. We examined 685 children (8-11 years old) in five groups of households that (1) used iodized salt regularly, (2) used more than 10 kg of iodized salt annually, (3) used 6 to 10 kg annually, (4) used less than 6 kg annually, (5) and regularly used noniodized salt. The prevalence of goiter as determined by ultrasound in these five groups was 31.1%, 30.3%, 40.6%, 52.1%, 56.6%, respectively. There was no difference between goiter rates among the first three groups, but these groups had significantly lower rates than the last two groups. We concluded that annual use of more than 6 kg of iodized salt, preferably more than 10 kg, by a household had a beneficial effect on the rate of goiter. In addition, the possibility was suggested that households that consumed only iodized salt consumed less salt than other households.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In 2002, the percentage of households consuming iodized salt in the state of Uttar Pradesh (UP) in India dropped to as low as 6%. This implied that 3.5 million newborns in this non-salt producing state, with 180 million population, were at risk of brain damage unless universal accessibility and consumption of iodized salt was ensured and sustained. OBJECTIVES: Urgent measures were introduced in 3 phases in the statefor accelerating procurement, distribution and consumption of iodized salt. METHODS: In the first phase, a study on mapping of salt wholesalers and understanding the salt trading system--including understanding the knowledge, attitudes, and practices of salt traders was undertaken to accelerate efforts to influence availability, marketing, and accessibility of iodized salt. The study revealed that a total of only 344 primary wholesalers supplied salt to the entire state. Of these, 126 wholesalers marketed 80% of salt and were located in only 15 of the total 70 districts of the state. This finding became a very strong basis for the program in phase II, which focused on the critical group of wholesalers and set up a system to frequently interact with them. The salt wholesalers were equipped with Salt Testing Kits (STKs) to ensure adequate iodine content in the salt procured by them and adherence to the legal ban on the sale of non-iodized salt for human consumption. Simultaneously, a "child-to-community" approach was launched through involvement of middle and high school children to create demand and monitor consumption of iodized salt at the household level. Over 217,000 salt samples (about 26,000 samples per quarter) were brought in by school children and tested for iodine content. RESULTS: The school activities resulted not only in influencing consumption of iodized salt, but also galvanized the entire chain linking consumers, retailers, and wholesalers. In less than 2 years, salt procured with nil iodine decreased from 38% to 15.3%, and salt marketed with adequate iodine level increased from 28.6% to 64.9%. School data revealed an increase in consumption of iodized salt from 6% to 46.7%. In phase 3, additional standardized activities at the school level were included and the program was taken to scale in the state. CONCLUSION: The findings revealed that identification and inclusion of salt wholesalers-not only the salt manufacturers-was important for achieving a rapid positive shift in iodized salt marketing and consumption practices.  相似文献   

目的探讨富硒低钠加碘盐中碘含量的测定方法。方法通过不同的实验条件,优化国标GB/T13025.7-2012《制盐工业通用试验方法碘的测定》中氧化还原滴定法中的试剂用量,检测出富硒低钠加碘盐中的碘含量。结果改变碘化钾溶液量、淀粉溶液量、磷酸-草酸溶液量均无法测定富硒低钠盐中的碘含量;只有当次氯酸钠溶液用量≥5mL时,加入碘化钾溶液,才可以使富硒低钠加碘盐溶液显色,然后通过实验确定次氯酸钠的最佳用量,再滴定测定碘含量。结论富硒低钠加碘盐中含有还原性物质,测定其碘含量需加大次氯酸钠溶液的用量。  相似文献   

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